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Posts posted by gobs

  1. You may try Beauty Electronic (khun Wiboon) on Rachawong road, between Chang Moi Rd and Thai Wang Rd. Just near a seafood/noodles restaurant (follow the smell tongue.png )...

    A lot of "classic" discreet and semi-discreet components...

    I even order here my own designed power transformers and output transformers for my vintage tubes guitar amps builds.

    Great prices and great service...


  2. Hi Tyways,

    Here are my understandings:

    1st: Yes, I've noticed that. My receipt is stamped from the processing day. The 15th in my case, though the due final date was the 29th of February. My next 90 days report is due before the 14th of May, so I've to send my report end of April.

    Yes I know, everytime I report by mail, I "lose" about 15 days, ok, but is it such a big deal?

    2nd: As far as EMS is a registered mail, I suppose it's not a problem for IO. But I'm not an IO Officer, so...

    3rd: Maybe more is always enough gigglem.gif But as soon as I stamp my return mail by myself on behalf of the post-officer, including the registered barcode, I'ld think it's ok...

    Yes I've noticed that: it's a sort of a "copy" of the webpage. But IMHO, it's a good move: it's better than nothing, no?

    Have a nice day!


  3. Hi all.

    If of some interest...

    Mailed my "90 days report" (TM47 and all) on the 12th and received back my notification yesterday the 18th.

    Registered 2 ways for 36 Bahts.

    This time, a blank TM47 and a "how to use" notice were joined to my notification. Good move from Imm Office wai.gif

    It now seems IO are asking for registered mailing. Please, see attached file, and don't shoot the messenger (me!)...

    As well, those included papers seems to clearly show the 90 days mailed report is actually a full official service offered by IO Chiangmai.

    A great evening to all!



  4. More than 8 years ago I had no problems with extensions for retirement. For myself, I had no problems walking in for extensions until 4 or 5 years ago...

    In addition, the documentation has not changed one bit for me during all of my extensions.


    Same here.

    Until about 5 or 6 years ago, I just poped into CM Imm Off at a decent day time and my retirement extension was kindly processed.

    But things have changed and we have to move with that... Not a big deal once in a year rolleyes.gif

    No change in requirements as well, except about 8 years ago CM Imm Off droped the required "health certificate" tongue.png

    All this story is a loud bang for a tiny spark, me think...


  5. Thank you for the detailed report, Nancy.

    It was reportedly a bit tricky at the beginning of Promenada, but it seems, as expected, everything is moving on. At "thai pace", maybe, but this is the pace we, all, have to learn about and adopt here in Thailand, happy fellow long-stayers, to enjoy our days at their best.

    Happy days to all.


  6. ok tell us what hoops, I have been applying for 5 years and every year it has been the same until last year. I moved and took a copy of my lease agreement and that was fine. I have never been aske for anything other that what is required and I furnished the lease agreement. I have never been treated in a way that would make me think I wasn't welcome in Thailand Which is actuallya very old lament.

    I agree here: applying for 10 years in CNX, never had any problem nor "hoops" rolleyes.gif

    Oh!, and I've never felt "I wasn't welcome in Thailand" wai2.gif

  7. ...

    I asked the lady sitting at the table in the yard if there are any 90 day report numbers available. She said yes and asked to see my passport and paperwork. She opened my passport looked at the pages and told me; too long. Having no idea what she was talking about, I asked her what she means? The lady said; I have 21 days until my 90 day report is due. I pointed out to her that it is 14 days until my 90 day is due again on the 16th. She ranted on, no, because it allows me to go 7 days passed that date and it`s due on the 23rd. She brushed her hand at me, said go away and come here again in another few days.


    3 days passed, nothing. 5 days passed, nothing. 7 days passed nothing. 9 days passed nothing and started to get panic attacks. 12 days passed nothing. On the 13th day had my coat on, engine running all set to visit immigration to ask about my 90 day report. As I was leaving the house, the postman turned up with my stamped addressed letter from immigration. Opened the envelope and inside was my new 90 day report receipt. I thanked the postman, felt like winning the lottery. The whole episode very stressful.

    Thanks to share this happy ending story thumbsup.gif

    I'ld have felt in the same panic mode if it happened to me...

    BTW through 10 years I've been living in CNX on a retirement basis, two times I applied for my 90 day report by 3-4 weeks in advance for some reasons, and my reports never have been denied by the Imm Airport Office.

    I believe(d) one can apply whenever one decide into this 90 day window. And seven days later at max for sure...

    Am I wrong or was the little lady not up-to-date?

  8. What happens after the 20 queue tickets have been seen to by immigration? Do they call it a day, early or can late shows turn up & get seen?

    As Northernjohn said...

    On the 16th, I asked to the young pretty at the front desk. Answer: "No more than 20 queue cards a day!", then mouth closed with no more explanation...

    On the other hand: does she really know, or does she only say what she was told to say?

  9. Well I went in today at 1:30 talked to the girls out side. Was informed they only give out 20 numbers a day. I asked what if it is 3:00 and they had seen all 20 she informed me that they only give out 20 a day. Was like talking to an empty chair. I asked her what number they were on now and she said 11. I thanked her went next door to the outfit that does it for 3,000 baht asked them if they could handle it for me they said yes. I would have to wait a little bit to get my picture taken. Sat there for a bit they called me took me next door took my picture and I was out of there at 2:15. Paid her the 4,900 baht for the registration fee and her services had a bite to eat saw a movie picked up my passport and I am set for another year.

    Thank you northernjohn for your first hand report thumbsup.gif

    It seems now clear one can get his visa extension through this "agency" right the day one shows at Imm.

    I'm due for my retirement extension at the end of January 2016. If nothing improved at this time, I may follow your route...

    BTW I would be very curious to know how the "agency" can provide valid queue "passes" at any time of the day.

    Just rethorical, here wink.png

  10. I was shopping at Promenada this afternoon, & decided to see if I could get my 90 day report done. 15 minute wait. Can't complain about that & quicker than my usual trip to post office smile.png

    Office was pretty quiet. Maybe a dozen people sitting inside.

    We were several, here, to have been served quickly, kindly and efficiently yesterday.

    Was the 16th a lucky day for 90 day report? tongue.png

    Joke apart, it seems Imm Service is coming back to what it was before at Airport Office for the 90 day report. Good...

    Well, I hope so...


    Wait and see what will happen with the Retirement Extention Service...

  11. I went to get my retirement visa extension this morning. A friend told me to show up early. I thought it was overkill to be there at 6:45 AM, but it was far too late. There were people who showed up at 6:00 AM who didn't get a number. Nobody from the office came out to say all appointments taken, go home. Lots of grumbling. I finally went home at 9:30 AM.

    Sorry for you: I understand that!

    In January 2014, I arrived at 5.30am at Airport office for retirement extension. There were already 5 applicants waiting...

    Last time (J 2015) I was lucky to have an online appointment: everything went like a charm...

    Hope the online queueing will come back soon.

  12. Went for my 90 day report this morning. Arrived at outside desk at 9.30. After paperwork checked got queue card number 036. Was called 20 min. later. Got outside office at 10.00...

    Few people queueing: about 15 outside and 15 inside...

    I was confirmed by a pretty: only 20 queue cards a day for retirement extension. All out at 9.30...

    So everything fine and quick for me!


  13. "... So we've told him that because of all these problems we want nobody else but him entering and we are changing the locks on the gate and him and us will be the only people who have the key. He has understood this..."

    I think you did the right thing and it's a good start...

    There is nothing wrong with that if you did it gently, and as for now everybody in the neighbourhood knows "how you work".

    Just be patient and still smile around, as if nothing happened: I suppose you'll see an improvement in the near future.

    As well, a next time, while smiling and chating, tell the man/gardener you'ld like to get your own piece of garden, letting him to go on his own business on the left piece. Just let him get (a litlle bit) more than half the land, and everything ought to be ok...

    Again, be patient and smile and wai when needed around: after all, 45 days are only 1 month and a half...

    If no improvement then, it'll be time to consider another option for you.

    Everything is a bit slow and sloppy here. And we, as foreigners, have just to do with it. But once we can manage this behaviour/life style, everything becomes more relax...

    Confrontation leads nowhere good.

    Good luck!

  14. It certainly does appear the Thai Immigration might be privatizing their workload.

    Let me see... what other countries are privatizing public sector work into private hands. USA. UK, OZ, EU.... most of the west is doing just this.


    As a side note. If the aim is to drive business to the private sector the Thais may be doing it right. In the west the government might 'hire' or pay the outside agency. Which in time becomes more expensive. This way, the Thai immigration doesn't lose any revenue. But they do save on increasing costs as the system expands as agencies can bring in bulk 90 day reports (or whatever) to process instead of individuals walking through the door.

    Good point IMHO...

    As a French, I know french embassy in BKK have changed their system to get a visa for France.

    From some years now, the applicant has to go through a private dedicated "agency" collecting and organising all the paper-work. Though they are not entitled to decide on your ability to get a visa.

    When eveything is ok, they give you an appointment to meet in person a french embassy officer, who, then, will process your demand.

    And, for sure, the applicant has to pay the said "agency"...

    Mmmmmh, it seems quite similar...

  15. I just know in 2553 (the earliest stats shown), 5 years ago and before, I could walk into immigration anytime of the day and get in and out in 5-10 minutes max for my 90 days. Usually just walked up to the counter as there was no one in queue.

    I remember too...

    After some time spent in BKK, I decided to retire in CNX in 2006. In this time all was done in a snap at CM-Imm office: very friendly, easy contacts and big smiles alltogether...

    Those 90 day reports include Burmese & other ASEAN labour?


    It would explain these high figures.

  16. Some immigration stats. 1st one from 2556, 2nd one from 2554. Very big jump in a couple of years. From 51,000 90 day reports in a year to 237,202 90 day reports in a year. Year 2553, 38,175 90 day reports. 2558? smile.png

    Is it CM-Imm stats only?

    I'm very surprised with the 2556 figures: some 20,000 90 day reports a month on average, or about 700 each day!

    I've never thought it was so much...

    It's about 87 applications in one work hour: about 1 every 40 seconds.

    I know there are mail-ins, but...

    Or am I wrong somewhere?


  17. Some how I think the Immigration here in Chiang Mai is aware of every thing ...

    I still say it would be nice instead of carrying on like this is it just ask if they have all the new plans completed. Hopefully the answer would be no... For all we know they are just as disgusted as we are.

    I tend to agree...

    As everyone, I know nothing about what is happening in CM-Imm, but I think the move to Promenada is part of a bigger plan we are not aware of. In no way they are "punishing" or "ill-treating" us, foreigners, as I can read somewhere. It's not fair (or not right) to say that. What would be their goal?

    I suspect it's more about a "administrative" mis-management, as it may happen in the West. And yes, we are right in the mess... as I suppose they are.

    In my opinion, this uncomfortable situation, as it is for now, is only going on for some time (weeks, months?): we, all the foreigners, have to do with it as long as it goes. Hopefully it'll be sorted out as quickly as possible...

    And as some other posters, here, having been settled in CNX for ten years now, I remember those holly days when just running in CM-Imm office at any time of the opening hours you got the work done in a short and relaxed moment.

    But times have changed, and now it's time for a change: it may just be what CM-Imm are doing...

    I do hope I'm not wrong.

  18. Ahhhhhhh, I feel better (at least for the Eminence side)!

    Thanks to all for your inputs, and particularly to gkinbkk for te link: I'm gonna try it...

    Hi chonabot, if you have some skills about soldering/wiring there is some decent (first quality parts claimed) diy amps here:


    I'm tinking to order the "double six" for home use: 1/6/12 Watts, 12AX7 in preamp and 2 x 6V6 in power amp. Designed for clean tone, but pedals friendly as stated. Furthermore, as a DIY kit you may tweak it a bit to your taste if needed (at least a FX loop for me)...

    Cheers to all,


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