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Posts posted by lazeeboy

  1. My thoughts? You are irresponsible and faithless, and incredibly flippant. If it is your child, it will be a US citizen. If the child is born in the US, it will be a natural-born US citizen. The difference between the two is the difference between Senators McCain and Obama.

    Agreed. I feel sorry for the kid already. Siambull will abandon the child soon enough, then 40 years later be all "boo-hoo - where's my kid"? Remorseless bastard.

    You deserve the loneliness you will visit upon your darkened soul.

    Siambull - you think you won't "boom-boom" if you get her to the states? Dreamer - you are a liar, still - to your wife, your GF, and worse, to an unborn child. This is screwed, for the kid. Your "wife" won't support sending money to Thailand every month for the next 20 years, and neither will you because you think women are bought and sold in Thailand (and everywhere else), and you could give a fuc_k about that kid, other than to brag to your fat-bellied friends that you have one "over there".


    wow im glad you held back and didnt let him know exactly whats on your mind :o

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