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Posts posted by leoalex

  1. alyx, humbug : for me saving the lifetime 5years visa and normal & enough compensation for other vanished services will fine if TE will closing or sells to other company (I not need benefits except visa from any other company if anybody will purchase TE). However I not staying permanently at Thailand (but at time of applying to membership it was one from possibly ways).

    So Thailand permanently staying TE members must get clarification about this 795 memberships, and unite if it all about permanent stay (without thai passporte/PR certificate). Or if we not get compensation expected, or will if TE moved to some business company with less priviledges than we have now or something will happen with 5yr lifetime visa.

    TEmembers [dot] com - unofficial members forum.

  2. Alyx!

    Peoples with THai passport and Thai PR permit looks know what it will happen from start. May be they get their memberships for free or for different pricing.

    But I thinking what talk goes about genuine foregeiners with membership, just because they stay so long at Thailand. Anyway, until we get the official clarification we cannot tell for sure anything, media looks like not worry about correctness & true what write about.

  3. Alwaysright : sounds like mr. alwaysright start discussion what him like or not like. Make new topic and write about anything you like or not like or you think is special or not. and see how many peoples will not interesting in it. it also will make you not special as you want to be treated. nonsense? yes, same like in your post.

    every person is different because everyone see oportunity and if them like it and can afford it - them take it. Somebody can do it, when somebody cannot. It up to individual and him current needs - which can be very very different than your needs and ideas. Other side not say anything like looser about you, because understand what everybody in the life is different and can reach different things.

  4. Hello, Alyx!

    Some information is interesting here, but I not have any idea how this 795 members can be Thai citizens??? It just aganist their rules which in the contract. For me looks like this information very strange, but may be it newspaper not understand correctly what writting about.

    Anyway, can you post this info (with links) at temembers com website?

  5. I think we (members) need now to

    1. be sure what visa will lifetime

    2. ask for compensation about losted priviledges. (which i really not used except visa, airport meeting & taxi).

    I not have any idea why tpc want to sell this company and who will want to buy it (company with debts only). It will not important, because will losted goverment priviledges - only one real benefits from this program.

  6. ;-) funny to read all this visa talks. hope new real-life visa experience will open your eyes what is visas/peoples who give visas and what visas is not related with any justice. It valid for anybody who need something from other people/country. Also be sure what for thais is everything much harder than that limitations for you to get visa (even touristic, not speaking about european immigration visas). If you really rich how you say here, can prove everything - get elite visa, but for example no same option at europe for example.

    Also be sure what real aliens/green guys will be treated much better than peoples from any other country, it true of life at current time. Goverments made everything for separation of peoples, new artificial borders, horror immigrants/about immigrants stories, etc. Your "rich" countries was author of this methods, Thais now using simular methods learned from your countries.

    Hope somedays will real earth - one world goverment, but it can happen only in far future.

    Only one thing why you get visas to Thailand (even touristic) - because Thais need money. It because not correct weight level of thai baht (or most of other currencies) to euro/dollars/pound/etc. Reasons of it you can easily find at the internet, but it not good thing - be sure. If you get 10-20 times more money per easy workjob at your country than thai (or almost everybody at "3d world countries") for much more harder workjob - it clear for everybody what something is very incorrect at this money system. Also money is not everything, unlike european/us feels. It another thing why rich longstayers is not welcome here.

    So my 2 cents about this touristic visas tightening : if you rich and want to retire - get thailand elite, if you over 50 - retire visa, if you have work - get work visa, if you have bf/gf and not marry - get visa/friends visa, if you married = get marry visa, etc.

    Otherwise return back home or move to other country. Because here visas for all categories : for rich playboys, for workers, for friends, for family, for real tourists, etc. Otherwise only one way for you to not be illegal immigrant - to marry, but it simular cheating method like used everywhere.

    PS : what about your money you want to spend at Thailand so much - it looks so very funny. Sometimes even for money you personally not want to do something. Isn't it? I think simular thing is here, Thais is open for money from real tourists/residents with visas than from peoples with undetermined status but who like to living like residents here.

    Also enjoy simular visa rules (but not so strong!) like for thais in your "rich" home country.

  7. The 5 year rolling visa is a decent idea.....

    That's the gist of what's needed. If any Thai person in a power position can understand, it would be PM Abhisit. A 5 year hassle-free visa would a an excellent idea - with or without an overpriced plastic card behind it. It's win win on many levels. If it were somewhat costly, let's say Bt.50,000 for each five year increment, then it would weed out some of those that Thailand deems undesirables (dems dat don't smell of money).

    The average farang long-term resident spends big money - them plus tourists are arguably the lion's share of Thailand's incoming outside revenue. Much, if not most of that lucre is under-the-table in the form of dowries and support for Thai g.f's/wives families.

    Granting hassle free 5 or 10 year visas wouldn't cost Thailand a satang, and would yield benefits for Thailand and its people.

    As for massages, golf fees, airport rides, discounts, etc. Why not have one or more entrepreneur outfits offer those services, sort of like a coupon booklet or some sort of 'privilege card', and see which one(s) prosper - by being reliable and offering good value and services.

    You are dreaming. That ain't going to happen. Look at the retirement visa financial requirements. They are much more than just paying a 10K baht per year fee. The majority of people from the west could afford to pay 10K baht per year but that does not mean the majority would be financially capable of living in Thailand.

    Get real. If you are going to lobby, lobby for a retirement visa for those under 50 with GREATER financial requirements than for those over 50. Other countries do exactly that. The reason you need more money to retire under 50 than over 50 is that you will generally live longer. Also under 50s are a greater risk to work illegally. Again, get real. Thailand won't be selling 5 year visas for 10K baht per year. Ever.

    Now easy to understand where from this TE haters goes from. Reason easy : this dads just not liked to show financial requirements for retirement visas. That guys trying to say the world what TE visa is bad because hassle-free and not requiring to reconfirm 400/800k bahts yearly on your bank account. So TE members from West not have money to stay at Thailand except paying membership fee for TE card.

    So funny point of view. Simular funny view : who show 400/800k bahts per year on own bank accounts can just borrow this money on west for small commission and live in the Thailand without money.

  8. looks like next topic name will "non-immigrant B visa is abandoned". And lots of peoples will talking like "i say you before - never invest more than you can lost" and simular things. Fantastic? But who knows...

    By the way Thailand Elite company still exists and working on business plan for next cabinet review. So this topic name is incorrect for current moment.

    Also it was already confirmed what TE visa will exist and will renewable every 5 years.

  9. looks most of peoples speaking here is trolls or backpackers who very sad because not was able to purchase this card before. if you not have elite card - not say anything bad except your feels about it in _special_topic. This elite card is still exists and from lastest news :

    1. visa most likely will exists

    2. if program will be canceled there will some refund mechanism.

    3. elite card have own benefits, which may be unvisible for trolls here. it about goverment consierge (feature which can become gold in correct hands), visa for peoples (like gay peoples) who cannot get visa by other ways (not opening business here).

    PS : If goverment will cancel program it will kill Thailand reputation in the eyes of superstars (who get this card at start), many wealthy peoples, and in eyes of other countries which will look suspicious for any future Thailand clubs or offers, etc. Also lot of court notices. So I not think what goverment will cancel program (or at least will compensate it). Or will grandfathering or something else, but it will not so easy as most NON_MEMBERS speak here.

  10. Sorry for this but come from one Italian forum and i think is important:

    Re: Giro di vite uscite ogni 14 giorni per turisti dal 3/12/2008

    di zigano il Ven 05 Dic, 2008 20:19

    Devo contraddire ThaiVisa.com: ho 2 clienti in guesthouse arrivati ieri in Thailand DIRETTAMENTE dall ingilterra in aereo e all aeroporto int. di BKK anno ottenuto un visto di 14 (quattordici) giorni.

    I must to say thatThaiVisa.com wrong: I have 2 customers in my guesthouse they arrive yesterday DIRECTLY from england in airplane in BKK airport(suvannaboo) and they get 14 DAYS (tourist visa)

    Someone can explain that????

    PS: him see the Passport whit 14 days visa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just some mistake, not more.

  11. [quote name='buasaard' post='2385902'

    If Thailand wants to know where my money comes, I can sho them, from a legal business. But they don't give us the chance.

    Their country, thier laws, I accept that, but doesn't mean I can't have my own opinion about it or have questions on why they do it. Just as I have my opinion and questions on why they do some things in the EU, and belive me, those opinions are far wors then the ones I have about Thailand otherwhise I wouldn't be here.

    It you want live at Thailand, not thais want you here. It was very clearly said what Thailand want only short term tourists. Your money is nothing inside all natural tourists income, so goverment just not need to calculate it. For special cases and rich peoples here elite card. Europe not offer anything simular.

    You cannot have questions - because goverment (it in any country) make everything because his can. Any questions will broken on this wall.

  12. The difference is that in Spain, they get money, in Thailand we come to spend money.

    I have my business in Spain not far from where they come with boats, and have friends who have businesses around the places where immigrants stay after they come fomr Algeria, Marroco,... and it's far worse how they ruine the place then a few lowlife farangs sittng on a beach in Thailand.(Because that's one of the main reasons for the change in law)

    Apologize, it's a long time I'm not writing on thaivisa, I coudln't help answering this :

    Do thais arrive to Spain by boat through the Gibraltar Strait? :o

    I don't understand why when comparing UE laws with thai laws everybody refer to moroccans, rumenians and so, and never to thais.

    Thailand is ready to establish a two part agreement, infact brazilians, peruvians, koreans that have an immigration treaty can stay without visa up to 90 days. When european countries will be ready to make such an agreement which allow thai citizens to enter without mess for 90 days, Thailand will do the same with europeans.

    It was just a try to show how many moralities used in europe. Like peoples die but nobody cares.

    In Thailand you stay long time but have money. Well, Thais want to know where from your money. Simular as want to know your country from Thais (but in must worstest scenario than Thais). If you work here/abroad but living here - pay your taxes here. Nothing more. Get proper visa.

    Also you from start at better condition than any Thais (because your money). So not think what Thais will love you and give your right to live here only because you have money and want it.

  13. You gotta love the way all the moaning farangs complain to the bitter end about how their home countries have been taken over by immigrants and how they should be kicked out etc... But, when Thailand tries to protect itself against the same kind of thing, it's moan moan moan and how Thai people are stupid and shooting themselves in the foot etc...


    Just goes to show, these kind of regulations really are needed.

    Nonsensical comparison.

    What people complain about and I will use the UK as an example as I am from there, is people coming in and collecting benefits under the guise of being asylum seekers or some other such thing. Under EU law, they are required to claim such in the first European country they enter but all the other countries ship them to the UK (who should send them back to France, Spain, Italy etc.) because the UK is soft as shit on this and hands out cash willy nilly. Then you have the do gooder lawyers who get taxpayers cash to try and plead their case whilst they get pregnant and claim through child dependency. Utter nonsense.

    At the same time, UK people are scrutinised if they want just a little assistance.

    Then you have the situation of economic refugees who should all be turned away but are not.

    After that you have economic migration from places like Poland who sent over a million to the UK just after they joined the EU. The UK government thought 60,000 would come !

    Arranged marriages, then trying to bring half of their family over when they don't want anything other than to freeload on the state, have their own estates, mosques, culture and the like, never learning English even.

    To compare that situation to Thailand is just plain daft. The fact that this will actually hurt tourists more than expats makes it stupid.

    Please will someone or madjbs in particular tell me the last immigrant or expat in Thailand to claim benefits from the state ? to be given free accommodation, free food, free clothing, have state paid for lawyers arguing his case against deportation, etc. etc.

    I won't hold my breath !

    I thinked about it and here my 2 cents. Because uk passport give many travel abilities which that peoples cannot get by other ways (even if become transcorporation top manager). Because for same workjob in uk payed more money (it because different money price, isn't it? YOU using SAME benefit now at Thailand where you buy things for 5-10 times less price than at uk), because in uk this peoples have more big selection what to buy if have money and many more. Just try to see from other side, not only like media say us.

    because lot of things at current world up to your passport/citizenship. If you have bad passport (like thais, but thais is lucky because tourists, sea, eternal summer, etc) - you cannot do nothing even to do business, travel, make money - ONLY way to change citizenship. So you can see how peoples (immigrants in uk in your eyes) try to fix this trouble (it just cannot be fixed by other way - only by rich country passport at this time). Also this peoples follow visa guideless of your country to get it.

    Also may be it funny, but in Thailand most expats don't want anything other than to freeload on the state, have their own estates, mosques, culture and the like, never learning Thai even. Only one thing make him looks different from Thai is money. But his money from untrusted sources (may have money, but may be work unlegal), so genuine tourists more welcome for Thai economics than longstayers without proper visa.

    PS : Also just remembered about news from Spain how many immigrants die in their boats going to Spain. But nobody not cares about it. But I already thinked - it same peoples!!! I think it same reason why immigrants not take cares your feels because it 2way of morality. Also that immigrants moved because economic and personal security reasons + lost their families for time, go and work on low-level work for smallest possibly money at your country (where everything different for him).

    But you don't care his feels, you have idea what immigrants go because love your country so much (all your ideas go from this point). It not true because at current world some countries take wealth/money on himself & have less corruption than homecountries of immigrants. I personally think what it can be only fixed when will be something like "global goverment", not just lot of countries where most poor and have lot of corruption.

    What is about wealth of 1st economic countries it because banks mostly. Banks it also reason for this world crisis which mostly now experienced by poor countries (usa/eu trying to move troubles to poorest currencies).

  14. You gotta love the way all the moaning farangs complain to the bitter end about how their home countries have been taken over by immigrants and how they should be kicked out etc... But, when Thailand tries to protect itself against the same kind of thing, it's moan moan moan and how Thai people are stupid and shooting themselves in the foot etc...


    Just goes to show, these kind of regulations really are needed.

    Nonsensical comparison.

    What people complain about and I will use the UK as an example as I am from there, is people coming in and collecting benefits under the guise of being asylum seekers or some other such thing. Under EU law, they are required to claim such in the first European country they enter but all the other countries ship them to the UK (who should send them back to France, Spain, Italy etc.) because the UK is soft as shit on this and hands out cash willy nilly. Then you have the do gooder lawyers who get taxpayers cash to try and plead their case whilst they get pregnant and claim through child dependency. Utter nonsense.

    At the same time, UK people are scrutinised if they want just a little assistance.

    Then you have the situation of economic refugees who should all be turned away but are not.

    After that you have economic migration from places like Poland who sent over a million to the UK just after they joined the EU. The UK government thought 60,000 would come !

    Arranged marriages, then trying to bring half of their family over when they don't want anything other than to freeload on the state, have their own estates, mosques, culture and the like, never learning English even.

    To compare that situation to Thailand is just plain daft. The fact that this will actually hurt tourists more than expats makes it stupid.

    Please will someone or madjbs in particular tell me the last immigrant or expat in Thailand to claim benefits from the state ? to be given free accommodation, free food, free clothing, have state paid for lawyers arguing his case against deportation, etc. etc.

    I won't hold my breath !

    I thinked about it and here my 2 cents. Because uk passport give many travel abilities which that peoples cannot get by other ways (even if become transcorporation top manager). Because for same workjob in uk payed more money (it because different money price, isn't it? YOU using SAME benefit now at Thailand where you buy things for 5-10 times less price than at uk), because in uk this peoples have more big selection what to buy if have money and many more. Just try to see from other side, not only like media say us.

    because lot of things at current world up to your passport/citizenship. If you have bad passport (like thais, but thais is lucky because tourists, sea, eternal summer, etc) - you cannot do nothing even to do business, travel, make money - ONLY way to change citizenship. So you can see how peoples (immigrants in uk in your eyes) try to fix this trouble (it just cannot be fixed by other way - only by rich country passport at this time). Also this peoples follow visa guideless of your country to get it.

    Also may be it funny, but in Thailand most expats don't want anything other than to freeload on the state, have their own estates, mosques, culture and the like, never learning Thai even. Only one thing make him looks different from Thai is money. But his money from untrusted sources (may have money, but may be work unlegal), so genuine tourists more welcome for Thai economics than longstayers without proper visa.

  15. The whole notion of visa control on where people can and cannot live is archaic - allowing the world's population free movement wherever they wish is the only way to slowly share the wealth of the world more evenly. At the moment it is all about money and has nothing to do with peoples rights - if you are comparatively rich enough you can go to a poorer country and live like a king - if you are poor, then you are stuck where you are! Of course while people still believe that "nationality" is a good thing then each country will selfishly continue to cherry pick who they share their wealth with.

    Your comment is very naive. If there where no Visa control in Europe about 80 % of the population of Africa and Asia will move to Europe; Not any society can blend in so much people, and than we not yet talk about the total collapse of our social security system

    Think why. Because most of wealth and money in european countries. You not think it strange? By the way do you seen movie Zeitgeist? (here many information about ways how usa/eu banks make money, just printing more and more. It also reason of current econonim crisiss). May be it open eyes what where from "1st" world economics get money from.

  16. as far as I am concerned if you do everything by the book when it comes to visas you are going to be ok both ways I have never had trouble getting a visa for thailand and my wife has never had a problem getting visa to austraila including tourist visa fiance visa and spouse visa and immigration were very polite and never hassled my wife once .

    As I said before you do everything by the book and no hassles

    it not true. I dont know about Australian visas, but it may be because you was with she at that time. In europe/european embassies situation is very different.

  17. Thailand has by far the most rude and agressive immigration officers on the planet my dear. If you care to understand - then it was only a short time ago when the powers that be decided that they 9immigration plebs) should attend a course on how to be polite. Ofcourse it never happened.

    You just never seen european immigration officers/consuls in action. Try to go or ask some questions in uk/or any eu embassy saying from start what you from poor region country (like hello, i am citizen of xxx. i have visa question - xxxxxx. ) (you can try to do it also by phone) and you will see yourself.

  18. Oh, you know, the visa rules in my home country and here in Britian, where I live now, are far more demanding then Thailand's rules.

    In Australia, forget just arriving on a plane.

    In the UK, unless your from the EU, which makes you a conditional citizen of the UK, you must get a visa. Getting these visas is no simple matter - some of the Thai people I know here have to prove, in part by paying for expensive language courses, that they are here for legitimate purposes.

    I'm not sure about the US, but I do know they've tightened up lately.

    It saddens and surprises me that I regularly hear from some disgruntled Australian's, Briton's and American's that the Thai's are 'so bad' to us.

    It is problematic that the visa laws do cause such inconvenience, but we 'can' get into Thailand, all of us!

    Many Thai's cannot get into my country at all, not for any reason.

    How welcoming is your country to Thai's?

    Are you really benefiting Thailand by being there, as some suggest, or are you self-seeking benefits, but using the 'I'm benefiting Thailand' cliche in misrepresented, but, self-serving cliches?


    BRAVO Couldn't agree more!!

    Yes, you are right, indeed it is vey difficult for Thai people to enter any of the European countries.

    Why should that be, you think.

    Maybe, just maybe, the EU countries found out that a lot of Thai people enter the country on a visa, and then disappear.

    Most come to the EU with a financial guarantee from someone in the EU, and most don't bring much money with them.

    Now, the farang going to Thailand, nobody needs to guarantee him, he spends his money, is ripped off most of the time, wants to stay some longer or forever, and cannot do that.

    Because of the immigration laws.

    You see the difference?

    I do!

    If you spend money while being a tourist, money from abroad, one way or another you benifit the country you visit.

    If you go to atcountry with no money, with a guarantee, you do not benifit the country you visit.


    Not true, eu visa applications processed by very different way - I know it by my own personal experience and also my bf appied before for eu visa at embassy here at Thailand (with guarantee paper from me, approved by police (stamps/signs).

    It not matter you have money or not, it not matter embassy country own laws (like you must provide this, this and this paper - every time need much more than specified at laws). Also how him explain me his feelings after visiting immigration him feel like "i feel like I am illegal immigrant" or something like it.

    His was asked to provide his full bank statement for last 6 monthes (it when his has bank warranty letter with visa application!), his was asked to provide airtickets to europe (hopefully reservation only was enough like was said at embassy paper) and paid booking of the hotel in the eu country. So - pay hotel booking, pay visa fee, give away your "human rights secret" full banking & statements info and wait for answer when consul has said from start can give not more than 21 day (buy it 3 monthes per 180 days by eu country immigration law!!!).

    So first time his visa was rejected, and him get VISA REJECTED red stamp to his passport about it. (eu embassy not worry about money lost, red stamps in the passport, visa fee is cannot be returned back, hotel booking lost also (was paid by credit card and this company not refund money).

    But on second time when his apply for visa - it was granted for 25 days. It was because I speak with peoples who was at simular situation and make him business class airticket with ability to refund money.

    So I can speak what it so so not easy for any middle-class thai (who not work on goverment) to make eu visa. I also listen what some thai senator was applied for eu visa not using diplomatic channels - and his visa application was rejected. So ... now can feel how feel middle-class thai who want to make european visa. I think this things well known by Thai goverment and also reason for this kind of visa rules. Which I must to say MUCH much better than any european/australian/usa/etc visa application _practice_(!) (not just declarated rules).

    Also this visa things not related only to Thailand, it happen with much more countries than you ever have ideas to think about.

  19. now you can see how immigrant life looks like. For thai/others immigrants in europe most is same (about visas/rules/changes), except two things - what most immigrants not have money and doing it not for fun...

    Time to remove "pink glasses".

    Thank you for finding my post funny !

    Considering the problems Thai people create in different European countries working illegally in real jobs or in the "service industry" they are still treated fairly. The difference between the developed and the third world is mostly in the attitude and the brain. Clear and transparent rules for immigration, no corruption and the opportunity to appeal are achievements unknown in Thailand. Also open racism is a serious offence in Europe and there are laws governing these cases.

    Against the rampant and disgusting racism towards "farang" (already the word in itself is insane) we are without defence.


    Most of european peoples who owned bar here - work illegally inside. Also most of private property for rent in Pattaya/Samui/Phuket - just drink some beer with owner and listen stories.

    Attitude : as i said before - europe/us was first in licensing rules, selling poison (tobacco, alcohol) and weapon to another nations. Also developed rules to prevent competitions in this and another topics from another countries. Much more here - but no time right now to explain more.

    Brain :

    1. approx at all european/us countries have specialist visa programs - like homeoffice at uk, blue cards at germany, etc. Another thing what that program want to get maximum for possibly less price.

    2. Lot of exrussia, india immigrants work at science sphere (locally or remotely). Not so much of local specialists here.

    3. it up to person how him using him brain. For one can be enough school for other university is too small knowledge.

    4. see most popular jobs for locals at european countries :

    a. layer (no questions - just moneyjob)

    b. medicine (developing, manufacturing, selling drugs/medicine services. (medicine/drugs is overpriced so much, also drugs often hot help - but damage health)

    c. marketing (our jeans/beer/whysky/etc) is N1. cheating customers is common.

    d. farming (low life like your jargon) - get goverment money support. and goverment purchase overproduction to prices not go down. (is it monopoly isn't it?)

    e. small business - open bar/restaraunt


    I write this to let you understand what here is NO any difference between peoples (from one country to another). Only one thing make you be happy - propaganda - 'we N1'. UK = we have many money and strongest pound. China - we can broke dollar and have big army, usa - we business country, have many high-educated immigrants, most biggest army and if we need something - can win it. Russia - we have good army, lot of specialists from past ussr, oil. etc,etc,etc. Need travel a much to start see that things.

    QUOTE : "Clear and and transparent rules for immigration, no corruption and the opportunity to appeal are achievements unknown in Thailand. Also open racism is a serious offence in Europe and there are laws governing these cases."

    Show me clear and transparent rules for immigration for ANY european country.

    1. Example from real life. By laws pretendent to schengen visa must show his financial benefits. Basically it mean only paper from bank about money counts. But ALL embassies asking to provide bank statements for 6 monthes. But... what about privacy???

    2. Most in visa processing based only on visa officer opinion. If him decide not allow visa - his not need to explain why!!! But him still keep visa money.

    3. Most of visa requirements based on that what visa applicant lost lots of money in case of visa rejection. Example : need to provide confirmed airtickets, insurance (paid), hotel reservation (paid). If visa rejected - applicant just lost his money.

    4. Somebody at this forum write really truth - when thai go europe embassy (not based how rich are him, how many universities his finished, how many success his have at him life (money/business/etc) - visa officers see on him like on buffalo.

    Also I have one friend from Ukraine - his sayed me simular stories about european visas.

    You want to say it just racists sit in embassies? and clear rules not work against him?

    but when some european bips (i mean real bips) go thailand without visa- immigration can say him only 'welcome for 1 month'

    5. Also getting visa is not guaranteed what you go inside country. Everything on decision of immigration officer/passport control. i read at the net lot of stories (also have hollywood movie about it).

    i readed about cases at usa and czech republic. some iran lady go visit czech for 1 month for medical treatment with baby and have medical visa from embassy. but passport control stop she and she spend 1 week in airport 'nocountry' zone.

    Corruption : this is very funny. Visas and corruption is same things. Lots of european embassies was found at corruption (some officially, some cases you can find at forums). Also check internet how many 'visa services' to get european visas. Some help you to make proper documents, some guarantee 100% success. Just for example I seen 2 or 3 that services at realworld at Pattaya.

    Also about corruption of european politics - check internet. Something in process in italia, etc, etc, etc. Just start search google for that topic.

    Farangs: It only matter of fact how you think about this word. In europe all arab peoples is muslims (no matter about country), asians (thai/japan/china/etc). So thai 'farang' is nothing new here.

  20. Just my two cents: Always take legal advice from a reputable local law firm and avoid dealing with immigration directly. If you can not afford this, then better go home.

    Of course Thailand is a real third world country (with some make up) including all the positive and negatve aspects about it:

    Generally speaking everything can be arranged. Of course there is the aggresive and racist attitude from the "elite" towards us. This is understandable if we consider that our life partners are often from a low social background. Their sudden status gain is then perceived badly by the "elite" who systematically is discriminating the people of its own country (Isaan look down syndrom).

    Of course many Thais are bad towards us, but they behave even worse among them. There is simply no more materialistic, short term money focused country than Thailand :o . But this can also be amusing (kind of going to a zoo) if you know how to deal with them - they are so transparent and predictable.

    So let's relax and dont forget the hassle Thai people have when they after a long wait, are badly treated at our Consulates applying for a tourist visa.

    Very funny post.

    1. Third world countries exists only in your mind. Some kind of "democratic propaganda" - see we the best blablabla.

    Or you think money rules everything? Not true at MOST cases! And current "1d world countries" have money only because was first in some subjects like licensing rules, selling poison (alcohol/tobacco) to everybody, etc.

    Also this is not your personal achievements to be from '1world country' and be able to travel without visas everywhere where another peoples need visas, etc. When "3d world country" goverment (by your jargon) start see that more clearly and understand what here is not big difference between selfmade thai and farang, but second is same about cheat (overstay, illegally work, more troublemaking) and have 'born-rules' to travel everywhere where for thai it is hard - it start closing (still open for tourists, but more hard for peoples who want stay here without workjob/money).

    Also why you choose to stay at "3 world country" where most peoples easy to going, more open, smiling and have MUCH better moods than any european?

    2. QUOTE : "Of course there is the aggresive and racist attitude from the "elite" towards us."

    European peoples also have racist attitudes to most of immigrants. common blablabla - "we the best, him go here to eat our bread".

    Media support this confusing, posting lot of one-view news, articles/etc.

    Also - how you think where source of racists from???

    QUOTE "So let's relax and dont forget the hassle Thai people have when they after a long wait, are badly treated at our Consulates applying for a tourist visa."

    So, don't be surprised if one day you find what country you liked was closed for you and you find what visa rules tighten every one day.

    And one more time - "this is NOT YOUR personal achievements to be from '1world country')

    PS : Is "aggresive and racist attitude" at quoted post"?

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