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Posts posted by Awk

  1. You never did mention the price range you were willing to pay.

    As for a one year contract I am not sure if there is a lot of them out there. It seems that you are severely limiting your choices with that one.

    I myself have been in the same residence for five continuous years on a three month contract. The price has only gone up once. But I would also add that the maintenance has also become better.

    Good Luck

    I'm confused with your comment. I know that you have stayed in the same place for 5 years, but is this the norm? Shouldn't there be some sort of discount on price for taking a year lease?

    I think his comment makes no sense and would ignore it. Apart from short-term contracts that are usually marketed as such, most owners will naturally be more happy for you to sign a one year contract than a three month contract, and will just as naturally offer you a discount for doing so.

  2. That said speaker placement and diligent EQ can make most systems fit your room fairly well just not audiofile level.... Amorn (next to IT Com plaza) carries a surround system 'Aconatic brand' with mic inputswith echo and mix, for the Thai singers (if you have friends or family they will want this) and a usb hot flash drive. The subs are a bit muddy but this is alawys a problem with mid range audio...and really without a tuned room that is somewhat sound friendly, even high end sub woofers will not perform well... IMHO

    I would like to add that there are people like me who have difficulty hearing in certain levels and a sound system is not going to improve that.

    Also a friend of a relative of mine is deaf on one ear and hears very bad on the other ear. I might add that I suspect a good sound system is not going to improve that either.

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  3. Hmmmmmmmmmm! One response in 24 hours!

    Seems too grim a topic to explore ?!

    The link you posted does not seem to lead to anything relevant, but perhaps there would be more responses if you clarified what you are asking about? It is not perfectly clear to me I'm afraid, but if you are asking if somebody will come to help you if you fall down, certainly my limited anecdotal experience indicates so. Last time was a couple of months ago around Chang Puak when I eventually noticed that the reason I was stuck in traffic was due to a farang laying on the road with a bunch of Thai people around, assisting as best they could. While I did not think there would be much I could do to help medical wise, I pulled over just in case my entourage or I should be able to assist language wise, seeing there were no other farangs around.

    As far as I gathered from the people there, a car had done a hit and run, but they had managed to get the license number of the car involved. They had already called for an ambulance and shortly thereafter the ambulance, and also a policeman on a motorbike, arrived. While the paramedics had somewhat quaint and obviously hand-made contraptions to help the victim with what looked like amongst other problems a broken ankle, the paramedics also obviously had some training, contrary to what one could be led to believe from reading posts on thaivisa.

    The ambulance would take him Suan Dok they said. Not sure how long it took the ambulance to get there, but doubt it could have been much more than 10 minutes. A couple, apparently living or having some sort of shop right next to where the victim was laying were also trying to procure some details from him regarding where he had rented his motorbike and were staying, so they could let them know.

    So fortunately it seems the friendly Thai people in CM will still come to ones aid in circumstances like that, and be quite a bit more helpful than I would expect if something similar were to happen in my own western country.

  4. It's definitely a good thing, I won't deny that - especially if you have time and money. However, I am a bit disappointed to see that recreational option for muay thai isn't possible.

    But it is. Virtually any "farang-friendly" gym has all kinds of people coming in. From the tourist who arrived yesterday and is leaving tomorrow, to people who come in regularly a couple times a week, to people who train fulltime twice a day with the goal of fighting. These gyms will also have a pricing structure that accommodates this.

    Also, while training 2-3 hours, twice a day, six days a week, sounds pretty dam_n elite, once you go you will see that there is only a very, very, small minority (perhaps none at whatever gym you go to), who really train those two-three hours. Most will spend most of their time exercising at a leisurely pace with a bunch of chatting and perhaps with a harder session on the pads with a trainer thrown in somewhere in between.

  5. I doubt you got the dimensions right, as most laptops would have a 3.5mm female plug, which

    you'd plug the 3.5mm male jack into. Perhaps your phone is using a 2.5mm jack, or something else. I suspect you might need something more to get the microphone to work too, though.

    I've mostly found the things I need at one of these two places at Pantip plaza:

    - two smaller "accessories" shops next to each others on the second floor, on your left as you walk

    up the escalators. (Opposite of Goodspeed on the second floor).

    - a larger and more well-organized shop also on the second floor, but on the opposite end of the

    building compared to the above two shops.

  6. Now and then I drop by Brasserie 45 in the evening, for some on the verge of hidden camera worthy ridiculously incompetent service, but with live music that somewhat makes up for it. The last two times I've ventured out there, with the last time being yesterday, it has however been closed. Does anyone know why?

  7. The envoy had expected big progress in the investigation into these matters, but he is leaving Thailand feeling frustrated.

    Six and a half years here and he still hasn't realised that the BiB are a police force only in name.

    It is bordering on retarded to imagine that a top-ranking diplomat from SA would not realise that, and many other things about this case that most of us will never know. What you don't seem to realise is that no diplomat would ever state such a realisation in public.

  8. People spend a lot in Thailand for their education especially for what they get. Very few schools (even inter) can compare to public schools in western countries.

    That is often stated, so it must be true. Or? I do not have enough knowledge to say, and wonder what you base your assumption regarding

    international schools in Thailand on?

    The cost of private education in Thailand is ridiculous.

    I do not have mentionable knowledge about this either, but my impression is that international schools around the world pay "international salaries", which

    in low-income countries perhaps makes for a very good living for those employed there, but makes the price "ridiculous" for anyone not making a similarly "international" salary. One would hope this would give the schools in question a fairly large amount of good teachers to choose amongst however.

  9. I goggled gate-theater.com

    It gave a lot of information but for the life of me I could not find where it was located or what the show times were here in Chiang Mai.

    The info for the two performances here in Chiang Mai is written on the poster which is posted on the website. Saturday, the 19th, the performance is at 7:00 pm. The Sunday performance is at 4:00 pm. The play is being staged in the auditorium at Chiang Mai International School (CMIS) which is located off of Kaew Narrawat road and behind Prince Royals School. Tickets are available at the door. The phone number listed for information is 087-177-2195. Hope this helps.

    Not familiar with this play and wonder if you'd (or anybody else with knowledge) could care to make a rough guess at what age group this performance could be interesting for?

  10. Don't try to chat up the Thai lady spin nstructor. She's my mates GF and he is a tough bugger (ex-Ozzie marine). She is a looker though!

    Hello mate, but your warning is ridiculous, I think it would be up to the sheela (instructor) if she wants to be chatted up or not

    You can always go and find out. Up to you but I doubt you have his financial capabilities. I expect she would give you about 15 seconds.

    I bet his financial capabilities dosen't matter, when she sees me working out in the gym wink.png

    Would perhaps even be relieved to for a change chat to somebody who doesn't need his "mates" to sprout off on some random Internet forum about how tough a booger he is and how everybody better stay away from his gf. ;-)

  11. You could go from naught to 200 km/h in maybe 8 seconds. And then what?

    Ride and enjoy it - it doesn't matter if it's a chopper or a crotch rocket or a naked tourer.

    Being on a big bike is great. Just go to CM, rent one and fill up the memory banks.

    Horsepower matters less than ergonomics and weight. Knowing how to corner,

    knowing the ideal line... There is more to being fast than riding a superbike.

    Looking back at my youth, the bikes I had the most fun on didn't have 100+ hp.

    Being open to the riding experience itself matters as much as the bike, you know?

    Have you ever ridden a Moto Guzzi or a Ducati?

    Felt the engine shudder, rumble and feel like a Centaur?

    Try what they have and you might find the locals know which bikes are best for the roads here...


    "naught to 200 km/h in maybe 8 seconds."

    8 seconds?! I guess you've never ridden a supersport... passifier.gif

    And what is a supersport in your opinion? http://www.1000rr.net/forums/showthread.php?t=46982 says the

    Honda Fireblade (not sure what year, perhaps 2008?) needs 7.46s.

  12. I hear Gecko Bar is now offering a nice selection of imports at really good prices.

    Indeed they are. 450-500 b/Kg I think most types are. Just saw it the other day myself, but since I was

    not going home directly (and did not see the owner there either), I did not enquire about it or buy at the time. Hope to try it soon.

  13. Saying the USA has a limit of 150, as in the above quote, makes the Thai limit of 120 look quite good, does it not?

    But the US limit of 150 is a limit that, to quote http://www.epa.gov/air/criteria.html, is a limit that can "Not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over 3 years".

    What relation does that have to the Thai limit of 120, presumably per 24h average? What is the point of comparing these two very different limits? Hell if I know.

    The Thai limit may not ever be exceeded. That in fact it is, puts Thailand in the same group with USA and EU that don't live up to their limits, either. (E.g. 20-25% of the urban EU population live in areas where the 35 times per year llimit is exceeded.)

    / Priceless

    My apologies. You appear to be right and I was a bit quick when saying that.

  14. I think the doctor has a very good point.

    Where is the reasoning behind the relaxed Thai air pollution limits? Why do they differ so markedly from the WHO recommendation and from the EU and US limits?

    I think you may have missed this post:

    Yet another poster that claims the Thai 24-hour standard for PM10 at 120 µg/m3 is 'so high' or 'ridiculous'. As a reference for those who like a whiff of facts with their daily diet, here are the standards for some other countries (Source: http://ehs.sph.berke...0with%20sup.pdf )

    Australia 50 (May be exceeded 5 times/year)

    Bangladesh 150

    Barbados 150

    Bolivia 150

    Brazil 150

    Cameroon 260

    Chile 150

    China 150 (Source: cleanairinitiative.org)

    Colombia 150

    Costa Rica 150

    Dominican Republic 150

    Ecuador 150

    Egypt 150

    El Salvador

    Ethiopia 150

    The Gambia 50

    Ghana 70

    India 100

    Indonesia 150

    Israel 150

    Jamaica 150

    Japan 100

    Korea, Rep. 150

    Mauritius 100

    Mexico 120

    Nepal 120

    New Zealand 50

    Peru 150

    Philippines 150

    Senegal 260

    Singapore 150

    South Africa 75

    Trinidad & Tobago 75

    Turkey 150

    United States 150

    Vietnam 150

    Serbia 50

    Zambia 75

    / Priceless

    Saying the USA has a limit of 150, as in the above quote, makes the Thai limit of 120 look quite good, does it not?

    But the US limit of 150 is a limit that, to quote http://www.epa.gov/air/criteria.html, is a limit that can "Not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over 3 years".

    What relation does that have to the Thai limit of 120, presumably per 24h average? What is the point of comparing these two very different limits? Hell if I know.

  15. This is a very important article written by a doctor at the Faculty of Medicine in Chiang Mai, which reveals that our 'accepted safety level' of 120 microgrammes for particles less then 10 microns - is more than double the maximum safety level of 50 microgrammes set by the World Health Organisation (WHO)

    The author goes on to say:

    'With haze, we tend to discuss just the damage to tourism, scenery, visibility, and sore eyes and noses. Those impacts are small when compared with the long-term health risks. How many people in the North will die of cancer because of it?''

    The full article is here

    Obviously lower pollution levels are better than higher. However, the good doctor exaggerates a bit when he says 'the maximum safety level of 50 microgrammes set by the World Health Organisation (WHO)' In fact, WHO sets four levels labelled 'Intermediate Target 1-3' and 'Air Quality Guideline'. If I remember correctly (it's been a while since I read the report) there is no mention anywhere of a 'maximum safety level'. WHO on the contrary says that such a level cannot be determined. Here is a list of some standards (please note that the EU standard is not for a single 24-hour period, but rather for the 36th highest 24-hour value of the year with no maximum for a single period):


    The full WHO report can be found here: http://www.euro.who....8638/E90038.pdf

    / Priceless

    Perhaps the doctor is referring to the WHO saying that while "no threshold for PM has been identified below which no damage to health is observed", the guideline value from WHO has, as the doctor appears to say, a maximum level for PM10 of 50μg/m324-hour mean.

    This can be found on e.g., http://www.who.int/m...heets/fs313/en/.

    Maybe he is, but that is using the expression 'maximum safety level' very loosely. Anyway, what he is conveniently forgetting is the obvious fact that lowering the standard level, be it to 50 or to 0, won't change a thing. What is important is the following, from the end of the article:

    'But Wijarn Simachaya, director-general of the Pollution Control Department, which sets the safety standard, said adjusting the figure would not help as surpassing it carries no penalties.

    ''This has nothing to do with the number, but with the burning and how well we can control it,'' he said.'

    There are laws and regulations concerning polluting emissions, including agricultural burning, vehicles, industries etc., but the problem is the same as with most such things in Thailand: No enforcement!

    / Priceless

    I don't think the doctor is conveniently forgetting anything.

    If the safe level in Thailand were to be raised to e.g., 1000μg/m3, then there would officially be no problem anymore, on any day, anywhere in Thailand.

    Similarly, if the level was reduced to e.g., 50μg/m3, then just as obvious there would officially be far more problematic days, in far more places.

    Why would any official care if city X has been suffering from 300 consecutive days with a pm10 level constantly ranging between 80 and 100μg/m3 when that is still far from the officiall danger level of 120μg/m3?

    As the doctor says, ”We first have to admit the fact that we have a problem, a serious problem,” and one of the steps to do that is to set the maximum safe levels to a more correct value.

    I think the doctors points as quoted in the article were concise, interesting, and well made. It was sad to see the nonsense response from the PCD guy though.

  16. This is a very important article written by a doctor at the Faculty of Medicine in Chiang Mai, which reveals that our 'accepted safety level' of 120 microgrammes for particles less then 10 microns - is more than double the maximum safety level of 50 microgrammes set by the World Health Organisation (WHO)

    The author goes on to say:

    'With haze, we tend to discuss just the damage to tourism, scenery, visibility, and sore eyes and noses. Those impacts are small when compared with the long-term health risks. How many people in the North will die of cancer because of it?''

    The full article is here

    Obviously lower pollution levels are better than higher. However, the good doctor exaggerates a bit when he says 'the maximum safety level of 50 microgrammes set by the World Health Organisation (WHO)' In fact, WHO sets four levels labelled 'Intermediate Target 1-3' and 'Air Quality Guideline'. If I remember correctly (it's been a while since I read the report) there is no mention anywhere of a 'maximum safety level'. WHO on the contrary says that such a level cannot be determined. Here is a list of some standards (please note that the EU standard is not for a single 24-hour period, but rather for the 36th highest 24-hour value of the year with no maximum for a single period):


    The full WHO report can be found here: http://www.euro.who....8638/E90038.pdf

    / Priceless

    Perhaps the doctor is referring to the WHO saying that while "no threshold for PM has been identified below which no damage to health is observed", the guideline value from WHO has, as the doctor appears to say, a maximum level for PM10 of 50μg/m324-hour mean.

    This can be found on e.g., http://www.who.int/m...heets/fs313/en/.

  17. When looking out to the other side of the road from the top floor of Market Village, on the opposite side of the main entrance, one can see a rolling led-like display of some company that seems to deal with related stuff. I guess the sign belongs to some company housed in one of the buildings there, though I have no knowledge of them apart from seeing the promotional sign.


  18. If you are willing to pay by Debit card surely you can just go get the cash and create yourself a lot more options?

    yeah, but in short i screwed myself up.

    i set a daily withdrawal limit in my only card. i guess the only option that i could bypass that is through debit. i could vaguely remember i paid a guitar more than the daily withdraw limit through this.

    You can probably also bypass it by making a over the counter withdrawal. I.e., instead of using the atm, go into the bank and present your card and passport, and ask for a "cash advance".

  19. You reported that the CCTV footage contained certain things, but when questioned how you accessed the material you have chosen not to answer, numerous times. There can be no conclusion to draw other than you have not seen it, but chose to give readers the impression that you have.

    "I do not think now I even need to see the original CCTV videos."

    While not phrased exactly as I would do it, it does answer your question I'd think.

    Why you are incapable of finding this answer yourself I am not sure. Perhaps there are other things you also

    do not know, but which it would be better to know before continuing slagging off other people?

    These 'witnesses' have said Behan was subject to 'pack attacks' but we have only your word for that, and your word has been shown to be unreliable at best, and downright deceitful at worst. You put your neck in the noose; I am merely pointing out that your 'reporting' is not quality reporting.

    Well, I hope you beg my, and perhaps some other peoples, forgiveness for putting slightly more trust in his words than some nameless Internet warriors who has so far only demonstrated his own lack of ability in finding a question that has not been answered "numerous times", yet the answer to which is, again, easily available.

    • Like 2
  20. Photocopy of mums ID card, with a note from her on it, saying you can take the kids to the UK alone, signed and dated and her phone number.

    You might want to take the Birth certificates, or photocopies, but you don't have to have them.

    Don't know where you have that from. I've flown out of Thailand multiple times with our daughter, who also has one

    Thai and one non-Thai passport, and never had to show anything other than my daughter and mine passport.

    Incidentally I did ask the same question as the OP before flying out the first time and the response I got from members who's knowledge in this matter I would trust, matched my own experience.


    I.e., nothing special required on the Thai-side, but don't know about the British side. If something is required on the

    British side, I imagine it would be something else than a copy of the Thai ID card though, which I doubt is

    recognized in Britain.

    There are lots of things you are supposed to do in Thailand, but officials never bother about.

    Usually you can get away with it, sometimes you can't, would be a shame to lose the cost of two tickets because you didn't bother.

    Yes, that is obviously true. Perhaps I've just been lucky then? First time we exited Thailand alone I made sure mother accompanied us to the airport in case there should be any problem, but have not thought about it since.

    Not sure when the new regulations Mario2008 refers to came about. Last time I travelled with my daughter was four months ago, but as you say, rules may or may not be enforced, and perhaps my daughter and I having the same surname helps things too.

  21. Photocopy of mums ID card, with a note from her on it, saying you can take the kids to the UK alone, signed and dated and her phone number.

    You might want to take the Birth certificates, or photocopies, but you don't have to have them.

    Don't know where you have that from. I've flown out of Thailand multiple times with our daughter, who also has one

    Thai and one non-Thai passport, and never had to show anything other than my daughter and mine passport.

    Incidentally I did ask the same question as the OP before flying out the first time and the response I got from members who's knowledge in this matter I would trust, matched my own experience.


    I.e., nothing special required on the Thai-side, but don't know about the British side. If something is required on the

    British side, I imagine it would be something else than a copy of the Thai ID card though, which I doubt is

    recognized in Britain.

  22. This is a very simple case of an undertrained Thai security guard assaulting a foreigner! What discugsts me the most is that it was over some baloons and he was taking his very younge daughter home from a birthday party. I am a thai lawyer and Thai people do not condone this kind of behaviour despite what some despicable people might have posted on this site. I will be taking a very personal interest in this case and will be happy to take the victim case to court without charge. if the victim is reading you can contact me my office is on Petchaburi Rd betwwen atrium and Thantakit. Shame on any of you who condone such voilence!

    You managed to spell violence the same way as an Irishman would pronounce it. You`ll do just fine as his counsel.wai.gif

    What an utterly useless reply to evenmoney's generous offer. Since we're in Thailand, I'd suspect the counsel's

    Thai would be slightly more relevant than his English. Wouldn't you?

    Some people really have little use in this world, other than being grinded up and fed as the last meal to

    a pig being put down due to swine influenza.

  23. even though it has been stated from the start, and countless times after that, that the witness filming this only started filming after she noticed the guy being, apparently unprovoked, severely smacked over the head with something hard.

    That has never been "stated", not even implied, and in fact the person who took the Video has, to my knowledge, not yet even been traced.

    He / She almost certainly started taking the Video once she saw this lumpen Farang moron abusing BTS Security Staff who were simply trying to obey their instructions not to allow Balloons onto the BTS System.


    Patrick, such harsh words about the Irishman, yet what you base it on is so easily shown to be wrong.

    She [the witness] did not start taking the video after she saw anyone abusing the BTS staff. The quote from

    Mr. Drummonds site (www.andrew-drummond.com/view-story.php?sid=527) is '

    Gee Gee added: “I took a video of the last couple of minutes because I was so surprised at the behaviour of the guard.'

    That statement has been available since before this thread started. In addition, it has been repeated ad nauseam by other posters here. Now what does that say about you, do you think?

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