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Posts posted by CaptHaddock

  1. 1 hour ago, mikebike said:

    Ultrasonic chasers do work. Not on all dogs in all situations but in using them for about six years I would say the success rate for me has been 80%.


    Purchase online in Thailand. COD.


    http://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=Ultrasonic dog

    You have failed to provide any evidence at all.  Were you ever under attack or threatened by a dog and then drove him off by pressing the little button? 

  2. I notice that no one reports any actual experience using these devices successfully, just unsubstantiated opinion.  Well, they don't work.  The batteries in these devices are far too small to be able to produce a blast of sound loud enough to intimidate a dog, particularly an angry dog.  Years ago I tested one while running.  I would get up as close as possible behind some unsuspecting mutt and let him have.  With one exception, there was never any reaction.  The dogs weren't startled, much less frightened.  There was one small terrier who, after getting "blasted" by my sonic device, did kind of look around with a worried expression.  If he had been intent on ripping my throat out, I doubt that it would have given him pause.

  3. Trump Jong-un has now terminated his Secret Service protection.  Must be afraid that SS agents would be giving testimony during his upcoming trial, which might not be that far off now that Manafort is soon to be charged.  It can't be long after that that Manafort starts telling what he knows about Trump.




    The noose tightens.

  4. While I do very much look forward to seeing members of the Trump crime syndicate being hauled off to jail for their many crimes including his odious spawn, it does indeed look like the intelligence community has had it in for Trump.  The republic has indeed come to a parlous state when our hope of saving the democracy depends on that other ongoing criminal enterprise, the CIA, and that long-time violator of civil rights, the FBI. 


    It may be the case that the spooks held it against Trump that during the campaign he disavowed the "permanent war" policy announced by Bush/Cheney and endorsed by Hillary Clinton.  Butlike  all the presidential candidates in the past who promised peace (Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon,) once in office Trump switch can't resist rattling the saber.  


    Anyway, for that reason or some other, the spooks also intervened in the 2016 election.


    Not good. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, iReason said:

    Things have gone from bad to worse for Trump officials targeted in Russia probe

    "U.S. investigators wiretapped Manafort, a former Trump campaign chairman, both before and after the 2016 election, CNN reported Monday, due to their suspicions over his ties to Ukrainian and Russian operatives."


    "And in July, after conducting a raid on his Alexandria, Virginia home, prosecutors working for special counsel Robert Mueller also warned Manafort that he’d soon be indicted, the New York Times reported on Monday."


    "Flynn, who reportedly has more than seven lawyers working on his core legal team, tweeted out a link to a fund set up to help defray what his benefactors called the “tremendous costs of legal representation.”



    May I just interject here, "Lock him up!"

  6. 12 minutes ago, iReason said:

    Ex-Trump staffer says US President has ‘hung us out to dry’ over spiralling Russia probe legal costs

    "One ex-aide says he has been forced to use his children's college fund to pay for a lawyer as another claims misleading statements by Trump officials gave Congress 'probable cause to destroy our lives at will'


    "Another ex-campaign aide also revealed he had been forced to use his children’s college fund to pay for a lawyer to represent him during probes by special counsel Robert Mueller and Congress."


    “Multi-billionaire Donald Trump has a moral obligation to pay the mounting legal bills of his advisers who are facing four-, five- and six-figure costs just for doing their jobs,” the ex-staffer said."



    Thrown under the bus...




    Amazing to me that anyone working for a psychopath like Trump would expect any loyalty at all from him, having seen him screw everyone foolish enough to trust him from his wives, his employees, his contractors, the suckers for Trump "University," etc.  Every new sucker thinks, "But he really likes me."

  7. Talking Point Memo has an interesting paragraph today on the mood in the White House as the noose tightens:


    Tension between the two comes as life in the White House is shadowed by the investigation. Not only do Mr. Trump, Mr. Kushner and Mr. McGahn all have lawyers, but so do other senior officials. The uncertainty has grown to the point that White House officials privately express fear that colleagues may be wearing a wire to surreptitiously record conversations for Mr. Mueller.

  8. 7 hours ago, sirineou said:


    Nixon did not go to jail and much to my disappointment,Trump will not also!!

    A pardon will be part of any resignation deal, otherwise Trump goes nuclear and ties the country in knots for decades, much to the delight of our enemies.

    Anyone who thinks Trump goes to jail is dreaming.

    Trump might get a pardon, but President Pence is likely to remember that pardoning Nixon put the nail in Gerald Ford's career.  So, maybe not.

  9. 2 hours ago, Oxx said:

    Getting a new router will do nothing for you.  Your IP address is being provided by DHCP meaning that it's not permanent.  (This allows the service provider to purchase fewer IP addresses and share them out only to active users.  Admittedly, changing IP address every 15 minutes is a little extreme.  It also makes it difficult for people to host webservers (which might generate a lot of traffic) themselves.)


    You could upgrade your Internet package to one which includes a static/fixed IP address.


    Or I think you could possibly use a VPN for the troublesome sites.  The easiest way to check this out would be to install the Developer version of the Opera browser.  That's what I'd do first.

    Will a vpn connection survive a new ip assignment?  Hmm, maybe packet retransmits announce the new ip to the other end?

  10. It's unlikely to be the fault of the router.  Probably the ISP does it deliberately.  The two ISPs we deal with change the ips every 24 hours.  The actual time of the change varies annoyingly.  Your router would get a new ip if it reboots, but I assume that if it were rebooting every 15 minutes you would have noticed.


    Consider gettting a new ISP.



  11. Mike Flynn, Jr. is now a target of the Russia investigation.  Seems he broke many laws working for his father.  The interesting part is that it looks like Mueller thinks Flynn might fall on his sword for Trump, but would flip to save his son from the slammer.


    Flynn, Sr. is going to prison.  If he does flip, then so is Trump, because Flynn appears to have all the real dirt on DT.



  12. 1 hour ago, iReason said:

    Three sources confirm Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape

    "Paul Wood recently wrote in a major British publication, The Spectator, that he also heard about the blackmail material from “two sources months before the Steele dossier came to light” (link), this means we’re looking at three sources confirming the Pee Pee Tape."


    "Steele is not yet known to have testified for U.S. investigators looking into the Trump-Russia scandal."


    "But it has been confirmed that he recently turned over all of his sources to investigators."





    You wonder how the evangelicals will justify their continued support once they have the opportunity of seeing their president in the most flagrante of delictos.

  13. 57 minutes ago, iReason said:

    WSJ: Some Trump Lawyers Wanted Kushner Out


    "Some of President Donald Trump’s lawyers earlier this summer concluded that Jared Kushner should step down as senior White House adviser because of possible legal complications related to a probe of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election and aired concerns about him to the president, people familiar with the matter said."


    "Among their concerns was that Mr. Kushner was the adviser closest to the president who had the most dealings with Russian officials and businesspeople during the campaign and transition, some of which are currently being examined by federal investigators and congressional oversight panels."


    "After some members of the legal team aired their concerns to Mr. Trump in June, including in at least one meeting in the White House, press aides to the legal team began to prepare for the possibility that Mr. Kushner would step down, drafting a statement explaining his departure"



    Kushner had four undisclosed meetings.

    Legal advisors saw the writing on the wall.



    This is very significant news.  It shows how the lawyers realize the deep trouble Trump and his minions are in, to the point that they called for Kushner to be thrown out of the WH.  Regardless of Trump's public posture, he is in serious trouble.  I think Kushner should begin putting his affairs in order preparatory to a long hiatus from public life.

  14. 13 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Neither Trump nor you should take any comfort from this article.  As it says, if Trump were given immunity it would be merely as a tactic to compel his testimony and would not protect him from prosecution for any crimes he has commit based on other evidence nor from prosecution for perjury or contempt of court if he should refuse.  It is worth noting that neither would immunity protect him from impeachment during the proceedings of which his testimony under immunity could certainly be used against him since impeachment is not prosecutiom.

  15. 4 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


    I think it unlikely her son would hop along to the army brainwash camp without a murmur if she were dead?  and I think brother would be shouting from the rooftops?  I think the vast majority of Thais would be pushed over the edge if this occurred. We have to wait. 

    I think Yingluck should be regarded as "missing" until she appears in public, if ever.

  16. 4 hours ago, kunfish said:

    The Electoral College is important as it gives low-population states more equal power. Montana vs California. It makes sure that presidential candidates pay attention to low-pop states.

    The Electoral College is an artifact of slavery.  The Constitution gave the South over representation in the House, because of the Three Fifths Compromise, and in the Senate where all states, including big Northern and small Southern ones, got the same two senators.  Those provisions enabled the South to dominate the Congress until the Civil War.  The Electoral College was designed to translates the South's advantage in Congress to the election of the president by giving each state the number of electors equal to the sum of its representatives and senators.  The EC worked admirably: twelve of the first fifteen presidents were slave-holders.


    The EC and the Senate are anti-democratic institutions that should both be dropped, but there is little chance of that because of the super-majorities required to amend the Constitution.

  17. 22 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    There's no wonder.

    Republican attorney generals for Florida and Texas declined to pursue lawsuits against the defunct Trump University; hence no fraud charges. Why?



    Trump is a creature of the "swamp."

    So, Texas and Florida are swamps of corruption, but why didn't NYAG Scheiderman go for a criminal prosecution?  It was his civil prosecution that led to the $25 million in compensation.

  18. 4 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Much to my disappointment , Trump will never see a day in Jail.

    If the evidence amount to criminal prosecution, Trump will resign ans his successor will  pardon him stating that the country needs to heal and that , to put the country through the protracted  court proceedings and appeals would be counterproductive and damaging, bla bla bla.

    and they might be right.

    People would be so happy to see him go they would accept anything, Hopefully Pence will go with him.  

    That's probable, but it is likely that some of his cronies will go to jail including his dim-witted offspring and that prick Kushner. 


    But you wonder why Trump himself wasn't jailed for that $25 million fraud, Trump University?

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