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Everything posted by realfunster

  1. Sorry to hear about your problems. I think you are misunderstanding the budget airline business model. One of the most complained about airlines is Ryanair, their customer services department have the charm of a hungover undertaker, yet it continues to go from strength to strength. Cheap as chips prices for a very basic and inflexible service - all variations/add ons from the standard package to be paid for. People keep returning for this very reason. A few unhappy customers griping on the internet does not put anyone off, let alone hundreds. In fact, I think they even enjoy the complaints and they spin it as evidence that they are constantly fighting to keep their prices down.
  2. Yep, nail meet head. I’m sure there’s plenty that AOT and the Government could do to reduce prices unilaterally. I am “flabbergasted” your reasonable and common-sense post got two “confused” emoticons. Waiting for those two people to expand on their compelling counter-arguments…
  3. Of course, these figures, like many here, are a complete nonsense. There is no way that such a high a proportion and overall number of people have sought medical treatment for this reason. How do I know ? Literally no-one in my personal/work circle of several hundred has ever mentioned this and I have never seen a sick leave request on the topic.... Anyway, I give these spurious statistics a free pass as they are rightly drawing attention to this issue - which needs urgent action !
  4. Dear Thaiger/Khun Puntid/AI Bot, Could you clarify how is this even vaguely related to the news regarding BAs plans for their business operations globally and across SE Asia ? Answers on a postcard please… Regards, RF.
  5. I'll keep the champagne on ice for now, a quick Google shows a number of airlines airlines had very strong profits last year. Not surprising really, as consumers, we have all noticed the significant fare increases on 2019 levels pre-COVID. Combined with some enforced efficiency measures taken during the pandemic, bottom line should improve. Most fares I have checked over the past year are running 20-40% above 2019 levels. One wonders if there is some price-fixing going on in the industry... As for THAI specifically, one swallow does not a summer make. There are years of mismanagement and a toxic culture to address. Let's see how they progress with a normalising global airline industry over the next couple of years.
  6. If the Thai interest rate (2.5%) starts getting nearer to other countries rates, particularly the Fed (currently 5%+ but expected to drop), that will likely encourage foreign capital inflows, which will strengthen the Baht. Many on here will be changing their tune at that point… Economics is a very complicated subject matter, well above my pay grade, but there might be a train of thought from the Government that an immediate drop in interest rates, further widening the gap with US rates gets them “ahead of the game” and would probably result in a weakening of the Baht. That might be positive for some key economic sectors in Thailand, tourism, property and exports to name but three. Holding interest rates at around current levels with the Fed expected to be dropping rates throughout the year might see the interest rate gap closing and may have the opposite impact.
  7. Ironic, given they are one of the most bent departments in Thailand.
  8. My best guess is that it's a case for Bluetooth ear pods.
  9. I can't speak for others but my own allergic reaction to unfounded conspiracy theories certainly kicked in around the time I got my COVID vaccine. 😉
  10. I think if I knew if was potentially a matter of life and death, then yes I would probably mostly eat my own prepared or production controlled supermarket foods. Realistically, that would likely get boring, so I guess I might start to test out proven safe dishes that are consistently and blandly served across multiple locations e.g fast food chains and maybe develop a trusting relationship with one or two local restaurants but I reckon visiting a new restaurant/food shop whilst on your travels with potentially unfocussed teenagers doing the order-taking and cooking would be putting your personal safety too much in the hands of others.
  11. Someone mentioned the well known UK case involving Pret-a-manger (sandwich shop). The teenage girl in that case injected 2 epi-pens whilst on the plane but still went into cardiac arrest and died. I am far from an expert on these matters but it would appear if someone has an extremely severe allergy, then even the epi-pens are not enough. I don't know in practice whether sufferers can actually be aware of whether they are just severely allergic or potentially fatally allergic to something.
  12. Well, they are certainly convenient and well-run but I do try to support my local Bangkok mom & pop shop as much as possible. I'd rather give my trade to an independent than a monopolistic corporate but I expect I am pissing in the wind and they will gradually all close down in future.
  13. Public sector - meet private sector. The airport is a complete cash cow for all involved (looking at you AOT jacket man) , the only reasons for poor service are incompetence and/or greed.
  14. Starts off sounding very impressive. 100 suspects and a week long operation. Looks like a serious move by law enforcement to rid us of the long-standing drug gangs in that area. Oh I see, nah, it’s just the usual dog and pony show.
  15. Not really seeing how 3x Bangkok projects and 1x Phuket project = "stimulate economic growth etc across the nation".
  16. Are you Thai ? Deflection onto neighbouring countries has been their approach for a while now... I've seen people sharing hotspot maps over previous weeks laying blame onto Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. It is not inaccurate to imply they are making a contribution to this pollution mess but it's purely a timing difference as we waited for the Thais to start burning in earnest...and now they have. Last weekend, I drove up to the Khao Yai area : 1) Numerous verges around the highways had been burnt off. I assume this is actually done by the Highways Department, part of the government...great example. 2) There were regular sightings of field burnings all along the road journey, including some that were very near highways creating a driving hazard. 3) Once arrived at my destination and sitting down to enjoy the views and rural scenery, these were punctuated with regular fires going off in the surrounding areas. There is a well known phrase which applies in this case to Thailand before admonishing neighbours : "get your own house in order".
  17. Au contraire... The person in the middle of the photo is the aforementioned Anne Jakrajutatip of JKN, who now owns MUO. A transgender woman.
  18. You probably don't want him too. I expect he is referencing some conspiracy theory or another. More likely a previously undiagnosed congenital or acute medical condition, a gradual darkening of skin in peripheral areas (hands/feet) would point to an onset of a pulmonary circulation issue of some kind. Anyway, RIP little man, too soon.
  19. 1) Yes, it is not a lot 2) The ones that went bankrupt were mostly/exclusively the ones offering the completely braindead and greedy COVID insurance for THB 1,000 with a THB 100,000 cash payout for a positive test not linked to any related health issues or actual medical costs. You may even remember a brief social media fad of people licking handles and sticking things in their mouth/nose to get infected and their payout. These companies were a bunch of complete idiots, as were the insurance regulators who gave their approval to such policies.
  20. You've probably got the convenient options right there. For an alternative, you could look at Air Asia X --> connect on Air Asia from SG to KL --> Air Asia X has direct flights to Sydney and just this week restarted flights to Gold Coast. Both flights about THB 30k round trip in "business".
  21. Would be interested to hear the update once/if it is all sorted out !
  22. Indeed, salary increase inflation has been running well above underlying inflation and reasonably above GDP growth for pretty much the last 20 years. If you read the annual reports such as the one in the OP it’s typically around 5-7% increase per year. Even during COVID 6-8-10% pay rises were being given. Perhaps more reflective of a limited talent/resource pool, worsening demographics and high competition for people in the job market than anything else ?
  23. Thailand : Corruption potential in {insert applicable noun here}
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