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Everything posted by Deserted

  1. The airport isn't that old. Could they not have made better predictions concerning its capacity back then? In my opinion this new runway should have been there from the start since the country is always geared towards tourism.
  2. They aren't poor, they've got benefactors from across the globe supporting them.
  3. That's interesting, I wonder where she got that from. I distinctly remember Thaksin also saying he would eradicate poverty when he came to power but the time length was different. I believe he said 6 years not 2.
  4. I imagine he will do time for that.
  5. He's got an accrid sense of humour that guy.
  6. I believe that may be the case but was also told its not a spent conviction so will not appear in a background check, which is what they check for. Things like warnings, fines and so on don't appear, that's what I was told but I have no idea. I didn't go to prison, I just paid a fine. It was done in like 2 minutes at the court then I went home. One friend said its far too small, don't worry but I have no idea as I have never had anything like this happen before.
  7. They said I was driving erratically and couldn't answer questions. They asked me to come to the station to take tests. I didn't have any alcohol in my blood but they made me take a pee test, which I failed, that's what it was.
  8. They said something about probation and I must not do anything wrong in the next two years, that's all it was. Does this mean I have a conviction or have been put on probation?
  9. From what I understood they said I was guilty of an offence and was subsequently arrested but since I have never broken the law, no charge was given. They just said I must not let it ever happen again and pay a small fine and that was it. Nothing happened at all except that. I think all it was was you did this thing wrong, go to court to pay the fine and that's it. Hard to tell because my Thai is not very good. But certainly didn't go to prison or anything like that but they took my fingerprints for some reason.
  10. What do you mean by conviction? Being sent to prison over something?
  11. Hi there, I have had to do this many times and never had a problem because I've never broken the law but last month I got arrested for a driving offence and taken to court. They said well its nothing really, just pay this small fine and off you go so I did and that was the end of this. Everyone said its nothing to worry about its a very minor offence but if so how comes i had to go to court over it? Anyway, I start a new job later in the year and this makes me wonder if I will have problems getting the police check. From what I understand I just paid a fine. Does this give me a criminal record? I thought that was to do with spent convictions and going to jail and stuff?
  12. They should make the fare $1.50.
  13. Did the door have instructions on how to use it?
  14. Silly thing to have done. Who does such things?
  15. Sounds like the tourist is it fault. If he had looked, wouldn't he have seen the motorbike coming and waited?
  16. So some rainy days ahead then? Great. But it wasn't so bad today.
  17. When you've got to go, you've got to go I guess.
  18. If it were them I would also have to include buying dildos on the beach and jumping to their death from tall apartment dildos as well as posting things on line about having sex with animals in and around the city.
  19. But I think it's a good thing for Thailand. It benefits the country to have tourist to come to the country even if they have come over to beat people up. They should encourage them to beat up other tourists and maybe get stuck in themselves as back up, they've got a much better chance of winning that way.
  20. I would say it's 1. Booze 2. Banter 3. Birds If we are talking about Pattaya in general. And then: 4. Trannys 5. Gays 6. Walking out of bars without paying their bill. 7. Fighting with police in the road. 8.Crashing rental motorbikes. 9. Getting thrown out of hotels 10. Stealing from 7-11.
  21. If I were selling food not really worth eating and someone stole my spot, I wouldn't stab them, I would use a lead pipe on them!
  22. What's the problem here. Bicycles use them and the constitution of traffic in Thailand factor's in many forms of slow moving traffic. Do drivers actually know what to do when they encounter different forms of traffic? Doesn't sound like it.
  23. It's been a long time since they didn't have that problem. It's not going away anytime soon, at least for another 50 years I'd say.
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