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Everything posted by realfunster

  1. That website has a useful timeline function, where you can check past dates. I present 14th & 28th February, 2023...the prosecution rests m'lud. I propose the defendant is guilty as charged and must do better. It is, however, true that at present, Myanmar/Laos and Cambodia are basically on fire, I wonder what actions can be taken at an ASEAN level to address this ? I recall Singapore/Malaysia used to get swamped by Indonesian smoke and there was some progress with that.
  2. Heresy ! Are they suggesting this is not a 1000% Thai dish ? Did they not see the international incident over those sickly sweet tapioca deserts just last week when the British ambassador to Cambodia had the gall to suggest they were of Khmer origin ? The fools ! Incoming angry Thai netizens in 3...2...1....
  3. I ran that through Google translate, the damn thing must have some code that needs fixing as it said : “I am getting a very nice backhander to play along with this nationally embarrassing episode, so please stop bugging me and go away”.
  4. Penury, penury ? Holy smokes, annual thesaurus day is it ? This is AseanNOW and a story about a bloke getting ripped off by a gold-digger, not the HBR or the Economist.
  5. This reads like a fantastic satirical piece. Oh wait...they are being serious.
  6. SNAFU… When will the Thai people start to demand better from their leaders? Looking forward to the public report on the sinking, sufficient witness testimony and scene investigations by divers must have been carried out by now.. Asking for THB 200m for a useless retrieval (with no doubt a firm view on he skim thereon..), whilst their own brethren have died is just sick and just shows how morally defunct they are.
  7. Nice effort from the spin doctors to suggests some positives around this. Thailand will be the first developing country to reach this aging society status. It's causing numerous challenges in more advanced and wealthy economies, so we might expect even more here. It's going to be interesting to see what happens and how Thailand handles the labour, economic and societal impacts. Watch this space....
  8. Very nice, thanks for sharing ! One of the joys of Thailand is that there's lots of these little gems (lakes, reservoirs, hot springs, waterfalls etc) a few KM off the main highways. Often signposted in blue, which I assume means a tourist point of interest, or similar. It's like a road trip lottery. Time permitting, it's fun to take a slight detour to explore. Most places are decent enough and sometimes you can stumble across an absolute cracker !
  9. So, he would have been more accurate calling it Portuguese dessert. Sure they would have loved that. ???? If Thais put half as much energy into other things as they do with obsessing about food and trying to boost their self-esteem by claiming the invention and "cultural significance" of various things, they would be world beaters. Much like a braggard who proclaims any minor achievement as a major victory, I see it as an admission of weakness and lack of self-confidence. They would be better served looking forwards, not backwards. I note in the article, the Ambassador seems to have pulled down the post. Whilst I do not have expertise in Khmer cuisine, it would not surprise me if these dishes were popular and prevalent there, so I think it's fairly gutless to roll-over for a few over-zealous Thai netizens.
  10. Yes, I have experience in Thai Airways debentures which at the time were owned by the Thai Finance Ministry. These are within one of my retirement mutual funds and have been written-down in value to zero a few years ago, when the Government decided to absolve itself of responsibility and restructure the shareholdings. Hopefully...,they might be restored to full value when the bankruptcy process ends. As you might imagine, my advice regarding any investment associated with the Thai government would be "don't".
  11. What sort of nonsense and shenanigans is going on here ? My local MP does not "represent" me, or any other foreigner, as we don't have the right to vote ! Notwithstanding this, given the transient or unregistered/informal nature of many immigrants, I fail to see how these numbers could be obtained with anything approaching accuracy.
  12. Not ideal but doesn't appear unreasonable to me. Don't forget the other side of the equation, it is quite possible vehicle sales slumped during COVID, so I assume the car manufacturers will be looking to offload their existing non-compliant inventory into the market before the new regulations kick-in.
  13. About the only useful information I learnt during my Thai driving test was that undertaking is fully legal on dual carriageways and above here. Not very clear why it is allowed here, whilst frowned upon in many other countries. Clearly, having higher speed vehicles coming back in to the inside (dual) or middle lane (expressway/motorway) to undertake means a mixing of vehicles at sometimes quite different speeds. That can be quite dangerous. Having said that, there is a related problem with people hogging the outside lane, which sometimes doesn't leave much choice but to undertake...
  14. You mean the fact they felt the need to superimpose a giant red circle of doom around the car in the video ? Without it, myself and millions of Thai netizens would never have been able to identify the vehicle involved ! Anyway, hope the old fella is OK and recovering.
  15. As the saying goes, the fish rots from the head. If you are expecting exemplary behaviour from those in positions of power or authority in Thailand, I am afraid you are going to be disappointed…
  16. This is not going to end well for Ms Howson...who is literally the definition of the phrase "stop digging when you are in a hole." From what I can see in the media, the circumstances around the crash are not clear and it is possible the victim was wandering in the road. Ms Howson of course would know the true circumstances, which may have influenced her decision making. Apparently, she was on her way to work early morning (6am) as usual, so you would expect it unlikely any substances might have been involved. Anyway, she has successfully managed to take a potential driving charge and add on two confirmed felonies for fleeing the scene and then fleeing the country. Truly great work ! I read elsewhere she is a US citizen and given this is a well-publicised case in the US, the FBI are already involved. There will already be pressure from the US on Thai authorities to take action. I would expect her to be located in a few days and extradited thereafter. Upon returning to the US, I think she could probably expect some tough justice, after all these shenanigans...
  17. Even more impressive, he's doing it in full town crier regalia. His love is clearly without limits !
  18. Checking June for London - several airlines (Emirates, Qatar, EVA, Etihad, THAI, Swiss) offering UK return trip for THB 32-37k, which is around pre-COVID levels IIRC ? Business fares are definitely up, at around THB 120k+, usually you might see many options at THB 85k+. EVA premium economy remains an attractive proposition if you want a bit more comfort at around THB 55k. More capacity is coming back on line, so prices and availability should improve even more as the year progresses. With current capacity levels , booking well in advance work best.
  19. Welcome to the bitten by a Bangkeaw club ! Happened to me a few years back, I was bitten on my hand as well. Two nice upper incisor wounds an inch or so deep. I don't think I got any jabs but due to the infection risk I did need the wounds cleaning out daily for a week or so. They deliberately kept the wounds open and the nurse inserted an alcohol/bromine soaked cotton bud deep inside for a good old clean around every day. Cost a couple of hundred baht each visit, the time required was more of an annoyance. Not to worry you but yes, the wound cleaning was as painful as it sounds ????
  20. "Amazing world class experience..." The Colosseum, Parthenon, Macchu Pichu, Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat, Eiffel Tower and Grand Canyon will surely be scrambling like mad to release an updated marketing campaign to beat off the challenge from this colossus of a tourist attraction. The scrum of phone-camera waving crowds is enough to put me off.
  21. Am I missing something, if they are COVID positive why wouldn't they be contagious ? I think the evidence is now fairly clear 3 years into COVID and 2 years into vaccines that if you have COVID and are either vaccinated or unvaccinated, you will be contagious...
  22. fis·sip·a·rous /fəˈsip(ə)rəs/ inclined to cause or undergo division into separate parts or groups. "she was unsuccessful in holding a fissiparous membership together"
  23. Simply horrific. What on earth can possibly be going through someone's mind, even in an extreme rage or the worst kind of desperation, to rationalise killing a 3 month old baby. The article says more details coming today and there's no mention of any suspects or ongoing investigation. With the mention of only one bullet being fired, it might sadly be a murder-suicide case.
  24. 1) The history of Ford is patchy in Thailand and only included some element of production starting in the late 90s IIRC via the AAT joint venture with Mazda. This was expanded in the early 2000s to include some Everest and Ranger production. Thailand was and is still a secondary market for Ford with the majority of the Ford production at AAT going overseas. In the 2010s a further investment was made which saw a bit more focus on developing the Thai market. This may further change with the new significant investment coming in from Ford. In the 110 years since they "arrived", Ford has acquired 5% market share, with the vast majority of this coming over the last 15 years based on the investments noted above. Ask anyone driving here 10+ years ago how many Fords they used to see at that time ! Nowadays it's not too difficult to spot Rangers and the odd Everest. I'm OK with my previous assessment on Ford's standing and perception by the Thai market. I'm fairly sure Ford couldn't care less, as they obviously have not viewed Thailand as a key market for the past century ! 2) I really have no axe to grind with Ford but you can google Ford Thailand class action lawsuit 2018. Please let me know if you feel that doesn't potentially contribute to "questions lingering in local minds on reliability" vs the rock solid Japanese alternatives.
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