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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Best guess while knowing nothing certain.

    You may have debris clogging your intake in the well.

    Suction will pull debris and hold it there,

    then when the pump shuts off the debris is free to fall or float away.

    It is unpredictable exactly how and when the debris comes to the intake

    so each episode would logically be a bit different.

    That is possible but the flow of water can go up from 40 to 80ltre per min as well as down and I would of have thought that any debris would stay while the pump is turned on

    When the well was drilled the well company told some one what the capacity of the well was/is. If you exceed this amount you take a chance of collapsing the well walls or having to wait for the well to refill.

    If you get water good flow and it is steady at 40 Lm you need to adjust the valve at the well head so you only pump 40 liters a minute. As wells get older they pump less water there is also the problem of many well added in the area lowering the water table.

    Best to find a flow and set the flow with the valve and leave it.

    Good Luck

    I'm just starting to use a new well and there really isn't an understanding of how to test well capabilities here in Thailand at least locally. Other wells I've drilled in California we did what you call a pump down test and you put in a highflow pump and log your flows for a certain amount of time and then see how much "drop down" (the difference of the original height of water and where it is after a certain amount of time and flow has occurred) you get. Then every hour you record what the water height is until it reaches it normal level. Another test can be to try to pump at a certain amount over a long period of time to see if you have no "drop down" and then you can put a calibrated restrictor on your line and pump 24/7 if you choose.

    This is what I am going to attempt to do. they don't seem to have the restrictors readily and locally available (word of mouth from my very very good well man) and since I am returning to the US shortly I am going to buy an assorted varied amount of them and then create an manifold with valves on it and just pump through each one and see at which flow I can pump continuously and go with that. it is a great time now for testing wells as the rainy season is long past and hopefully you can get a "worst case" reading that will work for you.

    This is definitely a bit off subject but partially relevant and also do you have a multi-stage submersible pump or is yours an above ground FF

    Inany well here deeper than 30 meters they are multi-stage well pumps, either Franklin, Grundfos. Since we don't have flow restrictors we use a valve and weld it at the setting we want. Effective until "they" open/change the "bad valve" because it is restricting the water. The well is usually bad in a short while after that.

    Again Good Luck

  2. Best guess while knowing nothing certain.

    You may have debris clogging your intake in the well.

    Suction will pull debris and hold it there,

    then when the pump shuts off the debris is free to fall or float away.

    It is unpredictable exactly how and when the debris comes to the intake

    so each episode would logically be a bit different.

    That is possible but the flow of water can go up from 40 to 80ltre per min as well as down and I would of have thought that any debris would stay while the pump is turned on

    When the well was drilled the well company told some one what the capacity of the well was/is. If you exceed this amount you take a chance of collapsing the well walls or having to wait for the well to refill.

    If you get water good flow and it is steady at 40 Lm you need to adjust the valve at the well head so you only pump 40 liters a minute. As wells get older they pump less water there is also the problem of many well added in the area lowering the water table.

    Best to find a flow and set the flow with the valve and leave it.

    Good Luck

  3. Hi Chris, How about Phuket there a some real bargans to had here right now, Samui has major infrastructure problems plus a lot of flooding.

    What kind of property are you interested in.

    The cause of flooding is a lack of storm drains leading to the sea. Beachfront has all been taken up by private owners, and no one wants a drain pass his property and on to the sea, thereby polluting his beach area.

  4. Living and working in Thailand over 30 years, with work permit and proper visa. I pay Social Insurance along with my employees. I pay the maximum of 750 baht a month and I can use any government hospital FREE, all costs covered. ALL!

    It may not be 5 Star service and you have to wait like every one else. But the service is good and the Doctors are ok. In an emergency you can use any hospital and they will reimburse you for most costs.

    I've paid a portion of my wages into Medicare since it's inception in 1965. So theoretically my "pile" of money is there when I reach Medicare age.

    Now consider this: If I need a medical procedure that, for instance, costs $200,000 in the US, but only costs $30,000 in a quality hospital in Bkk I am not allowed to use the lower cost, equally as good (there are internationally accepted metrics on quality) at a fraction of the cost--I must return to the US where my "out-of-pocket expenses" will likely be close to the total cost here.

    That this situation exists to me exemplifies the depth of corruption between the US government and the Pharmaking. (Medical Industry).

    Allowing Americans "choice" would create enormous savings, and lower medical costs overall due to competition (zero competition now) but it will never happen and so the ongoing fleecing of Americans by its own government continues... just my opinion.

    It's not just America either. Recently I was looking at customer feedback on a site where I buy meds to import to the US (it was a pharmacy listed at pharmacychecker.com if this is allowed) and a poster on the store review that I was reading commented that he had been happy with his purchase as the total cost was less than the Australian medical system's co-pay was. This is the same exact position that I found myself in when I last had insurance, that often I could buy quality generic meds at a lower cost that what my insurance company made me pay for a co-pay.

    The part that I don't get is that medical costs have risen so fast and so enormously over just the past few years and as a US Registered Nurse, I see decreased earnings power, not increased--so where is all this money going? I leave that answer up to you, the reader....

  5. It's the essentially same as setting up any Thai limited company except if you're American you can own 100% of the shares. You are correct there need to be 3 shareholders, but the 2 can just have a very small amount and an be 100% American. Very standard company structure, for Americans anyway. Once established to the best of my knowledge my company operates like any other Thai company - taxes, registration, work permits, etc. nothing special.

    Google it and I'm sure you'll find plenty of info.

    A copy of the treaty is on line at the Thai Embassy website in Washington DC, both English and Thai.

    If you call the U.S. Embassy American Services they will help you set it up.

  6. Had this problem in Bangkok, I carried a small squirt gun with some fish sauce and prik, you can get some at the friendly street vendor, (after preparation filter out the small bits).<br>The same dogs came after me at the same location every day, I few squirts in the face or other sensitive areas and they never bothered me again.<br>No permanent damage to the dog. Must be strong enough to temporally blind them.<br><br>Cheers<br>

  7. Sounds like the e mail box was deleted. Stop using your computer as the new data may overwrite the deleted data.<br>there are lots of  data and mail recovery  "free" programs on the net. Google  "e mail recovery programs downloads free".<br>Read each description carefully, the data should be recoverable, he may also have deleted the Icon on the desk top.<br>Go to Programs in the start menu and see if your e mail program is there.<br><br>Good Luck, I know the feeling. Back up the e mails as soon as you recover them, there are also a lot of good free e mail backup programs out there.<br>

  8. When I first started working in PR China in the late 80s everything had to be done by TELEX ... I later started coming to Thailand as a travel hub and buying tickets at the Thai Airways ticket office which was at the Royal Cliff Hotel in Pattaya ... and used the central telephone exchange building for faxes.

    Whether I would be here or not I don't know but the Internet allows me to run a USA-based NGO and send stuff all over the world from rice & Sugar land in NE Thailand.

    I first came to Thailand in 1962 and have lived here for the last 35 years. No Phones, no hand phones, no TV, some radio.

    Yes, no worries or problems, it was a simple and easy life back then.

  9. There is a company in Phuket that sprays Expandable Foam Insulation on the inside of roofs and walls. It not only insulates but waterproofs and sticks the tile in place.

    Used them in the past (5) years ago and never a problem with the work. I don't know their name but it would probably be under spray insulation. They come over in a big truck with vats of the A&B and a air compressor, and spray it on.

  10. I stopped mine and use my U.S. Bank Account.


    The staff (tellers) have a problem handling the account, it usually takes a Manager and it does require a manager to approve any withdrawal, You must have the Bank Book, you must have your Passport.

    Reason 2 very inconvenient and YOU can only withdraw at the branch the account the account was opened at.

    And NO your Girl friend, mate or wife CAN NOT WITHDRAW FUNDS FROM THIS ACCOUNT, ONLY YOU and IN PERSON.

    This does prevent fraud, if the account holder dies no one can touch the funds and they are eventually returned to the SS administration, when the report of the account is sent to them at the end of the year.

  11. I've been using this method for one of my pension's (actually I just send an allotment/portion of the pension) for about a year now. Works fine. Based on my experience you will receive the money in your Bangkok Bank account on the 1st business day of the month, which varies depending on weekends, Thai, and US holidays. US holidays have an impact since the NY branch observes them and it usually delays the transfer. Bangkok Bank NY will slice off a cut of $5 up to $2000 in a transfer and $10 for over $2,000 to $50,0000. The local Bangkok Bank will then take a 0.25% (200 Baht minimum to 500 Baht maximum). It's really nothing more than an ACH transfer with no ACH fee applied by the SS Agency. It's not like a pure US Govt Direct Deposit to a foreign bank which is available to certain countries (Thailand not included) under governmental agreements, where generally no fees of any kind are applied by the receiving bank. See this Bangkok Bank link for more info regarding transferring money from the USA to Thailand.


    So, let say your SS payment is $1900/mo. As it flows through the Bangkok Bank NY branch they will slice off a $5 cut and $1895 continues on to your local/in-Thailand Bangkok Bank account. They then take a 0.25% (200B min to 500B max) to receive/exchange the dollars to baht. Say at 30 baht to the dollar, 0.25% comes to about 142 Baht on the $1895 received...Bangkok Bank will apply the 200 Baht minimum fee which is about $6.67. You will get the TT Buying Rate in the exchange which is about the best rate the common man can get in a funds transfer. Of course I'm assuming the SS Agency does not provide an option to send the money in baht versus dollars. I expect the TT Buying Rate will be better than any wholesale rate provided by a government agency. Plus, even if sending in baht, Bangkok Bank still takes it cut/fees.

    So, $1900 began the transfer...Bangkok Bank NY took a $5 cut...then the local receiving Bank Bangkok takes a $6.67 cut in baht which means total transfer fees of $11.67, with $1888.33 being available to deposit to your account at the currency exchange TT Buying Rate. If the TT rate was 30 Baht to 1 USD then you end up with 56,649.90 Baht deposited.

    But here is something else you need to know. Since US govt pension fund transfers have a special code assigned to them, Bangkok Bank will probably spot this code immediately or after one or two transfers and then send you a nice letter that you need to set up a Direct Deposit Only Account to continue to receive the pension deposit/transfer. They spotted my pension transfer after a few months, but maybe they won't spot yours. With such a deposit only account you have to withdraw all money "in person" and you can not have ATM/telephone banking/internet banking tied to the account. They are just trying to comply with a US law to allow continued flow of the pension and to prevent possible fraud. By fraud, I mean if the pensioner had a "regular savings account" (possibly a joint account/ATM/telephone banking privileges) which the US govt pension was transferring to and the pensioner dies, and the spouse/family members authorized on the regular account unintentionally or intentionally failed to quickly notify the US govt of the pensioner's died which stops/adjusts the pension payment, the monthly payments would continue to roll in and could be withdrawn by anyone on the joint account.

    With a Direct Deposit Only account if the person can't show up physically to withdraw funds then "he just may be dead." Under this arrangement, once the US govt and/or Bangkok Bank find out the pensioner is dead, any pension funds deposit after the date of his death are put on hold/sent back to the US govt. Remaining funds which are in the account are handled via the probate / will / beneficiary processes. You would need to have a regular savings account for full banking privileges, which you would physically transfer funds to via your Deposit Only Account. It's a good way to go if you want your pension delivered like clock work while incurring the minimum possible transfer fees. If you are a member of a bank that does free ACH outbound transfers and has an easy funds transfer process, then there would be no fee advantages...just have the pension deposited in your stateside account and then transfer to your regular Bangkok Bank savings account. At lot depends on each individual's money flow desires, home country banking membership, etc...etc....etc. Pro's and Con's exist. I may stop using this transfer method soon depending on how a new banking setup works out for me, but I will definitely keep the Direct Deposit Account open in case I start incurring transfer problems with my current stateside banks due to policy/fee changes.

    See attached for a cut and paste from one of the Bangkok Bank forms you must sign when signing up for the Direct Deposit Only account...it does a good job of summarizing the banking limitations of this type of account setup. Good luck and cheers.

  12. Experience with a similar issue, and I was lucky as I did act like a Thai.

    Some years ago 1999 I had some used computer parts sent to me, not much value, the duty was 0. my clearing agent called and gave me a price to get the goods out of customs. It was not expensive, but I "got on my high horse" and decided not to pay and clear the shipment my self.

    I had contacts in high places so they gave me names and introductions. So I started the process, after 4 days of stamps, papers, stamps, waiting and waiting I finally had the paperwork, which was 20% higher than my clearing agent was quoted.

    I made an appointment with the Head of Custom at the (unnamed location) I was received cordially and offered coffee. We had an amiable chat, a few question about my business, I was vague, he than asked whet he could do for me. I showed him the paper work he said everything was in order, I asked why I was charged duty on non-duty items.

    He again said the paper work was OK, knowing when it is best to shut up and leave, I was going to make a hasty exit, he called me back and said "see those books over there" yes, "get the last book out and open it to the last page" I did "please read the last line"

    it said " Final Customs duties and charges are up to the digression of the Customs Officer".

    I left paid the bill, the box was deposited in my truck (never had been opened).

    Trust me I will never contest the customs charges or decisions again.

    This was a sobering experience and a great learning experience.

  13. They just arrested several people in Bangkok in connection with the Madrid subway bombing, maybe because of that

    A lot cheaper and faster than "Full Body Scanners" and probably more effective.

  14. First by best wishes to Rino for a speedy recovery.

    It seems a very high price for the operation, especially when the Government is planning to start a campaign pushing low cost medical tourism.

    I would love to know what this procedure would cost in the west!

    It doesn't appear that with all the publicity the that the hospital or doctor didn't provided any discounts!

    I see many farangs here get ripped off by by the hospitals, especially on the costs of medicine and dressings.

    For medical Tourism to work, they have to control the over the top prices charged by hospitals and doctors.

    It is cheaper to get your treatment/procedure in Bangkok than Phuket or Samui.

    Sure doesn't help promote "Medical Tourism"

  15. Just received a USPS package from the U.S. Louisiana to Samui 8 days, 8 kg 90$ USD.

    Have never lost or had a problem with a USPS package in over 10 years.

    UPS and DHL you WILL pay duty, no choice they pay and charge you plus 7% VAT on their estimate of goods plus shipping and insurance.

    By USPS in a plain brown box all hand written forms and lots of USPS tape, never a problem.

  16. Change your outgoing mail address to TOT's smtp address, Don't remember it but you can call them at 1100.

    This has happened to me ocationaly. Why TIT.

    Nope it was only 200k jpg and it could not do it and all my boxes are cleaned out at all my accounts and not just a gmail but all e mail was doing it yahoo and hotmail too. It all just started working again - at first just real slow but getting better. Someone or something had the up load side swamped for me and it was dropping packets and losing connection to the mail servers from ToT all day long.

    I ll send a few more tomorrow and see if problem returned. Even right not my upload is only running 40Kbps in a speed test and should be 256k. ToT servers again.

  17. Woh, Hold On!

    Compairing Natorn to Lamai :o , there is no compairson, yes in Natorn we have a traffic problem, but we also have also been thrust into the unenvieable position of the "gateway and exit" of Samui for both tourists, food, materials and petrol. Those of us that live here must put up with the commings and goings of the people who only use us as a door mat. Thankfully they all leave and go else where on Samui or on to Phangnan or Tao.

    Here in Natorn we get a lot of tourists at the local shops, and I most are quality tourists. if you come to Natorn after 8 PM, the sidewalks are all rolled up, there are some kids hanging at the Seven Eleven, but for the most part it is peacefull and quiet and we like it that way, in the morning we hear the birds, smell the clean air and the kids can go out and play with no problems or worries, at nignt the jungle critters lul you to sleep.

    Hopefully "Our Side Of The Island" will remain like this for a while longer.

  18. I have been fighting this problem for many, many years here on Samui, and before that in just about anywhere you live here in the LOS.

    The problem is To Many People on a transformer, be it a house, bar, hotel, resort. Most transformers are NOT dedicated to any one property, the Low Voltage is distributed to meters at different locations. Most Transformers are overloaded on the island. I won't go into the reasons.

    If you want a transformer of your own, you can get it, and yes it is expensive, real expensive, and the paper work is a bitch, you will also pay 400 baht / per kw of the transformer as a guaranty, (100 KVA transformer the deposit is 40,000 baht) the last transformer a 100 kva we had installed costs just over 400,000 baht and that was very close to the existing High Voltage line, Plus deposit, plus hook up charge. And Only one meter is allowed on a house paper, now you have to install a low voltage distribution system with breakers and all the associated stuff, and don't forget the copper wire from the transformer to your distribution panel. (Average cost of the wire 580 baht a meter just for the wire. (Cost of Copper up 37% in the last 12

    months.) At the end of the installation it cost just over 680,000 baht.

    Voltage regulators only work down to about 190 volts than they don work, you can not make electricity where there is none, the current (amps) also go up as the voltage drops. A good UPS for light loads, Computer, VCR DVD Medium size TV. the UPS's are available all the way up to 1500 watts. APC is the only way to go.

    The most damaged equipment due to low voltage are devices with motors, refrigerators, Fans, your A/C. If you see the fan turning slow or light bulbs dim, unplug everything you can. I keep a small 7 watt bulb plugged into a socket just for this purpose.

    I suggest that you install a refrigerator protector on your fringes.

    Believe me the power is getting better here, but it still has a long way to go.

    Have a nice weekend.

  19. Again I ask! Who is the "Officer" if they allow the "Boys in Brown" to do it than we really have problems. Just want to know who is the authorized Officer who can come into your home or office and look at your computer with out a complaint or evidence of act against the law. It is obvious that if I looked at information on 95% of the computers anywhere I could find something that could fall into the category of suspicious, I could than confiscate your computer based on my opinion!!!

    Do they need probable cause, if so do they need to tell you what it is?


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