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Posts posted by dbrenn

  1. 1 hour ago, Crossy said:

    Is "Grab Car" related to the "Grab Taxi" service I see advertised in many Bangkok taxis, which I thought got you a proper taxi?


    There are increasing reports from around the world of Uber (or similar service) drivers robbing, attacking, murdering their clients, far more than you see reported for "real" taxi drivers. Something to do with the level of vetting applied perhaps.



    In Australia Uber can only use drivers who have had a criminal record check. I doubt whether they check anything here.

  2. 15 hours ago, Michael8511 said:


    The METV is easy to get and its good for a year from the day you get the visa. The small amount of money you need in the bank is peanuts compare to the 55+ visa.

    the visa I got August 2 2016 have enter before 1 August 2017, so there is plenty of time to spend in Thailand. And $200 is not that bad.

    personally I can understand the change of Visa Runs, it's a lot of people who use them and now it's consequenses for it. 

    Have you ever tried to get a tourist visa to USA? There you have controll from embassy, Thailand is easy compare to US.


    I guess that the reason for the latest change is to force people who want to visit here more than twice to get an METV. That is, making sure that frequent visitors maintain an established residential and financial base in their country of origin, and that they go back to their country of origin regularly rather than renewing their visas (or visa exeptions) in the region. Alongside all the other changes, this looks very much like part of an overall rich guys in poor guys out strategy.

    • Like 2
  3. All the recent changes seem to be making it harder for those trying to stay here for extended periods on a tight budget. This change only applies to land crossings, multi entry visas are only available from home country, consulates in the region cracking down, people getting grilled, etc.


    The well off, conversely, are being given additional visa options - new Thai Elite 20 year visa, new 10 year retirement visas and the like.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, debate101 said:

    And how long will this forum remain open? My guess is not much longer, as the owners could be prosecuted for any negative comment deemed arbitrarily damaging to the country's (junta's) image.

    They'll likely just rule that we aren't allowed to say anything horrid about the junta anymore.

  5. On 10/12/2016 at 3:02 PM, spidermike007 said:

    Is this a real news item? There were no underage girls on premises. They were not working according to what was specified on the permit and the place of work was not correct either? What does this mean? Their work permit specified another location? Is that a big deal? What were they supposed to be doing? Only massage? Do any of those officials really take themselves seriously, if they thought this place was only promising massage services? Is this just a game for them? Livelihoods are at stake here. 

    Work permits indeed do specify a job at a specific address. It's illegal to work at any other address (even for the same company) unless that address is added to the work permit.

  6. On 14/12/2016 at 8:21 AM, Emster23 said:

    I wish this were a troll post.... if early on she starts in on violence, why oh why does a person stay?

    Agreed. It's only a matter of time before she goes back to her old ways. Now that the OP has started to hit her back, the violence will escalate. Hopefully, one of them will end this dysfunctional relationship before anyone gets seriously hurt.

  7. 52 minutes ago, laislica said:




    OP, try some psychiatric help to overcome your obsession before you allow your problem to become chronic.

    In the meantime, go out for walks and find something else to do since you are so offended by the sight of the man.

    I wonder if you are aware of the damage that your self induced stress may have on your health?

    I wonder what the Buddha would advise?


    I would also not love to see his naked body if I had the choice but I would not let the sight of him wind me up so much as you do!


    Get over it, please, you your own sanity.

    No one else in your complex seem to be so powerfully upset?




    A disgusting old pervert is exposing himself in a public place frequented by women and children. You are the one who needs to get your head examined if you think that there is nothing to worry about.


    I'd get the cops on to him, before he does something worse. 

  8. 18 hours ago, Crossy said:

    If the juristic has had a word and nothing has changed is he renting or an owner?


    If renting the juristic needs to apply pressure to the landlord to get his tenant to behave or actually terminate his tenancy.


    If an owner maybe it's time to "make friends" (i.e. buy a bottle) with a local cop, they probably don't have much power in the condo complex, but your new friend isn't going to know that :)

    Indecent exposure is illegal here. As crossy says, a ticking off from a cooperative cop would likely curtail this disgusting behaviour.

  9. 5 hours ago, TechnikaIII said:

    He will apologise and walk free.

    I don't think so. Tourism is a money earner so sexual assaults on foreigners that are reported in the news are taken seriously. The perpetrators are nobodys who will likely be made an example of to show the world that the government means business. Even a Thai on Thai crime of this nature would likely result in serious jail time.

  10. 1 hour ago, autoc said:



    Only the lake is nice, nothing else, how stupid it is to call nice a city with only a place where nobody goes.


    Chantaburi as similar and EVERYTHING else is better else. Anyway, I do not ask an opinion about what is nice or not (especially to people who don't know anything) I am asking WHY CHANTABURI HAS DEVELOPED NICELY BUT TRAT NOT ?


    Look on Agoda, hundreds of nice hotels and front beach rooms for less than 1000 thb, but almost nothing at TRAT..



    At least you give credit to the very nice lake. There's also a nice little hotel by the river in Trat. Baan Rim Nam or a similar name. I stayed there recently. Peaceful and scenic with very friendly staff. You can rent motorbikes there and go for scenic trips around the lake. Nice place.

  11. 9 hours ago, mca said:

    Indeed as you quite rightly stated it's gaining popularity at an unprecedented rate and may one day overtake the traditional but quite frankly outdated ITCP initial terra commencement point method so beloved of 100% of construction companies. Although I heard from a reliable source that the Mongolians had  made great progress in the field of STGCGF until the mortality rate of the individuals who were fortunate enough to be involved in this exciting new development  reached levels that were considered unacceptable to the advisors to the Mongolian government responsible for observing  and reporting on any massive erections they came across.


    As you note, thanks to the Mongolian development work the STGCGF procedure is much safer now. Most early accidents were through human error - the upright diagonal bushing slots were sized incorrectly, due to a mathematical error. They should have multiplied the coefficient of dangular rising amplitude by Threakstons constant, but they omitted this step in the calculation.


    The procedure was later documented correctly by consultants - Messrs Bull and Excretaski if I remember correctly.

  12. 3 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

    They just jump over to the next empty lot & build that one from the top down - when they're finished they're back on the bottom floor.....

    I'm glad that someone has brought some new insight to our technical discussion. Sky-to-ground contra-gravitational formwork is not yet a mainstream method but it is gaining popularity on account of lower capital cost.

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