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Everything posted by realfunster

  1. Maybe he does but it's never going to happen in 4 years. The timescale for this kind of investment outlook from business is multi-year and they will want to see political/policy stability before making any such investment decision. It might however, provide pause for thought for US companies considering offshoring. I think we all know by now that Donald loves his bluster. As others have noted, from a purely economic theory viewpoint a wide-ranging batch of tariffs would probably lead to counter-measures by other parties, hurting everyone. Even if the other parties didn't respond in kind the increased costs to the US supply chain would increase prices for local US consumers for the foreseeable. I expect he will be selective on how to use the threat of tariffs to get concessions and in the end he may well end up targeting (i) a limited number industry sectors and (ii) China more broadly.
  2. Just to point out that, for example, both the Fed and Bank of England Chairman are effectively appointed by the government of the day…the article and initial responses seem to be spinning this as some sort of crazed power grab by PT.
  3. I think "Quality Tourism" has only ever been a soundbite and an attempt to pretend to nod towards Western driven concepts around sustainability etc. Like many developing countries, Thailand finds itself with an ambition to grow its economy, raise quality of life and needs to balance that with a developed world order focusing on sustainability and the environment. The reality, Thailand grew tourism from around 10m (2000) -- 16m (2010) -- 40m (2019). With > 1.5bn people within 3-4 hours, it makes sense to target Indians and broaden Thailand's market appeal. It's also an indication that the previously relied upon Chinese tourist market has slumped. Would be interesting to assess whether that is due to internal Chinese issues around their economy or boredom with Thailand. Anyway, with the Indian population still growing, they are likely to become the dominant tourist market in Thailand for the next 50 years...that means more Indian restaurants will surely be popping up - result !
  4. I flew from there a couple of weeks ago, it seemed fine to me. Important news for nicotine addicts - they have a smoking room. It's not very well signposted though.
  5. Wasn't this around the time that the Chief Water Pusher, Plodprasop, was publicly proposing an "exotic" meat buffet at Chiang Mai Zoo ? Coincidence ? I think not. Found the link. Even allowing for the 2 decades or so since it happened, how utterly embarrassing for Thailand. If you ever, ever, ever start thinking "you are in Kansas", I refer you to exhibit A below. This came from the mind of a Government Minister. https://www.smh.com.au/world/exotic-animal-meats-on-thai-zoo-menu-20051119-gdmh5k.html
  6. Just to avoid any potential confusion for members, this is not another rate cut just a report that the official meeting minutes from 16/10 meeting (which cut rates) have been released. If you are interested to read them, here's the link : https://www.bot.or.th/en/our-roles/monetary-policy/mpc-meeting.html
  7. I was about the say the same, can’t remember where but I was minding my business upcountry somewhere when some Skynet-looking giant drone suddenly appeared crop-spraying in the field next door. Quite impressive it was. Maybe one of these https://ag.dji.com/t50 I can imagine Somchai and friends behind a tree having a good chuckle at my bemused expression.
  8. Not inaccurate but they have left it late and they are behind the US who just cut 0.5%. Dare I say it but Srettha was right in suggesting an earlier rate cut might have set some momentum for a weaker THB for tourism/exports and to stimulate local investment.
  9. Regrettably, I did watch some videos. From October 7th. You know, the ones where unarmed civilians (for the most part) were mass slaughtered. Particularly harrowing was the gunshot wounded Thai agricultural worker being hacked to death with a garden hoe by laughing Hamas terrorists, the slaughter of captives at the dance festival and the German lady's disheleved corpse being paraded around Gaza in the back of a pick-up, to the whooping enjoyment of the assembled crowds. If there was any doubt in my mind, that told me all I need to know. They are getting what they deserve in response, which in no reasonable way can be equated with a genocide. Remember, Israel could completely wipe Palestinians off the map but don't. In fact, they specifically use a targeted approach, often informing areas to evacuate in advance. It is now absolutely clear, despite initial skepticism and waves of complaints, that there is a maze of tunnels under Gaza used by Hamas terrorists, including under schools and hospitals. If the shoe was on the other foot, well, see October 7th. Please don't fall for the Hamas tactic of playing on Western morals whilst stabbing you in the back, as soon as the opportunity arises.
  10. Details are scant but I was working on the assumption that this was "makeshift" Palestinian UXO on Israeli soil... I would postulate that "military" grade Israeli ordnance is unlikely to be set off accidentally by fruit pickers. I may be proven wrong....
  11. Whilst stating women can't drive is, of course, an inaccurate generalisation, there's plenty of scientific research on the matter of relative physical co-ordination between genders, generally finding men have superior hand-eye co-ordination skills. I mean, I think anyone going through life could casually observe that but if academic research is required... Here's one example conclusion "The males outperformed in efficiency index when compared to females in hand-eye coordination with repeated practice. The study concluded that males were having greater efficiency index and less number of errors and less time taken compared to females." In fact, it's almost as if men and women are different in some ways, each having their own respective strengths and weaknesses !
  12. How do you know he has not acclimatised to Thai driving ? I have been driving here 20 years, consider myself acclimatised and would call the driving in the clip objectively idiotic and reckless...the fact it is the sort of driving we will fairly regularly observe is by the by. It is still idiotic and reckless. It's about time they changed the Thai driving code to ban undertaking, which (IIRC) is allowed on dual carriageways and above here. You can see the occasional outcome of this in the clip, a fast moving undertaking vehicle mixing with slow traffic in the inside lane.
  13. Despite this wonderfully positive SET market outlook, for investment performance and many, many other reasons, I know where I will continue investing my hard earned...risk of repatriation taxes by RD or not.....
  14. Nothing to see here, move on, absolutely nothing is going to happen.
  15. I don’t know whether this is the expected price and it was rigged or whether this is over the reasonable budget. In either case, why on earth would a “public company” be spending X million on something like this ? If it wasn’t for a virtual monopoly and captive market, you could easily imagine AoT going the same way as Thai. The gravy train must be enormous…
  16. there is likely some truth in this. Certainly over the past decade or so of a comparatively strong baht, there has been a lot of Thai corporates making overseas acquisitions. You could argue that is a reasonable economic strategy for the country as a whole. it’s probably also contributed to individuals off shoring personal investments (I know I have been..) with a view to repatriating later with a weaker baht. Potentially also a reason for the revenue department’s increased focus on incoming overseas remittances.
  17. Yep - readers can do a Google but from what I remember the "league table" for dog fatalities in the US is something like : Pit Bull "type" : >60%+ Rottweiler : 10% All other breeds : <30% I've mentioned before I used to have a Jack Russell. All Terriers are, well, Terriers....feisty, determined and with a major attacking instinct that is difficult to re-set when triggered. I am sure this behavioural trait is one of the reasons Pit Bull Terriers top the list, along of course, with their sheer physical size and bite strength.
  18. Agreed and being both practical and realistic, there is zero hope of a "responsible ownership" culture developing in Thailand in the foreseeable future. Ergo : potentially dangerous dog breeds presenting a higher public risk should be banned in Thailand.
  19. Was always OK when I ordered but they had a few menu problems, IIRC they offered chips/crisps with their meals, I would certainly have preferred fries/hash browns or similar. I did use to enjoy their biscuits/scones though.
  20. This is becoming something of a fad with Thais, renting overseas billboards in London/Times Square etc and thinking it adds legitimacy to something...a certain someone was plastered all over Times Square a few weeks ago. Possibly/probably - still at least they will get the FB/Insta likes from the charming bus photo in the car park of a 1960 concrete monstrosity...
  21. Blimey, got out the wrong side of bed ?
  22. Maybe some common sense kicked in ? Means tested disbursement targeting the poorest seems reasonable to me.
  23. Interest rates are already low (comparable to most places) and inflation is negligible. Exchange rate movements are not easy to predict but, in theory, reducing interest rates would likely help weaken the Baht. Given already low inflation, unless the BoT are worried about economic/debt overheating, I can't see why they wouldn't be doing that. The US Fed will be lowering rates this week, I would not be surprised if Thailand followed suit shortly with a 25 basis point cut.
  24. I'd treat such "news" with caution. It's a Mickey Mouse market that has gone nowhere in a decade. Better off parking your hard-earned elsewhere. Relatedly, I am still waiting for re-instatement of my Thai Airways debenture which was written off a few years back due to the financial restructuring, which itself was caused by rampant corruption, nepotism and mismanagement. The only surprise in the OP was that they missed to opportunity to mention Thailand as a "financial hub".
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