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Posts posted by snuggzzz

  1. When this was Broadcast not one complaint was received by the BBC, his delivery was so quick and accomplished, everyone was just a second behind in interpreting his dialogue that made this a masterpiece of all time. I do remember listening to it, with double meaning and entendres and reverse first letters it is a 'howler'... made me roll up...!!! :)

  2. Get well soon Charlie...!!! Having suffered from Cellulitis myself it is a very debilitating illness requiring plenty of rest, it can easily blow up again if not treated properly causing bad fever, vomiting, diarrhea and extreme pain to infected area with associated large swelling.

    So Charlie, no overdoing it when you return, get some help, or perhaps friends can assist. Keep Safe.... :)

  3. I also think that they got off lightly, do they get extra if they, do not/cannot afford to, pay the compensation..??

    Like all young people, the opportunity to travel/emigrate to get a better life is a big draw, however, young people unfortunately have fallen foul of setups or at worst murdered. I'm pleased these two were able to get away and see the perpetrators get jailed.

    Foreign Embassies do not have much power in any Country, other than to assist there countrymen with basics. They do not give money, more advice and guidance and act as a go between with their family. :)

  4. ABC don't worry, find out from her suitable Hotels in her area, that she has made this offer means the feeling is mutual, you'll also see her in her home environment, take it as it comes, I hope it goes well for you and wish you Good Luck....... :)

  5. I do think that now is not the time to invest anywhere in Thailand. You do not say where you are from, but Thailand although a beautiful land will be going through a monetary crisis when it has to adjust to world markets.

    Medical Insurance is a must, for both of you, with the cost of that and limited funds it would be better to stay put where you are, try and get a job, save any money and reappraise the idea next year.

    I am sorry not to be more positive, if you have to move because of circumstances, then go with MJP's advice, you will definitely need the Medical Insurance. I genuinely wish you both Good Luck..!! :)

  6. Every Country has it's own 'foibles', the customs and culture of Thailand is unique, nothing is as it looks or seems, indeed, that is what has attracted many westerners to it's shores over many, many years.

    No way could Thailand be called the laughing stock of SEA, that observation is demeaning to a true connoisseur of the far east. The Country has many and varied qualities for the determined traveller.

    I suggest that perhaps the OP has had a very limited perspective of Thailand, clearly the post was written before he had his afternoon nap...!!! :)

  7. 'theoldgit' has pointed out valid issues for you to pursue right direction. When I did this, I put everything in a folder with copies. Must confirmed time with your boyfriend, this can be done in photo format, get the photos dated, this will help show and confirm how long you've been together. Phone bills also help, also, a letter from Thai Landlord (or whoever) that you rented room to share with your boyfriend and give dates. Rent paid etc.

    If he has money in his Bank Account to show he can get home to Thailand from the UK certainly assists. A return ticket also assists in convincing the ECO that he will return. The main point that the previous post was saying, is that your B/F will not have recourse to Public Funds, it is up to him to prove that, So, make sure he is medically insured, your Bank Statements and those of your Mum's will be required to prove financial assistance. A letter from your B/F saying why he wants to come to the UK obviously assists.

    I made sure that there were sufficient funds in my G/F's Bank Account to prove this. She also got a letter from her parents proving that she owned land and needed to return, plus the family, (I showed us all together in photo), would provide money if required.

    Your B/F will need to provide a TB certificate, it will normally be done when you go to the office to submit the application and pay the fees.

    I wrote a letter of submission stating that I'd sponsor mt G/F and proved the above facts. No doubt others will pick up anything I've missed. Good Luck :)

  8. You guys are too much involved in the bar scene. You do not know about the hordes of tourists which visit Wat Phra Kaeo, Wat Arun, Budhamonton, the Floating Market, Wat Po, Traimitr, Ayuthaya, the Klongs, the crocodile farm, Damnoen Saduak...day by day. Big tour groups flock to Bangkok for that daily from Asia and Europe. And none of that package tourists is interested in the bar scene at all.

    Of course they don't write their comments here on this expat forum. But if you would read the major tourist forums on the net, you would get a completely other picture of personal views from Bangkok. No one mentions bgs and piss ups.

    I do think that there is a good balance, with the tourism, as 'Birdman' stated, the blokes, mostly single who through various reasons like to chat up the local young ladies, and buy them a drink. Try doing that in the UK...!!!

    The latest paedophile to be caught in the UK, worked with children in a Nursery 'Little Teds' in Plymouth. her name is Vanessa George, a 38 year old married mother of two teenage girls. Her Husband, has taken the 2 daughters to a Police safe house.

    George was charged with 2 counts of sexual assault by penetration, also, sexually touching both infant boys and girls, making possessing and distributing indecent photos of children. George has worked at the Nursery for 3 years looking after young children aged from 2-5 years. She is CRB approved and has worked with young children over 10 years. She was RIC until 21-9-09.

    The complaint came from Manchester Police who found indecent photos on a known paedophile who was circulating the vile pictures, which featured the Nursery and photo details were found about the Nursery on his home computer.

    I only highlight this to show the prescence of paedos in every Country in the World. The UK do keep and inform details of UK travelling paedos to Thai Authorities.

    As for Thailand, it is indeed rich in culture, a completely different way of life, the nightlife sensational, the thai's working in fields and village people, always smile and wave. They will help you out whatever, a truly good people.

    I end this on a positive note, some members pour scorn on Thailand, the prices (bent), Police being bunged (tea money), sinsod and other annoyances. But, this is the Land Of Smiles....!!!! :)

  9. Whenever I go to Thailand or any hot climate, my hands break out in a rash. itchy, red, and takes a couple of months to go away when I return to my home. What is it? I want to move to Thailand in the future, but I'm afraid my hands will get a lot worse in that hot climate if I stay there a long time. What is it and how to treat it? My doctor said dermatitis, but I'm not sure he is correct.

    Your problem would probably require more extensive testing for the cause of your rash to be identified. Try ringing the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London, I know you do not have one, but they will probably know who you should contact nearer home. Once you've obtained details, contact them to see if your own Doctor can make a referral. :)

  10. In most countries there are many 'Mia Noi', the man sets up the arrangement with or without his wife's knowledge. It's called 'affairs', a 'bit on the side', plus other names.

    In the UK it is accepted in some households that they have an 'open marriage' thereby allowing each partner to a lover. These according to the statistics invariably 'Fail'. I must comment that no one appears to knows the cold hearted statistician. I have known of many colleagues who meet up regularly with friends of the opposite sex to relax and for mutual 'fun time'.

    It is part of our rich cultures, particularly when West meets East for both men and women to look for 'fun times', it is much better organised here in Thailand, :)

  11. When I was in the same position as you, I sent the money to her via Western Union, then she paid and booked the air ticket with the Travel Agent, I had previously informed her of the on the flight details. BTW, EVA AIR, BA also do direct flights, ring around because sometimes there are Special Deals. Air Asia are offering deals, but I'm not sure if they are direct. (BKK to Stansted) Good Luck :)

  12. I do apologise, but I thought the OP was concerning Jewelry for a female...??!! If it's a bloke, don't bother, it is about how many Baht you have in your wallet and what you are paying for both now and in the future what counts.

    There's no point in turning up like 'Mr T' from the 'A Team' bedecked in Chains and Medallions, they wouldn't be that impressed at all, their main concerns are for their daughter and themselves, not how your Jewelry suits you.

    Sorry if this seems abrasive. Good Luck :)

  13. Memories............. I booked flight to Thailand on impulse, being single again and having been straight down the middle of the US (fabulous), I decided to go East.

    Upon my arrival at BKK as I got off the plane at Don Muang I was enveloped in a cloying heat, not dissimilar to Sauna. In my total ignorance having collected my case, I went to a cash machine to wonder how many pounds to a Baht or is it how many Bahts to a Pound...?? I was offered 10k or 20k, I didn't know it's worth at all.

    I look back on that experience, plus a couple of scams which cost me, but not tooo much, I settled soundly in Thailand, truly, it can be a land of Smiles..!!! :)

  14. Looking at the OP and posts, I do feel she will either:

    1/ Not see the Thai people arranging this 'deal', not receive any Visa and be left in Thailand, expensive mistake.


    2/ Be taken to Russia to work as a Sex Slave for life.

    I truly hope she sees sense, Russia is frozen and under Snow for a lot 6-7 months a year = No Golf. :)

  15. The hiring of such a large bike is a big draw to a lot of motorcyclists, a fantasy brought to life, a modern motorcycle with all the gadgets hired for a negligible amount. Thailand may have less rigid structures in Hiring out motorcycles, but the rider himself in this instance has killed his pillion passenger due to being perhaps drunk or incompetent to ride such a powerful machine.

    The early morning accident was at a quiet time, less people about, thank God no-one else was involved. A tradgedy for 2 families, may they RIP.

  16. I agree a marvellous article, a good concept however, the reality of the current situation is one of protectionism. The current heirachy works well for those in authority, it is within their comfort zone; indeed, they would fight to keep the status quo, as would local Politicians. To break the cycle would prove to be extremely difficult and dare I say, dangerous. :)

  17. The swine flu virus is H1N1; it has the potential to mutate, either with the normal flu H3N2 vius,(which has been about for years) or, the Avian flu H5N1. If it follows previous pandemics, it'll take 3 years from start to finish; Researchers found that it mostly killed younger people. Research has been carried out into Flu at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, importantly the new work shows that infection within the virus prompted an immune response, that seems to derail the body's typical reaction to viral infection, and instead unleashes an attack by the immune system on the lungs.

    As immune cells attack the respiratory system the lungs fill with fluid and victims in essence drown.

    So I thought that I'd fill in the missing bits for info........... :)

  18. For info a friend of mine from UK visits annually and always goes to Bangkok=Pattaya Hospital Dental Department. It can be Googled, it has a drop down menu and you can choose Dental Clinic.the email addy is.......... [email protected]

    The only thing to advise, having spent many times in hospitals here in Thailand, please always get written estimates, what is covered etc., and / or alternatives for treatment. With regards to Dentist Shops at the side of the road, see if anyone can recomend one at any of the places you will be visiting.

    Good luck......... :)

  19. On a side note, I believe Thailand is the leader for penis reattachment surgery.

    Set the scene................... in pre-op room, Surgeon to Belgian Man....' Did you want to become woman....??''

    Belgium.........................In great pain member swollen up hanging by thread of skin.

    'No,No, Not at all....!!!

    Surgeon........................With Tears in his eyes.

    'This will be a very expensive operation I'm afraid'

    Belgium....................... With even bigger Tears in his eyes.

    'I'll pay anything whatever it costs......!!!'

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