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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. There have to be clouds in the sky in order for them to be seeded. No clouds.................no rain. Right now here in Phichit area we have clear blue skies and we haven't seen seedable clouds for a long while.

    Errr, no CLOUDS but plenty of SMOG over Chiang Mai at times. Perhaps a good dose of Thainess and some rainmaking stuff will produce a few drops.At least enough to make up for what will again be WASTED over Songkran.

  2. Not only the fading smile but not even a Thank You!

    Used to be very impressed with the Check-out staff at both RIMPING and MAKRO. Always got a "Thai" Thank you at both places.

    My wife has commented over the past week on the lack of any such courtesy at either RIMPING Airport or MAKRO Hangdong.

    Both places, she (my wife who is Thai) was very polite to the staff but when they handed her the receipt at the end of the transaction there was... NOTHING!


  3. A young prominent Thai Actor recently died of DENGUE Fever in Bangkok.

    He suffered for several weeks, they even amputated a foot where he had been bitten but he eventually died, despite the very BEST Medical Care available.

    A family friend in Chiang Mai also contracted it but she was lucky and has survived it.

    Suggest you take all possible precautions,

  4. Wow! A gay hotel/brothel in a 'gated community'. Who woulda thunk it?

    Some guys have all the luck...

    They must be doing a roaring trade for the 'manager' to allow it--wonder what his cut is thumbsup.gif

    Famous old saying: "The Johns get the MEAT and the Pimps get the GRAVY."

    ... think about it!

  5. I have a REAL PAPER Version of his book, "The Love Beach." bought it on line in Australia several years ago.

    If you haven't read it, suggest you do. Very funny. Although I did spend a little time in the New Hebrides (Vanuatu) and he based the book on that part of the South Pacific so maybe I can "see" the characters from the book in my mind's eye.

  6. ....a very lonely place after all....

    ...not what many of us ever imagined or expected.....

    .....if......old.........sick..........broke.....unfortunately nobody will give you the time of day....

    ....sorry for you dear....

    Sadly, you are quite right. If you get sick, towards the end of your days and you don't have High Priced Health Insurance, you don't have any

    great prospects. The FERANG Health Cover, for what it may have been worth has been ditched, so "Frail Ferang Beware!"

    May this Dear,Brave Soul Rest In Peace.

  7. Bit of a strange post....... I would say that during your time here, you haven't learned the trait of live and let live. I don't read in your post where any Thai or Buddhist asked you to intercede on their or all Buddhists behalf, and to quiet the guy. You just sound like you jumped in where , as a visitor in this country you could better use your manners. If someone asked you for help, then give it, if not, then it would appear that it was none of your business..... As you wrote, you confronted the guy, who wasn't directing his whatever towards you..... If you have plans to spend more time here, please learn more about their culture and less imposition of yours on the people you encounter here. Just some kind advice from someone who has been here for a few years. Do enjoy your time in Chiang Mai.

    Good for you "Gonzo."

    We have a number of members of a Christian group living in our village.

    They also have an Office here and they are a great bunch of people, We've owned a house here for many years but recently we acquired a puppy and I've started taking her for a walk to the basketball court and swimming pool area where I have met some of these folks and their kids.

    They are simply, nice people !

    One couple live only two doors away, they also are polite, never try to push their religion and they keep the house looking well cared for.

    What more can I ask?

    Suggest you take the kind advice offered above and mind your own business!

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