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Posts posted by rhythmworx

  1. On 5/31/2018 at 5:35 AM, Golden Triangle said:

    I don't know what this is, but it is quite pretty, growing at the side of the house. I took the pictures a couple of days apart expecting it to bloom more, then I realized that the green bits are seed pods. ?





    Heliconia Chartacea - Sexy Pink,


    Almost purchased one earlier in the year in UK, kind of wish I had now.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, attrayant said:

    In related news, Whale dies in Thailand after ingesting more than 80 plastic bags.


    "THAI officials have reported that a short-finned pilot whale has been killed after swallowing some eight kilograms of plastic bags.  




    Found barely alive in a canal near the border with Malaysia, the whale had swallowed more than 80 plastic bags, suffering a convulsion and vomiting five plastic bags. Thailand is one of the world’s largest consumers of plastic bags, which kill hundreds of marine creatures living near the country’s popular beaches each year."


    I use stainless steel drinking straws at home and always take cloth shopping bags with me to 7-11 and the supermarket.  I think the only plastic I throw away regularly (about two per week) are the big two liter milk jugs.


    You can recycle HDPE yourself make what ever you want with it.



  3. Simple answer to the OP

    No it doesn't explain anything about LOS

    If your worried about carcinogens wear a mask that is rated against the fumes you breath on the street.

    Nordstrom are a reputable manufacturer, just get the right filter and your safe, from fumes at least.

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