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Posts posted by 4u2mad

  1. Since having a service at a Toyota dealership, I now have condensate from a/c dripping into the passenger foot well. Any ideas anyone? I'd take it back but after having to stand next to mechanic to make sure everything was checked and adjusted as required on service, I don't feel that confident. Anyone had good experience at main dealership in KK?

  2. So strange. According to the Thai press, it's only foreigners that are paedophiles. What about the Thai only places that we farangs NEVER hear about? For sure someone had an axe to grind?

    Last week a 90yr old in Chiang Mai, total age of the four kids he was "supposed" to have assaulted was 24yrs. The offence was TWO YEARS OLD! Fer Christ's sake!

    I only hope the relevant embassies are at least offering more help to their citizens than the hang 'em high club here on Thaivisa, or the stalwart BIB.

    You may disagree, your call. But ANYONE who is here long term can have a problem, you may not even REALISE you've upset someone!

  3. And of course with an 'O' visa, multiple entry,its just a trip outside Thailand, with the duty free shopping every 90 days. Normally happy smiley faces on both borders! Even one time when office was shut, re-entered Thailand without visa, no problem with a new 90 day stamp.

    I realise that a trip to your home country every 15 months to renew 'O' does not suit everybody, but I understand there are ways around this also.

    As to Thai immigration, I've had the same 'service' from my UK embassy. One hand doesn't know what the other is doing.

    Far better to minimise contact with all government agents, all tared with the same brush IMO.

  4. I upgraded to a 3Mb TOT plan a couple of months ago to improve my download speed for movies etc. Everything went fine, and I was impressed by the increase in speed, even logging on to Thai visa was quicker!

    At the beginning of December the picture changed, downloads resumed their original snails pace. Not a result of the size of swarms, I might add.Many calls to TOT service (1100) resulted in immediate increases in speed, often while I was online to the service centre, alas after a couple of hours, d/ls would revert to their original state.

    I asked for, and got, a reduction in broadband cost for the month, reasoning if I got 50% service, payment should be pro-rata.

    The technicians duly arrived to check my equipment and could find no problem, no surprise there! I explained that it wasn't only d/loading that was suffering, which to some extent I could live with, but also the ability to video chat with a son and daughter in the USA. This was done mainly at low traffic times due to the time difference.

    With broken Thai and english, I asked the techies if perhaps TOT were turning the speed up and down. Sly smiles were exchanged as they admitted this was the case. Due to my location I cannot switch service providers, so it looks like I may have to put up or shut up!

    Then a feint ray of hope. I read several articles about vpn's (virtual private networks) and their ability to bypass traffic shaping/packet sniffing. I'm no expert, and it may take me a while to set up. My question is do any of you guys have experience in this, does it work?

    Sorry for the long post and a happy new year!

  5. Last government elections, the "man" offered the wife 500bht for her vote. I asked how many people were standing? "Three" was the reply. So why not tell everyone you vote for them? "Cannot, that would be dishonest" Go figure!

    If you wife of farang, vote must be worth more? Same I pay more everywhere? "No, not work like that" Duh!

  6. Hi, I live about 60km from Khon Kaen, I've been really surprised by the beautiful butterflies and moths here in Isaan. So much so that I'd like to start keeping them in enclosures in the garden, with a view to releasing back into the "wild". Do any of the learned members have an idea where I could obtain caterpillars, eggs or pupae, information on food-plants etc?

    First post here btw, although I've been living here for a couple of years. Or should this be posted under what do we do in Isaan? :)

  7. <br />Live in the very heart of Isaan, about an hour from Khon Kaen. I am in close touch with the local farmers and workers. No problems here. The rice fields are a beautiful deep green and seem to be growing like wildfire.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />hello toptuan, i will be living in kranuan from october, maybe we will be neighbours?
  8. <br />
    <br />Hi all.<br />I am looking at ways to return to Thailand with my family and was wondering if it would be possible to get a remortgage on my property in the UK whilst living in Thailand.<br />The reason for this being with the UK property market booming I was considering letting my house out and returning to Thailand, when I feel the need of some money release some of the equity that is currently tied up in the house as a form of additional income.<br />I was wondering with the salary so low in Thailand whether mortgage companies/ lenders in the Uk would consider lending you money solely based on the equity in your property as would not be able to support the normal annual income requirements.<br />Any advice would be appreciated.<br />Thanks slippery.......<br />
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    dont quit job b4 remortgaging. use this income for remortgage. most lenders dont mind if u let, but ask. you could extend term for lower repayments, use some of rent for payments and suppliment income in thai. if ur over 50, could u take early retirement + portion of rent to ease the way. oh dont forget insurance on buildings is higher if you rent, shop around. buy to let mortgage costs more from what i see. you can apply to inland revenue for tax exemption number, in which case you are paid gross, remember u can claim back for all repairs + maintenance, possibly alterations to make rentable , if required. dont forget gas + electric safety certs. my local uni does a unilet scheme, although a bit below market rental, its gaurenteed for the 10mth rental term. they also have an insurance in the deal and routine maintenance. as its a student let, there's no council tax due, and utilities, except water+ sewerage are on them. i also get the house back for july/august,do tx return, repairs etc.

    i did this emigration thing to the us many years ago, and compared to thai it was a breeze, older, but not wiser!

  9. <br />Hi all.<br />I am looking at ways to return to Thailand with my family and was wondering if it would be possible to get a remortgage on my property in the UK whilst living in Thailand.<br />The reason for this being with the UK property market booming I was considering letting my house out and returning to Thailand, when I feel the need of some money release some of the equity that is currently tied up in the house as a form of additional income.<br />I was wondering with the salary so low in Thailand whether mortgage companies/ lenders in the Uk would consider lending you money solely based on the equity in your property as would not be able to support the normal annual income requirements.<br />Any advice would be appreciated.<br />Thanks slippery.......<br />
    <br /><br /><br />
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