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Everything posted by baz69er

  1. What about all the Tailors shops? I've never seen a thai working in them, or is that a job that thais can't do?
  2. 19 year old falling asleep at the wheel? He must of been dreaming as well......
  3. Set up a Go Fund Me page before leaving seems to be the norm.......
  4. I once wrote to Jimmy Saville, Dear Jim, please could you fix it for me, to milk a cow blind folded.
  5. I would of thought the countless funerals that family & friends & children that have attended where the deceased have been wiped out unnecessarily by drink drivers, unroadworthy vehicles, falling asleep at the wheel, riding motorbikes with no helmets etc, the list goes on, but it never sinks in.........
  6. On many occasions in Bangkok I've tried to put the seat belt on in a taxi & cant find the part that the belt clicks into (probably under the back seat somewhere)
  7. Yeh ill take what you have said on board, but if i felt that it was dangerous i certainly wouldn't do it, there's also a lot of other footwear that could be dangerous too, where do you you draw the line? If the law makes it illegal which I'm sure they would if proved hazardous while driving then i will be the first to stop wearing flip flops......
  8. There is currently no explicit law that bans driving with bare feet, in heels or flip flops, or any other form of sandals or footwear. However, Highway Code 97 states that, before setting out on a journey in a car, it's important that “clothing and footwear do not prevent you using the controls in the correct manner”.31 Aug 2021
  9. I wear flip-flops regularly driving my car when I'm back in the u.k ????
  10. Thanks for info, just downloaded all three, on second one now......????
  11. You've only got to look at the damage to see that the driver must of been driving very fast......
  12. Yeh, i think the last time I had lemon meringue pie was when I was a kid, Gypsy Tart is also yummy.....
  13. Yup, they will fit into there new role as no extra training will be required.....
  14. I was thinking the same......Not so sure about the whistle bit,,,,????
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