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Posts posted by TommyGun

  1. forgot to mention. If you go by car be careful, the roads are very bad and there is an accident without fail dailey. In rain the island is best avoided by car. When you get on the island its worth turning left and touring that area. It is exremely quiet but worth a look around. If you go to the very end of the island, you will require a 4x4 as the roads are broken

  2. Kie bea has quiet and a variety of beaches, it has bars but not quite like pattaya which white sands is heading in. There are 2 ferry points, one you just pay per car but the ferry journey is nearly 1 hour, the other you pay per person at 60bht each, and 100 for the car. Kie Bae resort is worth looking at and has great views. There is a mixed style of bungalows starting at 500-2000bht.

  3. My Best life long friend in the UK has just lost his girlfriend age 23, she died in her sleep leaving 2 children behind. She was on a cocktail of drugs for bladder and kidney issues and mild depression. He was completely against the drugs she was taking but was made out to be stupid, and putting his G/F at risk if she didn't. 2 Years after been put on this list below. She died in her sleep while on a holiday vacation. Almost emmidietly after her death, they remove her heart which they shipped to London, and her body was flown back to Ireland where her family are from. They have found no results as to why she died.

    ferrous sulphate tablets, omeprazole gastro-resistant capsules, oramorph oral solution, paracetamol tablets, gabapentin capsules, cyclizine tablets, codeine phosphate tablets, lactulose solution senna tablets, baclofen tablets, buprenorphine patch, amitriptyline hydrochloride tablets.

    I'm sure the list of drugs weren't helping her. Her death was UNASCERTAINED

    but does he need to look into this as to why the amount of drugs were given.

    I'm might be going back to help out for a short while if i can at the end of the month. I'm no expert but having checked some of these drugs out on the net, some of them shouldn't have been mixed, or taken if suffering from depression, so i'm just after a quilaified opinion if possible.

    One thing he did say is that she became very violent towards him when she was on this medication, and also left the children unattended while he was a working which he left as he was getting very worried for his family.

    I know this isn't related to Thailand but i would be grateful of opinions if possible.

  4. From the airport to the ferry point takes about 20 mins, and the journey on the ferry about half hour. Normally there is some resort available bungalow etc, as for hotels they are pretty much booked over the xmas new year period. Lived there for a year in Kie Bae which in my opinion is the best place for the choice of beaches. White sands is a little more commercial but is very popular.

  5. I was wondering...

    These are very old and have been floating around for some time. There is a website around that specialises in catching these criminals, it's quite funy actually but i can't remember the link.

    Today i won the Italian National Lottery. I just need to fill in the details to collect my $465,000 dollars, but i really can't be bothered.

  6. I thought Thai girls had moved on from sick buffalos to credit card debt and bank loans but obviously the rural instinct lives on.

    5555. just what I thought :D

    it is a ratty situation. :o

    It's all nuts if you ask me. Plus the Suizzer might be a bit upset if she kills it's buddies. Good excuse for attention though. Beats my child has no food.

  7. Personally i think there is nothing wrong with the idea as long as you are not pushy. If your child thinks it's fun then good for them. I don't see the difference in parents pushing there young child to be a doctor or lawyer, i agree the child is just over 2 but aslong as it remains fun then i do not see a problem.

    Some parents do take it to far just to put their child on display, so as long as it is not for personal gain then good look.

    My GF runs a marketing company, and sometimes she uses models, both male and female for her projects. These are not proffesional models but they still get paid 2000bht per day. It can be a good career, although short even if they don't make the screen.

    And your right, Westerners are to quick to put something or someone down.

  8. Jingthing.

    I agree with what you have said in this thread, i'm just suprised you have a bloomberg/swartz footer.

    Ron Paul is the way to go. Ron Paul 2008. The media including FOX news is blocking him because of his stance agains the current Bush administration views and corruption.

    If people don't know who this guy his, search him in google. He is already on the hit list because he's exposed some of the truths/conspiricies. Bush wants him dead.

    Not only does the US need this guy, but the rest of the world needs him.

    Back to a policed state. People are having the rights abused if they support Ron Paul. He is probably the most popular at the moment and the government don't like it.

    Bush is doing what ever he can to get the war monger Hilary Clinton in, who will follow his footsteps. Just like one big happy family.

  9. The questions are become so intense because the US as become a policed state. You don't need to look to hard on the internet to find that out. The UK is just the same in other areas. Another subject i know.

    The US is fast becoming - has become - a police state - the intimidation and harrassment of travellers applies to US citizens as much as it does to citizens of others countries.

    It's all about the desensitization - acclimatization - and conditioning of American citizens for the fascist police state that has already arrived. And this appalling treatment of ordianry citizens isn't just restricted to airports - it happens all the time at train stations - sea ports - and on the streets of every town and city in the US now.

    Sir, unless you've traveled to China, Laos, Burma, most Arab countries and Israel, you don't know what a police state is. Your hyperbole is a little hyper. Until then, try some broader travel or get a thicker skin.

    Boy do you have your head burried in the sand. No offense intended. This is the difference. The countries you mention the people know they live in a policed state. US and UK citizens are conditioned to believe they live in a civilized country, when infact it's much worse than they could possible imagine.

    Switch your telly off and read the real news.

  10. I'm just interested in people veiws about this.

    Do you believe your vote does actually counts and makes a difference. There are so many stories about the Bush presidency past and present regarding the voting, and in Particular now with Ron Paul as he is completely against US's present goal. Aparently the US are even threatening martial law, and are giving the American people an ultimatum. (Vote Ron Paul, and your endorsing terrorism). I'm a UK citizen and from what i see, Ron Paul actually wants to make a difference.

    There are lots of conspiricies around. What do you believe.

    I've had my doubts right from the beginning of the first Iraq situation and even events before this, but there is so much truth and lies, flying around, there is no wonder people are so confused.

    I found this site www.officialsfp.com which was quite interesting, but i doubt what they are trying to do will work.

    (Hope this kind of subject doesn't overstep TV's line)

  11. no youv'e got it wrong ......all the "true brits"left when Thatcher was in power ,.....only now all the immigrants want to go back too!

    Your way of the mark there mate: there is no difference between Thatcher/Blair/Brown - they all follow the same agenda. Do you really think they call the shots!

    Maybe this will educate you: http://www.eutruth.org.uk/


    They do not call the shots, but that is another debate.

    http://officialsfp.com has info and links about this sort of stuff.

  12. I am the ex-boyfriend. She is still married. I fell for the 'my husband is so bad to me'. Shes now or has been trying the same stunt with other men while we were together. I have always defended the fact that she has never been a bar girl. After the way she has been i wonder what she really did before meeting her husband. I'm just glad i'm out of that family setup.

    ask my husband and you will know what i been doing ok.....I'm not that bad but because you think like that to me that why you never happy

    Now your just digging a deaper hole. You need to ask yourself, why your husband refused to sort your visa out despite having a son. Why has he not been in contact with you since you left him over 2 years ago and not contributed, not even as much as a card for your son.

    Do you also remember the hand written letter i found to your husband saying 'sorry i dont mean to spend all your money, please talk to me, i love you'

    Keep going on with this story if you like, but you know deep down what i am saying is the truth, you just didn't expect me to walk away from you this time. After all P, i walked away 3 times and came back after the sobbing telephone calls i got from you. Like i said, people can only take so much. I'm just so dissapionted i didn't do it sooner and waste all that money on you and your family.

  13. Just to add, as i'm also wierdly finding this entertaining.

    What i don't understand is we havent spoken for months. Out of the blue you send me an email telling me to <deleted> off and you are not bothered. Followed by another saying you have seen me on TV and good look with my search. Followed by, you have a very big bar in Pattaya which cost you 2,000000 or 200,000bht im not sure, and that you are very happy and didn't care about me. Our relationship finished some time ago, do you not remember.

    You have responded to the original post by me, which mentioned no names don't forget. You didn't even know my username?

    Bunny boiler!

  14. The thing is you have always been very good at making people feel sorry for you, it worked for a while you remember. You know you tried to turn the Thai people around us against me, until they apologised to me saying you give Thai women a bad name.

    Isn't it Krama? Whar goes around comes around. Or something like that.

  15. I am the ex-boyfriend. She is still married. I fell for the 'my husband is so bad to me'. Shes now or has been trying the same stunt with other men while we were together. I have always defended the fact that she has never been a bar girl. After the way she has been i wonder what she really did before meeting her husband. I'm just glad i'm out of that family setup.

    If I got this right, you were in going with a girl that was cheating on her husband ( the reason she cheated does not change the fact) and then you were upset that she pulled the same stunt on you. What a big surprise that her basic character didn't change ! This is just like Thai soap operas which I also do not understand however it is fun to keep tuned in. :o

    I'm not the one complaing here. I don't actually know if she did cheat on me. I found hundreds of emails to various men, some were explicit. I ended the relationship before she could take the piss any further. I geuss you still have feelings for me don't you pepsi, jade, jade_butterfly, pepsi_bkk or whatever it is you call yourself these days.

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