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Posts posted by garro

  1. I regularly download YouTube videos through YouTube catcher for the students. Even if YouTube is blocked you might still be able to download these videos.

    The url for a version of that song with lyrics is;


    IJWT: I know that you said not to paste live links here, but I don't know how to make them dead!

    I can't say that I envy your students with your music taste. :)

  2. I work in a Buddhist school. We have a Buddhist monk as the school head. Occasionally we get Christian missionaries outside the school trying to encourage the kids to join their youth club. This can irritate me. I doubt Christians would take it too well if Buddhists were outside Christian schools trying to recruit their children.

    I previously lived in a Thai village where the missionaries would bribe the local children into attending their services with the offer of free gifts. I disliked that too.

    I have mentioned my irritation to my Thai colleagues in the past, but they think that it is nothing to worry about. So now I try and just ignore it too. If the Thai people don't have an issue with missionaries, why should I? Live and let live. Thailand is well known for its religious tolerance and this is a good thing.

    The OP seems to just want to spend some time with her own kind and that sounds reasonable enough to me. She hasn't being trying to convert anyone. I hope she/he gets the information they require.

  3. I was told at my original job interview that we were allowed to go home once our teaching was done for the day. Last year year there was a lot of complaining and jealousy from the Thai teachers about this. They didn't change the rule but instead just made sure that we always had a class for the last period. Cheeky feekers .

    We also have one of those scanning devices, but like a lot of things in our school it doesn't work and just serves as decoration. At least at the moment anyway.

  4. It does have a negative quality to it, but I bet it always did. I would imagine even in the Buddha's time that some people thought that the monks should get a job and stop living off the people. I am sure that SB himself was aware of this.

  5. I occasionally go travelling and would like to be able to use my Samsung Tocco as a modem on these occasions. It is a European version that was given to me as a present. I have searched the internet for ways of doing it with no luck. The Macbook seems to be hard to connect with phones other than the iphone. I found a hack for my last phone. Any ideas?

  6. Sorry camerata, I don't often disagree with you, but I really do feel that monks beg. I see this a positive thing. The monk gives up his possessions to live off the laity. The monk learns humility and non-attachment to possessions and the laity get to donate and make merit.

  7. Garro, it looks like Scientology hacked you blog:


    Can you do something about it?



    Sorry Maestro, but my article is hosted on associated content, and I have no say in advertisements. Still, I am all for religious tolerance and most religions have beliefs which would seem a bit odd to outsiders.

  8. Buddhist Monks don't 'beg' for food. Poor choice of wording.

    The Buddha described his monks as beggars. This is what the word 'bhikku' actually means. If it is good enough for the Buddha, it is a good enough choice for me.


    English was not in use in Northern India in the time of the Buddha (as far as I know), so you can't say that's what the word means. it may be one of the more common translations, granted. And I certainly am not saying I would gainsay the concept the Buddha was expounding in using that term.

    But I think the point neverdie was making is that monks do not "beg" in the sense that that word is used nowadays in the West. They are there to provide a service, a path to Nirvana, access to the teachings, inspiration, practical advice for a happier life - and in return for that, the local population feeds them. That's not begging, not by any stretch of the imagination. Sorry!

    I am well aware that English was not the spoken language in the Buddha's time and place; neither was Pali. The accepted meaning of 'Bhikku' is beggar in any source that I have checked. As far as I'm concerned monks beg; they should not be earning a living.

    Hey-ho, I meant my article as a light-hearted look at Buddhism in Thailand and how it impacted my car, but maybe this was too much to expect. I did not think that I would be getting into a debate with a Buddhist 'expert'. Sometimes ...ahh,

  9. Like every one else I am very sorry about what happened to you and your wife. I don't think anyone here will be able to give your a real reason for why this happened. Your job is to convince your wife that it is not her fault.

    I am calling her every day, it takes a few times to get out of here but I get through finally. It is more my fault as I should have sent her to thailand much earlier and accompanied her myself before heading off to work here.

    It is not your fault. Miscarriages just happen. Don't beat yourself up for nothing. Good luck to you both.

  10. and the man drove another five kilometres with a failed steering wheel.

    To be fair. I didn't know that the steering wheel was damaged in the beginning, and I stopped as soon as I realised that it too was affected by the string. I initially just thought that the horn was damaged. I am not that daft!

  11. Like every one else I am very sorry about what happened to you and your wife. I don't think anyone here will be able to give your a real reason for why this happened. Your job is to convince your wife that it is not her fault.

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