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Posts posted by Emxily

  1. I am desperately seeking a small townhouse in Thong Lor through to ekkamai, Phra Khanong or On Nut area, for under 10,000 baht per month. Can anyone help?

    I have looked for agents who can help but none help with that small budget and i have walked around but cannot find anything.

    If you see anything or know of anywhere please message me or reply.

    I am truely grateful for anyones help as i am sort of loosing the will to keep searching.

  2. I am looking for a 1 bedroom (seperate living room) apartment / condo / townhouse with easy reach to a bts or mrt line. I know it sounds like alot considering i want it for about 10,000 baht but will look at a little more if a place is really good.

    If you see any or have any to offer please reply or pm me :o

    Greatly appreciated.

    ps i work in ekkamai so easy access to there is maybe more important than the bts / mrt

  3. My husband and I have finally had enough of living in one room, so are now looking for a 1 bedroom apartment with separate living room.

    We need it for under 10,000 baht. We also need it within reachable distance of Ekkamai as I work there. I currently commute for 1-1.5 hours in rush hour so don't mind a little traveling but would like to get closer. I am also happy to use buses.

    Friends have told me to look at On Nut or Bangna? Any suggestions? Greatly appreciated :o

  4. I have very bad pain and swelling around a wisedom tooth coming through and don't know where to go?

    I live in Raamkhamhaeng and need a cheap but good dentist who can sort me out. Any thoughts appreciated :o I can travel if needs be.


  5. My husband and I have been living in Bangkok for nearly one year. I have a non-imm B visa as i work as a teacher.

    We would like to move to a smaller province and open a 'community centre' type thing. We would probably need to also run it as a coffee shop or something to cover costs. We would prefer to run it as a non-profit organisation, to provide community projects such as free English lessons for the poor, and playgroups and advice for young mothers etc. We expect to both be working on this project full time.

    We know nothing about opening a non-profit organisation or charity in Thailand and most of the information available seems to be for busnesses centered on making a profit.

    Does anyone have any information on how we could go about setting up this organisation, and whether this is even possible. What will we need in order to open such a place? Who should we talk to? Will we need a Thai partner? What visa's can we apply for? Can we open it as a charity?

    Any information on starting a non-profit/charitable place for the Thai people would be greatly appreciated.

    Many Thanks.

  6. Oh, and if you want a source of good lesson plans I would buy the Let's Go 1 teacher book - this has activities and work for an appropriate level - although you may have to be patient with 5 year olds. The Let's Go book has the best lesson plans that I have ever found for children in a teacher's book.

    Good Luck!

    Do you know where i could buy that book in Bangkok? And do use the student's book too?

  7. I am a British nursery nurse and have been teaching/caring for children for 4 years. I currently work at an international pre school in Bangkok and love it.

    However, people ask me to tutor their children in English...How?

    If i have a small group of 5 or 6 year olds where do i start? What do you teach on the first day. If i knew the topics to teach i could work out the activities, but i am lost. Can anyone help?

    Know any good websites with lesson plans?

    And what if the kids can speak some basic English - then how do you decide what to teach.

    Do you do 'colours' in one lesson 'animals' in another, then 'body parts'???? Or a bit of everything? And do you do writing with young kids or not bother? Should i sit them down and learn our ABC's or just play some games and do some art and crafts?

    If i could find a great book or website of lesson plans and when to do each one i would be very excited.

    Any help is great !!! :o:D

  8. Hi Ben,

    I have been out of Thailand for over a year now,

    but when I left a popular new system of education was being introduced into abotu 200 schools around the country.

    Called the E.P (English Program), various schools, and consenting classes and parents of those student bodies, were being "totally immersed" in ENglish, ie: Getting all of their lessons in English, ALL, except Thai Culture (history) and Thai Language. I did English, Maths, and a little Computer Science for M1-3.

    A friend of mine was doing English, Science, and P.E. (Physical Education)

    Look into this, the English Program (E.P.)

    Kanchananukroh School in Kanchanburi Center is one of the original Schools of the program.

    Do not confuse the E.P with it´s younger, more common sister the M.E.P. which is the basic streamlined version (mini english program), and does not do as many subjects in English: "Partial Submersion".

    Hope this helps somewhat.


    kayo :o

    Hi, I don't suppose you have any contact info for that school in Kanchanaburi? I have searched the net but can't find anything.

    I hope to move to Kanchanaburi but it's proving really hard to find work - any other suggestions? Do you know of any international schools or pre schools there?

    I am up to try anything, but can't find any advertised.

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