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Posts posted by naklang

  1. I have a quarter-acre home site in Florida. Last year, the accessed value was $150K; this year, the accessed value is $130K. Before you start prancing around, gloating that home values are "melting down" and "plummeting", I should tell you that I bought the land for $3000 a decade ago.

    Exactly. Not every region of the US is declining. Up here in Seattle, the market is going strong. Especially the condo market with almost every project selling quickly. Washington state is a bit of a microcosm and somewhat isolated from the rest of the US. Its the only state in the country with a trade SURPLUS with China. Lets just say, I'm glad I left overpriced/overtaxed California 11 years ago. House is paid off and still appreciating. Gotta love that.

    And there is good reason why President Hu came up here before going to see Bush in the "Other" Washington. Speaks volumes about who is really running the country. Hint: men who know how to CREATE wealth and commerce. Not waste and destroy it.


    China will continue to be a huge export growth story for the US and for Washington state especially. As China's labor and energy costs continue to rise, the trade gap will narrow predictively and significantly. Overall, the US is doing amazing well in spite of the horrendous management in place right now. All the tabloid headlines make it sound like the end of the world over here, but everybody I know is doing pretty darn good.

  2. I have a quarter-acre home site in Florida. Last year, the accessed value was $150K; this year, the accessed value is $130K. Before you start prancing around, gloating that home values are "melting down" and "plummeting", I should tell you that I bought the land for $3000 a decade ago.

    Exactly. Not every region of the US is declining. Up here in Seattle, the market is going strong. Especially the condo market with almost every project selling quickly. Washington state is a bit of a microcosm and somewhat isolated from the rest of the US. Its the only state in the country with a trade SURPLUS with China. Lets just say, I'm glad I left overpriced/overtaxed California 11 years ago. House is paid off and still appreciating. Gotta love that.

  3. I would agree with this for the 50+ crowd. They are biased due to being raised during the golden age when America was the only game in town and Europe was still recovering from the horrors of war, and Britian had it's own troubles with the IRA etc. The American "Baby Boom" generation will go to their graves filled with American idealism.

    I would not agree that younger Americans have their head in the sand and disinterested in world affairs. They are, however, realists. They know there is only so much they can do beyond the vote and remain law abiding citizens. Most of the younger people I know help in their own way by direct volunteering or charitable giving out of reach of the government or organized religion.

    It's a big, big country. To label all Americans based on the comments of blue-haired ladies taking UK bus tours is silly stuff.

    Right now American's have their head in the sand about everything and are only interested in whatever crap the media feeds to them. American's don't seem to question much or be that interested in the world outside themselves.
    However the average Joe would much rather talk about - and knows more about - their favourite baseball or football team.

    The other day I was in a travel forum where an American person was complaining that her bus tour in UK went up by $1,000 USD this year. She said how come in the British and Aussie brochures it didn't go up anywhere near as much. I said to her, 2 years ago the USD was buying nearly 60 pence now today it is buying only 48 pence, that is a 20% depreciation. Your tours and anything else you buy from UK has to go up 20% to compensate for this, she still didn't think it was the cause. The first step to solving a problem is to admit you actually have one.

  4. I was laughed at on these boards some time ago when i nocked the US$. After reading many articles and a book called 'Empire of Debt' i bought into gold - Krugerrands at £220 (1 ounce). I can sell them all day long now for £400+.

    Simple fact that most people dont understand - dont want to understand - is that the FED is a private orginization (outside of US government control) and they print money from nothing (yeah, i know paper and ink) and then loan it to the US banks/people at what ever interest rate they decide.

    Every time they print a few more billion, the dollars held by otheres lose some of their value. The US has currently (under Bush) ran up a 9 trillion dollar deficit. No problem though the fed will just print some more - but agian devaluing the dollar. ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT.

    However the average Joe would much rather talk about - and knows more about - their favourite baseball or football team.

    The Euro is also printed at will and backed by absolutely nothing. Its all fiat paper. It is unfortunate that the US feels it necessary to maintain such an expensive military and fund it with off-balance sheet debt. But if it didn't exist, it's interesting to think how the world would work without the "heavy" on the block to keep things in check.

    Britain has been there and got tossed out of the role after WWII (loss of many colonies). Just couldn't afford or control the unruly kids anymore. I wonder when the US will get sick of the chore and just let China and Russia go at it for the spoils. Should be quite a show.

  5. My comments: I tend to agree with the above sentiment as well as Mighty Mouses comments. I currently hold a Mutual Fund that is basically USA invested, in 6 years it has done nothing but go backwards. When I questioned the Fund Manager he blamed it all on the slide of the USD. I am in process of cutting my losses, I will diversify out just like the Chinese.

    You're going to "cut your losses" after 6 years? Oh my.

  6. This is not my work, but here is what the smartest Hurst Cycle practitioner I know has to say:

    "Dollar index in the time window for the Hurst nominal 18 month nest of cycle lows (18mnth,9mnth, 20wk,10wk, etc)."


    You will note that prior bounces did not amount to much and he ascribes this to the fact that longer term cycles are down and weigh heavily on shorter term cycle projections. My recollection is that this coming 18 month cycle bottom is the third 18 month cycle in the current 4.5 year cycle, so one would expect it to be severely left translated. Not much for dollar bulls to hang their hat on I'm afraid.

    The $ will certainly not hit bottom and start an immediate ascent. It will bottom and bounce in a range for a time until the political and fiscal insanity wanes. By that time, the world economy should be slowing considerably, especially China. Oil should decline significantly, reducing the primary deficit driver in the US. All of this is $ bullish longer term, especially when it is already beaten into the dirt with its teeth kicked in. The ECB will NOT be raising rates again anytime soon. I can almost guarantee that.

  7. An extraordinary amount of diversification out of the dollar has already occured over the past 5 years. For sure there is still some more ahead, but IMO the lions share of this devaluation is complete. The sentiment is so bearish and the hyperbole from the pundits and govt officials has become so shrill, I'm just waiting for a picture of a burning dollar bill to show up on the cover of TIME magazine. After all, everybody knows the dollar is toast. Very soon will be time to be a contrarian. Takes balls, but that's why most people miss out on the big moves.

    And the boondoggle of the Iraq war will die with the Bush presidency. Big lessons have been learned here and it will be a long, long time before another folksy Texan (aka Lyndon Johnson/Vietnam) is allowed in the oval office.

  8. This EUR/$ run to 1.50 is almost complete. I remember when 1.30 was the "pain threshold" for the ECB, then it went to 1.40, now it will be 1.50. Sometime soon, it will be time to buy dollars with Euro because things are now getting serious enough for a combined CB effort to halt this slide. Enough money has been made on this run already. To push it much further risks lasting consequences for stability and dare I say, widening military conflict. Waiting with dry powder to short the Euro soon. Almost there, but not quite.

  9. Where are the USA's financial resources being allocated? Where are Europe's going? What has been the pattern of the last 50 years for percentage of GDP spent on defense for each?

    Will Americans continue to lend political support to seeing their hard earned tax dollars go to weaponry instead of human services and infrastructure within its borders? Will Americans soon desire a more "European" social spending structure? Will America return to more of an isolationist policy as in the early 20th century? And if so, what are the implications for the world?

    Again, if this happens, what kind of leadership can we expect from the Chinese, Russia etc.?

    If this is a troubling thought, then I would suggest that the UK and Europe realize that there may be more in common with the USA and our way of life than the alternative.

    This means action instead of lip service and caving in to violence and coercion by rogue/fringe elements bent on creating instability towards their own ends. History has shown that "appeasement" only encourages more violence as it has proven to be rewarding.

    This global chess match is ugly business at times and we will not always agree on how to proceed. But lets not wait to strengthen our alliances only after global crisis is underway. It's an open invitaton for (use your imagination) when the UK, USA, and Europe are divided.

    A militarily strong Europe and UK allied with the US still remains the best recipe for maintaining and advancing human rights and liberty in the world. Something that many of us take for granted, but is unknown to billions of human lives. Don't allow the current nastiness in Iraq poison the big picture.

  10. True. Eat fruits and veggies with Whey protein enhanced shakes (lowfat dairy or soy) for protein. Do this for 2-3 weeks and the colon will cleanse itself naturally without upsetting the probiotic balance. But many people are too impatient and want to pressure wash. Consistent/healthy eating habits, not periodic hydro injection, is the way to go.

    I for one could not imagine going to a place where the sanitation can only be assumed. There are some incredibly nasty bugs out there, many of which are now resistant. If you must, do it at home after a thorough sanitize of the equipment.

  11. I guess if you think Thailand is getting too strict then time to move down the ladder.. Cambodia, or some other basket-case failed country

    Ouch! And way off base! Far from a "basket case failed country", Cambodia has seen astounding development over the past decade and now has one of the fastest growing economies to be found.

    Quality of expat life in Phnom Penh is very nice indeed, great choice of restaurants etc. In many ways reminds me of Bangkok circa 1980.

    Personally, as one who divides her time between the 2 countries (LOS and CAMB) , I don't see one as better than another, they each have their strong and weak points. Weakest point in Cambodia is health care, which is very bad at any price, particularly a concern for older folks. On the other hand, wide open visa policies, no work restrictions, and a much more welcoming and normal attitude towards farangs... normal as in regarding them as fellow residents who happen to be from another country originally and not as some other species altogether as one sometimes encounters in LOS...........

    I agree with this. Still wild enough to be interesting, cheap enough for the most modest expat budget, but pray if you ever have a life threatening illness or injury. Best case is to marry a Thai nurse, smuggle a suitcase of Rx and stash in a safe place, and get treated in your own house. You'd have a better chance than in a Cambo hospital. At least until you get Med-evac to BKK.

    As far as welcoming and normal attitude towards farang, I agree for now. Had great conversations with many Khmer and found their english ability remarkable given the conditions/opportunities. Several of them said I was the first foreigner to ever make an effort to talk with them about life there. But if Thailand is any indication, their welcoming attitude shall be short-lived. Many reasons why, but just look around Thailand at a large slice of the farang community and it is a pretty quick study.

  12. It will be an interesting next 20 years for sure as the political realities in the US focus more on a domestic agenda and decide that the bill for policing the world is too high. What type of world will the Chinese, Russian, and Indian nuclear powers be expected to forge? Will they allow the former US/UK empires to peacefully exist while the new powers keep watch on stability/allocation of resources and commerce? Many questions. I just hope the answers don't come from the Trident submarine fleet when SHTF.

    What did you just say ?

    While the entire world watches in hopeful anticipation of the fall of the US "empire", the question is what will replace it? So, I said "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it".

  13. It will be an interesting next 20 years for sure as the political realities in the US focus more on a domestic agenda and decide that the bill for policing the world is too high. What type of world will the Chinese, Russian, and Indian nuclear powers be expected to forge? Will they allow the former US/UK empires to peacefully exist while the new powers keep watch on stability/allocation of resources and commerce? Many questions. I just hope the answers don't come from the Trident submarine fleet when SHTF.

    I have every confidence in the UK's 15 ship navy plus their five Trident subs to resolve any problems the combined forces of China Russia and India may direct our way. BTW, I also believe in UFO's and flying pigs.

    That's why a pitiful 15 ship Navy is dangerous. Limited options. If it meant losing your country and your way of life, would those 5 UK Vanguard subs be used to depopulate half of China? Would it be an option, or just bend over and take whatever the new master has for you?

  14. It will be an interesting next 20 years for sure as the political realities in the US focus more on a domestic agenda and decide that the bill for policing the world is too high. What type of world will the Chinese, Russian, and Indian nuclear powers be expected to forge? Will they allow the former US/UK empires to peacefully exist while the new powers keep watch on stability/allocation of resources and commerce? Many questions. I just hope the answers don't come from the Trident submarine fleet when SHTF.

  15. I was skeptical, but it works. http://www.moodcure.com/false.html I bought the book and it made perfect sense why mental health is in a freefall despite a supposed increase in living standard. Some of the claims seem to be a bit exaggerated, but if anything, the book is a scathing indictment of the food industry and our goverments. The allowance of engineered toxic fats to seep into virtually every food type and the stripping of essential nutrients from the diet is a nutritional tsunami. Introducing compounds that inflame and reducing the compounds intended to fight it are the cause of most afflictions including cancer. Millions of years of evolution insure the body can protect and heal itself if given the essential tools to do so.

    To fight anxiety and re-balance your brain chemisty, you should try some GABA amino supplements. GNC has it and other sources a sure to as well. Good luck.

  16. Got 100mg/tab TRAMAL from a pharmacy in Siem Reap. Those did the trick nicely for my osteo in my left hip. Don't combine w/ any other opiate (codeine etc.) within 48 hours or you will be dope sick and VERY unhappy. Also don't take more than 400mg/day or possible seizure. I also read the other poster was prescribed fentanyl patch and MSContin? Whoa! Don't even THINK about mixing those. Can you say respiratory arrest?

  17. More info - Updated

    Sat, April 14, 2007 : Last updated 0:10 am (Thai local time)

    Seven arrested, 3 more sought over kidnapping

    Police are looking for three men, including a senior police officer, in connection with the kidnapping and detention of an American businessman in Bangkok for a Bt28-million ransom.

    Seven suspects, including three Thai-American men and three police, have already been arrested.

    Mark Hutchenson, 46, was rescued by a police SWAT team on Thursday after being held captive since Saturday.

    Sukhansa, his wife, said four or five men in police uniform and plainclothes - including a Thai-American half-blood, Nicolas Pruksukkan, who claimed to be an FBI agent - had searched their condominium and made off with US$400,000 (Bt14 million) in cash.

    They took Hutchenson hostage and demanded $800,000 for his release. She then reported the abduction to police.

    A squad of 30 Metropolitan Police including commandos stormed a town house in Lat Phrao district and found Hutchenson chained and handcuffed with his face covered by a woollen cap.

    Police Senior Sergeant-Major Suchart Muengkhunlong and Nicolas were arrested at the site. Suchart denied involvement in the extortion attempt, claiming that he was hired for Bt20,000 to guard the town house.

    Yesterday more five suspects including two police were arrested. They were Metropolitan Police Sergeant Sathit Prasanphangsri and Crime Suppression Police Sergeant Prasertpan Punarittidej. The three civilians were Thai-American men - John and James McCleary, and Mongkol Sukkasem. Police also seized some Bt700,000 from the suspects.

    All were charged with armed extortion, illegal detention, demanding ransom and malfeasance.

    Metropolitan Police chief Lt-General Adisorn Nonsi said that according to information from the US Embassy, the McClearys are members of a ransom ring that fled arrest in the US and joined the gang of Lt-Colonel Thanapol Boonnak, an Immigration Police inspector temporarily assigned to the Internal Security Operations Command.

    Police hold arrest warrants for the three suspects at large - Thanapol, Sergeant Adul Kamorn of Chokchai police station and a Thai-Dutch civilian, Samual, or Sam, Pasomthong.

    Police believe Thanapol is the head of the kidnapping team and has run away with the rest of the money from Hutchenson's condo.

    Adisorn said he had dismissed the three arrested officers, as they were under his bureau. They were denied bail as they had allegedly committed capital crimes. Their supervisors will be also investigated for negligence, he said.


    Smells of a Thai wife wanting an increase in her allowance and tipped off the strong arm of the law of the cash. She goes along with the story if they promise her a cut of the loot. Don't put it past her for a minute.

  18. I always thought the place was a dirty hole anyway. Now that it's been invaded by all manner of Russian mafiosos and their ilk, not a place to be for anyone except them. Won't be long until all the girls themselves get fed up and move to better venues. Most of the best girls gave up on Pattaya long ago and stick with the Japs in Bangkok (3", 3 minutes, 3000 baht).

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