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Posts posted by js1

  1. Hi All,


    Anyone know somewhere in Phuket that supplies acrylic sheet? I'm looking for coloured opaque, and also clear acrylic. It's to be used for making a 3d LED lightbox sign for a business. I want to make the sign myself, so just need the plastic, but if they can custom cut it for me into the letters I need with a CMC laser cutter, then even better!  I can cut the straight parts I need myself, and bend then round the lettering etc.


    Size of sheet I'm looking for varies, but might also want an additional piece for another project 200 cm x 100 cm.


    Any help apprecieted, thanks.



  2. Hi Guys

    Been here 15 years, and have a good business here. I have one daughter from a previous relationship with a Thai girl. My daughter is now 8. Her Mum left when she was 1. I have court papers giving me 100% custody and parental custody. My daughter has both Thai and British citizenship. My new Thai partner (We're not married), is 6 months pregnant with twins.

    I'm thinking about buying a house IRO 5M THB, now that we need something bigger.

    I wouldn't be comfortable registering the house in my partners name. She's a good girl, but I'm not naive enough to not realise that her family would come first if push came to shove.

    Can anyone advise me if it's possible for me to purchase a house and register it in the names of my Thai children? (There will be three kids total soon all with dual Thai / British nationality, when the twins are born in a couple of months).

    I'd consider also buying in my company name, but, even that could have unforeseen problems arise in the future.

    Advice is greatly appreciated please? TIA.


  3. Thanks 7by7, she works for a corporation and the letter from them is in English as she asked for it in English. I'll make sure she writes a note with it explaining that she asked for it in English, but possibly the staff at Bangkok head office might speak Thai. She also has the green book for her car, pay slips, bank statements, bank books etc, which I was planning to get all the first pages translated into English.

    Already planning to give copies of my company registration cert, and certain papers like tax returns, kids schooling details, house papers, business premises lease contract, visa, work permit etc, and a whole load of other documents like utility bills in her name and my name, at the same address, my bank statements, as well as copies of my bank books, a dozen photos of us.

    A friend of mine applied for a UK tourist visa for his GF last month, and she was refused, because she didn't provide enough evidence of his work status in Thailand, although that wasn't on the list of documents his GF was asked to provide.

    I guess as her sponsor, they'd like to see that I have reasons (Work in Thailand, roots etc) not to want to stay in the UK with my GF when we get there.

    Honestly, I wouldn't want to relocate back to the UK, unless I was paid a million quid to do so ;)


  4. Thanks for your reply, and that's a big help. I must have seen some misinformation somewhere, maybe on a dated site. Just want to get the GF's ID pages of bank books, car papers, bank statements translated etc. Maybe not essential, but going on the assumption that too much is better. They don't really have any reason to decline her application hopefully, as she has schooling and uni, work history, salary slips, bills and stuff at our address, and I'll be sponsoring her also with evidence of my business in Thailand (Not a bar or similar), so hopefully, no stumbling blocks.

    Thanks again!

  5. Hi All

    Going to take the GF to UK with me on my next trip home, and for her UK tourist visa application, we need to get some documents translated from Thai into English. This needs to be done by an official translation service accepted by the UK Visa Service who process and approve or deny visa applications. I live and work in Phuket. Can anyone vouch for a translation company in Phuket please, one which will be accepted by the UK visa service, and if reliable, fast, and well priced, even better? Thanks in advance!.


  6. i know a guy in bkk... he is from the US but he owns a sewing and printing factory... good prices good printing...

    ill send you the details in PM

    im soon placing an order with him myself smile.gif

    Thanks Jerry. Just mailed him and said you put me onto him.


    • Like 1
  7. Hi, I'm looking to get a load of t-shirts printed for my business here. Anyone have any experience here? Any suggestions? Looking for good quality but a good price. I checked out one place in Phuket and they seemed a little expensive asking for B21k for 75 t-shirts. I'm happy to get them printed in Bangkok and have them shipped here to Phuket. TIA for any help.


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  8. Hi

    Does anyone have an address for live UK Premier league football commentary please?? Radio 5 live doesn't broadcast the games internationally.

    Help please??

    I want to listen to Liverpool Vs Chelsea and the Man U game later.


  9. A minor can have assets and own property and shares. The legal guardians will have to look after their intrest till they become of age. For certian dealings the legal guarian would need the authorastion of the court.

    Normal laws against using nominees still apply and could land you in hot water.

    Thanks. So it's possible to go and see my lawyer and start the process to transfer the 51% held in my company by proxy nominees to my son, who holds Thai nationality who is three years old, while I hold on to the other 49%, in fact giving me 100% legal control of the company as I am his legal guardian?

    Sounds like a great loophole if this is true.


  10. Greetings

    Quick question...

    Can my son who is a minor and holds both Thai and British nationalities, become a majority shareholder in my Thai limited company? I am inclined to do away with the proxy nominee shareholders if this is possible, as the provincial government in Phuket, keeps threatening to look into Farang owned dive companies and validate their Thai shareholders stakes in the company. It's an old loop hole that won't be exploitable forever, and I'd like to change things now to be more transparent.

    TIA :)

  11. Hey all...

    I'm planning to head up to Vientiane at the end of the month to get a new non-b. Does anyone have any accurate prices for train tickets if i were to just turn up at the station in BKK and book. I'd check myself, but i live in Phuket.

    I'm interested in prices for 1st class and 2nd class air-con for the Bangkok to Nong Khai route.

    I've found a website where I can book online for the 2nd class air-con, the prices charged via the site are B758 (lower) and B688 (upper). I would book at these prices, but the mate I'm going to go with insists that if i book at the station, the first class prices are just a few Baht more? Any info please? I've searched the net with no joy.

    Thanks :)

  12. I used to keep Spiders when I lived in the UK, Goliath Bird Eaters, and other Tarantulas. I owned a Thailand Black many years ago, which was very aggressive and couldn't be handled, although most can be. From the photo you took I agree it's probably a Huntsman, pretty common and not dangerous. If it were to bite there would just be a bit of pain and swelling. Don't kill them, they're pretty useful at eating other not so pleasant insects.

    I had one run down my wall about a week ago, caught it and put it out in the garden. They can grow pretty big, up to 30cm diameter in extreme cases. Nice.

  13. Hey All...

    Does anyone know where in Thailand I can find a dealer selling Mynah Birds? I'd like to buy one, possibly two. I won't buy one unless I'm sure they've been captive bred, although I'm not sure how I can be sure of this. Any suggestions or advice?

    I live in Phuket, but can travel north if anyone has any leads I can chase up. I've trawled Google with no luck.


  14. Heavens above, you mean there's a drug problem here in Phuket? I also heard a rumor that there could be prostitutes working in the bars? Can you believe my buddy scored the other night, and the saucy little minx asked for money in the morning!!

  15. I'm sorry, this MUST have been covered somewhere, couldn't find it when I searched tho??

    New laws brought in last month i understand have banned alcohol sales at some public places, and also extend to other Thai festivals, like Songkran? There seems to be some confusion and disagreement down in Phuket about what this will mean this year.

    -Will the bars be forced to close over Songkran?

    -If so, for how many days?

    -Will this rule be enforced?

    So anyone have a definitive answer?

    I'm not particularly bothered either way, but some friends of mine might be.

    Thanks :o

  16. So why is she not working? Although it's quietish now in Phuket, there are still many jobs around in hotels etc. My GF wanted a job as she was bored at home looking after our daughter, she had three job offers at reasonable hotels paying B8k to B10k per month. Not great money, but okay. Incidentally, now she's bored at work and wants to return to being a housewife Lol.

  17. Hi everybody,

    I am a Singaporean married to a Thai lady. We all live in Singapore and our children all hold Singapore citizenship. We have not registered with the Thai embassy for Thai birth certs and have not made any application to acquire Thai nationality for them.

    I am under the impression that under international law, children who are entitiled to claim two different citizenships are permitted to keep both of them until the age of 18 before they must choose one citizenship.

    It is my intention/hope that our children would be able to hold on to Thai and Singaporean nationality for life.

    My question is:


    if I would to make a claim for them for Thai nationality for them now, would the Thai authorities notify the Singapore authorities and as such put the kids in a situation whereby they must choose upon turning 18.....



    Will they just grant the citizenship and passport and not carry out any further action?

    If the answer is 'senario 2', would I have any problem if they exit Singapore using a Singapore passport and enter Thailand using the Thai passport? Would the immigration officers at the Thai check point query why havent the children passports have any Thai exit stamps?

    Also, do anybody have any idea on what is the latest age the children could claim Thai nationality?

    Thanks a lot and my very best regards:)

    I have a daughter with my Thai GF and she can hold UK and Thai dual nationality for life. Maybe the rules are different for SG?

  18. Today I hold a Non Immigrant B visa together with a work permit.

    It is time to renew both soon.

    Is it possible to renew only the visa and discard the work permit?

    I plan to start my own business during this year and it would be nice not to have to go through all the red tape for a visa again.

    An other option is to be emplyed by an other company.

    Have anyone tried this?


    Yes it's possible. Just renew your visa while you still have the WP. Not sure if it's technically legal though.

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