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Posts posted by butterisbetter

  1. I had a problem with my HP computer and went to the company that sold it to me. Told me that I needed a new motherboard which would be very expensive to replace and it would take at least a week to repair. I had thought the power supply had failed and I took it to Genesis (Genesys?) computer in Chiangmailand. The concurred with me that the power supply had failed and repaired the computer in 2 hours for 1000 baht.

  2. Hi,

    I have just arrived in Chiang Mai area for one year living in the HangDong area and I was hoping to attend a good Speaking Thai language course for very much the beginner.

    Does anyone have any good recomendations?

    Thank you.

    If you're living in the Hang Dong area then I recomment Cornerstone language school in World Club. They are a serious school. Actually it was orignally set up to train christian missionaries but they will cheerfully accept heathens like me and heathens unlike me as well. Missionaries who come to Thailand are very motivated people, whether you agree with their motivation or not. And they have to learn Thai well in order to carry out their mission. So the school has to be good otherwise they'll go elsewhere.

  3. I just got my 5 year's thai driver's license. If you're a US citizen, you don't have to go to the US Embassy in Bangkok to get the certificate of residence. The consulate can do it here in Chiang mai. Very easy and very fast. Just go to the consulate website to make an appointment. Also, you no longer need a doctor's certificate to get the driver's license.. And don't get photos taken. For slightly more money you can get a Smartcard driver's license that has the picture imprinted in the plastic. It's nearly impervious to any kind of damage short of fire..

  4. I would second what Paagai wrote about international connections. Lots of times I have problems with very slow international connections even though my line itself is working perfectly. I know this because I test the line at various sites that offer upload and download meters. The problem is that Thailand doesn't have enough international portals. The Thai government has been very reluctant to allow more companies to create such portals. If I had a business that depended on instantaneous and super reliable internet service, i would have to give thailand a reluctant miss.

    My experience is that Malaysia offers much butter internet service at a lot lower cost. For what it's worth, the level of english proficiency in Malaysia is, on average, a lot higher than it is in Thailand. Which is not surprising, since Malaysia was a British colony.

  5. I ate there tonight on Annabel's recommendation. I can confirm that the restaurant does offer beef stew under the name of beef bourgignon although the store had run out before I could order it. I had a carrot/orange soup with was very nice. It tasted homemade. Clearly no Knorr or other canned or powdered shortcuts were used.. I had a pork hungarian goulash ( is the another goulash nationality?)for the main course. It came with 3 boiled potatoes and carrots and strinbeans. The goulash was slightly spicy, rich and very tasty. I did talk to the owner/chef. He is clearly interested in keeping the quality of what he offers at a high level and at a very reasonable price. The soup cost me 85 baht and the goulash was 140 baht. He said his original concept was to offer only french food but that didn't pan out so now he's offering different kinds of falang food including such exotica as sausage & mash and hamburgers. I suspect they will turn out to be high quality offerings as well.

  6. Probably be better off with a rower than a stairmaster ole mate. It'll work most of the body as subtle or as tough as you like (if you have a good un) and they're comfortable for the most part. There's only one to get and that's the Concept II. There's a farang distributor in Bangkok who delivers up here - sorry, no longer ave details but a bit of digging on Concept II Rower Bkk and you'll come up with it. Will cost you in the region of 70 big ones, though, but will easily outlast you. The best all-round bit of kit I've ever worked with. Anything developed here will eventually just fall to bits.


    I use the store that was already cited as being near the suan dok gate. I'll see if i can get you a name and more exact address. I've bought a treadmill and an elliptical trainer there. The treadmill brand was DK City and the elliptical trainer was Spirit Brand. I couldn't find anything about DK city brand despite my searches on the internet but the Spirit brand was very highly rated. I have had no problems with either. They both feel very sturdy not flimsy like the usual home exercise equipment. Have had no problems with either except that the spirit brand pulse meter is useless. But if I had gone for the next level up which was basically only an improvement in instrumentation, that probable would have been okay too. The point being that this store does offer high quality equipment. ght. And its prices were better than the big sports store at Central And when I need the equipment moved upstairs they came right over and did the job.

  7. Does anyone know if cherries are being cultivated in Thailand. It seems to me that since bing cherries are cultivated in Mexico they should be able to be grown at least in the north. I've been eating some absolutely first rate Thai grown plums recently so I would think that if they can thrive here so should cherries.

    I know that blueberries are being harvested with great success in Florida. Again, they should be able to thrive here. But I haven't seen any evidence of them.

  8. Understanding Molasses

    Do you know the difference between types of molasses? We often hear the term "blackstrap molasses," but what does that mean?

    The quality of molasses depends on the maturity of the sugar cane, the amount of sugar extracted, and the method of extraction. There are three major types of molasses: unsulphured, sulphured and blackstrap.

    Unsulphured molasses is the finest quality. It is made from the juice of sun-ripened cane and the juice is clarified and concentrated.

    Sulphured molasses is made from green sugar cane that has not matured long enough and treated with sulphur fumes during the sugar extracting process. Molasses from the first boiling is the finest grade because only a small amount of sugar has been removed. The second boil molasses takes on a darker color, is less sweet and has a more pronounced flavor.

    Blackstrap molasses is from the third boil and only has a commercial value in the manufacture of cattle feed and other industrial uses.

    (Editor's Note: We received this e-mail:

    You should do a little research before making comments like you do about blackstrap molasses. It is used within the health industry because it is natural and high in Iron and other minerals with a very little sugar. It is what is left when molasses is made. Many fine HUMAN product contain blackstrap molasses. You do the industry harm by saying that it is used for animal feed only.... It was from Ron

    We stand corrected. We do realize that many people use blackstrap molasses for the concentrated iron content. It has a very strong flavor. It is usually available at health food stores. The main use for the majority of blackstrap molasses is in the manufacturing of commercial cattle feed.


    I have seen unsulphured organic molasses for sale at Rim Ping for a bottle that looked like it might be more than a liter but how much more I can't say. It cost 500 baht. I have also ordered and received molasses from a place called BBI in Bangkok. I got a gallon and I think the cost was 300 baht plus 40 baht for shipping. It didn't say whether or not it was unsulphured and I haven't tasted it yet.

  9. Wow, after 6 years in Thailand, there really are lemons here. Who'd a thunk it? :)

    The reason why it's hard to find lemons in thailand is that lemons are not a fruit that can be grown in tropical climates. Up north some lemons are being grown now and the price is much less than the imported ones. And the quality is excellent. At the local market in Chiang Mai I pay about 25 baht a kilo for lemons, But they haven't been available since february.

  10. I used to live in Mexico and didn't have much hope of finding a good Mexican restaurant here. But last night my wife and I went to The Salsa Kitchen and had an astonishingly good meal. I opted for the Pork Ribs and my wife for a combination plate of burritos, flautas, etc. The pork practically melted off the bone and didn't overly rely on sugar for it's flavor. The flour tortillas tasted like they were home made. And the various fillings in those tortillas were delicious. As were the flautas.

    Most telling of all was the quality of the salad. Not only was there a wide variety of greens in it, but the dressing was clearly home made. It didn't have that peculiar taste that characterizes store bought salad dressings. Because it was white I was afraid it was going to be a sweet salad dressing favored by Thais, but it turned out not to be that at all. Not sweet, and tangy. Clearly a lot of thought and effort had gone into its composition. Another plus: the owner actually makes his own butter. I think you need at least a touch of OCD to run a good restaurant and at least one of the owners clearly has it. Or maybe it's just a bad case of enthusiasm. In any case, it's the diners who benefit.

    The service was excellent. The owners were right there overseeing the operation so there was no lack of attention to details. The place was nicely decorated. The furniture has a rustic feel to it. This establishment wouldn't be right at home in Mexico

  11. My wife runs the Butter is Better Bakery at Rim Ping Mi Chok and she is now making bagels. She uses high quality unbleached high gluten flour & barley malt syrup and boils the bagels. I'm prejudiced, but to me they taste authentic and I'm a New Yorker. The color still isn't quite brown enough, but the taste and texture are definitely there. There's really nothing that difficult about bagel making if you're willing to put in the time to follow the correct procedure and use authentic ingredients. She doesn't always have them in stock but I'll see about getting her to make some more tonight. As for lox and cream cheese, for that, you're on your own.

  12. My wife and I go to a masseur named Sring Chai. He is very well known in the massage community and highly respected. At certain times of the year he is besieged by Farang and Japanese students who come to Thailand just to study with him. I found him through one such student. He does speak some English and very effectively too. Very intelligent perceptive man. That said, Sring Chai does massage for people in pain. Not just for relaxation. He's like a doctor. He works out of his home although he can come to your place. But this is definitely not a spa experience. It's a barebones home. Nothing fancy. But my wife and I always do feel great afterwards. He is located on Chang Puak Rd. If you have your back to Chang Puak gate and the moat it will be about 200 meters from the moat on the right side. A bit past the mosque. There will be a big sign outside advertising Massage and other Thai systems including fortune telling. Here is Sring Chai's phone number: 0869243210 He charges 400 baht for a session that lasts roughly 2 hours. But we always give him an extra 100. It probably is better to call in advance because he tends to be booked up and also this way you will be sure of getting Sring Chai and not an apprentice.

  13. Nothing wrong with a service like that if you don't mind paying and need your hand held, especially the first time.

    However, that same kind of help is available free here to anyone for everything but the most complicated situations. The only caveat is to get good info here you must be thorough and specific about your details. We can't read minds.

    If you're a reasonably organized person, it probably isn't necessary. Especially if you're only renewing. But I'm not reasonably organized. So using star visa is like having a super competent administrative assistant. Except, unfortunately, you've got to run the errands. I think that they charged me 500 baht for their services.

  14. Does anyone use remedies here?

    I am looking for a source to buy remedies in CM?

    If not CM, how about Bangkok?


    I order mine from helios.co.uk. They generall take about 5 days to get here. They have a very good reputation for the quality of their remedies.

  15. Before I got my retirement visa I had something to do at the American Consulate. I asked a consular official there if he could make a recommendation to help me get my visa. He said he wasn't officially allowed to say anything but that there did happen to be a visa agency up the block. It was and is Star Visa. They charge a very low fee for basically getting all your documents organized and ready to go. They give you a check list of what you will need. You bring everything to them. And they put it all into a binder. They will know if you qualify or not and won't charge you for advice. It's just very reassuring to show up at the Immigration Office with everything formidably organized.

  16. Can any one give me some advice on who to talk to in Chiang Mai Government or other, to procure a stall space on the Sunday Walking Street.

    My wife who is Thai applied for a stall last year. Here is the phone number of the office: 053-213-468. Last year, the name of person in charge was Mae Nay. Last year there was a very, very long waiting list. So what my wife ended up doing was going to one of the wats that connect to a walking market street and renting a space there. For that, she had to go to the wat on the day of the market and find the person in charge. It was extremely inexpensive. 50 baht for the day.

  17. How ridiculous, the Thais do not care about whom is selling what to whom. You need a work permit if you want to work. That is the law.

    Why would you nickle around with a stall on walking street? What's next? A table at The Rimping with beads and trinkets?

    What the Thai government frowns on is foreigners doing businesses that they should not be doing.

    If it was for your Thai partner that wants to keep busy, I would say that that was another case. Let your partner do the walking.

    Can you tell me 'getgoin' who to talk to about getting a table at Rimping to sell some beads and trinkets, but I also have gazasthahagens

  18. I renewed my retirement visa on Jan 12, 2009. The visa that was stamped into my passport shows that I renewed it Jan 12, 2009. That was the same day I was due to report to the immigration office for my 90 day notification. However, I wasn't issued a new renewal of notification form. Rather, the old one was left stapled to my passport. So it shows that I am supposed to report on Jan 12, 2009. Shouldn't I have received a new form? Is this going to be a problem when I report to the Immigration office on Apr 12. 2009?

  19. I renewed my non immigrant O retirement visa on Jan 12. And the stamp that immigration imprinted in my passport shows that I renewed on that date. My receipt of notification form stipulated that I had to show up by that day as well. At any rate, when I renewed my visa, i wasn't given a new receipt of notification form. Immigration just left the old one stapled to my passport. Is this going to be a problem when I report to the Immigration office on or about April 12 to comply with the 90 day reporting requirement?

  20. Just had a burger and fries at Jo Jett's on Huay Kaew Rd. It was the real thing. A thick burger with good quality beef. I had it along with some excellent french fries.They tasted freshly cut to me. My wife, who is Thai, isn't that fond of beef so she had the hot dog with chile on top. That tasted real good too. Just like good chile dogs in the states. The decor is cool too. Retro 50's. If you're heading out from the city it will be about 3 or 4 storefronts ahead of the Boat Restaurant which has a prominent sign.

  21. greenside.

    WOW nice cat !

    almost as cute as one of mine : )



    back to the dog food !

    I have seen chopped meat in a freezer located in the pet section of the Rim Ping Supermarket at Nim City. I assume the others have something similar. Don't know about the price though.

    As for giving chicken bones to dogs and cats... It's like playing the lottery but with a lot, lot better odds of winning. Of course, in this case the reward is a sharp piece of bone perforating something in the gut. Chicken necks are okay, though.

  22. As for sbk having to remove alot of posts... I think it's too bad. Food is the great uniter that cuts across race, religion, and country. Food has no alliances. It is about people coming together. If anything, have a meal around people you don't know so well and learn more about them and see the commonalities between all of us.

    As for the Chabad house, I had a friend who swore by their Kosher Dogs. He said they were the best around. I've never had one there, though I have had many another nosh. Good value. And the kind of food you'd expect.

    I guess it wasn't the Chabad in Chiang Mai. I went there to try them and they denied having them. Maybe you have to know the secret handshake?

  23. ....Bump... I find it hard to believe nobody can recommend a decently priced quality Yoga class in Chiang Mai... Anyone?

    Thanks in advance,


    If you walk on Ratchamanka starting at the east end and head west, in about 2 blocks, on the north (right hand) side just past the Thai Wok restaurant, there is a very good and friendly yoga studio run by an Englishman named William. I think it's called Yoga Sala. If you keep heading west, a few blocks further up there is another yoga studio. I haven't tried that one.

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