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Posts posted by southwest19

  1. Perhaps advice from Samui residents would be more in order

    but they cant get out of their houses to see because of the floods !!!

    There were plenty of people out and about yesterday!!!

    The thread was started by an anxious tourist wanting accurate information from people on the ground so they could make an informed decision as to proceed or not with a planned holiday on Samui. I think some of these posts are at best mis-leading and totally irresponsible.

  2. Heard a plane take off last night SJ. If you aren't on the ground in Koh Samui then I suggest relying solely on news reports is to be hearing only part of the information at best.

    Perhaps advice from Samui residents would be more in order :o

    I quite agree I live in Bang Rak and planes were taking off regulary yesterday. There was disruption on Wednesday when some flights were cancelled which did result in some passengers not being able to leave.

    My friend was in touch with BKK yesterday about flying standby to bangkok and was advised that they may have to wait until the evening as they had to clear the back log first but the situation was expected to return to normal.

    Just underlines my point regarding over dramatic posts and media coverage.

  3. We've been planning our Koh Samui trip for almost a year now, so imagine my horror when I saw the flooding news!

    It looks pretty awful, and while I am usually prepared to brave the rainy season (having been several times with no problem) I wonder whether braving it now seems like a bad idea.

    Is anyone in Samui now? If so, do you realistically think we can expect to see the flooding in Chaweng beach subside by the 18th November? Also, do you expect a return to normal or are we looking at a lot of disruption for weeks to come?

    Any advice would be gratefully received, We're leaving on the 15th, so probably have to make a decision this weekend. Thank you so much!

    I'm not really sure how I am going to sleep tonight, hope everyone there is OK too!

    There are still plenty of people here for this time of year remember it is the rainy season.

    You are not putting youself at risk by coming here as some posts and media coverage would have you belive but you maybe incovenienced by flooded roads etc. If you are coming for sunny weather and a relaxing time on the beach then maybe you want to re-think your plans.

    There has been some disruption to flights at the airport but last I heard yesterday that flights were returning to normal.

    Koh Samui is open for business but if you decide to come bring a good raincoat!

  4. I think you will find that cutting the trees down has a lot to do with once the vegitation is cleared the sand is washed into the drains blocking them, this is visible all over the island

    Lets just put into context here we are hardly talking deforestation to the scale of Bangladesh here. Probably 1% of all trees in the hills have been cut down to make way for development, there has always been a run off of water from the hills to low lying areas since the last ice age it is called gravity.

    The difference now is the development in previous flood plains which have now blocked the natural passage of the water i.e. Big C, Samui Town Centre and the new hotels in Bophut on the ring road etc these act like dams and coupled with the lack of an adequate drainage system the roads get flooded as there is no where for the water to go.

    We may have had a chance if all the money promised by Surat Thani two years ago had actually arrived.

    When we get extreme weather conditions you normally do have problems but bearing in mind this is supposedly a tourist island and the amount of money raised here in taxes the state of the public infrastructure is a disgrace.

  5. Just took these from Sunbelt Asia's website. There are often weeks, if not months, between business's in Samui coming onto the market so was a little surprised to see so many resorts and land for sale at the same time

    A brand new Koh Samui Resort that is 80 percent complete has become available for acquisition, as the owner has too many other businesses and has realised that this project is too much for him to handle alone. The freehold offering includes three rai (4,800 square metres) of land, 40 metres of beach frontage, a huge swimming pool and numerous upmarket guestrooms. The construction of the resort is so close to conclusion that the new owner could easily open for business while the final stages are completed.

    Total Investment To Own: 45 million baht.

    Health problems have forced the owner of this top shelf Koh Samui Resort to place his property on the market. The freehold offering includes three rai (4,800 square metres) of landscaped tropical gardens, 60 metres of private beach frontage, 60 high standard rooms, a huge swimming pool and two restaurants (one of which sits beachside). An excellent website helps to keep the resort heavily booked all year round, with occupancy rates averaging 75 percent over the last 12 months. Full financial results will be disclosed to interested parties, and detailed accounts can be examined by qualified buyers. A Thai company is included in the asking price, and this will provide a work permit for the new owner. The employees are aware of the sale, and all have expressed a desire to remain on the workforce after the handover.

    Total Investment To Own: 300 million baht.

    Providing 100 metres of beautiful beach frontage, this large Parcel of Koh Samui Land is considered to be just right for development. The land is perfectly flat, measures 11 rai (17,600 square metres), and is located on the south of the island. Currently covered with coconut trees, the land has a concrete access road, power and water supplies, and enjoys magnificent views of the sunrise over a neighbouring island. Competitively priced at 8,000,000 baht per rai, the entire parcel can be acquired for 88,000,000 baht.

    Total Investment To Own: 88 million baht.

    A large Tract of Land, located on the southern end of Koh Samui, and providing 70 metres of pure beach frontage, has become available for acquisition. This part of the island still provides virgin land, and this particular plot is covered with coconut palms and measures nine rai (14,400 square metres). Magnificent views are afforded, and the area would be ideal for the construction of a tranquil resort for families with children. An asking price of 90,000,000 baht has been set, with the owner preferring to sell the parcel whole: he is amenable to splitting the area into two separate plots however, if this were to suit the aims of investors.

    Total Investment To Own: 90 million baht.

    The rent has been pre-paid until 2014, the resort is experiencing healthy bookings, and the personnel are aware of the sale and have stated their intention to stay on to work for the new owner. The seller feels that that the resort, being offered as it is for such a low price, now represents tremendous value, especially as high season is approaching.

    Total Investment To Own: 9.5 million baht.

    Conrad Hotels, Four Seasons and W Hotels have all recently opened or have launched new projects on Samui and Bangkok Airways have doubled the capacity of their passenger terminal hardly rats leaving a sinking ship. :o

  6. Who says hes guilty?

    Nothing has been proven yet.

    Even if he was drunk the bar that sold him the alchohol has to share the blame.

    Sounds like 4 people were riding on a motorbike half of whom could also have been drinking and/ or talking on cell phones I see this all the time in chiangmai.

    The motorbike could have ignored a stopsign.Have you ever seen thais stop at a stop sign? The never stop they just merge and hope everyone else does the same.

    There are no clear traffic laws and even if there were nobody is enforcing them.

    Tourists are lured here by the thailand tourist industry to consume alchohol and pick up women.

    If he was drinking and driving he is to blame but the blame doesnt stop there its a bigger problem than one drunk farang.

    Personally I wouldnt even drive in thailand.I only use a bicycle and rarely a motorbike and even then ive had difficult encounters with drivers. The liability here is clearly against the farang. Even if you are in the right you may have to shoulder the responsibility for anything that happens and come up with cash. If you kill someone, God help you....

    I am seeing alot of speculation here; if, could have etc etc..

    The only FACTS we have are that 3 people are dead, two of them small children and a Canadian Woman has been charged for it. The report has changed from the initial one, who really knows what the facts are?

    Most likely, only the people involved. Endless speculation and blaming of both the victims and the driver are pointless and most likely painful to all parties involved. Lets try to show some good judgment here and display common sense.

    One FACT that you constantly seem to overlook is that there were four people on a motorbike designed for two.

  7. Umm, kmart, it was a mom and dad and their two children, not 4 kids driving. Did you read the OP by george?

    So far, I just see endless speculation, most of it blaming the Thai family when NO FACTS ARE KNOWN, except the Canadian was arrested as drunk and 3 people are dead.

    Pardon my shouting but the scenarios people have come up with and produced as fact are just astounding.

    That is not entirely accurate there have been a number of posts supporting the throw away the key treatment. At this stage it has only been alledged the driver was drunk but one fact we do know is that there were four people on a motorbike which is also illegal.

    Unfortunately these types of accidents will go on happening until the police start enforcing Thailands traffic laws and maybe the government start trying to educate people re the dangers of drink driving, no helmets and four on a motorbike etc.

    RIP to those poor children.

  8. A tragedy in every sense of the word.

    Additionally, I am appalled at the notion by some on this forum that the victims were somehow at fault by riding 4-up on a motorbike. To even mention that they were somehow at fault is a reckless statement. Don't forget that we are visitors in the country and this culture cannot be compared to any other as to what is normal or abnormal. Though I agree that riding 4-up on a motorbike is not a prudent way to be safe, it nonetheless is the way of life here in Thailand. If the family could have afforded the Honda that killed them, then I'm sure they would have purchased it. I work with children here in Thailand and I cringe every time I hear of a senseless tragedy like this. And the breadwinner, perhaps, is gone, too. I hope the mother regains her life. She is now the real victim.

    As for the man that 'caused' this accident, I share no empathy, unless it is proven it was a complete accident. Whether he was drunk or not, if he is at fault, he should spend the rest of his life in a Thai prison. You must be accountable for your actions regardless of circumstances. If he is found to have been drunk, then I pity him in prison. He will soberly aware of his actions for years to come.

    A sad story, indeed.

    You are a tool.

    So, if the "victims" were at fault for pulling out without looking (and we all know that NEVER happens here in LOS) then it was just an "accident?"

    Also, since when is 4 up on a motorbike part of a culture?

    Having said that, IF this guy was drunk then, agreed, the book needs to be thrown but, if it was truly an accident, then it needs to be treated as such. Is it also part of the "culture" that the farang is responsible no matter what?

    If another Thai apologist starts prattling on about "Don't forget that we are visitors in the country and this culture cannot be compared to any other as to what is normal or abnormal" I might very well throw up on their shoes. Why is it that prudent human behavior (or lack of it) is excused by "culture?"

    I couldn't have put it better myself. No-one knows the facts here other then three people have tragically lost their lives and the usual lynch mob chip in with their 2 pence worth.

    Just imagine this that if the Canadian driver was not drunk and it was just an awful accident how do you think he maybe feeling right now. why are some people so quick to condemn when they know nothing?

  9. if you fix the road your self. if no one bothers u while the work is going on. later on if anyone asks who built the road or fixed the rod. just say u don't know. . someone i know conrected about 1 km of govment road he hd no choce. i had to build a bridge on govemn road becuase the road callapsed in the rain season.

    if you really want to do it by the book then you call ask permssion at the govemtn office. if they said no jus do it anyway. then play stupid and tell them you don;t know who done it. get some thais to do it so none get suspicious then if anyone asks you what happened to the rad just say u don;t know.

    thats my take

    You are actually allowed to concrete government dirt roads but you have to obtain permission not sure when it comes to repairing existing concrete roads I think you may have to be careful.

  10. Totally agree. It anoys me more when it's westerners, they should know better. Often see mother and father with one bike each and children hanging on in various postions .All in shorts and flip flops :D

    Another thing which scares me is when westerners push young babies in prams in the road cos they're to lazy to lift up and down the curbs or carry the child :o

    I agree with you it winds me up even more when I see westerners doing it. Most of us have had the benefit of a good education from both our parents and our western governments and should know better.

    If farangs adults choose to come on holiday and not wear helmets that is their risk but parents should be protecting children not placing them at risk. Total madness.

  11. Oh, it's on a website. It must be true then.

    So you haven't actually seen any of the volunteers you just looked at this website and figured it all out right? This gives more credence to my point about people sitting at their keyboards and somehow still able to know what is ACTUALLY happing out in real world.

    I have sat down with Noel, the team leader just last week and had a long conversation with him and he kept stressing the point that they do not wear uniforms. I guess I should have told him "but you do, southwest19 and the website say so!"

    Who's embarrassed now?

    :D Do you do weddings?

    Your previous job wasn't the former Iraqi Information Minister was it :o

    I have seen them you can spot them a mile off. I also happen to know someone who was one (until he thought better of it) and staggered out of a bar one night and left his combat belt behind.

    If they do not where uniforms then how does anyone know who they are??? So what you are saying is they are now plain clothes volunteers. You could not make it up!!

    One thing I have never been accused of is being timid and hiding behind my keyboard keep the posts coming they are great.

    Very unembarrassed Southwest.

  12. It amazes me how so many of you think you know what you're talking about but don't. Stickinakettle and BigC, thank you for proving my point.

    The volunteers do not wear a uniform. There is no uniform other than a hat and they don't have to wear that. The Major bought all the volunteers a yellow King shirt but that is it. They are only allowed to carry a cell phone and flashlight at night. They are not issued anything and have to pay for everything themselves.

    The actual Thai tourist police have the same authority as the MIB but are just focused on taking care of the tourists. They go through the same training as the MIB and have all the same authority. The volunteers are there to help bridge the culture gap. That doesn't really allow for people to have "power" as so many of you think that is the only reason they join.

    Obviously none of you nay sayers have met any of them. There are currently only 6 volunteers and 3 of them are women. Maybe a couple of volunteers got carried away at some point but it is no longer the case.

    It just makes me sick to see some of you posting crap that just is not true. I think you think you can ascertain everything from behind your keyboard and stick a stereotype on it and therefore know everything about it and everyone recognizes it as such and it really brings down the post. It degrades it into an immature bad mouthing session. Your comments are not based in reality.

    "These guys are purely in it for the uniform. Anyone who actualy thinks they care a flying bugger about helping the community is deluded.... its all about the self percieved 'prestige' of being a ferang copper." This could not be further from the truth. One, there is no uniform and two they really want to help. The island is full of decent people giving back to the community and this is just another example of that.

    So get off you fat ass and go visit them and talk to them and then come and post your trash if you still want to. Other than that keep your uninformed comments to yourself. Stickettle and BigC, you guys can just PM each other this waste of pixel space.

    Please find below some extracts from the Samui Tourist Police website http://samuitouristpolice.com/tpv_equipment_regulations.htm

    In future please check your facts before rubbishing other members posts to save you from embarrasing yourself.


    • Poloshirt / Shirt (white) *

    *on both shirt-sleeves a TPD Patch, the sign “Tourist Police Samui” and the additive “Volunteer” must be evident.

    • <LI class=MsoNormal>Trousers long (black or dark-blue) <LI class=MsoNormal>Socks (black or wei฿ <LI class=MsoNormal>Shoes (dark leather) <LI class=MsoNormal>ID-Card (visibly carried)
    • Name-Sign (recommended)


    Pepper spray

    <LI class=MsoNormal>Electrical Taser <LI class=MsoNormal>Handcuffs <LI class=MsoNormal>Telescope Baton <LI class=MsoNormal>Flashlight

  13. ~~

    My lower back is shot, (two seriously herniated discs), and one of the options I'm considering is spine surgery at the BNH Spine Centre.

    I've been through the x-ray, MRI, epidural routine, but due to the extent of the degeneration, surgery may be my best option for leading a full life. The recommended surgery would be a three-level fusion with supporting hardware. So far I have no complaints about the treatment I've received.

    I am 49yo, fit and normally very active. I know a lot about the physiology of backs and back ailments, various treatment options, potential pitfalls, rehabilitation, etc., as I've had several previous back surgeries.

    Has anyone had experience with this hospital or heard from their friends who have?

    I am more interested in hearing about first hand experience with this particular hospital.



    I have been through 3 back ops and believe me it should be the very last resort. Do you suffer from sciatica? If not don't even consider surgery it is uneccesary.

    Also I question the spinal fusion with supporting hardware these days most surgeons prefer removing part of the disk.

    Lastly don't go near an orthopeadic surgeon insist on a neurosurgeon if you do have surgery they are far more skilled.

    Good Luck.

  14. It amazes me how so many of you think you know what you're talking about but don't. Stickinakettle and BigC, thank you for proving my point.

    The volunteers do not wear a uniform. There is no uniform other than a hat and they don't have to wear that. The Major bought all the volunteers a yellow King shirt but that is it. They are only allowed to carry a cell phone and flashlight at night. They are not issued anything and have to pay for everything themselves.

    The actual Thai tourist police have the same authority as the MIB but are just focused on taking care of the tourists. They go through the same training as the MIB and have all the same authority. The volunteers are there to help bridge the culture gap. That doesn't really allow for people to have "power" as so many of you think that is the only reason they join.

    Obviously none of you nay sayers have met any of them. There are currently only 6 volunteers and 3 of them are women. Maybe a couple of volunteers got carried away at some point but it is no longer the case.

    It just makes me sick to see some of you posting crap that just is not true. I think you think you can ascertain everything from behind your keyboard and stick a stereotype on it and therefore know everything about it and everyone recognizes it as such and it really brings down the post. It degrades it into an immature bad mouthing session. Your comments are not based in reality.

    "These guys are purely in it for the uniform. Anyone who actualy thinks they care a flying bugger about helping the community is deluded.... its all about the self percieved 'prestige' of being a ferang copper." This could not be further from the truth. One, there is no uniform and two they really want to help. The island is full of decent people giving back to the community and this is just another example of that.

    So get off you fat ass and go visit them and talk to them and then come and post your trash if you still want to. Other than that keep your uninformed comments to yourself. Stickettle and BigC, you guys can just PM each other this waste of pixel space.

    There is a uniform maybe they bought it themselves, maybe we should have a whip round for them but don't hold your breath,also they have tourist police on the front and back of their bikes and even a red light. They also carry an assortment of toys which if they are not careful may end up where the sun don't shine.

    Next you will be telling us all they do is help little old ladies cross the road. :o

    Maybe your the one that needs to get up off your fat ass as you so eloquently put it I for one will not be requiring their services.

  15. Tonight is the Full Moon Party and amazingly enough, there will be drunk people on the boat tomorrow! Astounding that after a night of partying people will be drunk.

    Or perhaps the OP is still under the false impression that everyone who goes to the party is smelly, wears dreads and birkenstocks :o

    Whats wrong with birkenstocks? I hope everyone had a great party bit too old myself now :D

  16. be presentable, compassionate and tactful

    oops , some here must be thankful that doesn't appear to be the case locally ......................................

    I know the Mets criteria maybe alittle too ambitious for Samui I would love to be a fly on the wall here when they started teaching about preparing your evidence for court :o

  17. Please fing below a couple of extracts from the Metropolitan Police in London's website regarding recruitment of volunteer police.

    In addition, to be a Special you must:

    be sufficiently literate and articulate in English to write short, accurate reports and potentially give evidence in court

    be able to cope with the unexpected

    be presentable, compassionate and tactful

    be willing and able to commit 200 hours a year.


    As a Special you will have the same powers as regular MPS Police Officers. Unsurprisingly, such responsibility requires that you undergo a thorough grounding in the many aspects of police work that you will carry out.

    Firstly, you will attend an extensive training course, during weekends and/or evenings. This will provide you with the basic skills and tools to work in your chosen area. For example:

    Powers of arrest

    Report book writing

    How to prepare your evidence for court

    Officer Safety Training

    Dealing with awkward situations or people.

    You will then be required to continue training by attending further sessions, once a month for 18 months. After this you will go on to receive training throughout your service, as and when required, ensuring your skills and knowledge are up to date and relevant.


  18. Many countries in the world use police volunteers yes but they are local people who have been trained for the job. Here they are foreigners if you cannot see the difference then I cannot be bothered to explain it to you.

    Alot of foreigners I know run businesses here and do not sit around all day 'gulping beer' many of them also contribute and support local charities such as the Rotary Club.

    I have yet to meet one person who thinks this is a good idea and most question the type of person who would volunteer for this and their motives I certainly have better things to do then visit their box to ask them what they do.

    I will be writing to the new PM in the Uk to suggest they start arming untrained foreigners who hardly speak English to patrol all tourist areas and will await his response! :o

    This a pure nonsense!

    Why they hire english spoken/native farangs as volunteer? Because there is a demand for this.

    Why there is a demand? Because you cannot await that the local TP speaks english well enough to understand the problems of drunken english hooligans (very hard to understand!) or of german, australian, swedish, italian and whatever tourists.

    And how you know they are untrained?

    Sorry, but comments like yours just ruin an interesting topic.

    lets get some facts right.

    Is there a demand ? The only demand I can see is from the TP wannabees. no its actually came from the TP asking forigenrs to "volenteer". you know do something not only for mony.

    Also if they do not speak fluent Thai then how are they able to communiacte more effectively with the Thai police then the tourists themselves. because what they do speak is better then tourists, and they can allso assist the touris in understanding what to do and how to avoid problems. they act as a bridge between cultures.

    Are they trained? In most countries you would undergo an intense residentual training programme before you would be let loose and the very basic requirement would be to speak the local language.

    realy now!! in what country do they go through "intense residentual training programme"

    My home country has more tourists then Thailand and there is a very good reason why they do not adopt this approach to their policing.

    since you pointed it out that you are from the uk lets examin the facts...

    london met police has a very extansive volunteer program.

    The Met Volunteer Programme (MVP) was established in 2001 with the main aim of engaging the community to volunteer their time to work together with Police to make London a Safer place.

    During the last four years the MVP has attracted over 1,000 volunteers in nearly all of its 32 Boroughs. Volunteers are aged from 18 and come from a diverse range of backgrounds. Students, retired people, people between jobs, long term unemployed and those at home involved in childcare are just some of the people who are interested in volunteering their time to assist Police.

    and yes they actually use forign students to assist in tourist areas to help translate and solve problems for those tourists that dont speak such good english.

    I apologise if a little common sense has ruined an interesting subject for you!

    once again.. they invited you to come over sit down and they will answer all your questions.

    I did go to speak with them and found a nice bunch of people that are realy set out to help. is it realy that difficult to go and learn a little bit about them before you post your views

    In the UK they do not have untrained unvetted foreign volunteer tourist police who hardly speak a word of English you are simply wrong.

    I would have thought that this forum would be the perfect place for the volunteers to let us know what their role instead of all of us going down individually to talk to them quite barmy!

  19. Many countries in the world use police volunteers yes but they are local people who have been trained for the job. Here they are foreigners if you cannot see the difference then I cannot be bothered to explain it to you.

    Alot of foreigners I know run businesses here and do not sit around all day 'gulping beer' many of them also contribute and support local charities such as the Rotary Club.

    I have yet to meet one person who thinks this is a good idea and most question the type of person who would volunteer for this and their motives I certainly have better things to do then visit their box to ask them what they do.

    I will be writing to the new PM in the Uk to suggest they start arming untrained foreigners who hardly speak English to patrol all tourist areas and will await his response! :o

    This a pure nonsense!

    Why they hire english spoken/native farangs as volunteer? Because there is a demand for this.

    Why there is a demand? Because you cannot await that the local TP speaks english well enough to understand the problems of drunken english hooligans (very hard to understand!) or of german, australian, swedish, italian and whatever tourists.

    And how you know they are untrained?

    Sorry, but comments like yours just ruin an interesting topic.

    Is there a demand ? The only demand I can see is from the TP wannabees.

    Also if they do not speak fluent Thai then how are they able to communiacte more effectively with the Thai police then the tourists themselves.

    Are they trained? In most countries you would undergo an intense residentual training programme before you would be let loose and the very basic requirement would be to speak the local language.

    My home country has more tourists then Thailand and there is a very good reason why they do not adopt this approach to their policing.

    I apologise if a little common sense has ruined an interesting subject for you!

  20. I just tried to call the TP again 1155 and still no answer. Pathetic.

    PaulAllen you should read the post before you write... Here is the Phone #s you are wanting. Tourist police box *077421281 Chaweng *077414198 Nathon fax 077421360 Tpd Mobile *0836001694 Chaweng

    That 1155 is a BKK # and not work in Samui......Stop on in and have a chat with us.We will answer all questions .

    In case of accident with a drunken Thai - and I didnt make a mistake:

    Who do I have to call? TP or Police?

    And I would be very thankful if you could describe the duties of the TP.

    Regards, Claude Feller

    Come down to the Tourist Police office in Nathan or BOx in Chewang and ask the questions Would be happy to tell you. It would take a book to explain on Thaivisa.com and there would always be someone out there that did not understand and would make big fuss. Like my Thai wife say alot of Frang have nothing better to do but pick at everything that is wrong... if you dont think things are right you should get out of thailand and go back to the country you came from where all was so well.

    Your last comment just underlines why you should not be a tourist cop. Just because people disagree with the concept of farang volunteer tourist police or question their motives it does not mean thay should 'get out of Thailand' as you so eloquently put it.

    What training or experience do they have for this role?

    Have they been vetted?

    Do any of you speak Thai?

    I cannot think of another country which would allow untrained foreigners armed with pepper sprays etc to roam their streets why because it is a bad idea.

    I think you are taking things out of context. :D

    you were invited very politely to come over to the tourist police and get all your answers replied. I wonder how many of the posters so eager to complain have taken this invitation and went over to the tourist police to have a chat with the farrangs who are volunteers?? did you ?

    i fail to see why you need to attack the guy who is donating his time and effort to help others.

    the point he made about get out of thailand was in reference to a post that things are realy bad here. hence if things are so bad dont stay.

    As per you own views about police volunteers. please google police volunteers and see that nearly every country in the world uses them.

    In thailand the idea of long staying forigners assisting the local police is a welcomed idea. the locals dont speak good english and dont understand western mentality and those volunteers actually help out.

    it allso shows the locals that some forigners are actualy caring enough about the tourists to do something and are not only here to sit around bars gulp beer all day while whining how bad and ridculous things are. :D .

    Many countries in the world use police volunteers yes but they are local people who have been trained for the job. Here they are foreigners if you cannot see the difference then I cannot be bothered to explain it to you.

    Alot of foreigners I know run businesses here and do not sit around all day 'gulping beer' many of them also contribute and support local charities such as the Rotary Club.

    I have yet to meet one person who thinks this is a good idea and most question the type of person who would volunteer for this and their motives I certainly have better things to do then visit their box to ask them what they do.

    I will be writing to the new PM in the Uk to suggest they start arming untrained foreigners who hardly speak English to patrol all tourist areas and will await his response! :o

  21. If there are any problems to solve, surely it's better to sort them out earlier rather than later.

    At least people can now see what their departure tax has been spent on.

    I am not a big fan of Bangkok Airways, but I hope that they don't have too many problems with the terminals.

    So basically what yoiu are saying it is a good idea to open an unfinished airport ?

    Maybe someone should tell Singapore that or Heathrow terminal 5 that they have got it wrong because stupid them they are actually finsihing there terminals before opening them. :o

    I'm not saying that at all.

    What I am saying is that opening sections/areas gradually to the public will enable them to be put to the test. Should any problems arise they can hopefully be rectified.

    Maybe they should just close the whole airport and wait till everything is finished.

    If the opening of the new terminals had been left till all the work was complete, someone no doubt would have a moan about it.

    I will happily bet a tenner that T5 at LHR will have propblems when it opens.

    But T5 will be finished when it is opened as will Singapore. Lets get this into prospective here we are not talking about the opening of the new HK airport (something that did not happen until it was finshed) we are talking about the opening of a new terminal in a small airport on a tropical island if they cannot get that right then maybe they should not be flying planes. It is not rocket science!

  22. If there are any problems to solve, surely it's better to sort them out earlier rather than later.

    At least people can now see what their departure tax has been spent on.

    I am not a big fan of Bangkok Airways, but I hope that they don't have too many problems with the terminals.

    So basically what yoiu are saying it is a good idea to open an unfinished airport ?

    Maybe someone should tell Singapore that or Heathrow terminal 5 that they have got it wrong because stupid them they are actually finsihing there terminals before opening them. :o

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