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Everything posted by realfunster

  1. As we have only just started the rainy season, these numbers are presumably not a surprise as water reserves will have become depleted over the dry season from November-May. Or am I missing something ? Looking ahead, I see a dry July is forecast (El Nino) but assuming the ‘main’ rainy season of August-October is relatively normal, that should be manageable.
  2. An appeal to authority based on your personal ownership experience. Of course, some will have had a different experience and some will not be as skilled or dedicated an owner as you, which obviously poses a threat to public safety (refer below). You're right, many of us haven't owned pitties, but we can read and assess statistics. These statistics are cold, hard facts not blurred by emotional connection or personal experiences. From the below lists, I make it 27/41 of 2020 and 26/43 of 2021 US dog fatalities involving Pit Bulls/crosses. A single breed is responsible for over 60% of incidents and for these 2 years alone, 53 people in the US would highly likely still be walking around enjoying life if there were no such thing as pitbulls. A sobering thought... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States#:~:text=Fatal dog attacks in the United States cause the deaths,attacks appears to be increasing.
  3. I understand the refractive properties of water but from the picture, which appears to show the 'deep' end, that doesn't look very deep at all and he was with company. I wonder if something is lost in translation here and there were other medical problems involved, rather than a drowning ?
  4. Exactly the kind of person I would be racing to invest THB 300k with - what could possibly go wrong ?
  5. Correct. Also called a UFO light by some due to its distinctive saucer-like appearance. Not an engineer but if the wind gets up during a rainy season storm, not sure that "construction" is going to survive ? Actually filling the concrete ring all the way to the top with cement for the base support might have been a better idea....
  6. Not aware of any Thai restrictions on Shih Tzus, Poodles or their crosses coming into Thailand. A quick google indicates the airlines might be more of a problem due to potential breathing problems with Shih Tzus/crosses as a snub nosed breed. For example, I see Emirates will not carry Shih Tzus/crosses. If you are comfortable with the risks, you can always call him a X-Poodle.
  7. Ouch. Heard of few people buying up land to benefit from the Hua Hin high speed train. 2032, at the very earliest, is a long time to wait for the return on investment... On a separate note, what's the definition of "high speed" for this network ?
  8. I think spending a bit more time developing your wider social circle would help. Don't see any mention of any hobbies or interests ? Not sure coffee shops or nightlife is a great way to meet people and build meaningful relationships. You can try to get involved in some activity groups in areas that interest you (sporting/intellectual/business (AmCham) & others) and developing some friendships there (male & female). That's obviously going to require regular commitment over a sustained period, a change in your lifestyle and sacrificing a few hours a week away from your business. Why ? You ask. Well, (1) you may indeed meet someone you like and a shared interest environment gives a less pressured atmosphere to first build up a friendship and maybe move forward from there to dating and (2) the best dating service known to man is when a mutual (..new) friend makes an introduction, that brings more trust and some pre-screening into the equation for both parties. Dating apps and services all have their vested interests and meeting someone 'cold' always has its challenges. Anyway, I wish you good luck old chap.
  9. Unfortunately, that rarely seems to happen here. I read a story last week of the murderer of a British man finally located after 17 years on the run. All his accomplices were already charged, convicted of murder, sentenced to life imprisonment (after the initial death sentence was commuted) and then....they have all been released in the interim period.
  10. This is being milked to death now. - It is not an operating company. - His/family shares amount to 0.003% (or similar). It really is a total non-issue to any reasonable and impartial observer. I saw another article highlighting Pita was facing 10 years in jail for this - get a grip. Anyway, it makes good copy I suppose during this transitional period. If my assessment is wrong, then expect chaos to ensue...
  11. In the same gastronomically ignorant spirit as the OP, may I re-draft the positions : 1) Western food 2) Asian food
  12. Thanks for the link. Checked the financials, the 2 companies in the group are both inactive. The revenue line clearly states revenues are from investments and interest. So no operating activities. The financials also include a top 10 shareholders list : Number 10 is Khun Virat K with 5 million shares being 0.41% of shares Not mentioned is Khun Pita with a whopping 42,000 shares (per OP) being 0.003% of shares. Clearly a farcical investigation which is a waste of taxpayers time and money.
  13. Consuls are not “diplomats” as far as I know. However, from what I can see, a consulate would be considered sovereign territory. It would be wise not to upset the Nauruans. All 12,000 of them.
  14. Don't know but I don't remember it being expensive when I see it in 7-11 or restaurants, pretty similar price to the Thai beers IIRC.
  15. An amazingly Thai-like explanation from the ambassador ????
  16. 19 years on, are Phuket and surrounding provinces still struggling to recover from the 2004 tsunami or is this hyperbole ?
  17. Pretty much this ???? Find a reasonably local vet that has a 24 hour service. You can try them out for routine care to find one you like for service, skills and pricing. In case of emergency, you visit them. With a cat you can hop on the back a motorbike with your crate, and that should get you to (for example) one to the 24 hours vets up in Ekamai/Thonglor area within 15 minutes from On Nut, even in rush hour. Personally, I use Charoensuk Animal Hospital in Ekamai. You can do a google search for other 24 hour options around mid/lower Sukhumvit.
  18. Mix it up a bit but the regular component would be kibble, normally get the 10kg/20kg bags from the supermarket, which will last for a good while. Have to be careful about ants/birds etc and make sure you close the sack securely after use. This is mostly topped up with our leftovers but occasionally canned food and pouches. The latter is a bit pricey but easily found at all 7-11s and Lotus's expresses. Special treats include a deboned 5*chicken and bbq pork, liver and chicken, which they seem to really enjoy. Currently feeding my puppy on some kind of frozen (raw) meat mix from the breeder but it takes up too much freezer storage space and is a hassle to remember to defrost, so will probably stop that soon. To be fair my other dogs (including one picky eater) seem to really enjoy it as well but it's just a bit too much of an effort.
  19. Cause for celebration indeed ! A particularly odious family, even when sifting through the murky waters of Thai politics. The sooner this ilk of "politician" are weeded out from all sides of the political divide, the better !
  20. I really don’t think that is going to happen…and if we do indeed want some level of peace and stability in the country, I suggest it is better to just reconcile and “move forward”.
  21. I hope for this despicable offence they will be sending these items for DNA testing. The Thai public need justice and to be kept safe from such menaces to society.
  22. It certainly seems to be heading that way. I wonder if at some point the public will start pointing fingers at medical examiners and the police. It seems we have around a dozen unexpected deaths of hitherto healthy adults over an 18 months period and no-one managed to join the dots. The higher the final number of victims, the more questions are going to be asked as to why nothing was ever identified as suspicious.
  23. If you’ve seen the multitude of news stories over the last few months on Chinese crime gangs getting their teeth into Thailand, that’s a starting point. It would seem apparent that a reasonable number of Chinese were not happy with the zero tolerance approach and with the help of persuadable Thai immigration officers they managed to semi-settle here illegally. Just this week, we have seen the specific targeting of Chinese/East Asian clubs in Pattaya. Anyhow, China has reached its tipping point. Population boom is over and resulting economic growth is on the decline. Their headcount shrunk in 2022 for the first time since Mao launched some of his “special policies”. They are forecast to reduce to 600-700m by 2100 as they have one of the lowest birth rates globally. Whilst just due to sheer size, they will remain a global player, I suspect they will find it hard to get out of the middle income trap, especially post-COVID and Ukraine with many companies re-assessing supply chains and government doing the same with foreign policy. Relatedly, and literally as I write, India is going to or just has overtaken China as the most populous nation. That will be the next focus for TAT. Forecast 2100 population for India is 1.5bn. Good news for Thai tourism and also for Asian geo-political stability to have India getting their act together and counter-balancing China. Indian tourists come with their own baggage but at least it surely leads to more Indian restaurants in Thailand, so I’m all in on that.
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