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Everything posted by realfunster

  1. Get a grip man, life is full of risk. Thai culture places more value on this kind of team-building, training or whatever it is. Sure some of it could be in town but the reason to have it somewhere a bit more remote is so people spend time together rather than buggering off in all directions to the nearest mall/bar or whatever. Oh, I get it now - you are surely trolling.
  2. RIP to the man, sounds like a horrible way to go. After the "heated" debate in another thread after other pit bull attacks last week....I look forward to round 2.
  3. Exactly, let’s wait and see. The reporters sometimes even forget to mention ‘minor’ details like custodial sentences being suspended… A staggering and horrific case, I wish K.Jirawat a much happier future and I do hope he gets the support he needs to work through his issues after such a traumatic experience.
  4. RIP to the gentlemen involved. There is CCTV out there somewhere, I will reserve judgment until then. However, based on the single photo provided from the CCTV, I do believe your preliminary assessment of this being a possibly illegal right turn from the fast lane of a dual carriageway is not unreasonable. Even if that is so, there remains the question of why the CRV didn't take evasive action.
  5. 1) The videos from Cleo Patra are still available on Twitter. 2) The Cleo Patra account was deleted. 3) Other accounts, including Steve Goffman (from the linked article that you yourself shared), still have the videos up on Twitter. 4) Do you really think that Evil Elon has a cunning master plan to censor all copies of this video on Twitter from the 18,000 or so people with cameras that were at the Arena or are you simply suffering from confirmation bias against someone with a different political outlook to you and you are all too happy to jump on a spurious reason to attack him/Twitter ? I have no horse in this race but I really can't stand one-eyed and unreasonable argumentation, which unfortunately appears to to be the standard approach these days.
  6. I knew about the 365 days, I wasn't aware about a specific requirement to be named as the sole beneficiary. Sounds like I need to have a chat with the wife about this.
  7. Imagine trying to launder USD 1.5m through a government agency... It seems even the criminals here are promoted based on nepotism and connections, rather than brains.
  8. Since forever ? If you want a formal definition, a brief Google suggests that >65 is a typical benchmark.
  9. Roll ? I suppose a thank you from Biden would be the yeast he could do, I agree Thailand deserves butter although they are coming across as a bit kneady.
  10. Why's that then ? In the linked article it says they had already run out of/away from the shop and were attempting to start their motorbikes to leave the scene when the shots were fired causing the injuries. Therefore, it would seem the imminent and realistic threat of personal injury to the shop-owner had receded. His final actions of "following up" with his shotgun attack would likely not meet the benchmark for reasonable self-defence of either person or property in most legal jurisdictions.
  11. Not sure what industry you are in but my Thai company typically gives 4-6% annual salary increases since time immemorial. Even more this year. This is consistent with what I read in the press when they launch their annual salary increase survey results for Thailand/ASEAN. Thailand has bad and worsening demographics in terms of age and educational opportunities, meaning distinctly average workers (from manufacturing to professional) can get fairly well paid and regularly switch jobs/companies with little problem here due to manpower and skills demand/supply mismatches. It’s a system which conflates market demand, due to a lack of resources, with employee quality, and many are deluded enough in the Thai bubble to believe their own hype. In theory, all good for the average employee but unfortunately many parts of the Thai economy operate beyond domestic borders, where they are being and will continue to get battered by more balanced economies, and I don’t just mean cheaper ones but also those that can provide value added knowledge-based services. Having had a relative growth spurt since the 80s on being a low cost manufacturing base, that window has closed and the economy needs to sharpen up. Ultimately, like the prevailing culture, it’s quite a sabai-sabai economy, which seems to have some robustness and steadily plows forwards but I think it could do so much better.
  12. Zzzzz - can’t we get some serious politicians in this country ? Let’s make it 1,000 a day…whilst comparable competitor countries do it a lot cheaper and Thailand doesn’t have much to offer in terms of “added value”. Without a holistic national strategy, it’s going to be a hard journey for Thailand to break the middle-income trap.
  13. Well done to the ever insightful Anutin for stigmatizing mental heath issues with connections to drug use. Way to go in not acknowledging and managing a problem that impacts a significant amount of non-drug users. I think their first priority should be to build up capabilities to take severe sufferers into care. There are a lot of roaming folks with severe mental health issues who are currently “managed”within communities with mixed and sometimes very negative outcomes. That, and getting the mental health issue discussed in a sensible way…
  14. My good friend in the UK is an oncology consultant with 25 years practice. Apart from a backlog of procedures/care and delayed diagnoses due to hospital services disruption with COVID, he tells me all is standard at the moment, apart from the fact he is working his <deleted> off. So, what to do ? We have 2 ordinary people involved in primary health care giving different opinions ? I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable to build a position based on the anecdotal evidence of 1 or 2 people, as that seems statistically unreasonable. I wonder how we can get to the bottom of it and establish the facts on cancer cases? Or should we just follow your “anti mainstream narrative”, which ironically, by definition, is just a “narrative” in itself…
  15. Do you have any credible statistics supporting this increase in cancer in kids or are we supposed to discuss this proposition based on anecdotes from your nurse friend ?
  16. The market has certainly changed in both positive and negative ways. I think Grab, in particular, has been driving this. The app gives you main options for Car (higher fixed rate), Taxi (Meter + 20 baht) or JustGrab (car or taxi at higher fixed rate,) Drivers have figured out, especially taxis, that accepting the JustGrab option is a lot better for them. In my experience as a customer, JustGrab is around 2x the fare for flagging a taxi off the street for the same trip. The topic is quite timely, tonight I was out in central Bangkok and when heading home at 10pm, I was finally accepted by my 6th taxi of the street. Despite a long legacy of Bangkok drivers refusing fares, I do wonder if this will increase when they get used to ‘grab’ level fare rates. Problems remain in this industry…
  17. I think you should take this initial report with a pinch of salt at first before escalating , not sure how old your kid is (which may determine the confidence levels in the report accuracy) but it may be a simple misunderstanding or, as you mention, they are trying to stimulate debate/critical thinking or maybe it's just an attempt a humour. If your kid comes back with similar reports again consistently over a few weeks or so, then I would suggest talking to the teacher directly.
  18. For "Pattaya" - you could try Jomtien Beach which is more relaxed and lacking the in your face nightlife for the most part.
  19. Ko Samet (4 hours, ferry involved) Hua Hin (2.5 hours drive) Pranburi/Sam Roi Yot Beach (3 hours drive) I can't really recommend Bang Saen to be honest, I used to go there as an easy beach day-trip from BKK but got bored of the dirty water.
  20. Isn’t this more simply stated in common English as “Everyman and his dog ?”
  21. This made me laugh from the linked article…couldn’t happen to a nicer lady. “Atthaphon, who leads the activist group “That’s Enough”, said the court found Pareena guilty of two counts of defamation by advertising, because she had posted the same message twice”
  22. Note to all for future reference : take anything from NNT with an extremely large pinch of salt, it is just a government propaganda mouthpiece. In this case trying to milk some positive spin from the APEC conference, including the much coveted foreign approval from the IMF MD. Note the obsequious nature of the commentary regarding government policy contribution to this rebound. Of course, the story doesn’t mention that the rebound (already contradicted by NNT on their own website) is mostly due to the low baseline of a Thai economy that, due to government policy, underperformed global and regional peers during the 2020-2022 period.
  23. That's great. How many of those were what might be described as 'successful' years ?
  24. What with this and the recent Chinese owned nightclub busts, I am starting to get the impression that the numbers of Chinese on overstay has increased significantly during the COVID period…
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