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Posts posted by Boksida

  1. There are no individuals of European ancestry on the ballots, nor are there any Japanese.

    Dr Boonsom Martin served as a Minister of Education and Minister of Health but was not elected.

  2. A newspaper website has photos of monks at the Democracy Monument protests.

    So, maybe 100 there (in those photos). Certainly not much more, and not 1000 or 20,000.

    Any idea what the signs that the monks are holding say?

    Was hoping you could tell me.. :)

    I believe they are asking the authorities to refrain from using force on the protesters.

  3. i would suggest that the pubs around town get cracking as i wont do anything (and i think most wont either) till satellite companies around town offer an alternative. Which begs the question, anyone know any companies in town offering cards for astro, and at what cost to retune for it?

    I was told that northern Thailand is out of the Astro footprint, can anyone else confirm this?

  4. thanks for that info

    I wouldnt think the Aus network cover All Black Games vs Boks, or Super 14 games not involving Australian teams would they?

    it doesnt bode well for Guinness drinkers that watch international rugby in this town

    They are showing the Crusaders-Blues game today so I think it might depend more on game times rather than who is playing. They publish the schedule here

  5. Im not sure what will happen with the Pubs in town with regards to showing live sports that True/UBC doesnt cover

    The Southern Hemisphere rugby season starts in June. Can any pub owners out there confirm yr status with regard to that.

    A fair bit of the Southern Hemisphere rugby will be available on Australia Network on satellite IS8. It is encrypted but they will mail a smart card for free - you just need a STB that is compatible with the card. I have been able to receive the Super 14 games successfully so far.

  6. Oh dear... yes phoning a company and asking if they were duping customers is definitely going to yield an honest response. :)

    So, will there be refunds to customers who have recently had Multichoice installed? I presume K. Benjawan is the nominated Thai owner, required under Thai law? Are you not the actual owner? Hopefully, customers left high and dry will be compensated.

    As a JSAT customer, I can confirm that I was notified by email on 16th February that Multichoice reception would no longer be available after May 31. I also have a similar system from a local company in my area who are still denying that the transmission is ending.

  7. Ken,

    I was diagnosed and treated for Hep A in Bangkok in the mid 70s. It knocked me around a bit as there were some complications but the most important treatment was to keep off the turps for 6 months.

    I have never heard of sillybum marinum but it might be related to this thread

  8. Now if my well has high iron and manganese what can I do to filter it and how much will that cost? Any experienced folks that have been down this road already?

    High iron is a common problem in Thailand but fairly easy to treat. The water needs to be aerated first before filtration. If I remember correctly, this converts the dissolved ferrous iron into solid ferric iron which is easier to filter. Aeration is usually just a matter of a shower head or cascading over trays or louvres. A sand filter will then remove the red product. This can be a commercial filter available at most hardware stores or a sand column in concrete rings. Whatever filter you decide on, you will need the necessary plumbing to be able to backwash it as a fair amount of red crud (technical term) builds up.

    Your well driller may be able to point you in the right direction.

  9. I live in the north and there is a Muslim butcher nearby selling lamb for 250 baht/kg. The catch is that you have to buy the whole butchered beast, which he estimates to be 10-11kg. I continue to get my Aus or NZ lamb legs and rolled shoulders from Makro at 290-300 baht/kg.

  10. Houston Texas had no zoning laws at all. You could buy a multi-million dollar mansion in town and the guy next door to you could turn his multi-million dollar mansion into an adult massage parlor.

    I think it would be worse if the guy turned it into one for kids.

  11. The situation is not helped by alarmist and shoddy reporting from ThaiVisa:

    "Heads up Thailand residents!


    Many Embassies in Thailand have warned their citizens about possible violence before Thaksin’s court sentencing this Friday and possible security problems the following weeks.

    ThaiVisa covers the breaking news to provide you with up to date information for your interest and safety.

    As a valued ThaiVisa member I now invite you to subscribe to our Breaking News SMS service."

    This indicates that Thaksin is facing a court sentence when the court is only ruling on how much of his assets should be seized and and also that a verdict has already been reached. The latter is probably true but shows disrespect to the court and the whole communication is a disservice to the country.

  12. I bought the seasoning and collagen skins from Mr Moo in Chiangmai and have now made about 20kg of sausages and think I am getting better and better at it. I still have seasoning left and am making plans to have the balance of the box of casings added to my will as I don't think I will ever get through them. I use my hand operated mincer to stuff the casings.

    All the third party reports about my snags have been good and a couple of those people were even sober.

  13. I am also looking for collagen casings or cleaned natural casings but having trawled through the internet can't find a supplier here in Thailand. Can anyone help with a contact number. Globo foods were helpful on the cure and seasons though.

    THB3,100 for 450 metres of collagen casings here

  14. I am guessing that your parts may come under Clause 8540 of the Harmonized System of Tariffs and have attached a bit from the Customs website concerning this. No idea when it was last updated as import duties were generally lowered across the board during Thaksin times. All duties are calculated on the CIF value and there are other charges such as surcharges, special tariffs, ecise, VAT etc etc that they don't like to talk about.

    I have also attached a spreadsheet with a tariff calculator on it. If the duty is indeed 35%, that will quickly climb to almost 45. If you think the category is correct, your Custom agent should be able to tell you what the current duty rate is.



  15. Who me? I don't think so. I am agreeing with Samuian. People who need chemicals to improve their sex lives often need to look to themselves first. Sure, some cases are real but most are due to weight, age, poor health, other emotional factors etc and if you can't fix yourself first without resorting to a pill then. Well I think Samuian probably was a little harsh with the term "loser" but it just seems that we are all looking for a quick fix rather than confronting the real issues.

    How do you fix age?

  16. Does anyone have any experience of getting their tv from jsat?

    I got my dish locally and a Dreambox from Jsat - watched the Aus-Pak ODI yesterday, Australian Open tennis today and will get all the Rugby when the southern hemisphere season starts.

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