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Posts posted by b2bme

  1. The photos posted on Facebook on Sunday have been shared more than 17,000 times and sparked much debate by Thais commenting online.

    Others said that it wasn’t the responsibility of Thai people to help the woman and that she should contact her embassy for assistance.


    I'm not arguing whether it is or isn't the Thai's responsibility but how many tourists or Expats get hit up by a local who portrays themselves as less fortunate making you feel compelled to drop some money in their cup. Then when you don't give them anything all eyes around you thinking you are a Cheap Charlie Falang. What about all the double pricing for foreigners (National parks and tourist attractions) and the 500 baht airport tax (now built into your ticket price). Maybe some of this money should be in a fund for cases like this.

    Shame where begging for a living is socially accepted and you can no longer tell the difference between those really in need and those who are scammers.

  2. "It was the tourist who let go then in trying to hold on again released himself.


    Rungroj said that he tried to hold onto him but was unable to".


    Should it matter that he let go? This sort of equipment and harness should be practically fool proof. Plenty of working at height and climbing harness available that allow your hand's to be free. Perhaps I'm missing something but it seems equipment was not fit for purpose. As another member highlighted authorities should be held accountable for not enforcing higher standards. Difficult part will be identifying who the relevant authorities are. Each department will be pointing the finger at other departments. 

  3. 17 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

    Is there not any age.limit on these potential death traps. In one way I admire the adventure of the 70 year old. Is it wise ... no

    I half agree with you that there should be some parameters on state of health and fitness when participating in high risk activities. I have worked in an offshore environment though where the occasional 70 year old turned up and shamed many a younger guy with the level of his fitness. I suppose another example is Sylvester Stallone who is 71 years. He still looks reasonably fit.

    Tragic end to someone who was still feeling youthful in life. I base this on the fact of what he was doing.  

    I struggle to believe that there was no neglegence involved in this incidence. I hope (wishful) that a proper investigation is carried out. 

    Condolences to the family. 

  4. 5 hours ago, DiscoDan said:

    Need to start hanging these scum to send out a message.

    I would start with a good flogging with the cane. It is 99% effective in Singapore. Adolescents and adults there know the punishment, are aware of the pain it inflict's and is an obvious deterrent that is working. Thailand like so many western counties are getting softer and softer in their punishment's. Kids under 18 especially know there will be little accountability for their actions. There seems to be less responsibility from the parents as well. Witnesses and bypasses just don't want to get involved either these days as too many times they see where a wanna be hero ends up dead. 

  5. Good initiative and idea as most of us agree but it just is not going to happen unless made mandatory and then enforced. Helmets are mandatory but not enforced. Seat belts for driver and front passenger mandatory but not enforced (good for tea money), only two on a motorbike but see the family of 5 quite often, no one in the back of a pick up (not sure where we are at with that one). Just sit outside any primary school (smaller kids) and see how many stand on or in front of the front passenger seat or on the center console next to mum.

    A few years back I was out of Thailand living in Singapore and my Thai drivers license expired so on return I had to sit the theory test and watch a 1 hour video. In the video there is a scenario where a drunk father has an accident and the young daughter on the front seat ends up in hospital as a paraplegic. I think the message was aimed at drink driving and the fact she had no seat belt on in the front seat went over all the locals heads. When the mum and dad come and pick her up from the hospital they carry her to the car and place her on the back seat. No seat belt put on her and they drive off. I shook my head and reminded myself TIT. 

  6. From what I've seen of this project so far I'm very impressed. I believe it will be a success. The project is moving foward quite rapidly. I believe the train will travel at different speeds at different sectors. Track security for me is a concern but I'm sure they have considered this. When it comes to mega projects I think Thailand does very well. No doubt there is corruption and scandals but they get the job done. If in Australia we would still be waiting for the plans to be approved or bickering over the budget and then going on strike. For those who have driven north out of Bangkok lately you would have witnessed the extent of this project. For anyone who has driven regularly over the last year you would have noticed the good progress. Don't be so quick to criticise. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Thechook said:

    It's quite common actually, one thai girl I know of paid an Aussie guy the equivalent of 5k to marry, she moved to Australia on permanent resident visa then when she left the guy took him for half his assets also.  It was quite a profitable scam.

    5k what? Dollars or Baht. Temporary resident visa today costs AUD $6990 + $400 for medical + $police clearances +$translations etc. Expect around $8000 AUD. After 2 years you may be approved permanent resident visa. Within the 2 years temporary visa it can be cancelled if marriage break's down. Granted the cost use to be much cheaper say 10 years ago. Maybe this girl was smarter than this guy. We guys are too complacent and trusting. 

  8. Remove this type of scum from the gene pool is my view. Wife believe's the death penalty has been stopped or put on hold for the last 8 years. I'm not sure on that. She reckons this has contributed to an increase in crime. I do believe there has been an increase in violence and violent crimes and it is getting worse. As a compromise for rape I suggest castration and chop the rest off so each time he sits down to pee it reminds him. 

  9. Many moons ago when I was in school I got hit by the teacher/s. Primary school and high school. Deserved every beating I got and I'm talking slaps, pushed over, the odd pulled punch and not to mention the cane.  Other friends of mine got the same. They deserved it too. Kids who behaved, kept their mouth shut, and did not push the teachers limits were left alone never encountered this experience.  After the event I was more worried about what my parents would do if they found out.

    I'm not justifying violent behavior but we are becoming more and more a nanny state/country/world where soon you will be banished for even talking harshly to your kids or students. There will soon be no punishment for being a brat. Beyond speculation I don't know the full circumstances of this incident but I will put my money on it this kid probably deserved half of what he got. Looking back I feel sorry for the kids who were trying hard to learn and get distracted by fools in the classroom.  Thankfully I've still got the freedom of an opinion and I'm all for the return of caning. My views are respect and society have deteriorated since the abolishment.

  10. These are the accidents resulting in death that make the news. So many hundreds, or thousands maybe are kept under wraps. We don't have the full story here so all speculation at this point. Mention of a welder but not clear if welding was taking place. I'd put my money on it that there was not permit to work for working in enclosed space or any hot work, or simultaneously carrying out different operations.Equipment not intrinsically safe. Unfortunate for the migrant workers who probably had little or no training and no job task induction. A concern is how the super structure has just opened up like a tin of sardines. Makes me wonder how sea worthy this vessel would have been and to what standards if any it was built to. RIP to the deceased and hope some learnings come from this incident. Wishful thinking though unfortunately.

  11. The cx3 does not have much more ride height than a sedan. I looked and drove one of these in Australia recently. Was disappointed really as I was hoping that it would be a winner. What sort of driving do you do. Bangkok city driving or out in the countryside. If mostly countryside the xtrail wins hands down. I looked and drove one of these and in Australia it was very well fitted out inside. Handled well on the road. I've been driving a Fortuner here for the last 4 years and it's great in the countryside. Unfortunately its up for sale now. I didn't think the cx3 was very well fitted out inside. The controls seemed not so functional. Xtrail was about 250k baht more than the cx3 though. Although there was a cheaper version xtrail that was closer in price to the top spec cx3.

  12. Yes I believe it is getting more violent and so does my wife. I've been here 17 years (time flys). Lived in Pattaya, Bangkok, and Isaan. Lately I'm living south from Buriram close to the border. My wife was always keen to go the concerts and town fares but has no interest anymore as there always seems to be youths even up to their mid twenties looking for action in the form of a fight. Most can't fight so they carry knives, chains etc and of course fight in packs so they avoid defeat and loss of face. Seems you can't even look at anyone in the eye anymore as it seems to create a problem. I think for a big part in the countryside kids just don't have enough to do. Sport is limited, night life is limited so they just ride around looking for action. Agree violence is on the increase in many parts of the world but I think Thailand seems to be accelerating faster than some other places. Saying Thailand could be generalizing as it may be limited to certain areas. I was thinking of retirement in Hua Hin and the recent problem was not good news however it might be a positive if they put a bit more focus on safety and security. Can only hope.

  13. For a 1 year visa as you have indicated it is not unusual for the embassy to want financial proof of your ability to take care of yourself financially. They will want to see something recent so whether it be statement or pass book then make sure it is up to date. Preferably that day or the previous day. Don't take a pass book that has not been updated for months or an old statement. If you can take both then all the better. It avoids standing in a queue only to find out you need to come back again.

  14. Not long enough.sad.png

    He will spend a minimum of 7.5 years in prison in the UK for that sentence.

    Considering he was charged with child abuse, it would appear that he was not actually convicted of anything sexual, though it's possible that the case was badly reported.

    At 62 years of age that could be a tough sentence in the UK. depending on his health. He will have a very hard time in prison in the UK as he will be treated very badly by the other prisoners, he will probably be attacked and injured and spend every day of that sentence in fear of more attacks.

    I'd say, considering the offence he was convicted of, it's probably a fair sentence. He will spend more then 7 years after his release under supervision, by the end of all that he will be 77 years old.

    Jeez it almost sounds like you have sympathy for this piece of scum. I'd give him minimum of 13 years for each count he was charged on. As for the hardships he may encounter well with a bit of luck he will think of the victim each time he has such an encounter.

  15. Did I not see somewhere that because of poor rice crops in India and Vietnam in 2014 Thailands rice exports were increasing and getting higher pricing. Figured these rice stocks from Yinglucks policy would be useful in this case which I think was her original plan on hedging.

    I'm sure I read said something how the current rulers were getting a pat on the back but were the fruits of what she did.

    The whole rice scheme is corrupt and it starts with the farmers. Farmers sell their self proclaimed quota around harvest time to the local Amper without anyone checking how much they have. They give a higher figure so they can get a higher amount of cash. Periodically the relevant department officials come to inspect and you get locals borrowing off of each others rice stocks to substantiate their stated quote. My wife tried to explain it to me once. Half grasped it but it seemed corrupt from the roots up. Whe up country I'm seen numerous times people coming to borrow rice from us.

  16. I failed today. 43 out of 50. Need 45. Got the same parking question wrong 3 times. Guess I should have paid attention to those red and white curbs after all these years. There is 50 questions but my guess is that really it is 30 as a number of the questions get repeated through the test. The Thai test actually looks harder. Will try again tomorrow. Note to all, don't let your license expire. I was out of Thailand for a year and it expired end of 2013. If I renewed it before or close to expiry then I would not have to do the written test. I vaguely recall trying to renew it before it expired but was told I had to wait. Some woman today was renewing it 2 months early so it must be possible. Bit crazy as I've had a license here for 11 years 1+5+5 (never did a written test though). Probably the same rules back in Oz. If renewing you still have to watch a one hour video in Thai. Good attempt but if you ever get to see it too bad they still let the kids be in the back with no seat belt.

    A website driving in Thailand.com has some downloadable questions which are useful. Should have read them first. Was going to paste the link but they had a copyright disclaimer and I don't need a law suit. Some questions in the test are ambiguous to the point of being wrong.

    What was concerning was the amount of locals that could not do the depth perception test. They still get to pass though cause everyone around them is telling them when to stop.

    I'm sure most of you that drive have experienced their poor judgment of distance vs speed here.

  17. I think it a good thing what this copper did and wish there was more like him. Yes it is a pain when the cabbies refuse you and frustrating that most get away with it. That said here in squeaky clean Singapore it has the same problem. If a cab driver does not want to go somewhere it is "sorry shift change, have to take cab back". Seems shift change is all day some days. As for the post about rain and can't get a cab well here in Singapore if it is a heavy down pour they pull over and don't drive. Good thing in one way as most can't drive in the dry let alone in the wet, but it will put you an hour behind schedule waiting to get a cab (even if you try calling one). In all honesty I get cabs all over the world and think Thai cabbies are some of the nicest. Lack of English lets them down for tourists and some old vehicles that should be crushed. I wish more of them had seat belts. You could try a cab in Norway where it costs you around 80NOK (400 baht) to get in the thing and close the door before the meter starts ticking over, risk your life in a crazed Russian taxi (they're just as crazy at home as they are on holiday in Thailand), and I could go on and on. It is not so bad in Thailand. If you don't like it and just want to complain GO HOME. See how long it is before you miss Thailand and all its imperfections and want to go back.

  18. Wow. Very quick to pin it on the red shirts. I think there is a huge amount of neautral side people in Bangkok who could not give a toss about politics and just want to get on with making a living and enjoying life. Many people I speak with are bored of all this. They agree all sides are crooked, always have been and always will be and should just let the elected government get on with it until next election. Could be just someone who lives near by and bored with all the noise.

  19. Drove from Bangkok to Buriram yesterday. Averaged 30kmh for the whole trip. Only saw one police check point and they were not stopping people. It appeared they were not making much of an effort. There were highway police along the way but they seemed focused on managing the extra lane on the opposite side of the road that they opened heading out of Bangkok. This was a good initiative. Highway 24 was its usual mayhem. I don't know what it is about this road but people are just plain crazy. People driving on opposite side of road and inside stopping lane. You see so many stupid drivers. So long as they don't take any innocent lives with them I don't mind to see them remove themselves from the gene pool but unfortunately they always seem to be respnsible for the death of others.

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