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Posts posted by Boksida

  1. I have a Dreambox 600PVR and a Dynasat F1 box. I use the latter mainly as the move system for the dish and to watch Dream TV from the Philippines (without a subscription card). I use the Dreambox to view the Multichoice network. As your Dreambox has been programmed by Jsat, there is probably no problem there. Are you just looking for a schematic on the connections between the Dynasat box and the Dreambox or something else? I live about 100km from Chiangmai but visit frequently. Let me know if there is any way I can assist remotely or a suitable time we can get together in CM. Alternatively you are welcome to drop my place and look at the setup.

  2. When I first came to Thailand Brylcreem (pronounced bi-cleem) was the standard accoutrement at massage parlours when it came around to the happy ending part. I'm out of touch with that scene now but you might ask there.

    Later on they found out that it could be used on hair too.

  3. To answer both questions:

    The bacon is produced from the loin.

    Yes we have made smoked ham, tasted great. Will be constructing the new smoker soon.

    And to whet the appetite further for those of your planning a BBQ, and because I just like making stuff, how about this:


    Now, how do you call?

    Cop Coffin?

  4. Since you have already pointed out that using a radar detector is illegal here in LOS, you should be discussing the issue on this board as it breaches forum rules, but that doesnt seem to bother you as you would appear to have no regards for the law :o

    Have some of the posts been deleted? I can't find anything where somebody has pointed out that radar detectors are illegal in Thailand. I have often shown mine to police when they have made a bogus claim of using radar detection. It always becomes a big joke and I get congratulated on getting a good one on them. The legal advice I have been given is that they are neither banned nor allowed, the present statutes simply do not cover them.

  5. I have been using a radar detector for 15+ years now and it has saved me a little bit of money and a lot of inconvenience. I haven't upgraded for years and have noticed lately that it does not detect the new tripod mounted radar guns that are being deployed even though my detector is supposed to find two different types of radar and laser.

  6. yeah its definately a different pastime than cruising the islands, but for someone based in bangkok for job reasons, seemed an interesting way to spend a sunday...

    nice pic, boksida... tho i'm sure theres a question where one would dock such a boat that was safe....

    We hired a full time boatman who was one of the "river people" and he kept it tied up outside his family's house (in the picture). They had a telephone and we could call him and tell him where to meet us - more often than not at the Oriental wharf. It was also berthed at the American operated Colorado Eastern boat builders for quite a time. We originally bought the boat from the Irish Consul for 60,000 baht.

  7. Bangkok is definitely sinking but a metre in 10 years sounds very high. Whereabouts in Bangkok are you and are you near any industrial complexes that are using a lot of well water?

    Putting a load of topsoil down to the "hard stuff" may be probhibitively expensive as the first sand is around 20 metres, which is normally where piles are driven to. The bottom of the Bangkok clay is around 80 metres. As there no laterite within a 100km of Bangkok, this will also be expensive and keep going down anyway.

  8. Last night--or early this morning--the 10x3' sign at a certain burrito shop was stolen. Any sleuths reading this who could venture to guess why? We don't have any enemies that we know of. It wasn't just drunken vandalism, someone wanted--or didn't want us to have--that sign.

    We're new in town. Is this normal?


    Economic downturn, a sign of the times.

  9. There have been a few threads on this before. This is one of them. I've done the trip many times in both directions and along different routes. Going through Khon Kaen and Phitsanulok is one of the slowest ways but a decent road.

  10. Longball. Those numbers aren't pressure ratings. I am guessing it is wall thickness or something similar.

    You are guessing wrong. The numbers are working pressure in kg/cm2 as mentioned previously in this thread. See Note 2 at the bottom of the attached spec.


  11. We have some 1-1/4" HDPE tubing that, when we use it, is frequently moved and re-routed. We have used it in many different provinces and have never buried it. Some of it must be over 20 years old now and will be used again. We generally use G.I. fittings when making connections and the biggest losses have been through bushfires and trucks running over it.

    I don't think you have to worry.

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