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Posts posted by koheesti

  1. These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

    Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think. Americans won't look to "the rest of the world" to tell them what laws they should have be it gun control or anything else.

    A couple of things.

    All I meant by that quoted line should be attributed to another source/article which I had read (though I can't remember the article). But good to see you are insecure enough to think that I am claiming the role of global spokesperson.

    As for what the rest of the world think, they care plenty. Just because you couldn't give a rats arse about anyone else doesn't mean others don't. The recent massacre wouldn't be front page two days in a row if people didn't care.

    You are still trying to speak for the rest of the world with, "As for what the rest of the world think, they care plenty.". You can type it a thousand times, doesn't make it true.

    Being on the front page of a newspaper has zero to do with "caring" and everything to do with selling papers and/or pushing a position. In this case, as we see on these forum pages, most non-Americans aren't saying how much they care, but are saying how bad laws and people are in America. Go through the posts and count for yourself if you don't believe me.

    • Like 1
  2. She and her man, Mr. Bill, are the most popular politicians in America. Wishing her the best and four year's rest ... and then ...

    This Libya thing is irrelevant to her bright future. The Foxy Fanatics would never support her anyway.

    She and her man, Mr. Bill, are the most popular politicians in America. Wishing her the best and four year's rest ... and then ...

    This Libya thing is irrelevant to her bright future. The Foxy Fanatics would never support her anyway.


    very true

    I too hope she recovers from her horrible fall that resulted in a concussion that will prevent her from testifying before Congress later this week but wasn't bad enough to have her checked out at a hospital. Can't risk that pesky clean bill of health getting leaked.

  3. Benghazi was back in Septmeber, and she has been running and dodging the issue since then. I also believe that this was too convenient. You are right. She is running for President in 2016, and does not want this to be a part of her future campaign. She will never testify as she is retiring in January, and only needs to have a concussion until then. But even with this major concussion, her office says that she will still be running the State Dept. from home? Come 'on, even a strong democrat needs to see what is going one here. People died for goodness sakes. We need to know why.

    I think even she is bright enough to know that having a concussion will not get her out of the hearings, it will merely delay it.

    Fox and the hawks just can't let this go, they want revenge for getting stuffed in the election.

    Hey, someone has to care about our diplomats getting murdered and get to the bottom of it. Can't expect those guilty of covering it up and refusing help to do it. That would be like asking Nixon to investigate what happened at the Watergate.

  4. Very convenient..........................................thumbsup.gifcoffee1.gif

    Not at all convenient. First of all, she's not the sort of person to run from confrontation and would probably put the Fox News toadies in their place.

    Secondly, she appears to be looking to run in the next presidential election. If her health is questioned or if it appears she was dodging some Fox News talking point, that wouldn't do her any good.

    Benghazi was back in Septmeber, and she has been running and dodging the issue since then. I also believe that this was too convenient. You are right. She is running for President in 2016, and does not want this to be a part of her future campaign. She will never testify as she is retiring in January, and only needs to have a concussion until then. But even with this major concussion, her office says that she will still be running the State Dept. from home? Come 'on, even a strong democrat needs to see what is going one here. People died for goodness sakes. We need to know why.

    We all know why. And we all know why we were lied to about it. And we all know why we will never hear about in the media.

  5. These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

    Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think.

    Some of us do care.

    Why on Earth would you? Seriously, they do not care what you think about them, nor should they. It might be "interesting to know" but nothing more beyond that.

    • Like 1
  6. These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

    Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think. Americans won't look to "the rest of the world" to tell them what laws they should have be it gun control or anything else.

    • Like 1
  7. Obama administration, Congress quietly let school security funds lapse


    Beneath the expressions of grief, sorrow and disbelief over the Connecticut school massacre lies an uneasy truth in Washington: over the last few years the Obama administration and Congress quietly let federal funding for several key school security programs lapse in the name of budget savings.

    Government officials told the Washington Guardian on Friday night that two Justice Department programs that had provided more than $200 million to schools for training, security equipment and police resources over the last decade weren't renewed in 2011 and 2012, and that a separate program that provided $800 million to put police officers inside the schools was ended a few years earlier.

    Meanwhile, the administration eliminated funding in 2011-12 for a separate Education Department program that gave money to schools to prepare for mass tragedies, the officials said.

    More here: http://www.washingto...ecurity-failure

    Have to make those tea baggers happy, and save money--but not lives. Can't limit anybody's right to own or shoot a gun.

    I think that the far right wing is going to find out that most people are getting really fed-up with their crap. You call it rights, but it's not.

    An empty vessel makes the most noise.

    Please explain how the Tea Party (i,e, Republicans) have any influence whatsoever on what the Obama administration does or does not do.

    The so called Tea Party controls nothing in either House of Congress and the Republicans control only one half of Congress. The Senate (Democratic controlled) has not passed a budget in nearly four years. Continuing resolutions aren't cutting it.

    You might consider reading up on recent US history.

    I don't think that any gov't program for more security in school would have reached the elementary school in Newtown. That would be one of the last places I would expect security to be needed.

  8. Do grown ups really need to play with military grade weaponry in the year 2012??


    The Japanese tend to like using trucks and knives more.

    BTW>>>nice eye catching poster. Its easier than actually reading about WHY Europe's murder rates are lower. It's not gun control.


    Interesting link to that incident in Japan.

    For those of us who don't want to download a PDF (or any other) file, can you tell what the second link is about?

  9. After reading the below article, I feel the problem are teenagers/young adults who are loners at school, dress in black, wear trench coats, have above average intelligence, are "Goths" or have Asperger's. The Colombine killings were also done by the same type. As were the Dark Knight killings. To be safe, we should round them up, test them, identify the potentially dangerous ones and lock them up. That would save a lot of lives.


  10. As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

    It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

    There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

    It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

    I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

    Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

    • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
    • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
    • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
    • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
    • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

    Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

    I'm not sure people outside the USA really know what a deer is anymore as they've hunted them to near extinction in many places. I read in the USA there are something like 1,000,000 car accidents each year involving deer, and about 5,000 fatalities to humans. In recent trips to the Eastern USA, the deer are all over the place on roads outside the cities. Down south they get them off the road fast, but when I was up near Newark, NJ last week, dead ones were a common sight on the side of the road.

  11. There are some really dumb Yanks out there !

    Agreed and most of them have guns!

    Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Unfortunately, this is very true. I bet there is a huge IQ gap between the average gun owner and those that see no need to own a gun. I cannot think of any of my doctor, lawyer or CPA buddies that have a pistol or an assault rifle. None, and I am one of those professions and spend a lot of social time with these groups.

    I have a buddy that builds custom Harleys with an auto AK, a contractor buddy with some guns, a buddy that sells windows and siding that is broke, but has high end assault weapons, another guy that is smart and an engineer but took so much acid he cannot work. He actually has a full arsenal in a walkin safe and us stock piled for end of the world. Come to think of it, all of my friends that own like lawn cutting serices or do contesting type work have pistols or multiple guns.

    "You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps"

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  12. People always have a knee jerk reaction to terrible things like this that happen. Cun control is not the answer. The answer is to identify those sick people who would do this kind of thing.

    Man stabs 22 children at China primary school

    · Published: 14/12/2012 at 06:46 PM

    · Online news: Asia

    A man stabbed 22 primary school students in a knife attack in China on Friday, officials said, the latest in a series of assaults.

    A Chinese policeman stands guard near a court in Hefei, Anhui province, in August 10, 2012. A man has stabbed 22 primary school students in a knife attack in China, officials said, the latest in a series of assaults.


    This is ONE case, where someone in CHINA killed 22 people with a knife!

    I guess, if you search long enough, maybe you will find a case from Outer Mongolia where someone killed 7 people with a lawn- mower!

    The children were not killed, and it is not one case. Even accounting for per capita, China has more violent attacks on primary school children than any other country. I posted a link to a list a page or two back, read through it and you'll see that attacks are more common than probably any of us believed. It's just that when the attack/killing is done with a handgun in a western country that's when you see it all over the international news.

  13. No doubt we in the UK must now be on the alert for a copycat mad man (or woman).

    I thought that this school killing in the USA was a copycat of the Dunblane school killing in the UK. Before that, we had had school shootings in the USA, but nothing on the scale of Dunblane. That Brit set the modern western standard.

    I found a list of primary school attacks dating back to an Indian (American) attack in 1764. Since then, there have been many across the planet. A guy in Germany killed 11 back in 1964 using a homemade flamethrower and lance. <deleted>? But as the list shows, attacks on young school children is, sadly, a worldwide problem, especially in China. Oddly, on the same day as the attack in CT, there was another attack in China where a man injured (not killed) 22 children.


  14. Got balls for sure they have, they know the score, the USA has its hands full, unlilely to attack or do something about it, so Korea continues to try to make a name for itself desperate to become a world super power, you l notice they were a little quiet when the USA was free. recently they stated on open TV that they now had missiles caperble of reaching the USA shore, in a round about way I would say that was a threat. Theres an old saying, a man who lives by the sword shall die by it.

    This is well worth a debate and so for those willing to listen i will begin. During the 2nd world war when properbly the greatest evil of all time to date tried to take over the world, I should thank God there was an America, when America stood alone against communism in Vietnam, a stratigic stronghold that could have tipped the scales of power against the free world unleashing God knows what upon us, when the British prime minister of the day Wilson himself far left refused the USA any help dispite their pleading I thank God there was an America, during cold war years it was America s power who prevented Russia from burying the west as they said openly they would do on more than one occasion. This aside tyrants like Hussain who were brought to book who incidently killed thousands in towns who opposed him with nerve gas, who if he hadn t been got would have sheltered every terrorist including Mr Laden on earth and Iraq would have become a terrorist stronghold, man on the moon a great leap for mankind, medicines and disease control, the list goes on and on, and who am I, ? Not American, just a greatful Brit, and what has this tin pot little nation contributed to anything.? Why should we be armed to the teeth and not these dumps, because we are worthy of it and know how to use it and more importantly when to use it, in short we av a small brain, put every general in Korea together and allow a debate and you ve got a recipe for hell cos they got little to no brains at all and thats why these little enemy nations become dangerous when they have or develop nuclear bombs. Its comparable to somebody winning the lottery who s always been poor, 5 years on they are as poor as they were before winning the lottery because they have no idea how to handle wealth, its a similar thing, allow Korea and Iran to get nukes and lite the blue touch paper or not, you can be sure they will want to try a new toy and they are far from qualified to have them for that reason.

    Dunno what the ans is, if the USA and the rest of the worlds powerful nations announced they were scapping all ballistic weapons, it would certainly make these places wonder why they were developing them, PERHAPS, and maybe not. do you really want to take your chances with a place like Korea?, or maybe Iran who openly say that christianity must be wiped out, is that a threat do you think,? come come now.

    ''Theres an old saying, a man who lives by the sword shall die by it.''

    Doesn't bode well for the yanks then as they are the most aggressive nation on earth!

    Yeah! To this day South Korea is scared sh*tless of what those dam_n yanks are going to lob over the DMZ.

  15. Good luck N.Korea.

    Stuff the UN and other control freaks.

    Its OK for them to be armed to the teeth but not you.

    Got balls for sure

    I fully endorse your support for this small nation which includes some exceptionally talented and bright people. Not being an American citizen I was fortunate to obtain a visa to visit North Korea a few years ago. The skills of some of the young people are formidable and I found them to be very nice and courteous. It is interesting to listen to the “ other side of the story “ so to speak rather than the one-sided version which is usually fed to us through the Western media. I also find it interesting that this is yet another country where it's impossible for citizens from a small country in the Middle East with the name beginning with “ I “ to even get a visa to enter North Korea. Yes I would say they are certainly standing up for their own rights and that they have balls!

    Don't forget another fact about this small nation. Just about 60 years ago the country was almost completely destroyed. All cities, all infrastructure, all industry carpet bombed by you know who. they build it up again. Impressive.

    Who? You mean the United Nations?

  16. There were probably people who were in the rest room when the missile was fired. I bet, however, the military and the people who were charged with watching their every move knew the moment it was fired. these are the people whose job is to inform the people who are doing other things.

    In the restroom? This is not about that exact moment the missile left the launch pad, is it? These "experts" of ours thought there would be no launch, that it had been successfully delayed until maybe next month after the holidays. Well, you and others can defend them, but they were embarrassed all the same I'm sure.

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  17. We need better intel...

    Obama's Asia team caught off guard, partying when rocket launched

    The Obama administration's Asia team was caught so off guard by North Korea's Dec. 11 rocket launch, several of them actually had to put down their drinks and suddenly leave a holiday party being held in honor of the Japanese emperor's birthday.

    Just minutes before the launch news became known, several officials were overheard remarking how nice it was that North Korea was apparently delaying the launch, giving U.S. North Korea watchers hope that their holiday festivities would not be interrupted.

    "Nobody in the U.S. government thought this would happen when it did," said one top Asia expert who attended the party.

    Ah, i was wondering how long it would take you to hold Obama responsible for a rocket launch in North Korea. "Several officials were overheard remarking etc etc". Laughable. Obama won the election and is still President. Get over it!

    That article has nothing to do with the election. If you bothered to read it you might know that. Yes, Obama won, he is president. When Bush was president there was no ban on mentioning the "Bush Admin" and there is no ban in force here now either...is there? The article has to do with our current admin's (hence the use of "Obama's" in the article title) Asian experts having no clue that NK was going to launch a missile when they did. It would be nice if they were more on top of current events in their area of expertise.

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  18. A lot of the arguments against Scottish independence I've read here remind me of 20+ years ago and the disintegration of the USSR, how the people don't understand how difficult independence will be, it is better to remain in the union, etc. Now, I AM NOT comparing the UK with the USSR, just saying that neither was/is too keen on allowing parts to break off and be independent. If the Scots vote for independence, they should get it.

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  19. Bring your gun to work, protect yourselves from the Zombies PC screens....

    You never know when one of those computer screens or keyboards are going to turn zombie on you....

    Protect yourself, also don't forget to shoot your work colleague if you suspect PC screen biting.... clap2.gifclap2.gif

    I believe the issue is about having the gun in your car while you are at work, NOT having it at your side while you are working.

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  20. Most often it's one of the elite left-wing politicians demanding stronger and more restrictive gun laws for the common citizen while they manage to obtain their "specially issued" permit for concealed carry or have their own armed bodyguards.

    The past 100 years of world history gives many examples of left-wing politicians disarming their citizens before killing off their political rivals and imprisoning millions who won't submit. Think it can't happen in America? Just the other day far left wing Harry Belafonte called on Obama to imprison those who oppose him "like a third world dictator". So in light of history and the strengthening of the left wing in the USA, we need the 2nd Amendment more than ever. Do we need the right to have guns in our car in the the parking lot at work? Well, I don't think it's any business of the employer or anyone else what you have in your car. What are they going to do, perform TSA-like searches of every vehicle which comes within a certain distance of the workplace? If so, you know they won't stop at just firearms, they steal and confiscate a wide variety of things just like the TSA officers.

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  21. We need better intel...

    Obama's Asia team caught off guard, partying when rocket launched

    The Obama administration's Asia team was caught so off guard by North Korea's Dec. 11 rocket launch, several of them actually had to put down their drinks and suddenly leave a holiday party being held in honor of the Japanese emperor's birthday.

    Just minutes before the launch news became known, several officials were overheard remarking how nice it was that North Korea was apparently delaying the launch, giving U.S. North Korea watchers hope that their holiday festivities would not be interrupted.

    "Nobody in the U.S. government thought this would happen when it did," said one top Asia expert who attended the party.

    • Like 1
  22. Americans have a very skewed concept of "rights". There is absolutely no way that carrying a lethal weapon - gun, knife, grenade, whatever - can be described as a "right" in anyone's eyes other than a republican american.

    I repeat, it is NOT just Republicans that defend the right to bear arms. Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, etc all have supporters of the 2nd Amendment. The NRA doesn't contribute nearly as much money as the anti-gun crowd likes to pretend. If you need a group to blame, I would guess that people in urban areas are probably more for gun control laws than people in rural areas regardless of politics.

  23. The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

    Yes but, the next time there is a shooting in the work place maybe some other employee carrying a gun will kill the shooter before he kills more innocent employees.

    That happens more often than people realize but those stories don't make the headlines as often.


    http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/xcinfobase.asp?catid=43 (an old site, not updated in a decade)

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