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Posts posted by billythehat

  1. I think Billytheheat was quoting from an old Humphrey Bogart movie about tough guy private dicks, Maipleur.

    It's called humour.

    (I think a few of the broads on this board could probably smack most down the street!)

    I think he should of made that clear, some of us are not 125 years old. :D

    You don't have to have lived history to be aware of it.

    Some people can get to great age and still be ignorant.

    Well Ill agree to disagree, as your little digs are ridiculous..

    I dont think many Thai people would understand that and I do not believe many people under 30 would either..

    Now you have made it clear, I can see the humour, but It only took the post being put into quotes to make it clear.

    BTW, I know you quite well OLD croc, so wind your neck in!. :D

    JEEZ.....Is this your dummy on the floor, Miss? :o

  2. I think Billytheheat was quoting from an old Humphrey Bogart movie about tough guy private dicks, Maipleur.

    It's called humour.

    (I think a few of the broads on this board could probably smack most down the street!)

    I think he should of made that clear, some of us are not 125 years old. :D

    You don't have to have lived history to be aware of it.

    Some people can get to great age and still be ignorant.

    Well Ill agree to disagree, as your little digs are ridiculous..

    I dont think many Thai people would understand that and I do not believe many people under 30 would either..

    Now you have made it clear, I can see the humour, but It only took the post being put into quotes to make it clear.

    BTW, I know you quite well OLD croc, so wind your neck in!. :D

    Thanks, old croc. I thought at one point I was going to have to send some torches and flags for

    you to enlighten the poor humourless young child... :o



  3. gburns: You tell me where you think the holes are, and I shall enlighten you regarding the details. I don't know where this notion comes from that I'm making this up. I got the same reaction on the stickman forums too. Is there a culture of people who go around making lengthy stories up for sympathy/attention/profit?

    It looks like comments to your questions, were posted on Schoochers forum, and not Stickmans.

    Anyway, looking at these postings, they generally seem to offer some sound, no-bull, advice.

  4. Thai Frozen Foods Association president Poj Aramwattanont said that last year, exports from Thailand reached 193,764 metric tons, three times that from China, the second-biggest supplier.

    But in the first two months of this year, total exports were just 1,593 tons, a 95% decline.

    That's very bad with the accounting supplied, but using actual calculations, it's much worse:

    This years tonnage / last years tonnage = 99.18% deficit.

    Prawn sandwich anyone? :o

  5. Is Patong Gay? As gay as a butcher's hook, Sir, and very fine people they are too,

    even the one's with soi dogs under their arms.

    Why, even my own Labrador, Buster, has been gay since his operation, and now only

    looks at his own reflection and the fridge door... :o

  6. Wherever you go there you are!

    Always loved this quote!

    I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!

    This one too!

    The sentence "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" is a quote from Dorothy Parker

    I could have sworn that this was W.C. Fields........?

    Tom Waits, even..

  7. Just follow the badly paved road, and you'll get there. Be sure to skip and prance so that the vulture like massage parlor girls every 10m will not scream out, "hey mister, massage, good price for you and maybe extra, ok". But be careful, there are ninja like katoeys along the way.

    When you get to the Paradise complex, in order to blend in, try to look elderly and lonely. The more pathetic you look, the more likely you are to meet the virginal boy of your dreams. Remember to apply extra denture glue so that when your mouth drops at the delightful array of impoverished boys all vying for your loin, that the dentures don't fall to the ground and cause the kids to giggle.

    Unfortunately, there is really nothing gay about the "Paradise" sex slave ghetto. Regular Thai gays and young western gays avoid Paradise like the plague. Try to avoid the end of the month though. That's when there will be a visit to check for HIV and STIs and everyone gets his arm jabbed. If you want a cheap date though, come back 2 weeks later when the positive test workers get turfed. You'll get a bargain and a lovely Thai souvenir when you get a slightly used boy to love you for a discount price.

    And for a really exciting time, wait for the mandatory pee tests of bar patrons. It's coming soon. The strategy was tried out in Pattaya a few weeks ago, and left a few of the aged pervs in shock when they were carted to the police cells. (Don't look so shocked, there is no need for a warrant to test for drug use.)

    Inspired writing, Sir. :o:D:D

  8. Another tip:

    If you know where you are staying, many of the hotels/guest houses have

    their own regular drivers. Just let them know your arrival time and they will

    arrange to have you picked up.

    Certainly can lessen the stress levels!

    Oh yeah, always sit in the back seat and never speak English until you arrive

    at your place of stay. :o

  9. From the Phuket Gazette:

    After two months on the run wanted for the shooting murder of Karon restaurateur Mala Peng-iam, Suban Pon-iamsaen handed himself in to Chalong Police Station on Tuesday. A reward of 100,000 baht had been offered for information leading to his capture.

    About 7 pm March 27, Mala, owner of Mala Seafood restaurant, was shot three times in the face and once in the chest with a .38 caliber pistol. Police also found a bullet hole in the kitchen wall from a shot that had missed its mark.

    At the time of the shooting, eyewitnesses reported that Suban had calmly walked into the restaurant kitchen and shot Mala. After the shooting, Suban was seen leaving the scene in his white Toyota sedan.

    Mala, 52, and Suban, 40, were distant relatives who owned neighboring restaurants on the Karon Beach road. However, they were known to argue often, including over one of them wanting to have a karaoke machine, but the other disputing that it would be too noisy.

    Pol Lt Col Sirisak Wasasiri, deputy superintendent of Chalong Police Station, told the Gazette that Suban arrived at Chalong Police Station about 8 pm.

    "Suban arrived with a relative and handed himself in to police, but he declined to say where he had been hiding. He said that he would reveal that only in court," Lt Col Sirisak said.

    Suban was released after the relative posted 200,000-baht bail, he added.

    A date has yet to be set for Suban to appear in court.

    So the relative probably gets the 100K reward adds 100K and a guy they couldn't find for two months after shooting someone in the face three times is back on the street :D:D:o

    Naturally, Sir.

    Mind you, the food might really have been that bad. :D

  10. Not normally on the Thai agenda, is the issue of environmental concerns.

    Will this be considered in the meeting? One would hope so.

    The ever increasing burden on the infrastructure of such a small island, can

    have a disasterous effect on its' fragile ecosystem.

    Its not just about economics... :o

    Well apart from acknowledging the need for planning for the environment and to address tourism safety issues, the one solid thing to come out of the meeting is that the Vice Governor has asked for a budget to build a second incinerator. Quite an achievement at this meeting of the minds :D

    Yes, a 2nd incinerator would be quite an achievement, and I wish I was saying that with tongue in cheek... As long as the central government in Bangkok funds Phuket based on registered residents instead of the number of people actually living here, the local administrators have their hands tied and will always have to beg for handouts. Which is especially ludicrous considering all the tourist money from Phuket that makes its way to the rest of Thailand.

    Somebody suggested this to me once upon a time and I thought they were completely loony, but now I think that Phuket residents would be a lot better off if Phuket declared itself a semi-autonomous region and then outsource Singapore to run it.

    Yes, Singapore running it is a great idea - they could appoint Thaksin as Governor :D

    Can you imagine it? Phuket awash with Manchester City FC football shirts :D

  11. Noodles! You're back?

    Till wednesday, then bkk, then Udon, then London and Dublin, back on the island late july/august. Depends on the political situation - looks like it could get a bit rough for a while.

    Keep yer heads down folks. :o

  12. Steak and kidney pie saturday and sunday special at the Islander restaurant in Patong. Excellent! :D

    Agreed, but I always thought they had too much salt in them for my liking.

    Always a good idea to ask for extra gravey as their diddy gravey boats don't hold much. :o

  13. Well cool! When you return to Bangla Rd please be sure to introduce me :D .... of course you'll have to find a reason for me to go to Bangla :D .... maybe you could organize a TV pissup!

    No, unfortunately the free drinks on yourself, won't be at those wonderful bars in Bangla, as I have bought an apartment in Kamala. Better food, cheaper booze, less traffic. Well at the moment, anyway. :o

  14. If Billy's vowed never to return then why ................................

    .............because he never said that........


    better ask the mods to change the title of the thread then :D finally read it all the way through ... sorry your Bangla time was so hard on you :D

    i know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who

    can get you a very good deal on a handbag.. :o

  15. So I am trying to park my motorbike across from jungceylon today near the corner of Bangla when I hear "<deleted>%k You!, <deleted>&k You!". Naturally I start looking around to who is yelling this abuse at who. I was surprised to see 4 tuktuk drivers glaring at me and shouting obscenities at me.

    I was parked in an empty motorbike slot right next to 3 three other bikes in three other slots. Apparently I was enroaching on tuktuk territory without realizing it, seeing as there were none of the usual "taxi service" signs or anything, I think its an honest mistake. These guys were looking for a fight and ready to pounce on me if I hadn't backed my bike out and drove off(I've seen them bait tourists into fights in this area so I knew to just leave instead of get stabbed or something).

    Jeez...what the h^ll is going on around here? The police were right there within 30 ft. Believe me I don't need anyone to be extra polite with me, but to jump right into "fightin words" without a warning or anthing is a going a little overboard. Keep in mind I didnt say one word to anybody around there, muchless the drivers who were yelling at me. I can see were this incident could have instantly escalated into violence had I behaved like I would have been inclined to back home. Why is it that these scumbags are allowed to sit there hurl abuse at people and instigate fights all day and night directly in full view of the police? These guys are obviously not afraid of the cops in the least. So that also brings up, what is with the cops around here? Why are the police submissive to these lowlifes? Are the cops really that powerless? If so what good are they?

    Seems like every time I go down there to get a burger from BK I have some kind of incident with all the local scumbags who hang around there and stake out public property as their own. Just yesterday it was a motorbike driver swooping in and stealing a spot that I had been patiently waiting for with my blinker on as another falang was getting his helmet on, backing out(at home I could have stood my ground and taken the spot, but here I'm risking a knife in the back). I don't want a fight with anybody, I just want a burger goddammit! I better not even start on the little old ladies who cut me off regularly in carrefour at the vegetable weigh station...lol.

    Its simple, the Police dont do anything because they dont know ! 30 feet may have been a little too far for them to hear exactly what the tuk tuk guy was saying, particularly in a noisy area. Ranting on a web forum will not help, the Chief of Patong Police doesnt come on here that often ! Next time go to the Police station and tell them, its a 2 minute drive from Jungcylon (if you go round the back way).

    I know of one instance where a mate of mine got so fed up of abuse from a group of tuk tuk drivers outside his girl friends shop he finally decided to go to the police to make a complaint. He was amazed at how serious they took the complaint, within moments there were half a dozen cops there who rounded up the tuk tuk guys and gave them a real roasting and made them apologies.

    The cops where NOT scared of these guys in the slightest, in fact the tuk tuk guys were crying like babies ! Since the complaint they never had a problem. Yes he did fear for his life and wondered what the implications would be however, it was more the opposite with the tuk tuk guys being very polite every time he walks past.

    So, if you want to make a difference to the tuk tuk problems then make a complaint. They DO take this sort of thing serious.

    Its not the cops that are allowing them to carry on like this, its the lack of people reporting them that is to blame !

    If indeed this took place, this is a good post with some excellent advice from Taxin.

    Reassuring that decent folk don't have to put up with threats and racist abuse, if it is within their power to do something about it :o

  16. Tarzan1:

    Yes but alot has changed in phuket and for the worse..................

    ... and for the better.

    ..mmm..okay then, can we agree at least 50/50 :o

    Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better.

    A lot of folk from the west, sometimes crow on about the good-o'days in their own countries; but were they really that much better than now? :D

    Sales of rose-tinted specs do not appear to be in decline anywhere.

  17. yes its the best place

    magnificent new shopping centre

    Pizzahuts, Burger kings, Macdonalds, English pubs, jetskies

    Its all you could ever wish for from a tropical paradise.

    Some resort islands have the tendency to become overdeveloped and ugly but not so with Phuket,

    especially its main resort town of Patong which oozes charm and has yet to become a tourist trap.



  18. Well fac remans that patong has gone down hill faster than faultytower on a LB

    What do you know about the OP that we don't?

    What's an LB? - a lead balloon?

    Putting dear Patong to one side or a moment, and its alluded decline,

    is there anywhere on the island that is on the up?

    This would be good to hear about.

    Is Patong really the worst cess-pit on the Island?

    Is Phuket town any better?

    Where is better?

    Phuket island is a finite space with ever skrinking resources of

    infrastructure and topograghy which limits building for

    accommodation. The choices are limited for the long term.

    Where to next?

  19. Well fac remans that patong has gone down hill faster than faultytower on a LB

    Sometimes it comes down to choices.

    The amount of choice an individual can, have depends on who you are and where you come from.

    The choices I have are far greater than most of the Thai folk who live anywhere in LOS.

    I can come, I can go.

    Most of these people don't have any such choice. :o

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