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  1. Is it only available online or can you find it in local shops, too? I haven't seen it anywhere in the Cannabis dispensaries, neither Bangkok, nor Pattaya or Phuket.
  2. I have tried various edibles the last time I was in Thailand because I didn't want to smoke or inhale. Never taken Cannabis before, so I was a first time user. I was eager to find out, but, I was a bit disappointed. First, it took more than 2 hours before I felt an effect at all. The effect which came suddenly then was strange, like I took a pain-killer. My body coordination was more difficult although my consciousnes felt rather clear. But, more or less that was it. No high, no joy or enthusiasm, no mood change. I could sleep extraordinarly well, though, and had no hangover like from alcohol. Maybe, I haven't found the right mixture yet. Otherwise, I'll stick to beer and a good glass of whine or something stronger.
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