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Posts posted by 4u2mad

  1. P.S. By far the best hospital in the Issan area is Khon Khaen University Hospital, which being a government hospital entails some red tape but has rates just a fraction of the private hosps, along with a much higher level of expertise. It is a major teaching hospital. http://www.md.kku.ac.th/en/index.php?index_page=med_serv&page=hospital

    Yes I do agree, to some extent Sheryl. However the procedures both pre and post op are a little different to those carried out in the west. The other hospital,'just down the road', used by more farangs, I wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole!

  2. You have to pay for your drilled well and pump. Having said that,

    1.Town water is not reliable, the well is

    2. Town water is brown, well is not. White wash comes out brown tinted

    3, Town water cannot drink. Well can drink

    4. Town water soft, well hard - better for your body

    5. town water smells of fish. well has no smell

    I have a jet pump, water is 35mtr down. Drilled last year,cost of 25,000bht inc pump, just before town water ran out for 6 months. It serves 4 houses, ours, wifes 2 sisters and brother. OK, it does cost a little more, but for quality and reliability, I know what I would rather have

    • Like 2
  3. Call 1719, alarm number for Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Always quick reply and always English speaking people on the phone.

    Thanks that number is in my phone now. I was so stressed when i did not even know who to phone. I kept thinking that how stupid it was that i have been here so long and did not have numbers like that in my phone. I would suggest to everyone that they take note of important numbers like that.

    or learn basic first aid and CPR

    The first thing you'll learn on any CPR course: call in professionals.

    And hope they answer?

  4. As anyone noticed how the majority of heavy vehicles and tour buses seem to suffer mechanical failure while traveling uphill? This would suggest generally poor mechanical condition. As anyone noticed the number of heavy vehicles and buses that are 'crabbing' while being driven on straight flat roads? This would suggest the vehicles in question has had, at some time in its life, a very bad accident and it's chassis hasn't been straightened correctly. These issues are not driver related, they are mechanical and safety issues. Simon commented on regular inspections, I think it's more serious than that. I think that if these vehicles were required to prove they were fit for the road we'd see a lot less of them. But, and this is a big but... This Is Thailand.

    No, spring pack needs replacing. Centre bolt holding leaf springs together has sheared. My 2cents worth

  5. Not that we will ever see any statistics but many farmers will lose their land to the owners of the fertilizer companies & loan sharks who will be holding land papers for this borrowed money. The rice scheme has many aspects to it one of which is a land grab.

    Being highly cynical, i would suggest that this may be not to far from the truth. Landless people would basically HAVE to accept whatever work is available, at whatever rate, in order not to starve.

    The rich get richer, the poor poorer

    Civil war?

  6. Why don't they just give the prisoner a general aesthetic before they put in the killer drugs?

    You mean put them to sleep before you put them to sleep?

    Dr.'s will not participate in the killing process and the administering of general anesthesia is quite complicated. They have been given a last meal and there is a chance of vomiting.

    Oh my God! you mean he might choke on his vomit?

    Compared to still 'snorting' 15 minutes after a supposedly lethal injection, it's hard to know what to choose......

    Being on death row since 1994 also seems to be a cruel punishment enough.

    If a bolt gun is considered humane for cattle and pigs etc, can't we just use that?

    • Like 1
  7. Good luck ! I hope your friend gets as much money as a farang would get if his thai wife died.

    Of course due to the recently enacted resiprosity laws, any land he held in the USA will have to be sold in 180 days as a Thai can't own land in the USA cheesy.gif

    She would also be deported as her sponser had the audacity to die on her, as per Denmark's draconian laws facepalm.gif


    First she needs a copy of the will, there is a condition, in the UK, that the wife and children have to be adequately provided for, by law

    Having gone through this recently with a mate dieing in the UK, With a Thai wife there on a visitors visa, taking care of him through his last days. She'd best get in any claim before the will goes to probate - not sure if this is the same in the USA.

    She WILL need a lawyer acting for her in country, hope she has funds or friends enough to enable this to be done.

    If his American family kick off, be prepared for a fight!


    My condolences to your friend, I hope that it all turns out good for her.

    If you are helping her, could take about a year, I wish you all the best

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