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Posts posted by dfp

  1. 16 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Why should he have maintained it ? Once the condominium is finished, it's to the Committee/Management to take in charge maintenance.

    The problem is that the developer has not maintained common areas for the last 2 - 3 years.


    This is not a condominium but a housing estate.

    The developer is responsible for maintenance until such time a JP can be established i.e. 100% sold. This developer chose this option instead of at the time when 51% were sold.


    According to Thai Law the developer is responsible to make the project back to its original state before handing over to JP.

    • Like 1
  2. Any experience with Juristic Person ? At the housing estate where I live, the developer has now called for formation of a Juristic Person so residents take over the daily management of the housing estate through the JP.


    I am afraid that the developer cannot be trusted and will bulldoze the formation through without considering to bring our estate into a close to 100% perfection such as swimming pool, roads/sois and common facilities.


    Please advise any experience you may have on the subject. Thank you very much.



  3. 1 minute ago, holyshitmtf said:

    park & ride


    if no valid parking not allow to buy cars

    No car allow to park on any public street over night.

    Stop encourage people to buy cars

    this won't 100% solve the problem but ...


    What happened exactly at 2011 elections ? A THB 100,000 tax reduction for first time car owner was part of the bait, stupidity, but car manufacturers and sub-suppliers had some golden days.

  4. 1 minute ago, kennw said:

    Lack of planning clearly shows when we have the "easypass" system and the "M pass" system. Both systems speed up passage through tollgates but it's most inconvenient to have to have both in the car so I suspect most, like me only, have one. A single system would mean totally, more people using the faster cashless passage through tollgates.      


    It should be mandatory to have EasyPass in the car. About MPass I am not so sure as it looks like no one is using it. 


    Unfortunately Thai people do not like to pay in advance.

  5. At the end of the 60's a German expert team was employed by the Government/BMA to come of with suggestions how to solve Bangkok's traffic woes, which at that time was also terrible.


    During the late 60's I stayed at Sathorn Road close to Rama IV Road and worked in Chinatown. If I left at 07:10 I would be at work 07:30 if I left at 07:15 I would be at work at 08:00.

    I am sure that the German expert team had a very great time in Bangkok before they came up with their "conclusion", which was very simple:







  6. No mention of exclusions and no mention of age limit etc.

    You have to contact them for quote and details.

    You can get a quote real time on their website. Just click the Get a Quote icon on their website. I did it the other day. Now they want you to enter your name, age, email address, etc., before being allowed to click the button that gives you the immediate online quote, but you can enter bogus info into those data fields to get the quote. But no, they don't give "fine print" info that I could see just general coverage info. But after getting the quote I didn't look much farther so maybe there are fine print details in some links I didn't see (if it had been a snake.....).

    Not only that, they also want your credit card details right away as if it is given that they will give you cover.

  7. have to wonder why they would invite someone than cannot even speak english let alone construct a sentence without someone else writing it for her, bet there is no question and answer time as that would really show how pathetic she is. .

    Pathetic or not, poor orator or not, she was elected and then deposed. As for trouble, Thailand is responsible for its own problems. It was pretty pathetic to deport UN refugees.

    Elected by her brother.

  8. I think that Scandasia was a bit too fast to bring this kind of story. First of all the tabloid "Ekstrabladet" cannot be regarded as being truthful, but usually comes with some "sensational" news like the one about "Senior citizens". Definition of a senior citizen is a person who has reached the age over 60 or over 65.

    A Danish retiree living in Thailand receives a basic pension of around DKK 70,000.- per annum or close to THB 6,000.- per month or THB equalling THB 31,000.- at current rate of exchange. This amount is paid out irrespective if you are married, co-habiting or otherwise. The amount is the same. Please note the amount is before tax.

    If a Danish retiree would be living in Denmark or within the EU, he/she would be eligible to some additional benefits/allowances. Health Insurance/hospitalization is one of them. A retiree in Thailand must take out his/her own health insurance, which can be difficult/complicated all depending on the circumstances such as health issues.

    What the article could relate to are persons that for one reason or another are not available to the working environment due to some handicap or illness. In Denmark these persons are called "pre-retirees" and could have any age. So if the article refers to this group of persons, then it is correct that there is a differentiation between single and married/cohabiting.

    For the Danish authorities to check up was a relatively task as they only contacted persons with a registered address in Thailand. Where the check up went wrong was to catch the many persons living in Thailand having a cover-up address within the EU thereby receiving all kind of benefits.


  9. "withdrawal of voting rights for Danes when moving abroad"

    Bit of an irony, welcome to Thailand!

    Voting for the scum bags in my home country would be the least of my worries. Extension of health care, taxation and other things come to mind. When you leave they give you a golden boot in the ass my ass. So much for a life time of toil paying taxes and being a good citizen. Then they treat you to low pension increases and low interest rates on money you leave in banks back home. Its one thing to be screwed but screwed blued and tattooed is way to much. At least the Danish government has the courtesy to listen to its citizens living abroad. Could be just lip service.

    It is a misunderstanding about "At least the Danish government has the courtesy to listen to its citizens living abroad".

    The meeting is simply to promote the organization "Danes Worldwide" and the event is at the Danish Embassy.

  10. The problems for retirees residing in Thailand besides no voting rights are:

    As for the pension then a retiree will only received the BASIC amount without any other allowances. If residing within EU and some other countries f.inst. Switzerland, retirees can get these allowances.

    Tax is paid to Denmark at the rate of 37-38%.

    Health insurance - this is the worst part. Retirees in the EU are receiving health insurance, whereas a retiree outside Denmark/EU must take out an insurance which is extremely costly and one should even be grateful to the insurer if they will accept to take the risk.

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