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Posts posted by Tango7

  1. Just got back from a great stay in Hua Hin but it was tarnished somewhat by some nasty bites I got from something and no idea what.

    Stayed in a small but very nice hotel and woke up during the night with some bites. I thought they were just mosquito bites and so the wife rubbed in some "ya mong" and we left them.

    The next day, I noticed they were much bigger than usual bites I get and they were weeping.

    The next night, I sprayed the living daylights out of the room and even added a plug in mossie killer but I was still bitten again.

    I now have about 12 nasty brutish bites that are very big and itching like crazy.

    Anyone know what could have bitten me ? I didn't see any mosquitos in the room, but I did see a few spiders and some small, black insects ( one or two ).

    The spread of the bites indicates something that would fly or a number of insects but what I saw didn't seem to cover that.

  2. well done rolypie and good luck for you and your new family , just one thing you said you got a text about your visa but was the visa tracking system up to date also ?

    weather is going to be fine the weekend for your teerak lol


    Yes mate it was, i was on line when the text came so i checked just in case and it had been updated straight away.

    We had the visa consultant pick up our papers (signed a document at the embassy for him to do so at the application desk )

    And got a text saying application had been picked up as did the tracking system straight away, so that does actually seem to be updated straight away.

    Come on everyone we want more today!!!!!

    Well done Rolypie... congrats.

    Good luck to everyone else waiting. As someone mentioned, it seems that those of us with pregnant wives have succeeded the fastest.

    Personally, I stressed about the application, now I'm stressing about the birth and losing my "freedom". Having said that, I'm looking forward to it ( apart from the diapers - nappies for us Brits ) :-(

    I think I'll get sudden and very important phone calls at the very whiff of a fart.

  3. Good grief...what a bunch of miserable s.o.b.'s the vast majority of you people on here are! Such colonialist, superior and arrogant attitudes and points of view. While maybe not as great as Quantas or some others, THAI is vastly superior to many (if not most) international airlines. And the belief that all things Thai must come with a back story, hidden agenda or potential scam is ridiculous. Why do so many of you live in Thailand and continue to travel there if you are so jaded and dissatisfied? Do all of us (and the Thai people as well) a favor and pack your bags or zip your lips! :D

    aren't you being a little hypocritical, you have an opinion that YOU believe is right whilst denying others theirs, posters opinions here are usually based on experience and if you believe Thai Airways ARE VASTLY SUPERIOR THAN MANY { IF NOT MOST} you are certainly in the minority here, and as for that other load of cobblers ....if you don't like it pack your bags, try something a little more original and go back to whatever planet you came from. :):D

    Well said... the "if you don't like it bugger off" brigade sucks. Opinions are what matter here and most are saying the same thing. If you have a different opinion, state your case or...bugger off.

  4. I have never flown Thai but wifey has, most recently last month back to BKK from LHR.

    Her opinion was that the plane was very old and dirty with no seatback IFE. Cabin crew were 'very old' and disinterested.

    It was very poor compared with the outgoing flight with Etihad for which she had nothing but praise.

    If Thai are no unable to ungrade their deteriorating long haul fleet I can only see them losing even more of what should be their core customers.

    The seats do look old and look like something out of the 60's. Food sucks too and the stewards can be balshy. I'll not fly with Thai anymore. Too expensive as well.

    I think the profits go into pockets and not on improving the fleet or service. Mind you, it's like other Thai companies that have got big and provide a shoddy service.

    True Internet - sucks

    UBC - sucks

    Some Thais told me they believe that the TG stands for "tomorrow go" because they are always late or have delays.

    Personally I fly EVA and apart from the food, think they offer a great service and value for money

  5. Hard Rock Cafe, another blandishment on the landscape in the land of tasty tukka.

    Weird, the people who travel the world eating dumbed down food a la Amurrica.

    I support hawker foods, love it.

    Just take a look these American goodies :)


    On many visits to the US of A, my grandson was completely satiated at ARBY's, or with 99c hot dog special (2 for 99c) from 7/11 and the like, loaded up with all the available dressings.

    ALL food is bland and fat laden.

    Coffee, when will they learn to put coffee into the excuse they serve up.

    Best coffee in LoS was in Chiand Mai, just along from the AMARA, opp side, forget the name.

    Had to push the spoon in, real flavour, yaaaaas.

    It might never open. It's run by those so and so's at Destination Properties and the project has been delayed again and again and again....

  6. The Bangkok Metropolitan Police commissioner, Lieutenant General Worapong Chewpreecha, confirmed that Carradine had been found with his neck bound to his penis by a shoestring and his hands tied.

    DNA samples taken from Carradine's body would be used to determine if there was anyone else in his room at the time of his death, the hospital said in a press statement

    (Newser) – David Carradine’s family has asked the FBI to look into his death, the New York Daily News reports. “They want an investigation,” said a lawyer for Carradine’s brother.

    “I would think that the people in Bangkok would want to support an investigation and allow the FBI to go over there and assist in the investigation so we can get the answers to the questions," said the lawyer.

    "I think there had to be foul play," Carradine's manager Chuck Binder added. "I mean my gut instinct is something definitely happened there."

    When another King panel member mentioned that Carradine was reportedly interested in secret societies, Geragos said this reported interest was "connected to martial arts and [Carradine's] interest in martial arts. And so there is a suspicion that if there was some foul play, that that may be the first area where [investigators] should look."

    So it is confirmed that his hands were tied. Maybe a martial arts hit?


    If we are into conspiracy theories, maybe he was murdered in retaliation for his getting the role in King <deleted> instead of Bruce Lee...

  7. Well the good news is that baby Boday's Temperature is down to normal and more than likely on his way back home today after spending 2 nights in hospital.

    That means my wife wont be hovering over her grandson so can head to Bangkok on Sunday night.

    Still hoping to find out the result of the application one way or the other on Monday.

    Good news.

  8. 17 killed, 30 injured in bus accident in Krabi

    KRABI: -- A chartered bus taking officials of the Samut Prakan Provincial Administrative Organization for field trips overturned here Friday morning, killing 17 and injuring 30 passengers.

    The accident occurred at 6:30 am on the Phanom-Khao Tor Road in Ban Bang Hoi village in Tambon Khao Tor of Krabi's Prayphaya district.

    Twelve passengers of the bus died at the scene and five more died at hospitals.

    Thirty other passengers were injured and rushed to the Krabin and district hospitals nearby.

    About 400 officials were travelling in 12 buses. They left Samut Prakan Thursday evening.

    Police said the drive of the bus, which overturned, might doze off, causing the accident.


    -- The Nation 05/06/09

    Whilst the accident is tragic, falling asleep is just one of many potentail scenarios for this accident. I can think of many others such as wreckless driving which I personally feel is a more realistic reason as I have seen numerous buses / coaches driving very fast and very dangerously.

    I once had to get off a Bangkok bus after just one stop due to the totally wreckless way it was being driven. It was like the driver was drunk AND possessed.

    My sympathies to the families of the deceased but let's put falling asleep at the bottom of the list of possibilities and add "crazy, M150'd up to the hilt wreckless driving" at the top.

  9. Worry no more things WILL move on next week.

    It as been decided, We have to visit the Statue of the Lady in Lamphun.

    Aparantly If you speek to her and ask her to help, Offer her flower garlands Ect.

    If it is possible and you don't ask for a lottery win. You WILL recive you wishes.

    We shall see Nothing ventured Nothing Gained. :)

    You could see a major rush to the Statue of the Lady.... all TV folf awaiting their visas.

  10. Well i am soory to say that there has been an unexpected delay in our finding out the Decision on our Visa.

    My wife was going to arrive in Bangkok Friday and then open the envelope but her grandson has been taken into hospital with a high fever. As would be expected she has not travelled today to bangkok.

    Assuming the baby being ok, she will now arrive in Bangkok on Monday.

    So now not only do we have to wait for the decision but we also have the Worry that the little fella is ill enough to need overnight hospitalisation.

    Life sucks.

    Let us know when he gets better....

  11. Same here I have had to make a desition.

    If we do not recive news by Tue I will have to try to get back to the Uk. On or before June16

    Sods law it will come the day after I have booked to go back, And the flight will be booked up

    I dont thnk the flights are too busy but I dare not leave it untill much after Tue 9th

    Theirs allways tomorrow. One since the 25th Looking at THE List if it goes on this way, That 3 month wait is going to expand, To 4 Months Then 5 Months


    Hi KennKate..... I fly out on 16th with EVA. Flight is looking pretty busy as all the seats in Elite are booked up. Didn't check the rest.

    Why not get stand by tickets and keep changing the dates until you need to fly. This is what we did and our travel agent was OK with that as they'd not issued the ticket....just booked it.

  12. Just get the letter translated and after that ask her what the letter is all about. Then you will know if she plays games with you. I would not rely on this Ms. / Mrs. title at all. Don't sweet talk yourself into this... Get rid of her before its too late.

    You're the one who needs the avatar title of "intelligent member" ... not the other chap.

  13. I personally think the recent increase is down to the world economy. Thailand is getting harder & harder to make a living in & the visa requirements to stay in LOS are getting harder too.

    So the UK (probably once lambasted by more than a few of the folks now applying for their spouses to move there & I'm not specifically refering to TV posters btw) is now looking to be a cushy deal with the free health care, jobs that don't require WPs to do them, no restrictions on what one can do either & a benefits system set up to assist when things are tough. Just my own opinion on it. :D

    Oh & can my mates be added to the list?

    Applied 16th March for ILE. Got a call 3 weeks ago for more info on the UK wifes land & property ownership but not a peep since :)

    Good point(s) -

    I'm going home for similar reasons, but main issue is wife's pregnancy.

    However, I was getting miffed at being employed by both Western and Thai companies for two years at a time and then being forced out only to be replaced by a much cheaper Thai even though I'd done nothing wrong at all. First employed to fixed things and once issues sorted out I was replaced.

    Many western bosses adopt the Thai work ethic of "thou shalt treat your staff like Sh*te"....

    So, off to start my own business,

  14. Just seen this on the vfs website:

    "2 June 2009: Delay in application process Please note that due to a surge in applications non-settlement applications are now taking between 4-6 weeks to process and settlement applications 12 weeks. Applications already submitted are being cleared on the basis of date due to travel. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by these delays"

    What about when date of travel has already elapsed?

    I'm wondering where all these people are who are marrying Thai women.....

    Sure, there are bound to be a few, but a "surge in applications" ....

    Anyway, staying on track a bit, what do they mean it will take 12 weeks ? Does this mean 12 weeks for anyone who has already submitted (ie they now have to wait the extra time ) or this is now only for new applications?

    if they were saying 165 a month was taking 4-6 weeks ( 10 in practice ) and now they've extended that to 12, does this mean there are roughly 320 settlement visa applications per month ??? seems like a huge number to me. Is this excuses time ??

    "Sorry, we've spent all that money you gave us for application fees on our holidays and buying new things for our diplomatic accommodation. We have nothing left for staff increases and so you'll have to wait longer for your visas"....

    As I mentioned in an earlier post. 585 UK pounds x 165 applicatiosn per month = 5, 309,000 Baht per month !! I guess this is going towards cleaning MPs swimming pools in the UK ( recently stated by the BBC for those who haven't been following ).

  15. No news from us today :)

    Same here Nothing. Now we have 4 Puppies so 4 Visa's Later ????

    Maybe they inform you from VFS when they get them back ? Collection from them starts at 3 pm.

    Good luck Ken&Kate. I read this often awaiting your result.

    VFS do notify you, not the embassy and they notified us at around 10 a.m only to tell us we could collect between 3 - 4.30 pm or wait until the following day when a courier would send it to us.

    WAIT ?? another day?? no way.... we went to get it..... like a rat out of an aquaduct !!

    Good luck all..

  16. Called the embassy this morning waited 25 mins on the line only to be told send a fax or email so i said i already had she gave me a number to call to speak to someone who could help due to the fact my wife is so heavily pregnant. I rang the number and it said that no calls can be excepted only faxes and emails.

    We are all at the mercy from a system that has absolutley no room for law abiding, tax paying, citizens. They just dont give a dam!!!!!!! :):D:D:D:D:D:D

    Rolypie, I sent two emails, I assume along similar lines to yours and got zip all of a reply. They do review special cases as the Mrs' friend got hers accelerated as a visa was needed to attend a funeral. If I remember Tango7 got a quickish reply too for special circumstances. I guess the pregnancy issue for the Embassy does not warrant special treatment. One thing for sure they are not keen to enter into a dialogue with the 'customer'.

    No special circumstances but my wife was (is) pregnant. She was 3 months when I sent my second fax asking that her flight / health be taken into consideration. I like to think that helped but looking at others who've received theirs, we fell into the 10 week and 4 days pattern that seems to be emerging.

    Any other factors might have been: a very easy to follow application, assistance from a lwayer ( but they just made sure my application wasn't missing anything ) and several very long prayers !!

  17. Congrats to those who have their visas and good luck to those either about to pick them up or are still waiting.

    In my excitement to pack I fell off a ladder and broke one of my toes.... hurts like a b***h. Hobbling around and I've got so much to do !!

    Went to BNH to get it fixed and they took an X-Ray, told me it was broken, taped it to the next toe and sent me on my way, but not before asking for 4,500 Baht !! 1,500 of that was for medicine ????

    Told them to keep the medicine and paid the rest.

    So, anyone excited out there....... take it easy.

  18. what is interesting is that although applications are slow, we've not heard of any refusals even though there has been a number of posts in various places stating that refusals were quite common first time round.

    The only refusal I've seen is the one from the South African chappie who started his own thread.

    This must be of some comfort for those waiting, even if it doesn't speed things up. It almost suggests they must find very valid reasons to refuse as opposed to finding valid reasons to allow.

  19. Kaspersky is probably the best out there. Any free ones will not be as good. ZoneAlarm uses the Kaspersky engine.

    May I suggest you install it first, then copy all your USB files to a folder on your PC then format the USB and copy the files back across. Anti-virus programme will kill it on the PC more easily than the USB.

    Ive had many issues like this and the way I deal with it is as metioned above.

    Kaspersky has the new Internet Security Suite 2009 with three licenses for a very reasonable price.

  20. Well she was shattered Saturday night, but yes we made use of the weekend :)

    What... ? a quiet early stroll ?? Invited friends around ??

    Cucumber sandwiches followed by a spot of embroidery. We then played charades into the evening topped off with a game of scrabble, then ovaltine and said our prayers.

    Jolly good show 'ol boy...that's the spirit !

  21. It's slowly but surely getting that way that over-all it’s much cheaper for me to live in the UK.

    I pay heavily to live here but at what point do I say enough is enough?

    In Thailand i rent a house for 15.000 Baht per month.

    In the UK I own my own house.

    In Thailand my lady costs me somewhere in the region of 20.000 Baht every month.

    That’s 35.000 Baht or 700 pounds worth of outgoings I don’t have in the UK.

    The annual visa shit is another story.

    Contrary to belief, the cost of living in the tropics doesn’t come cheap.

    I've had twelve wonderful years here but!!

    Is it time to bail out and go home?

    I am going home but for two reasons:

    Firstly, my wife is pregnant and we want our baby to be raised in the UK

    Secondly, I find myself bouncing from job to job. I get a position, fix what I was there to do, work hard and then the owners decide that I can be replaced by a Thai for a lot less money. They needed my skills to do a certain job, but then felt a Thai at half the cost coudl maintain it...

    Before I go, I'm looking at what I'll need to buy in the UK and as I'm shipping all my goods home, I'm looking at stocking up on stuff that is cheaper here than there and there's almost nothing that's cheaper here.

    Bedding, towels, pillows, pots and pans, TVs, Hard Disk recorders and so on. Everything is more expensive than Comet, Curry's or Amazon. ( if buying from Central etc ). The only thing I found worth shipping back is some furniture.

    As for apartment / house prices eithr buying or renting, it's ridiculous and the same goes for any car price with the exception of a few hondas and toyotas.

    Apart from eating out and a few other small items, Thailand is pretty expensive these days.

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