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Posts posted by TommyGun

  1. Ummm, not really. Let the CIA do whatever they want to these guys (short of mutilating them) to find out out any information they can. The criminals involved are savages. Someone who could potentially organize a suicide bombing or carry one out themselves deserves no remorse or sympathy.

    Have to agree there 100%, sometimes it takes a wolf to catch a wolf and lets not forget members or alleged members of any terrorist group are not soldiers, they don't wear army uniforms, they don't fight for any government or represent any country or its people and if caught should NOT be treated like prisoners of war or given any rights a p.o.w. would get.

    What do you think these sort of actions will do for Al Queda recruitment?

    I don't think Al Queda have any trouble with recruitment as it is, would doing nothing slow the recruitment process ?

    I don't think so.

    I agree with some of this but i also agree with another post, and that is who are the bad guys. If i put myself it the position of some of these poor poeple in Iraq that have there entire family wiped out by a powerful nation, i too would want some kind of revenge regardless of who is right or wrong. Terrosrism breads terrorism and it's happening on both sides.

  2. It's been know for sometime about these CIA prisons in Thailand. The, if you want to call them 'Conspiracy Theorists' have talk about it for some time. I know whom i believe.

    As far as waterborading goes, it is torture. It causes an unbelievable amount of distress and is very difficult to breath. Water is continously poured over the person near to drowing or suffocation.

  3. I think the tourists on motorbikes issue has been a problem worldwide since people started going on holiday, choose any country in the world where there are vistors let loose on holiday with powered transport under there own control (word used loosely) and you will have a series of "accidents" where the underlying cause is lack of experiance of control in local conditions.

    Whether the situation is bikers in Pattaya expecting other larger traffic to give them enough room , wet-bike riders assuming the swimmer will get out of their way or holiday 4x4 drivers expecting the chunky tires to deal with the poor road surface at speed. The lesson I was taught long ago was; "Never put your vehicle anywhere unless you have been there first with your eyes and your brain."

    If the road surface were greatly improved, traffic both local and tourist would simply ignore all speed limits and I suggest there might be more accidents.

    Rough roads keep the speed down, if the road through White Sands where improved to allow two lorries to pass each other at speed then I suggest that they would do so and make the situation for slower drivers or those on bikes and motor bikes and on foot less safe.

    I was making a point about the quality of the roads not the responsibility of the drivers. Lots of accidents on Koh chang are cause by poor grip on the tarmac not the driver or rider. To much front braking will take the bike from you going down hill. I have see so many cars and trucks that have gone of the edge because of the lack of grip, just before you approach white sands is great for this. You could argue that people need to slow down, but for the tourist going there that has no experience on the roads they need to be aware of the road surface condition Of course people need to be responsible, and im sure there are much worse places, Koh Chang is still a dangerous place to drive whether on a hot sunny day or rain.

  4. I can confirm, having lived there for a year, and seen a crash near enough dailey, the last one fatel of a 16 year old boy falling of his motor bike and having his stomach cut wide open and the side of his face smashed, that the roads are leathel. My very first day on the island i was involved in a small accident 100yrds off the ferry, someone hit me in the back end, and the reason was because the tarmac in places is like ice as there is no grip. On that same day it started to rain and i say a 4x4 sliding backwards down the hills of the tarmac. The next day i helped balance a 4x4 that was hanging off the edge as it couldn't find traction to reverse. There are endless motor cycle accidents that are either drunken tourists or riders that have been forced of the roads by mini bus drivers over taking without a second thought for the oncoming driver or rider.

    There are a few areas where the tarmac is ok, and it is only ok. However if you venture left of the island when leaving the ferry, the roads are much better until you reach near the end, as i mentioned you will require a 4x4 at this point, i have attached a photo on another thread here.

    The problem is the roads are not maintaned, they wait for it to collapse or be washed away before anything is done, and then it is repaired poorely. The pot hole and ditches are one thing, but the traction is another.

    If you do go by car then just be careful.

  5. Tourism has been dead this year, and the poeple that have been there for 4 years are so say it's getting quiter every year. I owned a bar for a year, which is odd as im tea total, however the area has been dead. I returned after closing my bar for the rainy season and was shocked at how many new bars and shops had been built in my area. The only bars and restaurants that seem to survive are the one that get locals in, farang locals, and that have been there for a while. I decided it wasn't for me and gave it up and i'm much happier for it. I'll go back for a trip but i wouldn't recommend anyone opening a business there unless they do some serious research first.

  6. change the starter. Its a small cylindrical object about 25mm x 18mm diameter. It twists off and has bayonet fitings. If that fails then you might need to change the tube itself. A new starter is about 20bht.


  7. When the oil runs out, the powers of that time will surely find another thing to fight about. As for global warming, yes it's happening, and so called footprint is contributing. I'm just wating for the time when the goverments admit that the main cause is the suns expansion as it did over 500 years ago when the earth reached it's hotest time. While ever they can get money from us, they will.

  8. I went to visit a few friends the other day 10km outside nongki,on a maine road situation highway 24,whilst sat there i saw numerous trucks with rubble,block cement ect keep turning up at a thai house,one of the guys there then tells me you hear what happen there i said no,he tells me the english guy built a 1.5 million baht house finnished only afew weeks ago,him n the misses had a argument,she went back to pattaya,the mother said to him give me 400 thousand baht then you can live there,he got a flat loader in with bulldozer & jcb ect,and flattened it, he had already gone to the police with all receipts and told them what he was doing,they said no problem,mother called police,they said to her your land his house cant stop him,now hes living with his cleaner at the house where the rubble was being dropped.anything like this happened near you,its certainly put fear into a lot of thais in my village and my woman as of late is treating me real good......... i wonder why.......on another good note the same guy tells me not to worry if you lost your receipts,just go back to the shop give the guy a few hundred baht and he will print you some up..........brilliant.....regards jay..

    Good for him

    I was in a similar position over a small business. My ex threatend me with her uncle and his gun if i didn't leave. I stood my ground and got solicitors involved. Everything was in my name anyway.

    Theres not many British Bulldogs left.

  9. Actually that makes KC sound really bad. The island itself is beautiful and mostly unspoilt for the moment. As far as living there goes, i personally wouldn't recomend it. If you want the bar life then fine, because thats all there is. The beaches are great but even that becomes a little boring after a while when you have lived there. For a holiday i think it is a fantastic place if you want to relax, but thats as for as it goes.

  10. I sent my passport to be renewed 3 weeks before i needed to leave the country as my visa was also due to expire. I was told it would take a maximum of 10 days. It infact took over a month and i was fined 16000bht at the airport. I had one excuse after the other from the British Embassy. Personally i would take your passport in, if it is not to inconvenient.

    The cost for the passport wasa little over 8000bht if i remember rightly.

  11. Work of any kind within Thailand require a work permit. "-will not be working in Thailand (at least not for a Thai company)"

    I also have an small internet business in the UK. I don't have a permit only a multi non O. I check in on my work 2-3 times a week thats all, who knows or really cares.

    Forgot to add i was painting a temple over the weekend, i suppose i needed a permit for that too.

    Personally despite the fact that you really should have a permit, if you are going to check your work online from a cafe or an apartment for example. I personally don't think you need to worry about a permit. I also had a bar for a short while, i didn't require a permit for that as i was not working behind the bar. I could check monies taken etc but i didn't require a permit for this.

  12. Saw one of these in Ladproa. Rare as rocking horse sh*t in the UK. I'll give someone a cyber pat on the back if you know what it is. Certainly rival all the super cars here for performance.

    Ford RS200. :o Very Rare.

    dam_n you guys are just to good. Guess you spotted the obvios mistake.

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