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About Thailaw

  • Birthday November 2

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    Pattaya's Right Side

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  1. I expect that "your taxes" don't even cover the burden you impose on the UK government. The UK hasn't been "great" since Maggie Thatcher left in 1990. Since John Major it has been all down hill for the UK -- "Great Britian" is a figment of your imagination, as is your delusion about America -- envy is a sign of admiration....
  2. I have a house near Maprachan that requires bathroom/kitchen repairs -- new "guts" in toilets, leaks repaired, hot water heaters checked/changed, etc. Can anyone recommend a reliable/reasonable plumber that can do this work in my area. Contact information would be very much appreciated. (I contacted a guy named Toom from an earlier thread, but he said that he does not do this work). Thanks very much for any help. TL.
  3. Thanks. I would love to get contact/access information for the car and motorbike repo auctions.
  4. Thanks. 90% of the cars and bikes on FB market place are fake. I'll look again, but it appears to me to be a waste of time. Baht/Sold seems to be a better source that FB, and they have nothing reasonably priced.
  5. I am looking for a late-model used motorbike for my daughter, 160cc or less. There used to be a good shop on Pattaya Tai next to the Mityon repair shop, but it is closed now. Any recommendations for a shop with a good selection and reasonable prices would be very much appreciated. If you have something in good condition that you want to sell at a reasonable price for a quick cash sale, please let me know (PM me). Thanks a lot, TL
  6. Thanks very much for your helpful reply. Much appreciated. I will contact OrthoSmile now. TL
  7. My 13 year old daughter likely needs braces. We live in the Na Jomtien area. I cannot find a recent recommendation for an orthodontist in the Pattaya area. Can anyone recommend an orthodontist that is good and reasonably priced in the Pattaya area of who thay have recent experience/knowledge. Anywhere in the Pattaya area is acceptable, but the closer to Na Jomtien the better. Recommendations for a good general dentist will also be appreciated, as my older daughter and I also need to have some dental work done. Thanks very much for any help. 🙏 TL
  8. Thanks, that is exactly what I am looking for. My existing lights are (I think) standard, normal size -- internal diameter 4" (11cm); external diameter 6" (150mm). I will check Thai Watsadu.
  9. Excellent idea. Thanks a lot.
  10. Well beyond me..... Any your "fix" is exactly what I am trying to avoid, both as to cost and mess, the mess and dust from the ceiling repair would require moving all of the furniture out of the room and be impossible to clean. A dimmer is a far easier solution, which is, I think, equivalent to what you are suggesting. Thanks anyway......
  11. My house has the typical recessed "can" light fixtures, all are 4" internal diameter and 6" external diameter, each with a screw-in light bulb. I would like to change these to the "more modern" flat LED lighting fixtures with the self-contained light in the sealed fixture. The problem is that the LED light fixtures that I see on the internet are not flexible as to light housing dimensions and light wattage -- a 4" fixture is only available with the 9w light. My living room which is not especially large has 10 ceiling lights with presently 5w bulbs with a single switch. I tried 7w bulbs and they are too bright for the room. The ceiling is already cut for the 4" fixtures to be installed. One option would be to install 9w lights with a dimmer switch -- not my preferred choice unless it is the only option. I also perhaps could have 2 circuits with 2 switches -- 6 lights on 1 circuit and 4 on the other -- which would I think work and not be difficult. Is anyone aware of (1) 4" internal diamater ceiling LED lights with 5w or 6w capacity? Are "spacers" available to allow me to use a smaller diameter light with a 5w or 6w lighting capacity in the existing holes in the ceiling? I cannot believe that more flexibility betwen light size/diameter and light wattage is not available, but I aked on one site and was told "no". Thanks for any help/guidance. TL
  12. And what of value does the US Dollar have "to back it up? Nixon took the Dollar off the "gold standard" in 1971, and since then it has been "backed" by nothing. US Dollars are "created" by the Federal Reserve when it buys debt (and by banks when they make loans) with new Dollars that it creates. What gives it "value" is that other people will accept it in exchange for goods and sevices -- nothing more (it is a "fiat" currency). When people lose fait in the US Dollar its value will also decrease (maybe vanish). That process may have already started. The creation of US Dollars by the Federal Reserve over the past decade has been reckless, which is why people have been looking for alternatives to hold wealth -- hence the creation of crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin. Their appeal is that their quantity and increases in quantity are extremely limited, unlike the Dollar whose quantity is subject to political pressure and government manipulation. And the price/value of Bitcoin had been increasing exponentially for a ten year period (2009/10 through 2021), but has since dropped to less than third of its all-time high -- its exceptional volatility in value suggests that it is not a good "store of value", a fundamental requirement for "money". Where are Bitcoin and the other crypto-currencies headed? I have no idea, but I wouldn't expect them to disappear any time soon. And as long as there is a significant group of prople (I won't call them "investors", rather gamblers) that are willing to pay $10,000+ for a single Bitcoin, they certainly aren't |worth zlich". Can I respectfully suggest a course in money and banking before you post again on this subject.
  13. Thanks very much. I will contact him immediately. Your help is very much appreciated. TL
  14. I need to do a major renovation on my house near Maprachan Lake -- the amount of work required is pretty significant. I would greatly appreciate a recommendation (with contact information, please) for a good home repair/renovation contractor in the Pattaya area that you have used or whose work you have seen first hand -- reasonbly priced would be a real plus. Thanks for suggestions/recommendations. TL.
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