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Posts posted by cloudhopper

  1. I've been using Dynasat from a local CM area guy for a year now and it's been working OK. Gets everything that's on UBC platinum plus other stuff on a Php satellite Agila Ku but I've seen warnings on other threads that this may be re-scrambled in April.

    Caveat emptor...

  2. CS Loxinfo IP Star satellite ISP is utter crap. Modem needs to be reset often and downloads very slow. Customer service is terrible. I have cancelled service but they have not shown up to collect their gear. Use IPStar only if you have absolutely no other option!!!

  3. Thai wife bought the land then I leased it from her for 30+30 yrs. The lease specifically states that I own the house and everything else subsequently built on it. (So in case she dies before I do whoever inherits the land from her as stated in her will must abide by the lease as well). The lease was drawn up by a Thai lawyer, but like every contract ever written there's always a f#*ing lawyer and court ready to overturn it any time, so until we take Shakespeare's advice and kill all the lawyers first that's just the way it's going to be, because they rule the world, whether you like it or not!

  4. I've had IPSTAR for about 6 months now and it's been utter crap the entire time. Finally able to get a local wifi system up and running connected to TOT DSL and it's 4X faster per TV test and MUCH more reliable. The customer service of IPSTAR is NON EXISTANT sometimes taking a week to respond. Needless to say, I've cancelled it but they have yet to come and take their worthless crap out of here (rural MHS province).

  5. Cloudhopper - Jesus, did that not make your arse cheeks go just a little? Granted, you had nothing to worry about and i have never heard a legitimate story of the MIB stitching up a ferang during a search, but that would have made me a little nervous.

    Did they ask to see your passport, driving papers? Did you have them on your person?

    Which highway was this?

    Anyone else have simmilar stories of being stoped in car, bus, train and searched/asked for papers?

    It was on the main hwy S out of CM. I'm 50+ and clean cut so doubt I fit any drug smuggler profile; but they kept asking my wife in Thai where my ganja stash was. They wanted to see my passport but no DL (good thing 'cause my int'l has expired years ago altho my US DL is current; need to get around to getting a Thai DL one of these days I guess). It was the first time in 7 years here that happened...

  6. My wife and I were stopped at a routine highway police checkpoint and they thoroughly searched our car and everything in it, apparently just looking for whatever they might find. That started me wondering if the police could do the same thing at our house. Does anyone know if the Thai police need to have a search warrant or some kind of court order (assuming no "hot pursuit", emergency, etc.) before entering a private residence for a thorough search?

  7. Hi I have UBC gold and tried the Dynasat 2m moveable dish. Gets many sats in the clear, lots of Chinese,Indian and Mideast channels. Aquila Ku gets everything on UBC platinum. The STB is chipped and needs to be re-burned every 6 months or so - no charge so far...

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