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Posts posted by ukrules

  1. Yeah, it would probably be the same. People accused of crimes don't seem to get much privacy here. Think about how often there are postings on TV with links to news articles - the top photo is usually the accused person in the police station. And then there are pictures of the accused person at the crime scene.

    Normally with a witness or two and a couple of cops standing in a semi circle facing the camera and pointing at him.

    I love it when they do that !

  2. Well a friend left for the airport at around 5pm with only 2 hours to spare before his flight for NZ left and he hasn't came back to the apartment (yet) so I think I can safely assume he made it there on time.

  3. I was strolling through the Emporium and came across the Haagen Dazs store on the 5th floor.

    I purchased a couple of large tubs of ice cream and rushed home to eat my MOS burger and then some Ice Cream. I was assuming the burger would get cold and the ice cream would melt. I was wrong, it seems they pack the ice cream in a special bag and then add some dry ice (frozen CO2) which would keep it frozen for quite a while - I've never seen this in a retail store before, then again I mainly live in England where most of the year it would take a long time for the ice cream to melt.

  4. The 'authorities' of the world are far too quick to use violence in solving all their problems, it really annoys me when you see a demonstration in say London where thousands of heavily armed police are beating, gassing and electrocuting the crap out of unarmed people who are just demonstrating.

    The way the prime minister and the authorities in Thailand are handling this demonstration is admirable and sets an example to the rest of the world.

    I know where I come from there would be injuries and deaths already alongside a large scale riot, this is the way it's done in Britain and across Europe, and of course the US.

  5. Why did the hotel show him the CCTV, implicating themselves? If they were involved, they would have said it was out of order, last night tapes were already destroyed, or something like that.

    There are some strange things to this story.

    I think it's quite obvious he went and asked about the CCTV when the day shift were working, from the sounds of it the night shift were involved in the incident.

  6. ^yes I agree it can happen to anyone who doesnt use a bit of common sense. :)

    It would only take a second to put something in your drink. For example, someone distracts you and you glance around in a different direction - and it's in - no way to tell - they would not put powder or a tablet in - it would already be dissolved in a drink identical to your own. Barbiturates are water soluble and from what I have read are the drugs of choice in these type of crimes.

    It's dangerous to mix these drugs with alcohol research appears to show that they interfere with the process of metabolising alcohol into acetaldehyde - so you stay drunk for longer, it can be fatal to mix them as I am sure many people have found out.

    Why it kills people : http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,940786,00.html

  7. Just beware ,this sort of thing could happen to all of us.I mean it could happen at any country.I say play it safe and always keep your guard up.

    It certainly can, I was drugged last week in a beer bar in Patpong 2, it took me a couple of days to get over it. I suspect they used some kind of Barbiturates.

  8. I love going on the skytrain and getting out at Siam. I always stand in the middle of the doors and barge directly into all the impatient people trying to push their way onto the carriage before we get out. Sometimes it helps to be "big", lol.

    I do this too, eyes down and full steam ahead !

  9. Dubai, this place is one of the worst places on earth to go, I don't recommend that anyone ever goes there, as an extension of this I personally boycott the Emirates airline and will never travel with them as a matter of principal.

    They will look for any excuse to throw people in prison, no matter how small.

    I rue the day I get to meet someone from Dubai in my day to day dealings so I can exact some measure of revenge on them on behalf of what I believe to be the wrongs done to the rest of the worlds population. Given the chance I would make them pay in full the debt that they owe.

  10. It's pathetic that someone would be so scared of some people having a demonstration that they cancel a trip like this.

    Why shouldn't they be concerned if they pay good money for a trip and find it stuffed up whether the protesters wear Red or Yellow shirts? Especially if the Governments are giving travel warnings about Thailand.

    What's been stuffed up over this protest ? I saw a few red shirts walking down my Soi a couple of weeks ago, big deal. Apart from that I've been in Bangkok most of the time since it started and I have seen or heard nothing of them. It's a non event as far as I'm concerned if it stopped tomorrow I would not notice they had gone away. Unless I read about it in the media I would not know it was going on in the first place. It might as well be in a different city as far as I'm concerned.

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