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Bud Zumwalt

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Posts posted by Bud Zumwalt

  1. ???

    To Thetyim and Big John,

    I am really appreciative, your scenario, like Big John's it was right on, as most of us know sending any money back once you leave is for only guys who have money to waste, I do not. So far I have sent her modified versions of both what Big John and Thetyim said, she has finally commented on what Thetyim said ..

    Her actual word, "You said at the end of my stay, before I return full time, I will be so infatuated with your childlike charisma I will have an irresistible urge to send you 500 dollars each month. Of course I understand that your not asking for any money and do not want this money, but I MUST send it. Not one cent will be spent on you, it will all go to your family. I know you have to send your younger sister to the university, she is taking a Ph.D. in harlotry, you must support your brothers cocaine habit, pay off your mothers gambling debts and keep your father in booze."

    "Naturally you will still be accepting the cheques from your German and Finnish boy friends, but you do not love them. I love only you Bud. I love you forever and ever, in this world and the next. My love for you will never die if the cheques keep coming. Really {name deleted}, I realize that Thailand ladies are really the same as anyone else in the world. I know you girls, most farang guys fall for you the first time they see you, but the reality is no one falls in love until they are together, just like anywhere else in the world, here or in Thailand. So why don't we just live together for four years then decide .. just kidding."

    Really Bud, don't say that please. It made me feel down. I don't like that. It's not joke. I love only you. I promise I have always been honest and sincere with you. I know you are not naive. You're a clever and smart man. I’ll meet you in 7 days. I'm excited and can't sleep because I’ll meet you face to face. We are the best love in the world. We take will care of each together until my last breath.

    All my loving

    {Name is deleted to protect the innocent?}

    Well, what is a guy to think, help me anyone. This lady is very determined, but is she for real? I am still 40/60, but will meet her at the airport as planned. I think I need to see her in person, I am a fair judge of character, but via email alone, hard to know for sure, but at least worth meeting her, comments please.


  2. ???

    I told GW, my friend the Bush, that while over for the APEC, we will be using Bangkok Hospital, they are private and have a great International Division, should GW feel sick. Since he is new in Bangkok, he said tell em to close all the government hopsitals, I don't want to die I must stay alive, the American people need me to keep them all unemployed, at war, and cut their medical benefits.


  3. ???

    Actually they dress more sexy then generic females. The Thailand Katoey or Ladyboys maybe have many different configurations. Got mammary implants on chest or no, got SRS, the sex reassignment surgery or no. If no surgery just ask her to drop her mini skirt and check. The Adams apple may be shaved, she might not need to shave facial hair may be all gone by electrolysis or laser treatments. Check size of hands and feet, larger if male. Her voice may be female, because she has learned to change the pitch or had surgery on the throat for voice change. If she has a really nice butt, check for butt augmentation surgery. She may only want to do you oral because the SRS surgery is cheap and only for show, no actual penetration possible 1/2 inch tops, just a nice looking bush nothing more or she may have had great SRS and has a depth of 9 inches. Do not get her mad, she may knock your butt, be kind. But if she is a good one, you will never know, many pass 100 percent, without being read or clocked. If you can read her, she has not done a complete transformation yet, the hormones have not kicked in. Check her ID, if male name you know. They cannot change their names to female, even after SRS in Thailand. Unless your completely homophobic, what is the problem? By all standards she is a woman, they are ladies sometimes in male bodies, how well they have transformed usually determines how comfortable you may feel with her. Personally if all you want is oral and she looks like a duck and quacks like one, who cares.


  4. ???

    Actually I was hoping you all would go onto this free email sight and report your own experiences to this post ... my soul mate is on a different web page ...


    But first I would read my above reply post on Internet emailing too ladies and learn how it works.

    Note all comments by Big John in his reply. He knows what is going on. I just received another email from soul mate last night, but with this return email I included a modified copy of what Big John said... so maybe she feels napped .. she had offered the Guide Tour, she is obviously planning an airport pick up and planning to stay with me .. she has managed to keep me from emailing anyone but her .. is she honest or a real pro?


    PS: If my lap top is not stolen the first night in the hotel, I will keep up. hee hee

  5. ???

    Actually I was hoping you all would go onto this free email sight and report back to me ... she is on a different one ...


    But first I would read my latest reply post on email proposals and learn how it works.

    Note all comments by Big John in his reply. He knows what is going on. I just received another from soul mate last night, but with this return email I included a modified copy of what Big John said... so maybe she feels napped .. she had offered the Guide Tour, she is obviously planning an airport pick up and planning to stay with me .. she has managed to keep from emailing anyone but her .. is she honest or a real pro?


    PS: If my lap top is not stolen I will keep up. hee hee

  6. ???

    To Luma,

    I read all your jokes, but this quote,  "Self proclaimed internet Thai culture expert spends all holiday in Nana Plaza bar. " That really hit home. You hurt my feelings. I never go to Nana Plaza for my entire holiday, I split it up between Cowboy and Nana. Your remarks above show you have a great understanding of all issues. So, go over to my post on email proposals [post .. again and get up to date. I really need your advice. I look forward to some replies, but keep em short.


  7. ???

    I just do not understand why you cannot get a VISA, 60 day in your country of England? I can get one here in America in one day? Just a trip to my states Thailand Consulate. Matter of fact getting a one year non-immagrant, with 90 day border crossings is easy.

    Did you even ask the airlines before purchasing the ticket, the airlines know each countries requirements. They still tell me if I want an extension once in Thailand simply apply for one.


  8. ???

    I am so amazed at the confusion of whether or not the agencies have done their jobs properly in avoiding all possibilities of whether your legal or not. Additionally would washing the passport and replacement even help. What an unfortunately uncomfortable way to live full time in Thailand. I guess I believing never letting someone else handle my pass port has been to my favor. What is so hard about taking the trip to the border yourselves? Why would anyone ever do otherwise? After the deed is done, I understand your concern. Of course the penalties seem absurd, really their tourist trade is going to be highly damaged. Why would anyone out of the country now ever come back, minus those with Thai wives, simply find another country to vacation in? If one vacations in Thailand again with a bad stamp, that vacation maybe 1 to 10 in jail. So, all you who need not return, simply do not return. Those of you stuck with no way out, find a way out, maybe make it over the border and into your countries Embassy for protection outside Thailand. Maybe even get a trip home, some way, once our their borders. If I were going to live in Thailand, I would try first to meet their standards and not be troubled with border runs all the time. If you cannot meet their standards, there are 100s of countries with much lower standards of staying and much more to offer you in economical living, including lots of beautiful women, try Costa Rica. I am American and can enter the Bahamas with just a drivers license, same to Santo Damingo in the Dominican Republic, if you like ladies with olive skin and cheap living, well DR does not care how long you stay, over stays are welcomed, even favored. Jail!! Please how does that help anyone's reputation to tourist or the economy. Last I heard it is expensive to keep people incarcerated. I am trying to figure the sanity of what Thailand is doing, but all I can figure is a great hate for Western people. Kind of like we did to the blacks here in American for years, I guess you all are an unwanted minority.


  9. :cool:

    I would be happy to have most of the Thailand women I have seen in Bangkok drop by the bed. I think of an old American statement often made upon seeing a Thailand lady, "I wouldn't kick her out of my bed." While in Thialand, the candy store, one must decide upon many beautiful women, making that decision is sometimes difficult, but one most make that big decision, who do I choice for my bed, and the few I have chosen in the past have been happy in my bed.


  10. :o

    Unofficial Internet Dating Rules and Notes

    The sociology of internet dating.

    Most of the people will select one of the first 5-6 people they meet because they get overloaded after that number of people contacts them. Most, women more than men, get 30 to 200 responses and just get burned out after the first dozen meetings. The first people one meets tend to stick out in that persons mind more because the others start blending together in the density of increasing contacts, emails, phones calls and meetings. If you don't meet soon you will be buried in the confusion that follows as the increasing volume of email contacts builds up. Most of relationships on match turn out to be with one of the first 6 people one meets according to the survey. If people are trying to meet quickly, they are probably trying to get in to your "emotional window" before it closes. Women tend to get 10 responses for every one response men get online. Do not send more than 6 emails or talk on the phone more than 45 minutes without meeting in person. The human mind will always create a bigger-than-life image of who you think you are talking to and it will be impossible for the other person to live up to that. You will set yourself up for disappointment and your experience here will always be unproductive. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to be disappointed because the vision and the real-world don't match. Don't do internet dating unless you are prepared to meet people and you have from 6-10PM Free every night, 30-90 minutes a day to read and respond to emails and at least half your weekend free to meet a few people. I will not work for most people unless they make a commitment to the

    process, feel that getting a special person is the most important priority in their lives (Over work, money, material things, etc.)and really treat the effort like a job. Most people are completely surprised by how much work is involved in this kind of dating. Many people select one of the first few people they meet just to avoid the time-drain. But, when you meet the person that you want to be with, it makes it all worth it

    ten times over. Most dating systems forward from an anonymous email to your personal email. Be sure and set your email system up so your emails pop up on your work desktop or on your home system to avoid coming home at night and

    finding a plethora of responses and replies that you don't have time to give proper attention to. That is unfair to you and to the people that are interested. Don't ask a person if they like you on the date. It puts them on the spot and is too harsh to hear live and in person if they do not. Don't attack people who ask you for a picture and do have a picture ready to go. Having a digital picture ready to go is considered to be the number one "rule" of the web. Don't go online to date unless you already have one on your hard drive or you will just be creating a terribly frustrating experience for people you contact and most of them will be upset that you don't have a picture. The only difference in meeting people on the web or in person is that you have no visual context. Most people make their primary assessment based on appearance, even if they deny that they do, it is a natural human process

    to seek visual confirmation. On the same note, don't judge a book by its cover. Many "pretty" people who seek only "pretty" people often find shallowness and vanity and no substance for that very relationship they seek...try a normal looking person, you will usually be surprised. There are no weirdoes and no normal people on the internet. There

    aren't people at all, Just words and text. You have to realize it is a digital environment and employ it as an initiation place and then follow-up in the real-world. The unique thing about open network communication is that it has no established social order or boundaries so people are naturally supported in their theatrical creation. The difficult aspect of this is that there is nobody to reference you as you microscopically

    grow bigger or into other tangents of a character without even noticing it. So; people tend to be more flexible with the facts or narrative because they feel like they are co-writing a novel with some one in real time. Can girls and guys be "just Friends. (Harry met Sally) Yes, if neither is physically attracted to the other. If one is and the other isn't it

    will almost never work. In the case of one person being attracted but wanted to be friends, many of those people will either be in denial or embarrassed to acknowledge their attraction. Realize that time doesn't exist on the internet. What is a timely response or an appropriate development of social expectations will be too slow or too fast to the other person. Most internet socializing tends to move at "warp speed"...because it can. Don't discuss emotional issues in email. They will almost always be is interpreted. Hence the smiley faces: ;-) :-) etc. Never have a fight or

    misunderstanding via email or you are done for. Context is not

    apparent in email."

    Guys talk about sex 70% more than most women. It is genetic

    memory-burned into their brains. Many guys, though, use sex as emotional validation but they are incapable of admitting it, the rest are just horny. Society has programmed men to feel afraid to show sensitivity because it might make them look weak or gay. If you talk about sex in email or on the phone, before you meet, and you both seem to be equally interested in it, it will probably, then, never happen because you did that. By building it up in advance you create a psychological fantasy which your mind will always make bigger than reality can possibly live up to. When you meet and find out that neither of you are the "Fabio" or "Miss America" (..fill in name of whoever floats your boat) of your assumptive projections then your boat is sunk. Most people find the picture issue necessary but disconcerting. Many people's friends tell them they are not photogenic and never look the same from shot to shot. Most people look better in person than in a picture unless a modeling studio shot them. You can't really tell what a person looks like unless you have seen 5-6 different pictures in different settings. Many "socially-beautiful" men & women are conditioned to only go out with GQ/FratHouse looking people. These people have been taught that it

    is all about facial balance, symmetry and small featured proportion; the majority of the real world does not have that symmetry. Frat House/Sorority people are singled out by a culture and guided to ...Frat Houses and Sororities for reinforcement from common-culture types.! If only we

    could stop and look deeper than the shell..but those social imprints and media conditionings represent strong mnemonic triggers. Avoid the "Sherlock Holmes" technique. Many people feel that they have to squeeze as much information out and draw conclusions about that information in the first date. Don't make assumptions or second-guess others. If somebody responds to one question you ask with a lengthy answer

    about food, work, cars, etc; don't assume that they are obsessed with one or the other. They may just be a long-winded or detailed communicator or they may just feel obligated to try to give you as much info as

    possible about something you showed interest in. Try to adopt a flexible attitude in assessing a persons process based on one initial meeting. Cosmo advises that previous marriage should be an issue but the US census shows us that the Likelihood of new marriages ending in divorce is 50%. If your potential date has not been married, facts now show that they may have been smarter and more dedicated to a permanent relationship potential by waiting until after their 30's. Others have just not met the right person and hold the ideal partner dream firm. Some have asked people to marry them but the other person said no. So, not being married after 30 does not mean, today, what it might have meant in your parents times."

    From somebody I got this:

    "I don't have the answers. This might be funny for you, or it might not. I found

    this card at a Hallmark display:

    Bad Date #132:

    He likes you. You don't like him. He says he'll call and does.

    Bad Date #133:

    You like him. He doesn't like you. He says he'll call and doesn't.

    Bad Date #134:

    You like him. He likes Jim. He dresses better than you.

    Bad Date #135:

    He wears too much aftershave. He flirts more with the waitress than with you. But that's a good thing.

    Bad Date #136:

    He talks all night about his ex. Then he cries.

    Bad Date #137:

    You like him a lot. He likes you a lot. Then he changes his mind.

    I've been on all of those, and then some. My friend pointed out that the existence of that card means that it happens to loads of us. Somehow that thought should make us feel better, right?"

    Hopefully the above will be interesting feedback/reflections for your travels in dating.


  11. :o

    1-keep your valuables in the hotel safe, while not in your room, some room cleaners have eyes for gold or other valuables,

    2-when taking a taxi walk behind the taxi and write down the number, do not ride unless he runs the meter, if anyone else is in the taxi, like another male look for an empty taxi, never get in,

    3-if walking alone at night, stay in lighted areas or take a taxi,


  12. :o

    To Brian,

    Who may possibly think, ''I drink with prostitutes but don't sleep with them''. Brain, did you get so drunk you missed the best part? Next time simply have one drink, just use a few words like how much ST or LT, during your only drink take the blue pill, 100MG or maybe 150MG is much better for Brian. Pay the "bar fine" then back to your place, always use protection, make sure she is compensated in the morning. Tip her if applicable. Give her taxi fare back to NaNa or Cowboy. None of this is possible if your married of course. My point is try it, if it has been awhile try to refresh your memory. Then tell us all truthfully if you rather shoot the breeze and get drunk then have a wonderful connection with a beautiful woman.

    Note this is only my opinion.


  13. ???

    Big John,

    Your right on. I have gotten all those indicators. Read my reply too the post on should prostitution be legalized in Thailand. I too have had experience with handling Entertainers, Asian Ladies, one year in South Korea. I handled 400 clubs and 12,000 Entertainers, I was the US Army Officer with power to put them off limits to GI's, thus close them up if the VD got out of hand.

    I know you have the background, because you have just described it all so well. I had emailed several, gotten many replies, some tour guide offers, meet me at the airport types, even some that will know if your talking to other ladies, tighten it all up by telling you not too email others or else Sunshine will go out for you. Some seem to have English to Thai translation software, maybe some computer programmer who speaks English to help them, many come from the same family, maybe the family of Nanan or Cowboy Bars who know each other, from the bars or attended the same grammar school back in rurual areas, thus they know if your emailing several of their friends at the same time or use the infomation you give the others to best determine how much gold you bring with you.  I clearly see the patterns your described. Matter a fact other things, actually my account was used several times by spammers, used to send out large volumes of spam, almost lost my Internet with AOL account because of it, but I came up with a password they could not figure out based on the personal information I sent to some of the girls. This lady has me puzzled, she is either for real or one of the best Pro's I have run into lately. I do not consider myself needy, have two female roommates here in USA, platonic, but good company. I just wanted a pen pal, but most of these ladies are looking for the big pay off, husband or maybe rob you blind before you leave.

    I think once in her company I could figure her out quickly, but I am 40/60 on this lady? Hate to bounce her if she is a really a nice lady. I am presently leaning on just telling her that coming to my hotel is not an option, I would be too exposed in that scenario. But I just booked a double room, so maybe I need to think this all out more. That's a helpful response, you have really been a big help, you kind of reassured me I was actually seeing the Red Flags, she claims not to be the bar type, maybe she is not .. or maybe she is? Not all bar girls are bad either, but some are real scam artists. Only time will tell. I may just tell her the rules up front and see if she withdraws on her own.


  14. :o

    While I was stationed in South Korea in the late 80s, I was given the position of Liaison Officer for the Western Corridor, Soul to DMZ, the power to place any one of the 400 clubs or 12,000 Entertainers {Prostitutes} off limits to American GI's, if that happened for a month or more, the club(s) would go under. Prostitution was not legal in South Korea, but Entertainers were, so all Prostitutes were called Entertainers. By Korean law they were required to carry a health certificate, I called them STD Cards, it was the clubs responsibility to have their ladies see a medical clinic once a week and have the card stamped. The GI could ask to see the card before ST or LT. All cases of VD with GIs were reported by Army health officials to my office, thus I would follow up to the club with my team of Korean and US Army representatives, usually an interpreter, a Senior NCO, my driver, a representative of the health department and myself. Randomly we would visit clubs and check health cards to see if they were up to date. This worked very well, the VD rates were controlled, the ladies stayed healthy, the GI's were happy.

    HIV was not a problem then as it is now. I think Thailand needs to do something, but the girls should not be penalized if they should seek a better life as a spouse outside of Thailand or within Thailand. I am available to set up a program for Thailand, if some Thailand Government Representative(s) just happened to read this post.


  15. :o

    I just returned from two foreign countries, Bermuda and the Bahamas, part of the job of being a Yacht Captain. I am in and out of foreign countries all the time with little or no hassles.I read every post on this subject. I have never heard of a situation like this anywhere, by just spending short stays in many other countries I at least hear from the long stays in the Caribbean and many other countries world wide. I am considering a long stay in Thailand, but I am very upset with the seemingly lawlessness of this country, where the policy and law enforcements are so biased against Westerners. Equally dismaying are the remarks that lack objectivity ignoring the feelings of Westerners about too lose everything they have, maybe even their lives if they cannot afford the payoffs necessary to stay alive in a jail system as seemingly as corrupt as the government officials who allowed the illegal activities to openly operate, even openly advertise, fooling many naive  new Westerners trying to make a life in Thailand.

    This country seems not a democracy, and appears to be acting more like a dictatorship. Maybe a more civilized country should be considered for anyone considering retiring or even living within Thailand, look at what Costa Rica offers, no high income $750 a month, compare the per capita personal income of Thailand, which is less then $2,000 a year of their Thailand country people live on compared to the $19,000 needed by an American, I could meet that but many farangs already there may not if they purchased land of property already. My example of Costa Rica is just an example for comparison. Costa Rica offers stability, can own property in your name, lots of nice ladies from all over the world, if you committed a crime in the past and it is in the past then they do not blacklist you from coming in and getting a work or retirement VISA, I mean lets face it guys/ladies unfortunately Thailand is now showing extreme prejudices towards Westerners, lawlessness, lack of consideration of human rights or humanity if incarcerated. I must say, Thailand scares me to death. Is this the image Thailand wants too show the rest of the world. It would seem in their best interest to learn from the West, take a new avenue of approach towards human rights and consideration for humanity. Thailand has many good things to offer, I hope they do not due themselves in by being so unreasonable everyone is afraid to enter or stay within their country for more than a few weeks of holiday, and when the word gets out how many Westerners will even support their tourist trade. Come on Thai Govenment on this site, and I believe there are many reading this site daily, some even as support personnel on this site, give us a break, we are not bad people, all we want is to be treated right!


  16. :o

    To everyone Bud is coming back within a day, he is on route from West End Grand Bahamas to Palm Beach about 12 hours.

    I only log on too mostly handle delivery quotations while he is gone, thus another added hat, keep his post up. I do not know how to change my photo on the web site, Bud takes his former  web design teacher out to dinner everytime he wants an update, after dinner she and he work on some things and at least the web site gets up. That was me being funny.

    I do not know if I will get into trouble with him or not, but I just noticed the latest email from his email soul mate in Thailand, it kind of blows all his theories about her may being a women who gave up her bar stool in Nana or Cowboy for a computer. I think Bud has found a real lady, and she is setting him straight on some things. He may very well end up married to her in time, because if this lady is sincere in my opinion Bud will do the right thing. He is respectful and honest.

    This is quoted, {with some editing to English}

    "{Name Deleted} is very sincere with you, very much so. I have never replied to any emails except yours. I have never even replied to other emails before I met you. I am only for you I will prove my love over time.You’re my sunshine. If I don’t have you then my sunshine is out. I have never worked in night life. I don’t come from NANA Plaza or Cowboy. I’m only a tailor who has her own small business. I’m a Thai lady who is sincere, and honest. In time I will prove my real love. I will be glad to see you very soon and I have packed my cloths already. I’ll pick you up on 4th October at the airport and prove my true love. I truly love you so much. I want to stay with you at the hospital and hotel.

    Love you.

    {Name Deleted}

    I hope his hotel does not charge a guest fee.


    Savitri Lall

  17. ???

    To Jem Jem:

    Both Peter (Bud) and Savitri Lall, myself are very real people.

    I am from a third world country, in South America, now Naturalized US Citizen, no longer married to him but his best friend. If it was not for Peter I would not be where I am today, I am associated with ZGRAM and an RN at Palm Beach Medical Center. In my opinion Peter or Captain Bud Zumwalt has a heart of gold. He has amazing information for all of you and is putting it all together while at sea, something about email, someone giving up a bar stoll for a computer (newest scam out), Thai computer programmers obtaining a kick back, and email account of farang being used for sending out thosands of spam, thus farang used twice. I do not know what that all means but you will being hearing from him in a week.

    To verify him and I as real, I have posted his flight to Bangkok which I got for him ...

    Subj: Northwest Airlines Trip Summary and Receipt #4NAR6W

    Date: 8/15/2003 4:33:47 AM SA Eastern Standard Time

    From: [email protected]

    To: [email protected]

    File: email_html.html (49170 bytes) DL Time (TCP/IP): < 1 minute

    Sent from the Internet (Details)

    Bud or Peter ZUMWALT

    ZGRAM Yacht Deliveries. com

    93 TIDE ST

    WEST PALM BCH FL 33404-3032

    Thank you for choosing Northwest Airlines.

    NWA/KLM Reservations available at www.nwa.com or 1-800-225-2525.

    Confirmation Number: 4NAR6W

    E-Ticket Issue Date: 15AUG03

    Number of Passengers: 1

    Passenger/E-Ticket Number/Frequent Flyer Number:

    Peter  ZUMWALT - 0122192092877-878 - 517680726

    Most non-refundable tickets will have no value if changes are not made

    prior to scheduled flights (a 100% cancellation fee equal to the total

    cost of the ticket will apply). See "Changes & Refunds" section below

    for details.


    Date: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 03

    Flight Number: NW0893

    Departs: WEST PALM BEACH, FL (PBI), 03OCT at 1005A

    Arrives: DETROIT, MI (DTW), 03OCT at 1253P

    Class: Q


    Meal Service:

    Equipment: 319

    Date: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 03

    Flight Number: NW0011

    Departs: DETROIT, MI (DTW), 03OCT at 320P

    Arrives: TOKYO - NARITA AIRPORT,  (NRT), 03OCT at 535P

    Class: Q


    Meal Service: Dinner

    Equipment: 744


    Flight Number: NW0001

    Departs: TOKYO - NARITA AIRPORT,  (NRT), 04OCT at 730P

    Arrives: BANGKOK,  (BKK), 04OCT at 1150P

    Class: Q


    Meal Service: Dinner

    Equipment: 744


    Flight Number: NW0028

    Departs: BANGKOK,  (BKK), 01NOV at 605A

    Arrives: TOKYO - NARITA AIRPORT,  (NRT), 01NOV at 145P

    Class: Q


    Meal Service: Brkfst

    Equipment: 744


    Flight Number: NW0012

    Departs: TOKYO - NARITA AIRPORT,  (NRT), 01NOV at 240P

    Arrives: DETROIT, MI (DTW), 01NOV at 1210P

    Class: Q


    Meal Service: Dinner

    Equipment: 744


    Flight Number: NW0892

    Departs: DETROIT, MI (DTW), 01NOV at 855P

    Arrives: WEST PALM BEACH, FL (PBI), 01NOV at 1149P

    Class: Q


    Meal Service:

    Equipment: D9S

    Subj: Re: Woodlandsinn Booking

    Date: 9/3/2003 11:59:41 PM SA Eastern Standard Time

    From: [email protected]

    To: [email protected]

    Sent from the Internet (Details)

    Dear Mr. Peter Zumwalt (USA),

    Thank you very much for your mail and reservation.

    We have booked One Single Room in our hotel from

    04.10.2003 to 01.11.2003  and free American Break fast.

    Facilities of  room :  the facilities such as Air condition, telephone,

    spacious beds, attached bathroom with shower & 24 hr.. hot water supply,

    toilet, refrigerator and television etc.

    WOODLANDS INN( next to General Post office ( GPO ) of Bangkok )

    is located in the heart of the city and is about 24 kms. from the Bangkok International Airport.

    The hotel is near major shopping malls and other tourist attractions  in the city.

    To avail this facility you have to make an advance payment at the link


    Location map.,please find the following map to reach our hotel without

    any  difficult. (more information, please visit our website-

    http://www.woodlandsinn.org   at Transportation icon )



    1158/5-7 CHAROEN KRUNG 32 ROAD,



  18. ???

    My name is Savitri, I am Bud's secretary while he is at sea.

    Bud will not be available to answer any posts for a few weeks, he thanks all of you for your knowledge and experiences within Thailand. He values all your comments. He adds that his relationship with his soul mate of this post is going very well, he is keeping in contact with her via satellite or side band radio email, he regret he is too busy for this forum.

    He sincerely hopes you all the best of everything.


    Savitri Lall for Bud

  19. ???

    To dr_Pat_Pong,

    Can we not be friends? Someone made a complaint in the complaint box from the staff, about my spelling, but the English was so bad, everyword misspelled, and the remarks so confusing I did not get it all. Something about Yankee's purchasing degrees with all their cash. I never had the money, I did it the hard way studying, working extra jobs, student loans, doing military service for the GI Bill educational benefits. Obviously their is a lot of cultural misunderstanding going on here. In my country America we have what is called freedom of speech. It is in our constitution, we accept the views of all people, minus swearing using four letter words on a post, etc. I have used none of these words. The contributions of many on this site are less than flattering, everyone has something negative to say about others, I believe in America and freedom of speech. If we want to make fun of anybody, even President Bush, we have the freedom of speech to do so. Anyone is free to contribute anything they like. If you were too eliminate everyone who made a less then fulfilling contribution this site would have no one left. If you keep this up no one will say anything. I believe you are the one behind this, this is not helping Thai Ameican understanding.


  20. ???

    To Ed,

    Seems we is who? The only one I have been hearing from lately is you and who is you? Perhaps you should try getting a life and stop following my username around defaming me. Perhaps you can find something constuctive to say, enlighten us all with your wisdom, something more than a one sentence insult. You should belay starting happy hour until at least noon time. Remember the 12 Step Program AA taught you before you got back off the wagon.

    Best of luck with your recovery, Eddie.


  21. ???

    I guess you were one of the guys who just loved paying the price. But really in a contemporary, innovated and super power country like the United States of America, we nor anyone in the Westernized world pay dowries. So you know what, just maybe a culture update is in order. And maybe paying a dowry in this day and age is the dummist thing I ever heard of.

    Humble Buddy..

  22. ???

    Oh, Dr. Pat Pong,

    No wonder I couldn't find it? I am so sorry, I got back from happy hour down at Panama Hatties, and well, gee wiz I got carried away. So please everyone except my humble appologies. To all you farang ladies paying for your Thai boyfriends. I mean fair is fair, if the guys can do it, why not the ladies. So I was gender bias. What a jerk, what a troll I am and thanks Dr. Pat Pong for pointing it out to me by removing it. Matter of fact the reason I went back looking for it was to figure out some way of getting it off myself. Thank you for your assistance! Dr. Pong my hero!

    I think paying these Thai guys is acceptable, but try to form a lasting sharing relationship, each contributing equally, not possible if you get more bucks or baht per month, but if he is sincere he'll find a way of showing you. So good luck ladies.


  23. ???

    You all gonna buy me drinks .. cool! And perform some more surgery? Now come on guys! Leave the little troll alone.

    Actually appearance in Thailand, even your shades does not mean anything. The lady scene is for the most part .. any where in the world is based on money not what you look like. You got the money you got the honey! No money, no honey!

    There are some exceptions too the rule however, Michael Jackson, he has the plastic, he has the money, but unfortunately no honey. Perhaps in should become an American priest, they get away with anything related to being a pedifile as well. Perhaps you all should invite him out drinking or send him down the detention center in Bangkok for a week.



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