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Posts posted by js1

  1. Look on eBay for one of those special eletric shock dog collars. Everytime the little b'stard barks a small sharp shock is delivered to its neck. They soon learn to shut up! I used to love digs until i lived here. Now they just piss me off with their noise, shit, and stealing my daughters shoes all the time.

  2. Yes sent through Nationwide but then it goes to HSBC who do all the transfers, that the problem Nationwide wont give me the money back until they get it from HSBC. My argument is that I did the transfer with Nationwide so they should pay me then get the money from HSBC themselves,but they wont have it. You would not belive the amount of phone calls I've made over this.

    I did not believe this when I first read it. I worked for HSBC for many years and did not know that Nationwide routed through HSBC. I still didn't believe it so I checked on Nationwide's website. Whilst there is nothing about this in the SWIFT payments out, they do say they use an agent for incoming SWIFT payments and the code MIDLBG22 should be quoted. I know that is HSBC's SWIFT code.

    Irrelevant to the topic but my apologies for doubting andyg75


    She says her and the ex are already sending B40k between them? Hmnnn, not for the boys but maybe getting a nice house built with accompanying brick shed to keep the buffalo warm on those chilly cool season evenings. Should only take a couple of years up north at that rate, less if she gets some kind farangs to assist?

    I'd say B1000 per kid per month should be enough, and then some, especially if pooled.

    No disrespect, but i have a feeling you should walk away with your emotions, sanity, and bank balance intact dude, while you still can.

  3. Thanks for that Ubonjoe... I have checked the Non-B section of the update page on KL but the latest is early January for KL. ugh

    Anyone been there (or elsewhere) more recently?

    The easiest way to find out would be to give the Thai Embassy in KL a ring. I called them a couple of years ago about something and they were very helpful. Like Ubonjoe says though, you must have a "One Year" work period in your work permit, not six months like some have if you want a multi non b. If you have only six months you'll def only get a single entry. Your laywer / acc can get the work period in your WP changed if need be.

    Phone numbers for Thai Embassy in KL

    +60-3 2148-8222

    +60-3 2148-8350

    +60-3 2148-8420

    +60-3 2145-8004


  4. I hear KL is no longer issuing one year non-B visas anymore? I have two work buddies here in Phuket who have just been to get their new visas, they go there every year usually with no problems. This time they said "Sorry, only single entry now issued here" and yes, they had all the correct paperwork and work permits.

    It sucks as i have to go somewhere in September for a new one. The only place i know where one-year visas are issued seemingly with no hassles at all is the Thai consulate in Hull, UK. Luckily i was home last year for a week and sorted mine out then. The one before that i got in Manila, although the clerk working their was a rude arrogant prick who basically told me they wouldn't issue one-year visas and basically told me to get a flight to England and not come back to the Philippines as he was too lazy to process my application . Funnily enough when i went to collect my passport there was a one year multi non imm b. By the way, went to the Philippines with Cebu Pacific Air, wait for their special offers and you get some good deals. I just booked in Dec a trip BKK - MANILA - BKK for B740 ALL IN!!!

    Also, I heard that Vientienne is now a good place to go for a multi non b? Anyone know more about this?


  5. I agree entirely with digitalchromakey.

    However, for the work permit, it is very unlikely the dive centre you find work at will provide this. Almost all dive instructors in Phuket provide their own work permits. You will need to set up your own Thai LTD company, or maybe a partnership and apply for your own work permit. The price for this varies and it's essential you employ a decent lawyer to do this and a good price. Some lawyers keep adding on extra charges for this and that, stuff like TAT license etc which you don't need if you'll be working for a dive centre, as they will have one.

    I've had my company years and it cost B40k to set up incl the work permit, and took around two months. I know of a lawyer / accountant firm just outside Patong in Kathu who are very good. The will charge between B40k - B50k to set up the company for you and get your work permit, and amazingly they will do this in super quick time, usually in under two weeks from start to finish. I have hear of one friend where it took just 5 days. I forget the name of that lawyer but can find the name and address of you need me to. There fees are something like B4k per month, which is quite expensive. They have connections in KL also, so when it comes to renewing your Non-B after 15 months its almost guaranteed at the Thai embassy in KL. With my lawyer in Phuket Town, I pay in taxes a mere B740 per month. I wouldn't recommend my lawyer tho, unless you speak Thai.

    Also, the money spent isn't wasted, should you decide to leave Thailand, you can sell your company for around B30k - B35k.

    ALSO... If you want to do the IDC at a 5 star CDC centre in Phuket, i can get you a 20% discount on the IDC, including free accommodation and food for the duration of the IDC, and 15% off all PADI materials and equipment. The IDC is also a guaranteed pass.

    I hope this helps


  6. Okay...

    It seems that the debit visa card from Bangkok Bank MUST be a Be 1st card. My old one was a yellow one with the visa sign and my name on it. I just went to my branch and swapped it over with no hassles, although it cost B300.

    I just verified it and it worked, using the "hash" key as Duncaw said it would. All being well it'll be working in a day or two. Hopefully i'll be able to link this card to PayPal now, as well as using it for internet purchases?

    Thanks for all the help guys :o

  7. Dear all, i searched through previous posts but couldn't find the answer I'm looking for. It should be straight forward. I need to use my Bangkok Bank debit card (be 1st) for the internet and need to get it verified before i can do that.

    Here's the instructions...

    Acquire the Reference Code via Bualuang phone

    1) Dial Bualuang phone 1333 or 66-2645-5555

    2) Press 7 for choosing Verified by Visa

    3) Press 1 to create reference code for register Verified by Visa

    4) Enter your Be 1st card number

    5) Enter your Be 1st Personal Identification Number (PIN)

    6) Create your own reference code (8 digits)

    7) Confirm your reference code

    It seems like Joey Deacon could do it but, Firstly i wasn't happy about number 5, entering my PIN for my debit card. I did it anyway. Sounded dodgy though, especially when the recorded message tells you never to reveal your PIN, and then they ask for it?

    Secondly, number 6... Okay sounds easy enough, just create an 8 digit reference code, followed it the ?? sign. (The ?? sounds something like the £ (Pound Sign) but its unclear as the recorded voice in English isn't so good. I would expect it to be a # (Hash) sign or a * (Star) sign, as these are the only two symbols on my phone (Nokia 6300) i have. I tried them both (Star and Hash) twice but with no joy. I tried looking for a £ symbol in my phone but it times out after about 5 seconds and the message options start again

    There's an option to press 0 and speak to a "Real" person, but it doesn't work, it just sends you back to the start of the process on an eternal loop,

    SO MY MAIN QUESTION IS, WHAT IS THE SYMBOL I ENTER AFTER CREATING MY 8 DIGIT REFERENCE CODE. Am i just being an idiot here? Is it staring me in the face?

    I have been into my BKK Bank branch to try and get this info but i get the usual looks like i have two heads and am "Farang Baa Mak Mak"

    Any help on this one would be mega appreciated.

    kindest Thanks in advance :o

  8. I tried with Bangkok and Kasikorn to no avail. The 4 digit codes wouldn't work, but I didn't telephone, i just got statements printed off in the branches and used the 4 digit number next to the transactions (The only 4 digit numbers there). I will try and find a number for Bangkok Bank and give them a call, maybe they'll be able to help. I didn't previously call as i assumed their telephone banking service wouldn't be up to much. Thanks for the advice.

    I also have an acc at SCB. Do you have the phone number handy? I might give them a try.

    Thanks again :o

  9. Hi

    Apologies if this subject has previously been discussed.

    I have set up a new PayPal account, and tried to link it to a Thai bank account. The problem I'm having is verifying the Thai account with the PayPal account, and withdrawing funds to my Thai bank account.

    It sounds easy enough right? Follow the instructions... Paypal will withdraw a few Baht from your Bank account, after a few days, check your statement and alongside the transaction there will be a unique 4 digit number linked to that particular transaction. Then you need to enter this 4 digit number in your PayPal account to verify your bank account.

    I have tried this several times with no success? It's a bad enough hassle going into my Bangkok Bank branch to get a statement every week, to be treated like I'm mental. The code relating to the transaction is always the same, and doesn't work when i use it to verify the account. The funds in my PayPal account are stuck there, and i cannot withdraw them to my bank account.

    I have tried both Bangkok Bank and Kasokorn Bank.

    Has anyone managed to do this succesfully? And if so, with which bank? If someone has had success i can open an account at the same bank and try again.

    TIA for any help :o

  10. "Marvo, firstly the paper trail for a Section 7.1 extension under National Police Order 606/2549 is daunting to say the least: 4 Thai employees, certified audited accounts, social and tax payment records for Thai staff, Por Ngor Dor 91 for last year showing, 600,000 THB income, the list goes on. Not impossible, but real hard work (certainly at my local immigration dept)."

    Errrrm... I don't do any of that and I've held my work permit for about 4 years. I did however change lawyer about 3 years ago, and they told me i needed 4 thai employees... photos of them in the work place... this and that... Tabian Baan. I couldn't get the tabian baan for my appt / office, as the landlord refused to give it to me. Anyway, i went back to my previous lawyer, cap in hand, and all these problems went away. I never have to provide accounts, paperwork, or anything else, ever. I only need one employee (I gave them a copy of my GFs ID card) and i dont pay any taxes for them. I get a non-imm B multi (fromUK, KL, SG, and Manilla previously with no problems. Phnom Penh is a no no though), and my WP gets renewed every three months in sync with my visa. I pay B792 every month in tax, and B2000 every 3 months. Total bill is B4376 every 3 months. No other fees, ever.

    I get a VERY good deal compared with some of my work buddies. Phuket labor office.

    I'd shop around and see what different lawyers say.

    As for your visa. Thai Embassy in Hull. Guaranteed. Just include a letter from your company on headed and stamped paper, sign it, stick in a cheque for £100, and you'll get your multi B back to your door within 48 hours. I assume the employees at the embassy in Hull are on some kind of commission for how many visas they can issue Lol. I have never heard of a visa being refused from Hull.

  11. I wasn't suggesting Air Asia would use A320s for long haul to London, just that they aren't flying aging MD83s and old 747-200s (like 1-2-go and Orient Thai) that other airlines retire for various reasons. They seem like a growing well managed business and are adding new routes and new aircraft regularly.

    I've been digging into this and I have some info direct from Air Asia Operations...

    The flights to the UK are still planned, but will probably be at least another year before the first flight. I have no info on whether flights will leave from Bangkok or KL. Also, flights might not go to Heathrow or Gatwick. They are in negotiations with BAA to fly into either Stansted (about 25 miles up the M11 from London) or Manchester airport. This is because fees are cheaper at the later two airports.

    Flights will be with A340s and will be direct, and if booked well in advance, will be significantly cheaper than other carriers. I have no actual figures for fares. Pax will have to pay extra for luggage, and onboard meals and refreshments.

    It's hard to get good deals on flights to the UK / Europe now. Qatar, Etihad, and Emirates have promos now and again and it's poss to find flights vis Doha or Dubai for about B32000. Qatar are excellent by the way. I hope the Air Asia plans don't get cancelled. Return flights to the UK for about B20000 will be very cool, direct to!


  12. Having dived the King Cruiser countless times i can add my experiences. I have dived it in bad weather (been stormy for days with rain and quite a swell) and found the vis can be between 2 to 25 metres, regardless. Surprisingly, the vis on dive sites all around Phuket in low season, is usually better than in high season. I have been to the King Cruiser when the seas have been flat for weeks, with zero rain, and the vis has been atrocious. Fishing boats do have an impact, as Steven has already mentioned. They drag their nets, stirring up the bottom, which currents, usually strong, take to the King Cruiser, shark point and anemone reef included. I do agree however, that generally weather conditions do affect visability, and of course, sunlight makes any dive experience better above, and certainly while on a dive.

    Although several years ago, the boat collapsed in on itself making it like another poster said, a twisted chunk of metal, it is obviously still recognizable as a wreck, and whatever the vis, it is always teeming with marine life... snappers, trevally, barracuda, lots of huge lion fish, scorpion fish, a resident turtle, and believe it or not nowadays it gets several visits a year by Whalesharks.

    To dive the King Cruiser, and reputable dive operator will insist you already have your advanced open water ticket, or equivalent.

    It's still a great dive, sometimes challenging if the currents are ripping, but very worthwhile.

    If its good vis your after. Presently Racha Yai has 20 to 25 metres, and blue water. Stunning on a sunny day. I know that Scubacat, based in patong on the beach road, has its liveaboard based at Racha yai at the moment, and includes overnight stays for free if you book more than a single days diving or a dive course.

  13. I went to Patong language school in 2005 for the beginner and intermediate courses. I found them pretty good. I'd already been in Thailand for several years, and really enrolled to take my mind off the the Tsunami and grief. I knew most of the beginner stuff but still learned that i had been speaking incorrectly in a lot of ways. The intermediate course was good. I keep meaning to go for the advanced course to learn to read and write but just don't have the time. With discount i think it was B5000 for 20 hours, 1 hour a day mon to fri for 1 month. Hope this helps.

    My teacher was Tin. She was very good.


  14. Hi all...

    Could anyone on this forum please advise me of how to obtain a Thai driving license here in Phuket?

    I have a Non Imm B Visa and a work permit. I have a UK driving licence, it's seen better days though.

    Do i need to take a driving test here or is it just some paperwork to complete and sign. Where exactly do i have to go in Phuket Town? Do i need to make a booking or just turn up in business hours Mon to Fri? What paperwork do i need? I rent my house, so don't have a Tabien Baan. Is that a problem? I could get the Tabien Baan from my landlord, with few problems i imagine.

    TIA for and help :o

  15. Sorry if this subject has been posted before I've looked through previous posts but can't find it.

    I am with TOT but cannot view videos on YouTube. All other video share sites are working okay. I live in Phuket.

    When i try to view a video on YouTube i always get the message "We're sorry, this video is no longer available"

    I've tried different browsers, Safari, Firefox, Opera, even IE. Flash player is fully updated.

    I can only guess that TOT is doing something to try to preserve their bandwidth by doing this??

    It'd be great to know if there's a way around it. I could probably use a proxy but they are always so slow it'd take forever to watch a short clip.

    I need YouTube for work so it'd be great to get it back. At the moment i am using Metacafe to work around things.

    TIA :o

  16. Wedding or party videos, nights out with the lads, a promo video for your business, advertising. Can also do underwater promos. By a farang. Based in Phuket but can travel if expenses covered. 6 years experience. Professionally edited. Delivered on DVD or compressed ready for your website. Registered company in Thailand. Great rates and great quality.

    An example of a promo video can be viewed contact me for details

    PM me for all inquiries. Thanks

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