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Posts posted by 4u2mad

  1. It seems the Pattaya Police have too much spare time.

    Perhaps, it would be far more productivity if they turned their collective minds towards reducing the country's horrendous road toll...

    But then, they seem to prefer more menial matters!

    Well, perhaps with an extra 50 officers on point duty as punishment, it will be......Then again, maybe not

  2. It would make my day if they were available here. As for an old design, not the new generation, all new as I understand. I'm back in the UK with SWMBO at the mo, 2 x '50's 500cc Red Hunters. She enjoys it so much, I now have to build her a 350cc!

  3. Off topic slightly. As I have never held a residents permit or any visa other than a non immigrant type for Thailand. Would my UK pension still be frozen if I was living here on a retirement extension, for instance? i.e. As a non resident, I must still be a resident of the UK, logically?

  4. The black pick-up over took him while he was about to turn right

    He wouldnt have seen the on-coming pick-up until he turned as the black pick-up would have blocked his view

    Still shouldnt have turned without checking but hey ho this is Thailand..

    Most likely he didn't indicate he was turning right!

    The pick up that hit him seemed to be travelling fatst

    Not so sure. you can see the P/U in the ditch, so not so far from the point of impact. If the driver of the school 'bus' did not have unobstructed field of vision, why the HELL did he turn?

  5. Thanks Bigyin.

    We applied 28th March, but didn't receive the EC until 18th May. Wife couldn't give notice until start of June, and the 1month notice takes us up to 30th of June. Now with the Ol'chap being ill, I have to fly back sooner. BTW, are you sure we will have to pay this NHS charge? (£500) Wifey is a nurse and is dead keen on working on our return, seems a bit unfair as she will be paying NHS cons as part of her N.I ?

  6. I beg your indulgence if this has been asked and answered before.

    Finally my wife was granted a settlement visa for the UK (spouse/C.P) with the commencement date of 10/6. As she is a government employee, it has taken some time to arrange her retirement. We now have the date of 30/6 for that. She then has to arrange her pension, Thais and paperwork seem to make for an uneasy mix, and my wife cannot give me a firm date. We did intend to travel together, and stated such on the application. I have just heard from home that my father is very ill (93 y.o) and I now need to travel to the UK in the next day or so.

    The two questions I have

    1. Am I right in thinking that her visa MUST be utilized within 3 months of is commencement date, or has this now changed ?

    2. I will not be travelling with my wife as stated on the application. Will this (small) change have a serious implication?

    Thank you in advance for your expert knowledge

  7. A friend of mine got a 7,900 bill last month, normally 2,000. Had electric Co out and they agreed that the wheel was spinning fast. He then turned off everything in his house, meter stopped. As he turned on various circuits, the wheel resumed its frenetic spinning. Eventually a Thai sparks found a fault in the wiring above the suspended ceiling. No idea what, but sounds like a power to ground fault? Thai style wiring, so I assume no fuses. Any ideas Crossy?

  8. Use the horn to make others aware of you approaching especially motorbikes coming out of side roads. Driving is not about being pleasant its about being safe and making sure others don't hit you.

    Just travel with Taxi driver and see often they use the horn. You will find they use a quick little polite pap not a long blast.

    It also says in the Thai highway code "If approaching from the rear make the person you intend to overtake aware you are there" In other words a little polite pap.

    I was on a country road riding my motorbike and lorry about to overtake me gave a little pap and I appreciated the fact he made me aware of him about to overtake me.

    And here i thought i had three mirrors in a car and two on a bike to see what is happening behind me not to meantion the head turning when changing lane either with car or bike. I guess the mirrors in Thailand are for women to make up while driving and for men to fix their hair.

    And squeeze zits! See behind? Oh no! They must be adjusted to see how cool I look when driving!

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