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Everything posted by Deserted

  1. So he can expend his energy in things more uplifting rather than repeated requests to get him banged up then? I hope it stays that way, although his tenure did conclude injudiciously people forget he inspired and attracted much investment to Thailand, as globally he was respected usually and known as a highly successful businessman, which strengthened confidence in the economy overall as I remember.
  2. Looks like failure to control his emotions got the better of him. Well if its his first time in prison, it should teach him a valuable lesson as I suspect he won't like it at all.
  3. Yes that's correct and fails to take into account that BKK motorists are generally respectful towrads cyclists and keep their distance (mainly becuase they are afraid of hitting them) Cyclists do not need their own lanes in Bangkok. It's quite safe and Thai motorists are used to slow moving traffic, their driving style is very predictable also. You just need to know what lane to be in and what part of the lane to be in at times, nothing more.
  4. How on earth can that be the most important question of all time. Everyone who has read Viz knows that the most importnat question arises if a player is caught time wasting time, then should be questioned by the ref, then have his name taken down and placed on the sex offenders register. And if you haven't read Viz: shame on you, doesn't get much funnier than that.
  5. It's been announced that both Manchester United and Manchester city are commercilizing even further in a bad to bolster gate receipts. Next season Mancunians won't be allowed into the grounds, only wealthy tourists and cash-strapped southerns will be allowed in. Makes sense, it's more money through the gates. I wonder if it will affect their home form? Club spokesmen for both clubs said it's nearly like that already and most mancs are scalllywags anyway. So it's the right decision we believe. It was announced on sky earlier today by one of their presenters, after he'd finished a few joints.
  6. You have to be more definitive. There are a number of reputable companies on line that you need to pay to join, for example readinga-z.com. Those aside the net is not a good place to go for reasources, only that unworthy of being published is uploaded there. Your friend out to know by now its far better to make your own resources than rely on those somewhat shoddy.
  7. The job market in Bangkok has been subverted by only the very worst being advertised, and the best not advertising themselves. You have to cold call and put effort into it. You may be fortunate to get a good jbo though applying on line but the chances are slim as the number of applicants is almost always very high. It's not the right way forward.
  8. Ah yes, this I have a lot of knoweldge of, the conditions you have suffered with are often caused by knob rott, have you had that before?
  9. You can get it done in two weeks easily. Just learn 35000 words a day! I did it easily and it's no big issue that no one can understand a word I say. It's definitely the way to do it.
  10. It's usually a combination of that's what they come here for and them being too incompetant to pull a working woman. The language barrier usually makes it hard. ALso most tourists don't realize that the cultural norms prevalent in their own country are in Thailand too and think it's okay to do something you would never do in your home county., not too surprising since we all know which part of their anatomy men tend to think with.
  11. Most likely he needs to cunsult a reputable lawyer. They aren't as expensive as most assume.
  12. Perhaps some advice would be more helpful.
  13. What on earth do you expect to benefit from that?
  14. There's absolutely nothing wrong with raising a child in Thailand and nothing to worry about either. It's only avoidance of public schools that many opt for but it's less of an issue than many think.
  15. Ah well, at least while awaiting his sentence he can rest assured the authorites won't sentence him to 150,000 years, and if they do they may not keep his skeleton imprisoned for too long after he's gone. Should keep him in good stead whilst he laments he was wrong in thinking crime pays.
  16. He may have been under the influnce but it wasn't the drugs it was him who killed her.
  17. It does happen, in a local newspaper yesterday the headline was conman conned by ex-conman...oh hang on maybe the was Viz I read instead, anyway same difference.
  18. Reprebates do tend to think that crime pays, he probably hasn't had a good <deleted> kicking in a while and was too cock sure of himself. He should not go to another country and hirt someone, along with the rest of the population on the planet Maybe enjoy your holiday instead if you've got more than the one brain cell required to process that.
  19. They are just happy they are on their way to getting their oats, that's all they over get up to isn't it except getting beaten up by ladyboys.
  20. This sounds rather rash. How was she so sure it was him. Did she check to see he had the same number of arms?😄
  21. Probably what happened was they forgot to go and ask the pilots for some. They've usually got a good few bottles of whiskey in the cockpit.
  22. Maybe he is a wrestler, they dont usually have much on. He should have smothered himself in butter then it would have been even harder for the cops to grab hold of him, dubbing him a slippery customer.
  23. Yes but how could they be sure they got one left one and one right one without an official being there to verify it? He could also confirm the colour as being shoe colour, which most shoes are as you probably know.
  24. If I overstayed for 100 years, would they let me off? Someone told me the rules only apply to those who have overstayed for less than 100 years. I heard the all time record for longest overstay is 145 years! 😄Tough to beat.
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