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Posts posted by scousemouse

  1. I haven't noticed any Chelsea threads here so I thought I would start my own, all Chelsea boys and girls please post anything you want, would be good to hear other genuine true blue supporters opinions and stories.

    Lets forget all the one sided slagging off we are getting from the media and other jealous supporters and just stick together.

    Come on the BLUES!!!!!!!!!

    sawadee cap seapok , so how do you reckon you'll fare against Valencia tonight ??. I've got you down to get beat over the 2 legs . And how can the fans of the double premier league champions be feeling sorry for themselves because they get a bit of stick from the media !!!! , surely you shandy drinking lot are stronger than that !!!!!!!!

  2. My thai boyfriend wants "us" to buy land for his grandparents. Now, we are not talking big money, about 1,000 Euro for 1 Rai (Which I am told is 800 sq metres). While I want to make my partner happy, my understanding is that only Thai's can own land but that Farang can own the property built on it, if registered the right way. Is this true? How common is it for "certain thais" to hook a farang, get land and abandon ship?

    I am loved up but have a cynical soul and have a firm life ethos of "Love many & trust no-one". That said, I don't have a major concern at losing a grand. We are together almost a year, I have been to Thailand 3 times, each for a month, and move finally on Dec 28th (not to be with him, but to lead a less materialistic life with a better cost of living than home and more sun etc etc. after another month in November to finalise house, bike etc. Perhaps I am being too untrusting etc but my head begs me to ask the question "Am I a target"? Any advice appreciated. I will, of course, engage the services of a professional agency to check the bona fida of said individual prior to arrival to ascertain whether I move to a house alone or with t'other half. (By the way, not sure of the relevance but we speak on msn with cam daily for the year or so thus far)

    Stevie (Ireland)

    just hang on a second charles , ask him to wait a year or two for whatever reason and see what his reaction is like.

  3. Taking a look at the other so called contenders , Chelsea dont have the european pedigree and the atmosphere at stamford bridge is nothing when compared to other venues.

    Scoucemouse that is a rubbish statement my friend.

    Whn CFC play there is a good atmosphere at the bridge especially when we beat the scousers my friend.

    CFC v Man Utd Final.

    Sawadee cap shedend , Liverpool, Ac Milan, Bayern Munich and even Man U have a far stronger european record than Chelsea, so for me to question their european pedigree at this point in the tournament is a quite valid point. Dont get me wrong , I think that if Celsea hold on to mourinho they will win the champions league one day , just not 2007 , this year is Lverpool's.

    Congrats Scousemouse that was a very good result last night and it appears now you have booked a SF Slot already. This will urge us on and we will win tonight against Valencia, trust me. We have not been playing well but sooner or later (hopefully tonight) someone is going to be trashed by us.

    Agreed as a club we do not have the same pedigree as the clubs you mentioned but just think back a few years a go when we were not even considered a top six side in the English Premier League. We have come on leeps and bounds since then and Roman A. has a lot to do with his input of dosh to buy players etc.

    I actually do hope you beat Valencia as the atmosphere at the 2005 semi final against Chelsea was one of the greatest european nights seen at Anfield , and to have another crack against the same opposition , at the same stage of the competition and the same ground with the same result would be awsome !!. But my head tells me that Valencia have just a bit more nouse and will do Chelsea over the 2 legs. Chelsea will be there or there abouts for sure in future competitions , especially if they keep the special one , just not this year though.

  4. Ive got that same feeling as 2005, but then again I also had that exact same feeling last year against Benfica. I really hope we dont slip up tonight, I cant see it happening but you never know. Im predicting a Liverpool-Manu Final and Stevie G to score the winning goal in the dieing minutes of normal time.

    ScouseMouse I take it the ''they'll never let you down (usually!!!!)'' statment, you was refering to the Aston Villa match :o

    Great post Jared , and dont read too much into that game against Villa. If you ask any real Villa fan I'm sure that they would be ashamed with the way they played that day ( 11 men behind the ball playing at home !!). I've got great respect for Martin O'neill and I'm sure that if Villa stay up this year they will certainlt be a better outfit next season (hopefully !!).

  5. to be honest i will be happy just winning the league this would be a tremendous achievment seeing has chelsea have bought some of the best players around the world and have a very talented squad.

    to win the champions league it is just another cup, far harder to win the league.

    when you won it 2 years ago what you finished what 4th or 5th in the league and you managed to fluke winning the champions league,yes you have a good chance of winning again but if you meet us in the final you have no chance.

    as for gloatng over vidic,s injury, we have a very reliable cover for him in wes brown,gary neville's cover is john oshea, has for loosing larsson he was good for us but we dont miss him we can score all over the park.

    Sawadee cap Nev , dont blame you for being happy if you only win the league as everyone knows the treble wont happen this year , but I think if you ask Sir Alex which would he prefer , winning the premiership (that would be 16 titles compared to Liverpools 18) or beating Liverpool in the champions league final we all know which one he would choose.

    By the way , the year we won the champions league we finished 4th to qualify and not 5th just like the year united won the champions league you were'nt actually champions of England , it was Arsenal. A bit of a misunderstanding to clear up , I was not gloating over Vidic's , Gary Neville on the other hand !!!.

    Would like to hear your own predictions Nev.

    sawadee khap scousemouse i am not really good at predictions but i will pun t for a milan v chelsea final,, i hope i am wrong and i really want a all england final, but i have this feeling that fergie will go back to 4 5 1 in europe and this never suits our style of play,, all out 4 4 2 and we will go all the way.

  6. Sweet result last night with the only blemish being the injury to Aurrelio just has he was starting to look good , sods law eh !!!. I still think that Valencia are going to beat Chelsea and if the blues are to have any chance then the boy Drogba needs to put in a performance and a half tonight. Granted that he has been one of the players of the season so far and is the top scorer in the premiership but I cant help wondering how much of that is down to opposition defenders being wary of shevchenko and giving Drogba all the time in the world ??.

    The Mancs will have to much for Roma and whoever wins the battle of the golden oldies , Milan v Bayern will still get turned over by United.

    So , I reckon my Liverpool v Man U ( Liv 2-0 Man U ) all english final prediction will look a lot clearer after tonights results. And congratulations to Steven Gerrrard on becoming Liverpools leading scorer in the european cup, overtaking Rushies record

  7. Are Ipswich still in the competition?

    If not, then I've grown a tiny affection (or was it afliction?) for Man U this year. I'd like to see a British team win it (well English, actually), so I'm gunning for Man U.

    I reckon that they have a very good chance too. Roma may not quite have enough.

    Sawadee cap jasreeve17 , it's probably been tough supporting Ipswich and I dont blame you that you would like to see a British team win but gunning for Man U is not cricket at all!!!!. If there is any neutral out there with no team to support then Liverpool is the team , great atmosphere and always a cracking game , they'll never let you down (usually!!!!).

  8. Taking a look at the other so called contenders , Chelsea dont have the european pedigree and the atmosphere at stamford bridge is nothing when compared to other venues.

    Scoucemouse that is a rubbish statement my friend.

    Whn CFC play there is a good atmosphere at the bridge especially when we beat the scousers my friend.

    CFC v Man Utd Final.

    Sawadee cap shedend , Liverpool, Ac Milan, Bayern Munich and even Man U have a far stronger european record than Chelsea, so for me to question their european pedigree at this point in the tournament is a quite valid point. Dont get me wrong , I think that if Celsea hold on to mourinho they will win the champions league one day , just not 2007 , this year is Lverpool's.

  9. to be honest i will be happy just winning the league this would be a tremendous achievment seeing has chelsea have bought some of the best players around the world and have a very talented squad.

    to win the champions league it is just another cup, far harder to win the league.

    when you won it 2 years ago what you finished what 4th or 5th in the league and you managed to fluke winning the champions league,yes you have a good chance of winning again but if you meet us in the final you have no chance.

    as for gloatng over vidic,s injury, we have a very reliable cover for him in wes brown,gary neville's cover is john oshea, has for loosing larsson he was good for us but we dont miss him we can score all over the park.

    Sawadee cap Nev , dont blame you for being happy if you only win the league as everyone knows the treble wont happen this year , but I think if you ask Sir Alex which would he prefer , winning the premiership (that would be 16 titles compared to Liverpools 18) or beating Liverpool in the champions league final we all know which one he would choose.

    By the way , the year we won the champions league we finished 4th to qualify and not 5th just like the year united won the champions league you were'nt actually champions of England , it was Arsenal. A bit of a misunderstanding to clear up , I was not gloating over Vidic's , Gary Neville on the other hand !!!.

    Would like to hear your own predictions Nev.

  10. Don't kid yourself. It's going to be Liverpool v Chelsea in the semi's unfortunately as it would have been a much better final than Chelsea v Man U.

    Sawadee cap Gummy , what makes you think that your going to beat Valencia !!!! , after the way you played against Watford I hope you do win so we can beat you in the semi's. Luis Garcia , over the line , remember that !!!!.

  11. All the signs are there again in 2007 just as they were in 2005 , I strongly predict that Liverpool will will the champions league. We are a better side than 2 years ago and apart from a hiccup against the mancs , are form of late has been superb. If we were allowed to have a bet :o:D then Liverpool would bring the baht home !!!.

    Taking a look at the other so called contenders , Chelsea dont have the european pedigree and the atmosphere at stamford bridge is nothing when compared to other venues.

    Man U , even though they've got one of the best players in the world ( steven gerrard being the best :D ) in christiano ronaldo , their squad just doesnt look like seeing them through to the end of the year , losing larsson and now the injury to Vidic doesnt bode well for the red devils (superb !!!) , plus with captain Neville out and Rooneys poor form , I can see Man U being happy with the premiership.

    That leaves us with psv - no chance!! , Roma - will get beat by united , Valencia - will beat Chelsea but loose to Liverpool in the semi's and both Milan and Bayern are too old. I would love to hear some intelligent opinions on who you think is going to win but I'll still be saying Liverpool !!!!!

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