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Posts posted by soundman

  1. This topic has been revived by the OP with the sole intention of promoting his/her on web presence.

    This is against Thai Visa forum rules.

    You may put links to blogs, facebook, twitter etc. and other stuff in your personal profile page, however, you may not promote your videos etc. in the open forum.


  2. He also urged the Democrats to bring its fight against corruption to Parliament. He admitted that there are concerns on the negative impact of this on investment sentiment. If Thailand loses any opportunity, the Democrats must be responsible for that, he said.

    Totally irrational people in this administration. :blink:

    They are going to blame the opposition for their own shortcomings?

    • Like 1
  3. Its a pity that resorting to threats of violence has likely stemmed from Thailand being inadequately, or most likely maliciously represented at the ICJ because of influential entities with vested interests most likely working to distort the outcome.

    Hope common-sense prevails amongst those deliberating, however, fear they will make decisions on less than accurate information and back room handshakes.

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  4. It will not surprise me one little bit if attempts are made to curb political flag waving in social media using the computer crimes act.

    Watch out for a total Facebook, Instagram & Line ban because members are posting anti amnesty logos items not deemed in the national interest or whatever the blanket law is covering the whims of the government censor department. :whistling:

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