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Posts posted by norrona

  1. My wife joined an ESOL course level 1 after only a month of being here(Nov 2010) and we was charged £8 per hour, she was my fiancee at the time as we didn't get married till March 2011 .

    Again to take the level 2 course which she will be signing up for next month it is the same £8 per hour.

    typically the courses are over 2 terms for 1 day a week and for 2 hours, total approx 50 hours of studying.

    she has the certificates from cambridge for her level 1 pass.

    What I have been told is after she has been married to me for 1 year (March 2012) is when I will see a reduction on the charge.

    That 'reduction in the charge' should be FREE. As the wife of a UK national [british Passport holder] she qualifies for free ESOL courses.

    We are 'on the books' of a local College for next year [ after staying a full year] and it is then free for us.

    Last week my wife went to her first free conversation class and thoroughly enjoyed it. She said it was fun, the teacher was very friendly and good, and that the other students knew little, pronounced very badly and this gave great encouragement to my wife.

    We have bought the Citizenship materials [all of them] and are making tentative steps, knowing that we have the time.

    this is what I have been told from Essex council who run our classes....

    must be married to me for 1 year(so March 2012) then it is free but that must be married for 1 year will soon turn into 3 years to qualify.

    the missus has just got a job and even after a week working and interacting with English speaking people and a few foreigners, there is a huge difference in her confidence and even forward thinking.

  2. Yeah thats really good advise...keep it up helps alot

    What has been done

    - Roof w/insulation

    - walls finished (90%) rendered, door jams set

    - bracing for the ceiling

    - in wall wiring (90%)

    Floor tiles etc.. are on site, material is there just no one working at it.

    so you could say its more than 75% complete, I have no prob with the progress for money, but the progress has stopped, this is my question.


    sorry to have been too blunt, I wasn't laughing at you or anything....

    to be fair though you have been a member of this site for a while and must have read all the stories etc.

    I wish you well and hope he does the right thing :jap:

  3. Has that girl in the bottom picture got a tache?

    FYI you could take dog turd down walking st and it would look better than most the girls there so i would not flatter yourself too much.


    Are you including the ladies who work in the bars or just the ones who sleep in the street?

    You are just another jealous old geezer on here. All those girls are college girls and they are pretty fuc_king hot wherever I go and I see other westerners with thai girlfriends whether its in pattaya or Chang Mai or Khon Kaen or Hat Yai... In fact I've never seen another westerner with a hotter girl then these since I've been in THailand and the funny thing is I'VE NEVER PAID A GIRL A DIME! ll

    mate i've started to grow the beard already, next I am gonna get myself a 'bruce springsteen' headband then i'm over to Chiang Mai to hit the university and wait for the hot chicks to fall at my feet B)

    it is nice to also see that you do not discriminate and are happy to entertain the fellas and keep all your dimes, forget about loans from the bank for a shoddy apartment building.....ever thought about writing a book?

  4. also with regard to the first bit about national insurance number and 'no problem we got a form for this'

    you still need to present your wife and as much ID she has at the job centre to get the number!

    it will be a weekday appointment and only at specified job centres so be ready if you work to take the day off work and escort them there....that's if there isn't one on your door step!

    My wife got her NI number without an interview. I think they reserve the right to interview but I am not sure it is routine. We sent passport off with the form and the number was issued. They have a phone helpline as well.

    It was very painless!

    I was told over the phone everyone must have an appointment just this morning?

    this was from the national 0845 number that is on the website, either they changed it or we may get the option to send off when they send details through....will update when we receive the letter with details etc


  5. The fact is that unless you are a passport holder of a country that has a special relationship with the US, like the UK for instance, you will, whoever you are, whatever your occupation, brain surgeon, astronaut, plumber, palm reader or bar girl, need to apply for a visa before you go there!

    In fact, for years US citizens were allowed to obtain a visa-on-arrival to enter the UK, whereas UK citizens visiting the States had to obtain a visa in advance. I believe this is now once again the case for holders of non-biometric UK passports.

    Thanks for that, I didn't realise. :)

    When I went to the US (years ago, 1987!) I just turned up there with no visa, no problem.

    I have friends who visit the US every year and they now have to go through some on-line procedure which, I believe, contains the information that would be contained in their biometric passports.

    There are some details here about the Visa Waiver Program for the US

    ESTA form....lasts up to 2 years and if you are a regular traveller then once it is done it's done B)

    as for the OP's missus....get in line or vote with her feet....ZZzzzzzz

  6. also with regard to the first bit about national insurance number and 'no problem we got a form for this'

    you still need to present your wife and as much ID she has at the job centre to get the number!

    it will be a weekday appointment and only at specified job centres so be ready if you work to take the day off work and escort them there....that's if there isn't one on your door step!

  7. snipe all you want with regards to Howard owning the news outlet and how he must use his position as HC to his benefit....

    for those in the know Barry was also involved in a news publication which was a well known fact.

    FNG's spring to mind eh!!!

    yes that is correct

    he was the editor for many years before the last but one new owner took over

    now its under new ownership again, he writes interesting articles for it

    so much for a conflict of interest huh?

    my point exactly :whistling:

  8. My wife joined an ESOL course level 1 after only a month of being here(Nov 2010) and we was charged £8 per hour, she was my fiancee at the time as we didn't get married till March 2011 .

    Again to take the level 2 course which she will be signing up for next month it is the same £8 per hour.

    typically the courses are over 2 terms for 1 day a week and for 2 hours, total approx 50 hours of studying.

    she has the certificates from cambridge for her level 1 pass.

    What I have been told is after she has been married to me for 1 year (March 2012) is when I will see a reduction on the charge.

  9. not sure if this is the right forum but I was led to believe if married in U.K then divorce has to be done here?

    It seems the most important thing for her at the moment is to go back to Thailand a.s.a.p!

    I am worried if I just let her go she will dissapear which selfishly could hold my life up, not that I plan to or have anyone else for the moment.

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

  10. Thai drivers are the most inconsiderate, ill trained, bad mannered drivers of any of the 52 countries I have traveled to, other than maybe India or China. I will not get into what I feel what all the reasons are, however, being in Law Enforcement for much of my life I must say there is an almost constant and total failure of authorities to enforce the traffic laws or understand their purpose as they are written in Thai law. and ..... The laws are there ! Much of the problem is both Westerner's and Thai's beleive the main reason of traffic enforcement is revenue, which it is not. The main reason is and always has been throughout the word, is Education. Without it, you have what has happened in Thailand a country out of driving control where thousands die needlessly every year, both drivers and pedestrians with no hope of any improvement any time in the next few decades, it appears.

    is a great way to keep the numbers down though...:whistling:

  11. I shall ask my gf who takes pictures of our food and blogs wherever she goes on facebook using her iphone ... oh wait. she is not farang but a Thai.

    To be honest i think its a result of social media and the "presumed" anonymity of the internet.

    The stiff upper lip is a typical British thing and thank god not all expats are Brits or else Thailand would be burned down just as they do with their own city's :D

    ha ha ha....my missus does the same :D

  12. Have you offered him any help? Except asking the forum.

    I view this forum and seldom post, I always see your posts and remember you from that avatar which I dare say is a true reflection of what you're like in real life.....got a face that most just want to punch!

    keep it up though as you do make me chuckle...in an irritating way :lol:

  13. What was the reason for this "personal attack?

    I know the guy from a bar where he works. I found out that a few years ago he ripped off a friend of my 3 times (business wise) and also pulled a gun on him.

    Therefore I politely, but strongly asked him not to speak to me again. I never even told his boss and as far I was concerned he could stay working there, but just leave me alone.

    He made some threatening moves in the bar which I ignored. Later that evening he had a problem with someone else and quite his job.

    Basicly that is it

    if the business is/was legit then why didn't your friend report him....especially as he is pulling guns?

    you have just learnt a big lesson in life, don't get involved in others disputes and make them personal...especially in Thailand.

    my advice before he bullies you some more, either report him or move out of the area....i'd suggest the latter :blink:

  14. when you say the UKBA doesn't see the full picture, did you write any kind of letter of explanation as to your movements over that time and supplied them with the copies of your passport showing the visa stamps etc?

    Also with regards to funds/employment, I supplied my bank statements and last 3 months pay slips, did you do any of that?

    The point of you bringing your missus back to U.K and living with parents in a 2 bed apartment is quite valid, what if you all don't get on and are turfed out? I understand that this is extreme probably won't happen but the UKBA/ECO are there to point out any kind of obstacles that may crop up in the future.

    Just a word of warning with regards to appeals, the British Embassy in Bangkok will run your case till the very end before and if over turning any decisions.

    My case last year didn't have as many flaws in it as yours appears to have and from March which was the initial refusal to when my then fiancee finally arrived in early October it was a very long time indeed.

    I used an agency who knew what they were talking about and are a sponsor of this forum.

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