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Bud Zumwalt

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Posts posted by Bud Zumwalt

  1. ???

    Someone actually thinks security has no weapons? Foreign leaders coming without armed security? Got to be the Brits!

    I personally know GW coming from Washington, who lives in Texas, is packing.

    Anyone in America who does not? Come on all you American bashers! Give us a break, we are already all unemployed, so far in national debt we'll never see the green again, getting our boys banged off at least one a day in Sadden land, have Michael Jackson as our national freak and now you guys bashing us with every post. Give us a break, see you all in Bangkok soon, just a short side trip to Nam first.


  2. :cool:

    Sounds fishie, I agree with Dr. P.P. on this one. Why not get em while you have em in country. Perhaps they issued them a bad stamp on the way out so they could get em on the way back in! The ultimate! Come on Eddie make some sense! I think I am OK coming back in, because all my my prior trips were in and out of the BKK Airport, never used a Visa Agency, never would. One thing I learned going in and out of all those countries stamped on my Passport, like Bermuda, Cuba, Bahamas, Guyanna, Spain, South Korea, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, soon Vietnam and then Thailand again, never let anyone handle that passport but yourself. Keep it with you at all times. Well tomorrow morning I board the plane, hoping not to receive in coming "Stingers" on BKK approach, coming in from Saigon.


  3. :cool:

    To So Cal,

    The kind of anal thing the jail birds do has never interested me, so I am hoping for community service or probation, is there such a thing in Thailand ... kidding of course.

    To Pinkster,

    I hope I have not offended anyone. I do hope everyone is happy all the time in the Kingdom of joy and may all prosper and live long happy lives.

    I will be off line for three days while traveling to Vietnam, then onto the Kingdom of joy Thailand. I depart in the morning, so perhaps while in Thailand I can buy Pinkster a drink and shake hands.


  4. ???

    To Dr. P.P.,

    I failed to say that it is a combination of your guaranteed, verified income, lets say early retirement from your corporation that say let you go to hire someone just out of college for half your salary, so you get $15,000 USD yearly now all you need to do is place $4,000 USD in a Thailand bank, so as the good Dr. says you now have your $19,000 USD and your good to go.

    Another possibility is your Thai wife makes 9,000 baht a month as a secretary, so that is $2,634 USD yearly, so add your $15,000 and you now have to add $1,366 savings into the Thailand bank and that all adds up to $19,000, so really guys is that all that bad? Unfortunately that is much for some already with families and homes who will need to move to a neighboring country. If your smart the rest of your gold remains in your home countries bank, for safe keeping and emergencies. That is the ones who have the extras, many living in Thailand now may not.

    I said I was visiting Vietnam, I have not made up my mind one way or the other. A smart chicken never keeps all her eggs in one basket, thus keep some monies at home. Like any business dealings one looks at all the options, one never says something is not an option unless one knows for sure, one must keep an open mind, look around go shopping. When you find the best deal, well considering all options is the objective way to find peace of mind and the country most suitable to your pocket book and aspirations in life.

    Maybe take a look at Costa Rica while your at it. Good luck for all and always keep a good woman in your bed.


  5. :o

    To Mighty Mouse,

    Perhaps a change of hotel is in order, or cut out the afternoon delights.

    Hummmmmm 107 ... can a bar lady get by with that, let me calculate it .. 107 times 1,000 baht equals ... $2,609 yearly and the per capita income of Thailand is $1,960, hey not bad way ahead of the national average income. But can you all tell me why an American needs an income of $19.000 yearly which is 9.7 times the National Per Captia Yearly Income of a Thai Citizen, in order to qualify for the new long stay VISA?

    Am I missing something, or did they just give us another dose of that old dual pricing scam again.



  6. ???

    Yo Sea Vision,

    Sea Vision says .. - {"Bud go and ask the PM if he needs a security adviser for the upcoming APEC forum."}

    Actually having GW and his security crew in Thailand is quite comforting. My military skills have become rather out dated, last wore the uniform in 1986. A lot has change since then and so have I, the military brain washing as worn thin and the only thing I care about is making love not war.


  7. :o

    Sol Cal,

    Sol says "If you're not going to spit something out, then don't bring it up to begin with."

    Sol, one would hope that the law would say that someone here in the United States of America could on a chat line, talking not to the officials in Thailand, but only too his mates would not be subjected to any retribution once he/she arrives in Thailand. Thus, this person exercises freedom of speech in his own country under the laws of his wonderful country of freedom, the good old USA. But I have heard of some very wild reports of people going to jail and having the key thrown away for years. Who knows who is reading what you are saying and how they are going to react, legally I think no grounds for anything, but maybe they could think something up.


  8. :o

    To Glen Tuk,

    Super Bud, come on Glen. You do not know the answer to the problem? The "stinger missile", well there is an answer to this heat seeking missile. I'll tell you the same thing I told my Army chopper pilot's, who carried any of my men. Have a flare gun handy and loaded, up comes the missile, bang goes the flare gun. The missile hits the flare.

    On an aircraft, same thing only hold on once you pop the emergency door. Poop off your flares and pray like ####.

    To Phazy,

    Who said, quote, "*two* stinger shoulder launch missiles were found tied to trees in the flight paths of a very close to home carrier. one had 4 minutes on its auto-rigged timer to go before discovery."

    Sorry but unless things have been updated since I had railroad tracks and crossed rifles on my uniform. "Stingers" do not have auto rigged timers would be of no use, because these missiles need to be aimed at the aircraft, at the time the aircraft is in the area, so how does the auto timer know when the plane goes by?


  9. :o

    To Mack,

    Just a question, if some unfortunate guy was to go to jail for five years because of his VISA Agencies mistake, or in somebodies opinion his mistake, should this person live, God only knows how anyone could survive that prison system for five years to be released and deported barred from ever returning for 99 years, who gets his money in the bank, his home with 30 year lease?


  10. :cool:

    Thanks for the great info, I will be in Bangkok soon after Nam and in the past I have not always carried my passport with me either. So I most certainly will have it with me all the time now. I use a concealed pouch, around my waist, same color as my skin, which is olive do to living in Florida and being exposed at sea in some vessels minus much shade while sailing.

    Interesting they are asking about black people, seems being from the middle east kind of fits the profile of terrorist.


  11. :cool:

    To Thetyim,

    You are right about being at sea, I have come across some very heavy weather, even had a yacht lose helm in a storm. None of it bother me much, I kept a cool head and just did what had to be done to save the vessel, each time things like that came up.

    I will say I am very weak when it comes to Thai ladies, some are in very distressful situations, most are a step head of their Western counter parts in beauty, personality, common sense, etc., some Asian ladies take advantage of this and con farangs. If this lady or any lady from Thailand is honest, sincere, and straight up front and needs someone like me, then my fear is I will give in. If I do, then my next fear is that the people in charge of Thailand are making it hard on all us farangs, they will continue to make it harder and ultimately we will all be leaving. That is why I consider Nam a really great option to Thailand, that does not rule out bringing her along or visiting for long stays.

    I like a few others know what is going on Thailand and why, as well we are very heads up to it. Mr. Vietnam was arrogant and out spoken, but he and others know the real story. This we cannot discuss here.

    What bothers me most is these ladies are being punished as well. Understand they have no social security system, if a Thai citizen does not get a government pension, must have had a government job, what happens to these ladies in old age if they have no children to support them?

    People in need, their welfare, etc., is a part of humanity which concerns me. Therefore, confronted with a 5' Thai lady who is in need, is sincere, is honest, leaves me little way out.


  12. :o

    This most recent email, kind of has me puzzled. She does not address any of the questions I posed, like maybe sleeping together too so is not the way, perhaps your just going to Con my out of everything, she is stead fast on picking me up whenever and heading out to the hotel with me?? Anyone who can help me on this subject.

    The most recent email ..


    {She says} Please tell me about your trip when you finished your work in Saigon. {Bud replies} I will be arriving before my scheduled surgery on Wednesday, so maybe Tuesday or later Monday night .. I have no set time yet, but it may be at a time of day when Aey is working, I know she is a chef at some big four star hotel, but once in Saigon I must check flights, and see how much I can get done .. but like I said I must make my arrival in Bangkok before my surgery date, I will keep you informed ..{She states} Axxxx and Aey will pick you up at the airport. Aey will drop us off at hotel (free cost) and give flower for you.{Bud replies} because of Aey's work schedule and availability it may be necessary I can use the air port shuttle, no problem, but I can always call you from the hotel once settled in and rested..

    I look forward too when we meet, your certainly a very concerned special friend,


  13. ???

    I am amazed at all the great suggestions. Let me advise your everything mentioned is being taken under consideration. Actually I am perhaps being too honest with you all, you see the only things I have mentioned were true actual facts. I fully understand my life is complex, complicated, unbelievable, seems fiction or made up, but unfortunately it is the truth, reality, the reality has amazed me. I really have no ego, I am just an average guy with family members who have been very high achievers, even famous and well know. My only brother, younger brother is another one of them. Unfortunately I was never even close to being equal to any of the other members of my family in riches or fame. I quit the rat race, I realize I could never meet their expectations, I dress casual, I had only one true friend in all my family, my 105 year old grandmother on my fathers side, just died a few years ago,I never met her in my entire life, she left me a small amount of money, all she had left after over twenty years in a nursing home. She out lived my parents, then one day some attorney's contacted me, to my amaze she was alive, but died just before my arrival. My family is very bazaar, my life is equally bazaar. I guess maybe I project an ego to try and feel equal with the others in my family past and present. I am sorry I came across this way. I apologize.


  14. :o

    To Ed. B.,

    Your right about at least one thing, I forgot to Axxxx out her first name, but her last name is still confidential.

    Good to hear from you again old buddy. Your comments are not taken without consideration, what would I ever do without you. Thanks a million Ed, tell me more. Your advise is well taken. I enjoy any comments, an old dog can always learn new tricks. My trick is trying to keep Ed happy. I will work on it. Believe it or not I like Ed.


  15. ???

    To Thetyim.

    Yes, Elmo got to be in charge of the entire Navy as CNO as the youngest ever, age 49.

    Yes, Elmo was illustrious, his 120 changes did change the Navy, or better known as 120 ZGRAM's, each time a ZGRAM was sent down from the top the New Navy emerged.

    Unfortunately some of the old Navy Chiefs and others did not like some of his changes, thus after Elmo left the Navy in 1974 and Admiral Holaway took over, many things were not continued, hence forth Elmo's son Elmo, Jr. and Elmo's other son Jim left, because the evaluations were not longer walk on water. As you know young Elmo, Jr. died of cancer at a young age, I was by his side when this happened. My time in the Army was due to the fact, my dad was in the Army a veteran of Pearl Harbor. I followed his lead and went Army, not really wanting Mechanized Infantry, I was not given want I wanted but want the Army needed, secondary of Military Intelligence, working with the Government in Korea, as eyes and ears for the Army within the Western Corridor had many aspects of moving experiences, I only told of part of the job, the clubs and entertainers, the rest I cannot talk about.  I will say again my secondary occupation in the military was that of Military Intelligence.

    It gets better my first cousin, the former Sandra Tilton, is married to the President of Coke Cola, Westly Elmer. But neither his ego, nor mine is very high, as you probably already figured out I am the black sheep of the entire family.

    To dr_Pat_Pong,

    I always wanted to ask you,  out of all the red light districts, say (Nana plaza, Patpong, Soi Cowboy and Pattaya), why did you chose Patpong? as your name, why not Nana, Cowboy or Pattaya? I think Cowboy would have been better. I will say Patpong is a great place to meet a ladyboy, so maybe we need to assume something here?

    All in all let us not fight, anyone can beat another fellow correspondent down on this site,  it is easy. But the hard part for some people is being positive. Saying good things, a little more sugar gets you much more than vinegar.


  16. :o

    Chon says {Believe it or not , there is a touch more to Thailand than these ladies undoubtable contribution.}

    Sorry Phil, I should have told everyone about the elephant rides, the butterfly farm, the rain forest, etc .. etc .. Thailand has many tourist attractions other than Nana, Soi Cowboy, etc .. etc ..

    Fact is Phil I was only trying to be funny.


  17. ???

    I really would not engage in any of those activities within Thailand. STDs and HIV is very high. There are presently no health checks or even VD cards used by these ladies are operating illegally in Thailand. Get one is easy, just pay the "barfee", than each one $1,000 in the morning. The real expense for your suggested activities will be your doctor fees afterwards and I would think you may have great opportunity to catch a douse of the HIV. Just double up on the protection, use two in stead of one, no oral nothing unprotected. Better to be safe then sorry.

    You seem very naive, perhaps you should read nana.com cover to cover before you go any where. Hate to see your wife back home pay as well. I said wife, because most single people would know about protection in Thailand or anywhere else.


  18. ???

    To taxexile,

    To your question {would that be admiral elmo r zumwalt by any chance ?? }

    Yes, note the nickname "Bud", I got it from Elmo, he never liked the name Elmo, so he made everyone call him "Bud", when in charge of the entire Navy, it's CNO, he signed most official documents Bud Zumwalt. He like I was sometimes outspoken.


  19. :cool:

    The lastest email including Bud's answers, this one is must reading ...

    Axxxx dearest,

    Thanks for you telling me about the delay in your trip.{Bud says} It is not much of a delay, I just will visit their Vietnam Immigration people and look at some other social economic details, just a few days, you see right now it is my opinion that farangs are no longer wanted within Thailand by some of your people and their government, so a smart man always checks his options before he decides, now Saigon is only a 15 minute flight from where you live, so I will be with you soon .. {She says}I am never too bored to meet you.{Bud says}I realize you do not get bored easily, and unless your actually turn out to be the biggest con on God's Green Earth, and out too fleece Bud for all he's worth, I will not be bored with you either ..

    {She says} I wish you are happy about your work in Saigon. {Bud says}it is kind of work, no play, no ladies, I am not a butterfly .. {She says} I always understand you.{Bud says}one of the few that do .. {She says} Please tell me about your trip via email because I have some problems about listening to English via phone which may cause wrong communication between us. {Bud says}OK, I will find an interpreter to speak for me, when I see you I will have computer software, so when I type in what I have to say, it will show you in Thai language .. communication not a problem for us .. do not worry about it .. {She says}I’m waiting for you. {Bud says} I  am really interested in you, I am sometimes amazed with you .. I think since it is my objective to find a long term lady, even if I have to travel from Vietnam to see her or stay with her .. it is for the best we just do not meet, then head straight to the hotel, really Arlee you must realize that to fast into the bed does not show well for long term possibilities .. so this way is best .. right??

    Peter or Bud

  20. ???

    The lastest email including Bud's answers, this one is must reading ...

    Axxxx dearest,

    Thanks for you telling me about the delay in your trip.{Bud says} It is not much of a delay, I just will visit their Vietnam Immigration people and look at some other social economic details, just a few days, you see right now it is my opinion that farangs are no longer wanted within Thailand by some of your people and their government, so a smart man always checks his options before he decides, now Saigon is only a 15 minute flight from where you live, so I will be with you soon .. {She says}I am never too bored to meet you.{Bud says}I realize you do not get bored easily, and unless your actually turn out to be the biggest con on God's Green Earth, and out too fleece Bud for all he's worth, I will not be bored with you either ..

    {She says} I wish you are happy about your work in Saigon. {Bud says}it is kind of work, no play, no ladies, I am not a butterfly .. {She says} I always understand you.{Bud says}one of the few that do .. {She says} Please tell me about your trip via email because I have some problems about listening to English via phone which may cause wrong communication between us. {Bud says}OK, I will find an interpreter to speak for me, when I see you I will have computer software, so when I type in what I have to say, it will show you in Thai language .. communication not a problem for us .. do not worry about it .. {She says}I’m waiting for you. {Bud says} I  am really interested in you, I am sometimes amazed with you .. I think since it is my objective to find a long term lady, even if I have to travel from Vietnam to see her or stay with her .. it is for the best we just do not meet, then head straight to the hotel, really Arlee you must realize that to fast into the bed does not show well for long term possibilities .. so this way is best .. right??

    Peter or Bud

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