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Posts posted by butterisbetter

  1. Very sensible advice given by Joop in post #55. And yes, follow the "golden mean" like the Greeks advised thousands of years ago. I think Dr. Weil gets it right in his final statement (quoted above): "Continue to emphasize fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and limit sweeteners and other high-glycemic-load carbs." Some of his recommendations regarding organic dairy products from cows grazing on grass may be difficult to follow here, no?

    I think it's quite clear that Dr. Weil does endorse consumption of full fat milk products and not merely" that recent research suggests they are not as linked to coronary disease as previously thought; that is far from saying they are "good for the human body." Words have meanings, and so do paragraphs. Might do well to look up the subject of glass houses.

  2. I don't believe that Dr. Weil, even in his updated report as quoted, is saying what you are: that saturated fats "are most definitely good for the human body." What he appears to be saying, in his update, is that recent research suggests they are not as linked to coronary disease as previously thought; that is far from saying they are "good for the human body." Do you understand the difference, or is it beyond you?

    Kasem was mentioned as a health food store by others. In fact, if you go back and reread my original post, you will see that I call to the OP's attention the fact that he need NOT go to health food stores for the products listed because Rimping supermarkets have such a large and good variety of the products he listed. Another poster called you out on the country of origin for a product and gave you the information you requested and you simply disregarded his post, calling in a later post for something else. That is being dishonest.

    Words have meanings, that seems to be beyond your comprehension.

    Actually in the link I think it's pretty clear that Dr Weil is recommending full fat milk products because of their beneficial effects - but in moderation. I won't quote the whole article but he cites several studies that show either a correlation with negative effects of fat free dairy products or beneficial effects of full fat dairy products. He closes with these paragraphs

    "Given the results of these studies, I no longer recommend choosing low-fat dairy products. I believe the healthier choice is high-quality, organic dairy foods in moderation. My personal choice would be high-quality, natural cheese a few times a week. I don't advise eating saturated fat with abandon, because the foods that are full of it (salty bacon, conventionally raised beef, processed cheese) are often not the best for our health. Try to limit it to about ten percent of daily calories. You may choose to use your "budget" of saturated fat calories on ice cream, butter or high-quality natural cheese, or even an occasional steak (from organic, grass-fed, grass-finished cattle, please). I still recommended skinless chicken and turkey because poultry fat (concentrated just beneath the skin) contains arachidonic acid, which promotes inflammation. I also still recommend strictly avoiding foods that contain chemically altered fats (such as hydrogenated vegetable oils found in many prepared foods), as these do appear to raise cardiovascular disease risk.

    Continue to emphasize fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and limit sweeteners and other high-glycemic-load carbs."

  3. Thevicar, by the way, saturated fats, the right ones, are good for one's health. That it is bad for us is one of many cons perpetrated on us all by the american big ag and big pharma corporations that is slowly being realised. So your hahne muesli is missing an important macronutrient required in good nutrition.

    Dr. Andrew Weil, noted health doctor, M.D. from Harvard University, Prof. of Medizine at the U. of Arizona, and author of numerous best selling health books disagrees: "I usually recommend that no more than 25% of calories come from fat, and of course you want to keep your saturated fat intake as low as possible." Andrew Weil, Eight Weeks to Optimum Health, (2007) pp. 208-209.

    But of course, he's the kind of Western medico you and your health food store owner deplore!

    Here's something from Andrew Weil's website published May 6, 2011. It's in the form of a question and answer

    Rethinking Saturated Fat?

    I understand that you're modifying your position on saturated fat and as a result, no longer recommend low-fat dairy foods. What prompted the change?

    Answer (Published 5/6/2011)

    You're correct that my thinking on saturated fat has evolved. One catalyst was a scientific analysis of 21 earlier studies, which showed "no significant evidence" that saturated fat in the diet is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. The 21 studies analyzed included nearly 348,000 participants, most of whom were healthy when they were enrolled. They were followed for five to 23 years, during which 11,000 developed heart disease or had a stroke. Looking back at the dietary information collected from these thousands of participants, the investigators found no difference in the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, or coronary vascular disease between those individuals with the lowest and highest intakes of saturated fat. This goes completely against the conventional medical wisdom of the past 40 years. It now appears that many studies used to support the low-fat recommendation had serious flaws.

  4. My favorite (somewhat) healthy breakfast was muesli with a warm croissant at JJs on Thapae road. Unfortunately, they went out of business.

    The original location is still in business.

    Where is the original location??

    On the left side of Thannon Charoen Muang heading away from the old city. If you hit the Superhighway you have gone too far. Past soi 6 or 7 I believe. Large parking lot.

    Are you sure it's stil open. We passed by it 2 days ago and I think it was empty and up for rent.

  5. The bagel and lox at B is B is especially good however the english sausage campaign appears to have stalled, I'm not sure what to make of them any more.

    We're serving Lincolnshire sausages now instead of Cumberland. Personally, I prefer the Lincolnshire but a fair number of customers want the cumberland back, so the next batch will be cumberland.

  6. We can offer several kinds of cake and several kinds of frosting including ganache, butter cream and swiss meringue (a cross between meringue and butter cream)

    We also have a gluten free flourless chocolate cake and a gluten free cake called "Dacquoise"



  7. I'm still holding out for a nice, sage-seasoned homemadeb breakfast sausage patty like good old Jimmy Dean sausage.

    I've actually looked up copycat recipes for Jimmy Dean Sausages. And one ingredient they all seem to agree is necessary is MSG. Lots of MSG. So I may try to do one of those recipes. But I'm pretty sure my efforts will fall at least a bit short because I'm not going to use Monosodium Glutamate.

  8. For a change of pace we are now offering homemade Lincolnshire Sausage in place of Cumberland Sausage. The biggest difference between the two is that Lincolnshire Sausage has lots of sage in it while Cumberland has none. The price is still the same. 30 baht per piece and 140 baht for Bangers and Mash.

  9. Rimping supermarket by airport plaza (inside the supermarket) has the best coffee shop.

    Agree... Toms(?) or a name like that, excellent quality blended local beans roasted to perfection + they operate a black van on Suthep Road near Bangkok and Kasikorn Banks.

    Another is "Ristr8to" on Nimmenhaemin Road almost adjacent Soi3 - opposite Wawee Coffee. Ristr8to are true coffee specialists with beans from all over the World.

    Also, Airport Central Plaza - top floor Food Court - small coffee stall near ticket booth.

    Rimping supermarket by airport plaza (inside the supermarket) has the best coffee shop.

    Agree... Toms(?) or a name like that, excellent quality blended local beans roasted to perfection + they operate a black van on Suthep Road near Bangkok and Kasikorn Banks.

    Another is "Ristr8to" on Nimmenhaemin Road almost adjacent Soi3 - opposite Wawee Coffee. Ristr8to are true coffee specialists with beans from all over the World.

    Also, Airport Central Plaza - top floor Food Court - small coffee stall near ticket booth.

    Toms is owned by the same person who runs the cafe in the Rimping Nim City (opposite airport plaza).

  10. It was just last week that I read an article issued by the centre for disease control (CDC) in the USA. They were recommending that people refrain from using net pots after 2 recent deaths and multiple infections caused by neti pot use.. Maybe if you google neti pots you may find some information on this.

    cmsally is correct. They died of amebiasis. You have to boil the water before using it.

  11. ICON Plaza, Computer City - northside of moat are best priced outlets + Panthip Plaza, maybe closer to you?

    Last time I asked at Pantip, I was given some address elsewhere which I lost. So I assumed they weren't available there. I'll check again tomorrow. If not, I'll try Icon. Thanks.

  12. Shutdown the torrent client, restart the router and try again. Router is Zyxel?

    Shutdown the torrent client, restart the router and try again. Router is Zyxel?

    Right now, I'm not at home. I don't know what the router brand is. If I do shut down the torrent client and restart the router, can I restart the client once the router is up and running. Will using a VPN help?

  13. Are you sure, it's the router, not a unstable connection?

    Wifi or LAN?

    How about, if you try to refresh the page, you are already on?

    Same result?

    Is it the router, that came with the line?

    Get a second router and check it out!

    And maybe change the DNS-server to google

    Google Public DNS IP addresses

    The Google Public DNS IP addresses (IPv4) are as follows:


    The Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses are as follows:

    • 2001:4860:4860::8888
    • 2001:4860:4860::8844

    You can use either number as your primary or secondary DNS server. You can specify both numbers, but do not specify one number as both primary and secondary.

    You can configure Google Public DNS addresses for either IPv4 or IPv6 connections, or both.

    Actually, I have a computer connected by Lan and by wifi to the same router and both experience the same problem.

    If I try to refresh the page, it's the same result. Can't connect to it.

    This is the original router configured by my internet provider.

  14. I keep on getting the same problem with my router. After maybe using it for 5-10 links I get a message that it can't find DNS of whatever site I'm linking to. If I unplug the router and then plug it back in again, it will work for another 5-10 links and then once again will tell me it can't find DNS. Any ideas of why this may be happening?

  15. Grace international might interest you as its smack in the middle of a gated community as a lot of the students live in that gated community. Its a christian based school so not sure how that would play for you but I see many kids ride bikes to and from school. The housing there might be a bit on the higher side BUT its well in reach of you budget of 30K, you can probably get a decent 1500-2000sqft 3 bdrm house.

    Grace is about 1-2 miles from Lanna.

    World Land Club is the community name.

    Someone mentioned a gated community near Lanna but not sure how close or hows its situated.

    EDIT: I failed to mention that Grace might start at Kindergarten and up..however within walking distance there is a preschool called APIS kindergarten.

    Since the OP said she is moving to the UK, she probably chose Lanna because it follows a UK curriculum.

  16. Unless of course this is one of those missionary deals.. young families get dumped in random places, all expenses paid for.

    I'm not a Christian but I've gotten to know a fair amount of missionaries. First off, they are definitely not "dumped" When the families first arrive there is a big support network for them. They are sent to school to study Thai 5 days a week for at least aa year. And if they can't gain a reasonable mastery of the language they are scrubbed out. I wonder what percentage of non-missionary expats could match the missionaries' facility with the Thai language.

    Nor are all the missionaries subsidized by their congregations. I knew a family in my moo baan where the husband had been a very successful banker. And he gave it up (before the crash) to come here. He and his wife are now running an orphanage.

    Others are partly subsidized, using their own savings as well as what their congregations give them.

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