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About Chaichara

  • Birthday 11/25/1949

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  1. And expat customers complain about the still low prices for pools, maintenance, and repairs by pool companies which for reasons of quality, professionalism, and knowledge of languages, employ expat staff. Such clients seem to want their cake and eat it.
  2. Sometimes you need a real pool expert to talk to on the phone and in your language. Personal experience shows that WinWin is geared up to selling, selling, selling, to Thai customers and not to expats who might well pay a tiny bit more to a firm that can provide professional advice and a genuine e-commerce website with transparent shipping costs and conditions etc. WinWin provides neither; in fact when they detect a foreign voice on the phone they generally just hang up - even on one who can speak fluent (but not accent-free) Thai. It's different of course if like Sapparest, you already know exactly what you want.
  3. Correct. Same as ภาษาฝรั่งเศส means French (language) What a load of cobblers gets posted in these Thai Visa threads. I've been here 22 years and never felt or known anyone to be offended by it. I'm not even offended when the Krauts call me Inselaffe, their pet word for the Brits. If one wants to hear frequently used offensive words about a non-ethic people, just go to the UK or the US. It seems to me that some expats in Thailand deliberately look for things to complain about or feel offended by.
  4. Despite having been fully vaccinated in early December (Pfizer) I got full COVID-19 in February and was in an expensive international hospital for 7 weeks. At my age I've been lucky. Within days of being admitted, I received a call from some pig ignorant government official asking why I had not spent time in the Puket sandbox. It took my wife many minutes to explain to the idiot that I am not a tourist and I have lived in Udon Thani legally for 22 years and not left the country since 2016. He still did not understand. BTW, be aware that AETENA cover 80% of the hopitalisation, but not any medication or ICU directly associated with the cure of COVID and its associated pneumonia. These IV meds are very expensive. At home now, but a full recovery is expected to take several more months.
  5. Bought on LAZADA perhaps? The advertisers on the LAZ -e-commerce platform include a great many scammers, especially among those that 'ship-from abroad'. Generally, Thai based suppliers are more trustworthy, but 20% of the orders are received broken due to inadequate packing, or even the wrong product. Getting a refund from LAZ is a minefield of excessively complicated administrative procedure but if you can wade through it, they will collect the return product for free - and then the waiting starts...
  6. Well saved, but their website and other product and customer support services leave a lot to be desired.
  7. That would be about right, depending on optional required features. Overflow pools will cost more. Pools in remoter areas will cost more too - this is the disadvantage for expats who built their house in their wife's vilage in Isan and now want a pool!
  8. The difference is, I'm not a shill, and I have nothing to 'flog'.
  9. Please quote your scientific/academic source. Nobody is talking about anything 'cool' or 'sexy'. World class developers don't waste R&D and setting up manufacturing plant in their factories on modern systems for fun, especially when they save effort and money for end users and can outsell traditional, clumsy, hard-to-manage chlorination.
  10. I think this is an excellent idea. I have rarely gotten so involved in such a tedious discussion.
  11. Small indoor pools in poorly ventilated spaces, particularly where a large sliding door-window cannot be fully opened up to the outside, can accumulate very unhealthy levels of chemical residue at face level when bathers are in the water. Fortunately, new technologies are now available for disinfecting pools almost totally avoiding the use of chlorine or any harsh disinfectants. They are also far more economical.
  12. Nothing is obvious, Bagwain. Those of us who have professionally built and serviced hundreds of pools across Europe and Thailand for 50 years have almost certainly accumulated some knowledge - some of us may even be actually technically and and academically qualified to boot, beyond the claims in the manufacturers' brochures. It's already been mentioned that the tone of your comments may not always instill confidence in those who read them. You may not be actually selling the stuff, but your persistent claims could lead one to assume you have have some kind of vested interest in moving a stockpile of it.
  13. Many jurisdictions have laws regarding the water quality and sanity of pools for public purposes. These measures are the results of independent scientific studies commissioned by the governments. Some of the more serious pool professionals and companies base their calculations for filtration and disinfection on these reports. I do. One does not 'debunk' such scientific papers but of course there are plenty of shirt-sleeve pool 'pros' who always want to know better. What one does in their private pool in the confines of their own back garden is up to them, but genuine pool consultants and companies won't take the risk of spreading dilettantish and possible harmful information. Like car manufacturers, they have a duty to the pubic they serve with their their products and the safety that surrounds them. We don't debunk the criteria for motor vehicle Construction & Use regulations - or do we? Debate that.
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