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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. At least he did not shoot them this time thumbsup.gif

    They may live long enough to wish he had shot them.

    This fat little chap has worse things in his little "Box of Tricks" than simple shooting:

    He fed his Uncle to a pack of starving dogs. Admittedly he gave the Uncle a "sporting chance" to perhaps outrun the dogs, he didn't just tie him up and turn the Pooches onto him.

    As for Shooting, well he came up with a novel way of dispatching another official recently, he gave him to an Anti-Aircraft Unit who "lined-up" one of their BIG Guns on the guy and made Mince Meat of him.

    Wonder what his old School in Switzerland thinks of their Star Student?

  2. A large Gym Bag left unattended on the fourth floor of a CNX Shopping Centre last Saturday was of NO INTEREST to staff when we pointed it out.

    One staff member even laughed when my wife mentioned that Security should investigate.

    Nothing went "Bang" but if it had, the people in the vicinity of the Food Court may not have enjoyed the "Festival" of Fireworks it would have created.

    Have attached a photograph of the "Suspect" Bag.


  3. Pure exploitation of elephants, nothing else, all in the name of greed ...bah.gif

    Elephants are endemic to T'land. Let them be free.

    My condolences to the family of the mahout. That's a rough way to die.

    But let's look at this 'exploitation,' 'greed,' and the idea of freeing the elephants to roam around Thailand....

    Chiangmai331, are you going to give up your home so the elephants can roam freely? Do you suppose your neighbors will? After all, the land your homes are built upon were once jungle that supported the wild elephant population. Perhaps we can bulldoze down all the moobans that now line the various Ring Roads, raze the shopping malls and re-plant grass lands so the elephants can feed in their natural habitats once more. Hell, we don't need highways or even dual-carriageways, so lets rip them up as well. After all, elephants aren't going to obey stop lights for safe crossing... Are you beginning to see some problems with just letting the elephants run freely?

    Kannikapor88, will you please pay the veterinary bills for the elephants? Elephants don't need more than a few dollars a day for food, so could you please pay for that as well... of course multiplied by several hundred elephants currently residing in Elephant Camps. After all, if the tourists aren't paying money (which buys the elephant's food and pays veterinary bills,) someone certainly has to. As we've already seen, thanks to the urbanization of Thailand, there is just no place that can naturally support these several hundred elephants in the wild.

    Back in the day, elephants used to earn their own wages in the timber industry. Animal activists decided that this was cruel, and managed to get it stopped. Somehow it's fine for a water buffalo to drag a plow all day, or an Ox to drag a cart, but cruel for an elephant to drag a tree... OK... I don't need to understand the logic, but I can certainly understand the results. Someone has to pay to feed the elephants. It's rather like the Pro-Life people saying 'we have a duty to save the unborn babies, but no obligation to feed them after they are born...'

    Someone has to pay. For food. For medical care. For space. Elephants can't take care of themselves any more because of what WE did to their habitat. So who do you suggest pays now?

    Agree with you One Hundred Percent.

    People are full of noble clap-trap.

    They simply don't think it through, I would hope your comments put at least a few of them on the right track but I doubt they'll take any notice and just carry on with their unrealistic waffle.

  4. Yes is it. For many reasons.

    Roads and traffic

    Look at any utility power pole its a mess of cables and almost always overloaded


    Food storage - just look at how meat is presented at any market

    Building standard or lack theroff

    General workmanship on anything is poor, good work is the exception not the norm

    In terms of sales, service or anything involving work people are reactive and not proactive

    There thats a start.

    I still like it here though smile.png

    Agree with the above. Would also add to the list, the need to Re-introduce an AFFORDABLE Health Insurance Scheme for the Long Suffering Ferang who week after week tip huge amounts of CASH into the Economy and get ZIP Back for their trouble.

  5. I think the way things are that anyone on a retirement visa who is also married to a Thai National should seriously consider changing to a marriage extension. Ok; there are some differences in the paperwork etc and a few photo's needed but now the old office is nowhere near as crowded it is a lot simpler to get things done there.

    Weren't immigrtion "encouraging" married retirees to go the "retired" extension way? facepalm.gif

    That's what I did.

    You might be right but i've been on marriage extensions for six years and nobody there has ever tried to encourage me to swap to a retirement visa....never a word.

    Same with me. Just had the Marriage Extension approved and stamped yesterday. Put in the forms a week or so ago at the Old Office, wife got a Text Message for us to come and get the PP stamped. About an hour of sitting around without Airconditioning...maybe they are saving money?

    On the subject of MONEY... with the "Marriage Extension" you only have to have Baht 400K in the Bank but "Retirement" requires double that doesn't it?

  6. Not quite kids, but the way I dealt with teenagers in my classes who would not stop playing with their mobile phones or ipads etc.

    - Approach with a smile

    - Still smiling, gently take away the offending object (teenager is too surprised to resist)

    - Walk slowly to the rubbish bin, (stil smiling)

    - Smile and drop offending object into bin from a height of 1 metre

    - Smile at everyone and continue the lesson....

    Well, it worked for me every time - my students NEVER broke the rules again smile.png

    Okay, allow me to "pick your brain,"....PLEASE ?

    My 15 Y.O. Daughter, a computer genius, insists she needs her iPad for her homework. She is in year 10 at a very reputable school, same one my wife went to but perhaps, I shouldn't name it.

    If daughter is doing anything in English, it's simple enough for me to cast an eye over what she has on her INFERNAL "MACHINE."

    Trouble is, if it is in Thai, aside from the very obvious stuff, I wouldn't have a clue! This happens early evenings when my wife is at her exercise class,so my question to you is: How much iPad related "Homework" would you expect her to have each night?

    Sorry, second question: Should I go and see her Class Teacher to find out about this matter, or will that result in the child being placed in the "Bad Books"?

    Thanks in advance.

  7. What price do you put on your head, or life for that matter?

    Plenty of Non-slip Tiles at Home Pro, Global Etc., you only need a couple of square metres, so what are you Penny-pinching for?

    Replace the death-traps !

  8. Here we go.. Gestapo time. They going to arrest everyone they see wearing a bandage on their arm? Manhunts rarely produce desired results and usually injure more innocent people than criminals.

    What justification is it to to refuse boarding if a passport got wet and to be detained by immigration?

    Well, just maybe the Passport was damaged to an extent that it couldn't be read properly?

    All very well to take shots at the Police but you would probably be amongst the first to blame them, if they failed to act and the suspect turned out to be the Bomber but was allowed to leave the country.

  9. Make sure you get all the Written Permission from the Local "Mafia" after you no doubt have to pay an "appropriate fee."

    My wife wanted a small retaining wall built along the edge of a small creek at the back of our house. The Creek Bank is overgrown and a real mess, so we had it cleaned up and a small retaining wall built. We filled in the gap between the wall and the creek bank and it looked very nice.

    I had strongly suggested to "she who knows all" that we should first get the Official Okay and pay the FEE. She told me we didn't need to worry.

    Yep... the "nice" little man from the council came by and told her she couldn't do what she had done, he then promptly sent in a Back-hoe to rip the Retaining Wall down and we got a bill for 20 K.

    Sure, we SHOULD have offered to pay a "Late Fee" or something but by this time, wife had her knickers in a twist and didn't want any part of any negotiations.

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