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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Starting again just like it was in the 80's. Intimidation by unknown's worked than and it kept people from investigating and solving the problem. Basically no one really cared!

    There are a lot of trope's in the Thai Army, send them to guard the schools, but let it be known that they will shoot anyone who does not belong near the schools, has a weapon or acts strangely.

    In my opinion it has nothing to do with Islam, never did, but protecting illegal smuggling of cars, oil, people ect.

    Fear is a powerful weapon. it is used and has been used for a long time in Thailand's Southern Provinces.

    It's about time something is done to protect these Thai Citizens so they can be Happy To.

  2. Works all the time, no local branch contact needed. Just a Bangkok Bank Account and IBanking.

    I have several other accounts are other banks, all a pain to transfer funds, Bangkok Bank, no problem.

    Below is the instruction from the Main Branch in Bangkok.

    Thank you for using Bualuang iBanking.

    Regarding your inquiry, we would like to inform that you can transfer money to abroad by contact any of the banks in your country and kindly mention as the followings:
    1. The beneficial Account Name: in full name as appear on his/her passbook.
    2. The beneficial Account Number: 10 digits.
    3. Beneficiary's Bank Details:
    - Bank Name: Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited.
    - Branch Name: Beneficiary's Branch name
    - Address: 333 Silom Road Bangkok 10500.

    Our charge to the beneficiary's account is only 0.25 percent from the remittance amount (min THB200.- and max THB500.-).

    For more information, please contact us at Bualuang Phone Tel. 1333 or 0-2645-5555 press 2-0 or send a message to us via Bank Mail.

    Yours sincerely,
    Bualuang iBanking

  3. From Bangkok Bank, Main Branch.

    Thank you for using Bualuang iBanking.

    Regarding your inquiry, we would like to inform that you can transfer money to abroad by contact any of the banks in your country and kindly mention as the followings:
    1. The beneficial Account Name: in full name as appear on his/her passbook.
    2. The beneficial Account Number: 10 digits.
    3. Beneficiary's Bank Details:
    - Bank Name: Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited.
    - Branch Name: Beneficiary's Branch name
    - Address: 333 Silom Road Bangkok 10500.

    Our charge to the beneficiary's account is only 0.25 percent from the remittance amount (min THB200.- and max THB500.-).

    For more information, please contact us at Bualuang Phone Tel. 1333 or 0-2645-5555 press 2-0 or send a message to us via Bank Mail.

    Yours sincerely,
    Bualuang iBanking

  4. NO, stop the corruption by getting rid of these people, after firing them file charges in court.

    Transferring the corrupt officers, officials to an inactive post has and will never work. Unpaid leave while the charges are investigated. Loosing their job and retirement, plus jail time may help deter this kind of corruption.

    But sadly most don't report this corruption, either from fear of reprisal, or "not my business". never mind!

    get details, numbers names of those involved, the person involved should be traceable through the visa stamp in the passport.

    As long as no action is taken this type of corruption will continue and it does reflect on the image of "The Kingdom of Thailand".

    It become another nail in the coffin of the credibility of Thailand.

    • Like 2
  5. It obvious by most comments, none of you have spent any time or indeed been in our Southern Provinces.

    Contrary to what the militants and rebel rouses would have you believe, the people are kind, peaceful and polite. Why not they are Thai!

    They do not push the Muslim religion you or even bring it up for that matter.

    If it was not for Mosques visible and a few women with headscarves, you would not know you were in a so called Muslim area.

    they are Thai's, just ask them and proud of it.

    Increasing tourism and improving infrastructure and security will make the Rebels and Terrorists very unhappy because they will lose their control over the Thai people. They control now with fear and as long as no one cares it will continue as it has for a long time.

    Everyone seems to forget these provinces and their people as Citizens of Thailand they deserve the same rights and protection as everyone else gets in The Kingdom of Thailand.

    • Like 1
  6. Good luck, the problem has been ignored for to long.

    They have been the Ugly stepchild for to long.

    They are Thai and need to be treated a Thai's.

    Open the area to tourism, there are some of the most beautiful beaches in Asia in the south of Thailand.

    Help the develop their resources jobs and respect go a long way.

    • Like 1
  7. If there is a Bangkok Bank in UK, as there is in the U.S., you can get a cashiers check written on the U.K. branch and deposit it your local U.K. bank account. Check with Bangkok Bank main web site or call them, calling branches in a waste of time.

    I have never had a problem transferring funds back to the U.S. using my Kasikorn Savings Account, I do it on-line, easy and painless.

    yes if limits you may need to make several smaller transfers.

    Good Luck

  8. My Visa Run went very smooth, but a lot of the people in the group had a sense of uncertainty and worry.

    All did get their visa stamped, all were on legal visas or extension of stay.

    Why doesn't the government issue a list of rules, as required by the law.

    To many officials, border posts, disgruntled officials, make up their own rules.

    Observations at the border, after a few hours you can tell which group will have problems.

    Most of theses visitors to The Kingdom are doing their own Visa Run!

    These are easy picking, they just add "things" to the rules, requirements. I realize there are times when additional "things" are necessary, but when the Passport holder just crosses the border out and back in in 30 minutes what could be wrong with their papers, either the qualify for entry or they don't.

    The government need to provide a set of published rules of the requirement that effect EVERY Border Crossing.

    The rules should be the same at all crossings and available for the Visitor to see/read,

    If the problem is the border post of the other country, just close that border to foreigners.

    If every one followed the same set of rules, and they were enforced, the process would go so much smoother, with less stress and BS on both sides.

    Every one was bitching about the changes in the rules, Other than ED Visas and VOA the rules are the same as they always have been, just enforcing the rules now. I know there have been small changes, my statement is "IN GENERAL".

    Don't listen to roomers, all the information you need is available on the net, just look!

    In almost 40 years here in "The Kingdom" I have NEVER had a exit or entry problem at any border crossing.

    Yes more questions are asked now, but that's the way things are all over the world now.

  9. A PROUD AMERICAN, Living / working overseas since Viet Nam War in 1962.

    I am and will always be a Proud American. I vote in every election, file my taxes every year.

    When I Go HOME for a visit, I am treated as a curiosity and as an Ambassador for America.

    I keep my nose out of local politics and religion where ever i am in the world.

    Over the years I have also learned "When to Shut UP".

  10. Sounds like a scam to me. What is an "open work visa"?,

    Do the same as you did last time, should not be a problem.

    You have enough time to do these things once you are in country.

    Gives you time to check them out your self.

    Than run over to Laos or where ever and get a Non-B with the proper paper work.

    Check the Thai Visa.com website all the documents you need and what is required for the visa are available to you on line.

    Don't send them any money!

  11. The best known is Legionaries Disease, spread mostly in spray from showers that have not been used in a long time (room not occupied in a while) and mostly in Hospitals, (many people with compromised immune systems) A form of Pneumonia, easily treated once they know you have it!

    I add a tablet to my A/C unit drain pans every 4- 6 months, it dissolves slowly and kills all fungus, bacteria, and keeps the drain line clear.

    Getting low on stock now, I get them from either the UK or USA, but difficult to send to Thailand, Mainly because they don't understand what they are used for and a chemical so must be "Not Allowed".

    Remember to keep your A/C filter clean also. between the filter and the tablet, "clean drain pan" you would be surprised at the reduction in "flu symptoms", coughs, and sneezing. Caution do not used Bleach in the pan as it will cause it to leak.

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